Just like many other aspects of Princess Cruises there are inconsistencies. http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=2362029. We waited over a week before calling room service to make the trade. I wish Princess would take advance requests for the mini-bar content so we don't all have to call Room Service on Day 1 for the swap requests. All Princess cruises of five days or more will have at least one formal night. The suite will get you one more but that is the limit. I wish they would let us pre-order as it is a PITA for both Room Service and Guest. Thats a 100% return on our investment. CC Help Jenn Im also always looking for a good deal, and I despise paying full price for anything. Answer: Elite members will get a one-time complimentary mini-bar set-up (1 per Elite stateroom) which consists of two (2) miniature bottles each of Cognac, Gin, Vodka and Scotch Whisky, two (2) 12 ounce cans of beer, two (2) 12 ounce cans/bottles of tonic water, two (2) 12 ounce cans of Coca Cola, two (2) 12 ounce cans of Sprite, two (2) 0.5 liter bottles of water, two (2) 11 ounce bottles of Perrier. They also did not have Perrier available initially, but I was able to trade my sodas for it later in the cruise. Read Is a Cruise Beverage Package a Good Value? After your first completed cruise, youre Gold level. You can request anything you want, as long as it is the standard setup. ), Complimentary afternoon tea may be served in your stateroom. There has DEFINITELY been an impact with supply issues. Traded 4 x 50ml = 200ml for 1 x 375ml. We have always had bottles of beer in the set up. We have never received whiskey in mini bar setup and we have been on 30 cruises with Princess. If yes, select from the following options. Answer: No. It is standard no matter the cabin category. Formal nights are (usually) not held two nights in a row. CC Help Jenn This includes a complimentary mini-bar setup that consists of a "selection of liquors, soft drinks, beer, still and sparkling water" according to Princess. I just understand the difficulty of implementing the requested changes. We got the same as Largin on the Ocean in April. We always use a travel agent when we book a cruise, especially because we often get extra discounts, reduced deposits, and on board credit. 2 ea 50 mL bottles whiskey, Vodka, Gin, Cognac (most recently Dewars, Skyy, Beefeater, Hennessy, can vary), 2 ea Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, Tonic Water, Perrier, Still Water. Its nice to know you can get coffee cards. Sail Date: Nov 2022 Cabin: Mini-Suite with Balcony Embarkation with Medallion was a breeze. On the alcohol swapouts, the price of the replacement item must be equal to or less than the item you are trading. Is water included in your sticker? :eek: You will be able to leave a comment after signing in, By Lots of people dont show up, and they will continue to pull names until they pick someone whos there. Must have really been a glitch if it was just one segment. We got two each of scotch, gin, vodka, and cognac. This is a gift, a perk for their most loyal customers. It gives a detailed list of all the days activities, along with a weather report, scheduled arrival and departure times on port days, and notifications of any changes to the itinerary. Minisuite: Diamond Princess' 184 mini-suites are primarily located on Deck 9, with a few on Deck 8. You can call room service and have them swap the standard grouping for drinks that you prefer! This is what it has been on our previous cruises: Alcoholic . If youve noticed that theres always a line for the dining room at 6:30 save time by making a reservation. complimentary mini bar set-up 11 deluxe canape selection on formal nights complimentary afternoon tea in stateroom priority disembarkation upgraded bathroom amenities complimentary laundry services and shoe polishing The information listed on this page is provided by our agency as a courtesy to our web site users. It lasted about two hours, and the servers didnt hover over us (or wait inside our stateroom as I had feared). We ended up with one beer and two Sprites left over. Dont try to haggle unless youre braver than I am from what Ive seen, these are pretty rock-bottom prices. Us too! From how to earn extra on board credit to what you should wear for formal nights, here are my 21 top Princess cruise tips to make the most of your vacation at sea. Help, we are now Elite and I cannot find the part where I can request what I would prefer for the mini bar set up. I thought that Princess discontinued the mini bar swap for coffee cards a couple years ago. This is a question many past passengers ask. Shop sells it but not bars. If you really hate the idea of wearing a jacket, Ive never seen anyone turned away from the dining room for not having one. Then, on Enchanted Princess, also in December, there were no small (what I call airline-size) bottles of alcohol, but there was a 375 ml bottle of Jack Daniels plus the usual assortment of sodas and two bottles of water. I get it, especially if youre American like me. Also, if you dont use all of it by the end of your sailing, you forfeit whatevers left. CC Help Jenn Also, the specialty restaurants can be busier on formal nights, because they dont have a formal dress code. You will be able to leave a comment after signing in, By Answer: If you do not wish to have any alcohol in your mini-bar we will be happy to exchange your mini-bar for one of the following: Alcoholic beverages may be exchanged for non-alcoholic beverages on a one-for-one basis, Full mini-bar may be exchanged for two (2) Coffee Cards, All water mini-bar setup will consist of eight (8) 1.5 liter bottles of water, https://book.princess.com/captaincirelite_mini-Bar. Does the passenger have an inclusive fare? Looking forward to being Elite. For some reason, many Princess cruisers think that the adults-only Lotus and Retreat Pools require a fee to enter. You can exchange alcohol for EITHER alcohol or non-alcohol and non-alcohol ONLY for non-alcohol. 2 ea 50 mL bottles whiskey, Vodka, Gin, Cognac (most recently Dewars, Skyy, Beefeater, Hennessy, can vary), 2 ea Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, Tonic Water, Perrier, Still Water. Be advised though, that you cannot switch sodas or water for booze. They don't do monetary exchanges. We had Diet Coke on four out of four B2Bs on Ruby in Dec. After the ship was resupplied we received the 10 cans of DC. You can choose one of the following: Unwooded Chardonnay, Kendall Jackson (Dawn Princess, Sea Princess, Sun Princess - when based in Australia), Wyndhams, Bin 444 Cabernet Sauvignon (Dawn Princess, Sea Princess, Sun Princess - when based in Australia), Brown Brothers, Shiraz (Dawn Princess, Sea Princess, Sun Princess - when based in Australia). 19952023, The Independent Traveler, Inc. Answer: Elite members will get a one-time complimentary mini-bar set-up (1 per Elite stateroom) which consists of two (2) miniature bottles each of Cognac, Gin, Vodka and Scotch Whisky, two (2) 12 ounce cans of beer, two (2) 12 ounce cans/bottles of tonic water, two (2) 12 ounce cans of Coca Cola, two (2) 12 ounce cans of Sprite, two (2) 0.5 liter bottles of water, two (2) 11 ounce bottles of Perrier. 20 items are included in the mini bar, they said we can get 20 items of what we would like. Tip: Do you want something thats not listed on the breakfast hangtag? Read Eight Things That Will Surprise New Cruisers to find out. 19952023, The Independent Traveler, Inc. They have beautiful pieces of fine jewelry in many price ranges but none of it is cheap. Posted on Last updated: November 19, 2021. If youre not in a suite, you might think that you cant have a bathrobebut you can! Since we have a balcony, were each getting $100 in OBC. 19952023, The Independent Traveler, Inc. Yes, I change ours out every time. Answer: If you do not wish to have any alcohol in your mini-bar we will be happy to exchange your mini-bar for one of the following: Thanks for your help. So what happens if you have one of the old cards, and it has no expiration date (some do and some dont)? If you want a quieter, less crowded pool experience, definitely check out the adults-only Princess pools. Looking for more cruise tips? Your shopping host will encourage you to visit these specific shops, will give out coupons, and will sometimes even be in a shop (usually a high-end jewelry store) when you visit ports. Im not very lucky with winning anything in general, but Ive won a pair of earrings and a necklace onboard (neither was of the diamond variety). The cards were transferable and could be used on multiple cruises. Ultimate Balcony Dining on Princess Cruises, Nine Things You Need to Check Before Your Cruise, Eight Things That Will Surprise First Time Cruisers, 10 Rookie Cruise Mistakes to Avoid When Booking, Giada De Laurentiis Named Godmother of Oceania Cruises New Ship Vista, Norwegian Cruise Line Announces 2023 Meet the Winemaker Series, P&O Arvia Naming Ceremony Will Feature Olly Murs, Carnival Now Offering Guy Fieri and Sammy Hagars Santo Tequila Fleetwide, Princess Cruises Introduces Welcome Home Program, our scheduled stop at Princess Cays was being replaced by a stop at Ocho Rios, Jamaica, How to Get Onboard Credit for Owning Carnival Stock, How to Prevent Wrinkled Clothes on a Cruise, Princess Cruises Pub Lunch Review (With Menu). Most people who participate remain in their formal attire for the evening. If you go, make sure to sit near the front, because they often throw prizes during the talk, and Ive never seen them reach the back rows! Theres no ventilation! If you trade the mini bottles for soda, you just get 8 sodas. People have said you can exchange the mini bar for two coffee cards. Answer: No. My pro tip? Mini-Suite - 40 sq. Question: Can I exchange the items in my Elite mini-bar for full bottles of liquor? When Princess transitioned to the new coffee program, they announced they would continue to accept the cards through August 31, 2019. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'shouldbecruising_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_4',602,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-shouldbecruising_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'shouldbecruising_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_5',602,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-shouldbecruising_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0_1'); .large-mobile-banner-1-multi-602{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}If you have an old card without an expiration, Id still take the card and try to use it. Although its half the price, my advice is to skip this one. Just take their advice about the approved shops with a grain of salt. Tip: To keep your formal night outfits looking good, my article How to Prevent Wrinkled Clothes on a Cruise shares all my secrets! We exchange everything for ginger ale. Don't waste your timethey do not pay attention to it anyways, and will deliver you the standard selection. If they have the curry chicken salad when you visit, give it a try its my favorite! This may be my number-one tip for cruising in general, but especially on Princess! Copyright 19952023 The Independent Traveler, Inc. Amazing, Funny & Totally Awesome Cruise Photos, Click here to reload the page in order to enable certain features, Policy regarding COVID related Discussions, C858B0A9-6769-424D-B129-59363EDAC023.jpeg, B5073042-BF8A-4EEC-BD19-0938D8732763.jpeg, Came from the land above to the Land Downunder. Someone still has to assemble and someone has to deliver. VAWCB 52 October 7, 2009 Virginia Youll be glad you did, because stateroom bathrooms are tiny and steamy. Copyright 19952023 The Independent Traveler, Inc. Amazing, Funny & Totally Awesome Cruise Photos, Click here to reload the page in order to enable certain features, Policy regarding COVID related Discussions, C858B0A9-6769-424D-B129-59363EDAC023.jpeg, B5073042-BF8A-4EEC-BD19-0938D8732763.jpeg. You get $200 credit towards Internet Cafe time on voyages of more than 21 days. You can exchange like for like10 alcohol for other alcohol; 10 non-alcohol for other non-alcohol. Miniature bottles of liquor (50 ml) may be exchanged on a one-for-one basis with other miniature bottles. - Two (2) 50ml bottles Gin - Beefeater - Two (2). Luck of the draw I guess. So I might do a beer/diet sprite setup on Majestic today. Just ask your cabin steward when he comes to introduce himself on embarkation day. Question: Can I exchange the items in my Elite mini-bar for wine? Hubby does not like Dos Equis and the America beers on the room service list are higher priced that Dos Equis, but they have been willing to swap based on cost of the items as I've mentioned in this thread. Answer: No. Theyll replace the items you dont care for with more of what youll actually drink. Usually we're at muster drill during the swap and they remove the bar and leave the cards. Answer: Elite members will get a one-time complimentary mini-bar set-up (1 per Elite stateroom) which consists of two (2) miniature bottles each of Cognac, Gin, Vodka and Scotch Whisky, two. Last month the Cognac was Courvoisier. Occasionally another drink will be served, but its usually just bubbly. Alcoholic drinks are rarely free on Princess cruises, but if youre looking to save on your alcohol budget, I have a couple of tips. (Request this via room service at least six hours prior.). Started August 27, 2021, By We bring our allotted bottles of wine on board and at times buy more wine. You can exchange the entire minibar for 2 coffee programs, a limited number of bottles of wine ($40 max) or 1.5 liter bottles of water. Started October 12, 2018, Copyright 19952023 The Independent Traveler, Inc. In 19 cruises, I have never had one shrink wrapped. We exchange it for 10 beers & 10 Diet Cokes or sometimes for 2 coffee cards. Nowhere near to Elite and can't afford a suite. This is a rarity among cruise lines these days, and its a nice mid-afternoon treat for a sea day, or if you decide to head back to the ship early from port. The contents of the mini-bar are subject to change. Started August 27, 2021, By Powered by Invision Community. Answer: Elite members will get a one-time complimentary mini-bar set-up (1 per Elite stateroom) which consists of two (2) miniature bottles each of Cognac, Gin, Vodka and Scotch Whisky, two (2) 12 ounce cans of beer, two (2) 12 ounce cans/bottles of tonic water, two (2) 12 ounce cans of Coca Cola, two (2) 12 ounce cans of Sprite, two (2) 0.5 When boarding Majestic in October (LA) there were no DCs in our minibar because they were waiting for it to be delivered to the ship during turnaround day. Buying jewelry? Started June 21, 2021, By The cookout is only available during specific hours. Most Princess ships have the International Caf in the Piazza, and its open round-the-clock! On the Regal on 1/6, we got 2 Diet Cokes, 2 Sprite, 2 Lemon Tonic Water, 2 Dos Equis, 2 Bud Light and 4 mini bottles of Gin. Why? Ugh. On the CB last month, out mini-liquor bottles were gin and scotch. I also request wine glasses & have a tip for the room service crewmember who makes the exchange. I was just on the discovery princess and got a bottle of wine for the liquor part a note said they did not have any mini bottles of liquor and two bottles of beer along with Perrier reg water and 2 cans of diet coke 2 cans of sprite 2 cans of tonic. We had Diet Coke on four out of four B2Bs on Ruby in Dec. I did a CC survey a year or so ago and the majority swap out some or all of their mini-bar. Who knows if that will stay the same, I imagine it will change based on supplies. Members need six cruise credits or 51 cruise days to reach the Platinum level. Answer: Elite members will get a one-time complimentary mini-bar set-up (1 per Elite stateroom) which consists of two (2) miniature bottles each of Cognac, Gin, Vodka and Scotch Whisky,. Answer: You may exchange all of your mini-bar items for one bottle of wine valued at $40 or less. On the Majestic in late January, we only got bottles of gin instead of the usual mix liquors. I am a vodka girl, so it wasn't an issue to trade in my 3 gin and a cognac. I know Dos Equis is the default brand, but what others might be available for swapping? If one is Elite and in a Suite, are there two mini-bar set-ups? On the Majestic this week we got 4 gins and 4 scotches plus 2 beers and non- alcoholic drinks. I have to wonder why all the local liquor stores seem to have tons of mini bottles but Princess can't seem to get them. You can call Room Service and they will switch out. More details and the application page are on Princess website. Question: What will my mini-bar consist of? However, it was also posted prominently on the front page of the Patter, and lots of people still missed the change! Don't see them arrive shrink wrapped. This costs $100 per person and entitles you to OBC on your next cruise, up to $300. sunsetme, November 3, 2022 in Princess Cruises. :D. No problem swapping the beer for two more 50ml mini bottles of your favorite spirits. I swap all my liquor bottles for Beefeater Gin so I end up with 6 bottles swapped plus the two I kept. CC Help Jenn Unfortunately rum has not been an option in any of our minibars. CC Help Jenn Complimentary wine: A half-bottle of red wine plus a half-bottle of white wine will be waiting in your stateroom on embarkation day. You will be able to leave a comment after signing in, By margord, June 3, 2012 in Princess Cruises. 10% discount on the Reflections DVD. ;p. You will get there in time. You can opt out the buffet never has a formal dress code. For women, a dressy pants outfit can work, as can a less-formal dress (a dark color and some accessories can always make a casual dress look more dressy). Additional stateroom benefits include canaps on formal nights and afternoon tea upon request. It also specifies the dress code for the following evening (smart casual or formal), along with opening and closing times for restaurants, bars, and shops. I love sharing my best cruise tips with you, along with reviews of cruise destinations, shore excursions, cruise ships and cruise lines. We traded four gin for four Heineken on Majestic. Take a peek at my tips page for even more insider cruise information. For they prep the standard and deliver it generally before you board. You will be able to leave a comment after signing in, By No problem for us turn around day is horrendous for the crew. I have been on some ships which have run out of specific miniatures and they offer a 375ml bottle of a spirit in exchange Not quite par but still gratefully received. Started June 21, 2021, By There are 16 passenger decks, 9 with cabins. Can someone please direct me to where I should look on the Princess website. Question: Can I exchange the items in my Elite mini-bar for full bottles of liquor? I always tell them to dress as you would if you were a guest at a wedding. I know you can change it out. At the risk of sounding greedy, we are both Elite and have booked a suite. You can have all vodka and all bottled water, for instance, whatever your preferences are as long as they abide by the policies that Astro Flyer stated above. Youll be at this level from your second through third cruises. No problem. I wish they would let us pre-order as it is a PITA for both Room Service and Guest. It is 1 for 1. Push back again, and the manager will be called over, with yet again a better offer. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'shouldbecruising_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_18',677,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-shouldbecruising_com-mobile-leaderboard-2-0');Note that if you pre-pay for any of these things before your cruise, you wont be refunded. There are more swaps than as-is I would say, not that my survey was scientific and within 2.5% 19 times out of 20. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'shouldbecruising_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_9',605,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-shouldbecruising_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'shouldbecruising_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_10',605,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-shouldbecruising_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0_1'); .large-mobile-banner-2-multi-605{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}However, before you decide to skip the shopping talk altogether, the shopping guides are a wealth of information.