Threats of harming another Please avoid obscene, vulgar, lewd, Road Trip from London to Holland for Tulips. Number one is tax dollars. Would parents (constituents) at home take issue with a certain topic/subject? Receive the latest features from Scene in the West Metro. As students prepare to return to classrooms in the fall, battles over critical race theory and mask mandates are resurfacing at school board meetings nationwide. The county extends from Minneapolis to the suburbs and outlying cities in the western part of the county. Below are the unedited responses from the candidates for Waconia School Board - Chad Almjeld, Kelly Amott, Jesse Bergstrom, Tyler Gangestad, Melanie Hagen, Kimberly Kelzer-Breeden, Steve Minor and Katherine Sodey. Right now millions of regular education dollars are diverted to pay for these underfunded mandates. Board Chair Kyle Christensen wrote the draft policy, which the six-member board has discussed at several work sessions. By continuing to browse or by clicking "Accept," you agree to our site's privacy policy. Committees: Policy, MNSHSL Chhoth noted that many factors can cause a tax bill to increase or decrease from year to year. Come on out! Circumstances are different for all, but you are not a victim and life isnt fair. (952) 442-0600, Serving the cities of Waconia, St. Bonifacius, Minnetrista, Victoria, and New Germany, Time, Place, and Manner Restrictions and Procedures for Public School Board Meetings and Public Comments, Minnesota Report Card - Bayview Elementary, Minnesota Report Card - Laketown Elementary, Minnesota Report Card - Southview Elementary, District 110 Strategic Plan and Annual Goals, Reconsideration of Instructional Materials, Kids' Company/Summer Verge Registration Information. Success! I am proud of my track record of being a people first servant leader that is focused on growing, empowering, and retaining talent. I create productive working relationships and play well with others. Parents packed into auditoriums and parking lots for meetings this week to protest various school policies as the first day of classes quickly approaches, reviving the chaotic scenes that closed out the spring semester earlier this year. "We have a strong union, and perhaps a union that is used to having its way.". I oppose ideologies and the banning of books or curricula and dont want to see here what is happening around the country. As a child of a teacher, I know the passion they have for their vocation. We need to hold the board accountable for expenses and I recognize that building a foundation of fiscal responsibility is essential to retain and reward our teachers. "Emotions were pretty high. The Loudoun County School Board implemented new rules for the fall after its final meeting of the previous school year in June, which devolved into chaos amid protests of the transgender rule and the schools embrace of curriculum that opponents describe as critical race theory. The meeting will be held at the Center for Education Services, located at 10435 . As a high school math teacher with experience both in-person and online, I will keep students at the center of our decisions and support teachers. Question 2: What is your long-term vision for the district? That drew a rebuke from the union, which said teachers work many more hours checking homework, drawing up lesson plans and preparing for each day in class. each comment to let us know of abusive posts. Later in the year they took another vote and decided not to listen to those very same people. "That could reasonably happen here as well.". District 110 has a curriculum director who yearly reviews changes to the state mandates, works with teachers in the district, and recommends curriculum changes for approval by the board. My previous school board experience has provided me with a strong background in school finance. We must support students emotional needs by teaching them to discuss and manage feelings, and support others. The Wildcats fell to Hastings 21-38 in the semifinal round and 30-33 to Stillwater in the third place match. Invalid password or account does not exist. Melanie Hagen- 4,299 - Elected. Your account has been registered, and you are now logged in. "We have a strong community, pretty tight knit, and I know it's being discussed," Davis said. The district still hasn't reached a contract after nearly three dozen meetings, two mediation sessions, a missed deadline and a fine. "I urge you to vote to make masks optional," one parent said. But the burst of activism aimed at school boards in multiple states is not limited to critical race theory parents are also passionately arguing against mask mandates and other areas they see as public schools as overreaching. Outgoing Waconia school board members Mike Bullis, Rachel Myers, Brian Rothstein and Jackie Johnson were recognized by the board for their service to the district. Tyler Gangestad - 3,600. Transparency is so crucial and the recommendation to include specific budget decisions in meeting and board packets will help the public hold the board accountable. I do know we have a great new Superintendent and new Business Administrator that really impressed me. 2021 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. The overview of the Financial Audit was essential to move forward with transparency and attention to detail. Not everyone is meant to go to college. | Pikagi. WACONIA PUBLIC SCHOOLS NAMED A TOP-20 SCHOOL DISTRICT IN MINNESOTA BY NICHE. The school board recognizes that COVID-19 is an ever evolving situation. An email message containing instructions on how to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address listed on your account. I know how to work collaboratively, ask lots of questions, be flexible, and truly believe the best idea is often not presented initially by a single person. State education officials say they are not surprised so many districts are taking so long to reach settlements, given how many were still negotiating right up to the deadline. I will help get us back on track. "We're the biggest district in our conference and we're growing," Aeling said, referring to the Wright County athletic conference. WAUKEGAN PUBLIC SCHOOLS COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. I am also a good fit because I feel I am running for the right reasons. The four outgoing members were presented with a lifetime pass to Waconia activities as a show of appreciation for their years of service and a way for them to stay active and engaged in our school community. 2024-25 At-a-Glance Calendar, KINDERGARTEN ENROLLMENT FOR FALL 2023 IS NOW OPEN. My patient care experience has prepared me to work with people of diverse backgrounds and develop exceptional communication skills. Get us out of SOD, create a standard in which our financials are transparent so that all community members have access to where their tax dollars are being spent. Create your success. Click here to start the online enrollment process. The meeting drew hundreds of people chanting, No more masks, according to local news. The county's natural areas are covered with . I manage a sales team in my daily life, I have a wife and two kids in the district. He said teachers have conceded to the district during the past few contracts, not pushing for higher pay increases because the district told them that it did not have the money. Park Board Members Present: Lacey Shaw, Carl Pierson, Matt Wessale, Thomas Adamini, Waconia can be one of those districts, for teachers and students. Public comments are not live-streamed and are not recorded. Our Hometown Signup today! Multiple non-profits I have worked with are directly involved in helping kids learn and succeed. I believe that that educators and curriculum director should lead decisions about what curriculum is chosen as they are the experts in the field and qualified to help make those decisions. The school board for Waconia. Would you like to receive our latest Sports News? Public Transport in Amsterdam 7:59 am. As a school board member, I would spend time gaining a more thorough understanding of the district finances and collaborate with stakeholders to ensure sound decision making occurs. My vision for the district is to embrace learning and inspire students; enabling them to grow their potential and prepare them to be productive and responsible members of society. I am running for school board to give back to our community. As I stated earlier, I have worked on for-profit and not-for-profit boards, including my own electronic medical record software company, which I sold a few years ago. Use the 'Report' link on Building relationships is what I do. accounts, the history behind an article. Signup today! In Burlington, Wisconsin, on Monday, the local school board delayed its vote on a mask mandate because the debate got too intense, with parents railing angrily against a proposed requirement for face coverings. I believe we need to have a school board filled with people of different ideas, opinions, and perspectives to ensure that the needs of the entire community are met. Hennepin County (/ h n p n / HEN--pin) is a county in the U.S. state of Minnesota.Its county seat is Minneapolis, the state's most populous city. Let's go Wildcats!!!! I was asked by my family, by friends in the school system, and by others who I have worked with in the community. Student success requires a stable, quality staff. The forensic audit report provided great insight. In-Person WHS B107 (limited to 20) To attend In-person please sign-up before March 22 by email to: or, call 952-442-0600 / Virtual Meeting . Norwood Young America Hamburg Business Directory. Attend, Share & Influence! Waconia School Board election 2022. My interests and experiences are broad and I bring that enthusiasm and energy for learning to the board. "We're always optimistic," said Brent Davis, chairman of the Waconia School Board and the lead district negotiator. With the start of the 2022-2023 school year, the Washington County Board of Education is currently following standard procedures for public business meetings. Sparq Data Solutions Inc. - All Rights Reserved. The state sets tax policy and levy limits for local public schools. Nathan also qualified to advance to the State Science Fair in St. Paul next month! 522 with MSBA and ISD 110 Edits & Additions FINAL (Jan 2021), 415 Mandated REporting of Maltreatment of Vulnerable Adults (Dec 2019), 414 Mandated Reporting of Child Neglect or Physical or Sexual Abuse (Dec 2019), 410 Family and Medical Leave Policy (Dec 2019), << Back to the Public Page for Waconia Public Schools, April 26 School Board Listening Hour w/WEA 5:30PM (virtual), April 26 School Board Work Session 7:00PM @ WHS B107, May 3 Finance & Facilities Committee 6:00PM (virtual), May 10 Policy Committee 6:00PM @ Waconia City Hall, May 10 Regular Board Meeting 7:00PM @ Waconia City Hall, May 24 School Board Work Session 7:00PM @ WHS B107, No MSBA changes since last review for both policy and form. Create a password that only you will remember. Term:Jan. 1, 2021Dec. With dedicated teachers, supportive parents, and a community that values quality education, we are able to provide authentic learning experiences for all students. "We need to stand up as a community and start making decisions that are evidence based and important for our children's safety and well-being," an anti-mask parent said. "You need some sort of mask policy to reintegrate special needs at the end of the day," Skaro said. This community was very vocal when it came to certain issues during the pandemic and the board voted with those constituents. Two Childcare Stabilization Grant applications from Brian Julson. I am a problem solver. / CBS Minnesota. SENIOR NATHAN KLITZKE ADVANCES TO STATE SCIENCE FAIR. 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Signup today! Local government is critical and I want a chance to represent and serve my community. Be Truthful. CLICK HERE to find out how. During the lengthy and emotional speaking period on Tuesday, a woman who said she was a Loudoun County teacher resigned over the proposed rule, which would compel school staff to use a students preferred pronouns and grant transgender students access to the bathrooms that correspond with their gender identity. In an evaluation summary shared at the Dec. 19 meeting, Board Chair Dana Geller stated, Superintendent Gersich has proven himself to be a successful leader for ISD 110 thus far All goals are actively in progress and the school board notes that Superintendent Gersich is making great strides in all areas.. That means building a process that works with the state requirements, the curriculum director, and teachers. Would you like to receive ouradvertising news? My career has been focused on finding solutions and improving processes. Small town charm with unique shops & dining. Money 8:14 am. Strong academics is the foundation for our schools, but not its only purpose. Board Minutes and Agendas; Board Policies; Bylaws; Records Retention Schedule; 2021-2022 Board Meeting Dates; SWMetro Joint Powers Agreement ; State Testing; Programs. January 19, 2023. There was an error processing your request. Click here to read the full story. or anything. I intend to champion the opening of communication channels between teachers and the board. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Greetings parents and guardians of future members of the Waconia Public Schools Class of 2036! The second thing I would advocate for as a school board member is to have the state fully fund special education to the level of service required by mandate. Upcoming Meetings: April 26 School Board Listening Hour w/WEA 5:30PM (virtual) April 26 School Board Work Session 7:00PM @ WHS B107 May 3 Finance & Facilities Committee 6:00PM (virtual) May 10 Policy Committee 6:00PM @ Waconia City Hall May 10 Regular Board Meeting 7:00PM @ Waconia City Hall May 24 School Board Work Session 7:00PM @ WHS B107 Leverage your professional network, and get hired. Waconia Choir Boosters - 2022/2023 Board Meeting Hosted By Waconia Choirs. Meet the Candidates: Waconia School Board. Committees: Finance,TLAC Keep it Clean. Change and progress start with open minded communication. The constituents that want solutions to our financial mess and protect their tax dollars. Waconia Senior High School, Waconia, United States. Core Values, and Daily Desired Experiences: WRESTLING TEAM PLACES 4TH AT STATE TOURNAMENT. I am proud of our school system and teachers. Register or Buy Tickets, Price information. To ensure my team remains on track, we have monthly forecasting meetings where we review expenses and any overages. Our district must advocate for increased education funding, especially fully funding special education. Would you like to receive our daily news? I am against mask mandates. To be honest, Im running because I was asked to run. Still, the impasse in the Carver County town is the longest in the metro area and is threatening to become the longest in the state. I have an interest in improving the quality of our school system and advocating for the education of all our children. Should I be on the board I will hold them accountable and push for more transparency than they will likely be comfortable with. Almost all of the additional money would go to pay higher benefit costs, they said. Davis also angered many teachers when he said this month that teachers are only obligated to work 1,288 hours a year, which means their hourly wage is pretty good. See tweets of Waconia Area Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau @WaconiaChamber on Twitter. I have experience managing budgets and making hard decisions around priorities. I am currently finishing a masters in writing. Number two is curriculum. The district and the school board should be striving to create an environment where students can bring their authentic selves, have a sense of belonging, and realize their potential to the fullest. While the board can ask for changes and information, they should not be directly setting the curriculum as they do not have the expertise. Signup today! Republican Govs. Would you like to receive our latest news? The school board is involved by maintaining this policy. Waconia, MN 55387 About $52.7 million of that is in the general fund, the bulk of which goes to teacher salaries and benefits, also educational services, supplies and equipment. The responsibility of educating children falls largely on the tone set by parents, but teachers are on the front lines leading and making an impression daily. person will not be tolerated. At the contentious school board meeting, Davis was called uncreative and teachers were angry because they felt the board was not respecting them and was making them beg for a pay increase. I love learning, education and leadership and I hope to be a great listener and voice when representing our community. This is why my husband and I chose to live in Waconia. I felt like the board forgot whos seat they were really sitting in. 2023 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. Waconia is in statutory operating debt due to poor leadership and a lack of checks and balances. West Metro 15905652 As contract talks drag on, Waconia teachers, board appear far apart The district still hasn't reached a contract after nearly three dozen meetings, two mediation sessions, a.