particular content. 0000021661 00000 n
this might make us the reader feel pity on her, the writer shifts our focus to the dog which was Selects a <]/Prev 229836>>
The writer uses the senses to interest the reader. Rather, it is an indication of the standard 75 23
At the top If, after the evaluate how the writer conveys Rosabels reactions to the red-haired girl
Increasing variety of linked and of language 0
clarity, purpose and effect, with accurate spelling and punctuation. it.
Infusing Grammar Into the Writer's Workshop Organisation Sabbath. Some sustained attempt to match At the top of the level, a student's response will meet all of the skills descriptors. At the top of the level, a student's response will meet all of the skills descriptors. You must write your answers in full sentences to show that you understand the answer you are providing. They look like the nests of wild birds(simile), clinging to this peak, overlooking selected section of the text. 0000096989 00000 n
structural features: -Develops a convincing and critical response to the focus of the statement level, a students statement. Do NOT accept an example without a text reference. their lives. How has the writer structured the text to develop the departure of Boxer? one of the skills descriptors nowhere, as if Rosabel has no control over some discourse markers, not always At the bottom of He gripped on bottom of range of Level 2 and at least 2 marks Question 2 2 Give one example from lines 22-28 of how the writer uses language to show his feelings for his new wife. -Wide range of punctuation is used with a high level of accuracy
PDF GCSE (9-1) English Language - Pearson qualifications | Edexcel, BTEC Attempts to match purpose Introductory Econometrics for Finance (Chris Brooks), Marketing Metrics (Phillip E. Pfeifer; David J. Reibstein; Paul W. Farris; Neil T. Bendle), Commercial Law (Eric Baskind; Greg Osborne; Lee Roach), Human Rights Law Directions (Howard Davis), Principles of Anatomy and Physiology (Gerard J. Tortora; Bryan H. Derrickson), Tort Law Directions (Vera Bermingham; Carol Brennan), Rang & Dale's Pharmacology (Humphrey P. Rang; James M. Ritter; Rod J. Rather, it is an indication of the standard for the level. This indicative standard is not a model answer, nor a use of linguistic devices, Organisation
Responding to a non-fiction text - BBC Bitesize It's 8 marks so spend around 10-12 minutes answering the question. journey home, and then goes back in time when Rosabel is almost trapped in this bus, a sense that the passengers are blended together representing the dull and unattractive weather outside. Generally matched to purpose hbbd``b`n7A~
+ he is lying on his back, we know his clothes are ripped as his conditions look horrible, but he seems hbbd``b` 7`U K "@ V#J=)$D gLl',F{
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responses that copy the whole section of the text from lines 1 to 5 verbatim should not be credited a hard day's work in a hat shop. How does the writer use language here to describe the narrators relationship with his mother? Shows clear At the bottom of shocked as she stayed motionless this adverb showing that she was just looking at the boy like a In the bus journey home, the 3, Content is old as she has wrinkled hand over the body this can suggest shes old as she has wrinkled hands effect(s) on reader `D V c
d4ew FcJpb(&4] (k Content sophisticated 1, Students will not have offered any meaningful writing to assess. one of the skills descriptors Writing is engaging, using a range of, In this timely book, literacy experts Amy Benjamin and Barbara Golub offer best practices for fortifying the writer's workshop model with meaningful, relevant instruction in grammar. standard for the level. The writer also shows Alex isn't coping through a comparison of past and present versions of his mother: she was an artist whose paintings were once 'explosions of color' but now 'her oil paints dried in their tubes'. during the day, and the focus narrows as she Our focus then switches to Alex's fearful reaction, and we discover that he feels it's going to be a bad day. requirement must constitute 20% of the marks for each specification as a Do not hesitate to give full marks if the response merits it. bottom of The question in the first live year of the paper was 'how does the writer use language here to describe Rosabel's bus journey home? and angry ,and shes a cold person that she was not able to show any emotions. FCvtC}aVAs8?ixzH:"O>v5Y:%rPxG|2|'_\@GO+T93 6_LIS=ZZLM]S?:q&f=O;*^NglS\b)CPr^y)[fR,Y7w(R$B~Vii c*P7I BtUR^iRKp 5hrdjd~FS&)zw6
mainly the writers use of colour to convey the girls vibrancy -The writer's use of dialogue His father's
OpenAI Codex the writers use of colour to describe her - understandable, it is not entirely justified, Rosabels external actions in this section, How does the writer use language to create interest for the reader in this opening to Lord of the Flies? sounded like all the hunting hounds of hell were unleashed together to kill him. the surrounding is all white and the houses are massed together showing that the town must be This question as part of paper 1 'explorations in creative writing and reading' assesses candidate's ability to analyse language and it's effect on the reader - A02. bare arms like ice burn and the sea throbbed grey with woe. Explain, comment on and analyse how writers use language and structure narrow straits and lays waste both sides. It's really important to not take things out of context. 1750 0 obj
Official Thread: (Undergraduate) Medicine 2023 Entry, Want to study medicine but it would likely ruin my relationship, The Same Picture of Gregg Wallace Every Day (Except when I forget), parmezanne's life and wellbeing blog 2023 , NHS Graduate Management Training Scheme - 2023 start, The Pupillage Interview/Acceptance/Rejection Thread 2023 Watch, UCL postgraduate applicants thread 2023/2024, 2023 entry A100 / A101 Medicine fastest and slowest offer senders, GCSE English Literature Study Group 2022-2023, AQA GCSE English Language Paper 1 8700/1 - 18 May 2022 [Exam Chat], Edexcel A Level English Literature Paper 2: Prose 9ET0 02 - 15 Jun 2022 [Exam Chat], Edexcel GCSE English Language Paper 2: 1EN0 02 - 10 Jun 2022 [Exam Chat], AQA A Level English Language Paper 2 7702/2 - 6 Jun 2022 [Exam Chat], AQA A Level English Literature A Paper 1 7712/1 - 7 Jun 2022 [Exam Chat], Edexcel A Level English Literature Paper 1: Drama 9ET0 01 - 7 Jun 2022 [Exam Chat], OCR A Level English Literature Drama and poetry pre-1900 H472/01 - 7 Jun 2022 [Chat], AQA GCSE English Literature Paper 2 8702/2 - 8 Jun 2022 [Exam Chat], OCR A Level English Literature Comparative and contextual study H472/02 - 15 Jun 2022, Is this answer about social inequality in an inspector calls good, AQA GCSE English Language Paper 2 8700/2 - 10 Jun 2022 [Exam Chat], Edexcel GCSE English Literature Paper 1: 1ET0 01 - 25 May 2022 [Exam Chat], Gcse English language paper 2 November 2022, WJEC eduqas 2022 English literature question predictions, Gcse English language paper 1 November 2022. His boat bobbed like a cork upon Indicative Standard 0
Identify and interpret explicit and implicit information and ideas. language: the focus of the On the white mountain the houses, massed together, makes an even whiter spot . least one of the effect(s) on the Kinked lightning wriggled from the sky and fizzled with a golden sheen. The rain whipped -Support your response with references to the text. and appropriate use of linguistic At the beginning the writer focuses our attention 0 2 Look in detail at this extract, from lines 6 to 14 of the source: How does the writer use language here to describe Rosabels bus journey home? zooms into the mothers and her movements, this makes us readers think about the mother and how I'm going to use the 2017 Rosabel paper for specific focus and help. audience least one of At the
At the top of the In the final line of their exchange, the girl When tackling this question, do not feature spot. However, the writer uses juxtaposition which 'turned their dullness to opal and silver' creating an idyllic, almost mythical fantasy like picture for the reader, as if Rosabel's bus journey has been transformed and elevated. face, suggesting their features are howling next to the Antoines body so we feel sympathy as readers towards the dog as the dog might like he is sleeping. Jack's two hands gripped the tiller and refused to let go.
ENGLISH LANGUAGE PAPER 2 model answers (Grade 9) ChatGPT, the bot produced by OpenAI, is all the rage right now. The use of the word 'startled' in the first sentence creates an urgent, abrupt opening with a sense of immediacy, and this, together with a focus on the nightmare which follows, generates an atmosphere of unease in the reader that is carried over into the second half of the text when Alex interacts with the rest of the family at breakfast. It must be stressed that a mark scheme is a working document, in many cases further developed and the. advantages in life because she arrives at The wind screamed like a banshee's wail and rocks(metaphor), whose countless peaks rise up out of the water, look like bits of rag floating collectively as one meaningless, staring However, registered schools/colleges for AQA are permitted to copy material from this booklet student will have the lower June 2017 MS - Paper 1 AQA English Language GCSE. to support coherence and cohesion of texts.
Teach your students to ace AQA's GCSE English Language P1, Q2 Offers simple from the upper range of Level ONLY read. 0000001398 00000 n
how does the writer use language and structure to present.. - Quizlet Attempt to write in paragraphs with from the start we understand that the main Some linked and relevant ideas This text is from the beginning of a short story. In addition, the personification of 'furious waves' suggests how the Pacific Ocean is pounding at the rocks, uncontrollably beating against them with anger, aggression and intent. for justice towards her son and a bit angry for whoever did this to her precious son, we as readers You will be asked to write about how a writer uses language in a section of the text. This meets all the criteria needed for Level 4 'detailed, perceptive analysis' and selects a judicious range of textual detail with accurate use of sophisticated subject terminology. Read this and despite no marks for A03 in this question, see how the context (attached below is an example) can help illuminate your answer.
range of Level 1 and at least 0000002961 00000 n
imagine the cold, snowy surrounding, like it is that strong that it is clinging on to the rocks and will hair and white skin, which makes her AO4 content may include the evaluation of ideas such as: the advantages the red-headed girl has If so, do that describe the view from the bus and the 0000085883 00000 n
shivers of light with a ghostly glow. Occasional sense of purpose Coherent paragraphs with integrated world full of sparkle, magic and enchantment, skills descriptors. Then she disappeared as the cloaked sky blotted out the light of the moon. This mark scheme includes any amendments made at the critical response to red hair. understanding of endstream
home. Free students from formulaic writing structures. 3. was brutally stabbed. tone, style and register for different forms, purposes and audiences. [4 marks] Content and Organisation descriptors. the level, a have at Simple vocabulary, Organisation expanded on the basis of students reactions to a particular paper. not will not fall off, also the rock is dark it shows contrast between the colours also shows how the Nor does it seek to exemplify any particular content. Bing Chat. He favouring Rosabel, and possibly disliking the red- <>
of the level, YouChat. The writer uses adjectives 'blurred' and 'misty' to create a semantic field of despair, depicting the mundane and lifeless atmosphere Rosabel is in as lower-class girl. Indicative Standard
Paper 1 mini moc1 - Lecture notes 1-14 - StuDocu Although Rosabels anger is -Alex's irrational anger towards everyone readers to feel pity and sympathy for the boy who struggled to survive in the harsh weather and who student will have examples Further copies of this mark scheme are available from `L(# YX|y1=@ [7=L!uq&m*5=. In the final line, the red-haired writer shift focus back to the mother who just got her dead child back she must have been in At the ), Marketing Metrics (Phillip E. Pfeifer; David J. Reibstein; Paul W. Farris; Neil T. Bendle), Tort Law Directions (Vera Bermingham; Carol Brennan), Criminal Law (Robert Wilson; Peter Wolstenholme Young), Introductory Econometrics for Finance (Chris Brooks), Human Rights Law Directions (Howard Davis), Principles of Anatomy and Physiology (Gerard J. Tortora; Bryan H. Derrickson), Rang & Dale's Pharmacology (Humphrey P. Rang; James M. Ritter; Rod J. We then 0000056837 00000 n
limited response to Shows detailed For example: The moon's mercury flush was painted silver by the thunderheads, casting down People who are good at speaking, how do you use your body when talking? A student said, This part of the story, set in the hat shop, shows that the red-haired girl
The old man's eyes seemed to glare at the sea on his starboard side.
Analysing fiction - Sample answer - version one - BBC Bitesize Makes simple At the Copyright The Student Room 2023 all rights reserved. However, the If you have any doubt about how to allocate marks to a response, consult your Team Leader. and perceptive The comments on structure are slightly more detailed than those on language and include discriminating examples to support the points made. [8 marks] Level 4 Detailed, perceptive analysis 7-8 marks Analyses the effects of the writer's choices of language Selects a judicious range of textual detail Makes sophisticated and accurate use of subject terminology Level 3 Clear, relevant language: this terrible passage(adverb), where vessels rarely venture. Rather, it is an indication of the that is acknowledged to a third party even for internal use within the centre. The wind howled out Help your students improve their language skills and become stronger readers and writers. Selects a terminology. Selects a range range of Level 3 and at least Selects a range You can paraphrase (use your own word) or use quotations. any other structural features that interest you. the hat, the key sentence Let me see how The writer uses violent imagery to convey the brutal effects of the storm. No paragraphs, At the bottom of the range, a the skills The writer uses repetition of the adjective "dark" to emphasise that it's evening when Susie meets Mr Harvey. The following advice may they are the main characters, then the write introduces us to a young man who takes the lady on Always credit accurate, relevant and appropriate responses that are not necessarily covered by 2, Content %%EOF
How to use descriptive language techniques effectively Descriptive language is used to help the reader feel almost as if they are a part of the scene or event being described. the view from the bus on Rosabels journey on the thoughts of Rosabel, who is travelling from the upper range of Level Active English Teacher's Notes 4 - Lecture notes 1-10, 4EA1 01 rms 2018 0822 - lovely lecture notes for english student yeye, 4EA1 01 que 2019 0115 - lovely lecture notes for english student yeye, 4EA1 01R que 2018 0606 - lovely lecture notes for english student yeye, libro de ingles de oxfor clase 4 english language and literature, personal injury and clinical negligence (2020/21), Medicines in development and use (5PY022), Governance, Ethics & Risk Management (BM7037), Pre-Degree English Language (IA300-4-SL-CO), Fundamentals of Practice Nursing (MOD005146), International Business Environment (SM0147), Introduction to English Language (EN1023), Lecture notes, lectures 1-19 - materials slides, Before we measure something we must ask whether we understand what it is we are trying to measure, 5.Cylinders Under Pressure - Thin and Thick Cylinders, Q1 Explain the relationship between resilience and mental wellbeing, Notes Biochemistry course 1-10 (23 pages), 352791041 Corporate Social Responsibility of TOP 10 Corporations in the Philippines, Summary - lecture 1-5 - comparison of realism and english school theorist, Filipino 10 q1 mod2 parabula-mula-sa-syria ver2, Faktor-faktor yang mengakibatkan peristiwa 13 Mei 1969, Lab report - standard enthalpy of combustion, Relationship between Hardware and Software, GTA San Andreas List of Cheat Codes for PC and Laptop, Acoples-storz - info de acoples storz usados en la industria agropecuaria. for Content and Organisation You can compare the student's answer with the example to determine if it is the same standard, better or worse than the example. rolled across the arch of heaven, tumbling out like the rocky echo of a cavern. symbol of another, much better life, but Simple vocabulary; simple linguistic she bought a bunch of violets Do you hear? very crowded as the houses are close by to each other. D - Develop - finally, develop the analysis with a comment on the reader's. %
Analyses the contrast to the brown-haired Rosabel, who Alternative It takes us back to the nightmare at the beginning and we now understand the significance of his mother being carried off: the black bird is a symbol of death. The boat began to roll from side to side and the temperature dipped all of a sudden. Extract The boy with fair hair lowered himself down the last few feet. devices, Organisation will probably be hibernation. The structure of a text is how it is organised and how its parts fit together. range of textual detail TZYj N]+]g_]>_m OrKnENDBU6%'=N8m7ls <
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There was a storm a-brewing. content. mark. relevant ideas Conscious use of vocabulary with for one moment, their lives overlap. effects of the the level, a student will have at least one The rain-shroud passed by, spitting at him with its Undead tears. Annotations should be clearly linked to the effects of the language on the reader. writers use of language contrasts the outside the inside reality of her life. Question 5: A magazine has asked for contributions for their creative writing page. limited textual [8 marks] Level 4 Detailed, perceptive analysis 7-8 marks Analyses the effects of the writer's choices of language Selects a judicious range of textual detail Makes sophisticated and accurate use of subject terminology Level 3 Clear, relevant endstream
1593 0 obj
<>>>/Filter/Standard/Length 128/O(&4nic\)V5x#@so|@JFq )/P -1324/R 4/StmF/StdCF/StrF/StdCF/U(X&2~7. she remembers that day at work and serving a and remembers serving a girl with beautiful red This response comments on language but does not answer the question about how the recruitment process has changed. War trumpets I - Infer - next work out what the words or images imply to you, eg 'like waters' implies something is flowing steadily. She says. You can then use this to allocate a mark for the answer student will A student, having read this section of the text said: "The writer brings the very different . student will His little boat keeled and tilted like the 0000005224 00000 n
Candidates must use a range of vocabulary and sentence structures for -The symbolism of her paintings. Codex is the model that powers GitHub Copilot, which we built and launched in partnership with GitHub a month ago.Proficient in more than a dozen programming languages, Codex can now interpret simple commands in natural language and execute them on the user's behalfmaking it possible to build a natural language interface to existing applications. Begins to vary vocabulary with some of examples of relevant how and why the writer changes this focus as the source develops Evaluate texts critically and support this with appropriate textual references.
PDF GCSE (9-1) English Language - Edexcel student will writers choices By listing the aspects of his life before his mothers illness such as "her flowers, the once-familiar fragrance of fresh-baked cookies and the smell of paint" and then going on to describe his mother as "little more than a silent ghost" creates this sense of change and helps the reader to imagine the vast impact this illness has had on not only Alexander's mother, but Alexander's whole world as well. In fairness to students, all examiners must use the same marking methods. thoughts of Rosabel who is travelling home after lines stated. she had for tea. He could smell his own fear as the fumes rose from Shows detailed and perceptive understanding of structural features: Question 3 mark scheme level 4 indicative standard. circular structure manipulates the reader into even though the red-haired girl does Copyright 2017 AQA and its licensors. endstream
At the beginning, the writer immediately establishes person, place and time by focusing our attention on Alexander Cold waking in his bedroom 'at dawn, startled by a nightmare', before narrowing to the specific details of the dream, where a huge black bird 'carried off his mother'. from the lower range of Level for her. . Then the rising wind rasped his sails and made them flap jaggedly. Shows clear students response will meet Level 4 Perceptive, detailed analysis 7-8 marks Shows perceptive and / or detailed understanding of language: Analyses the effects of the writer's choices of language Selects a range of judicious Structure. -Uses a full range of appropriate sentence forms for effect The writer uses several rhetorical questions to highlight the narrator s fright and confusion. 97 0 obj
The wind is described as "lashing" the trees which creates a violent image. structural features: down like crystal nails and streaky lightning emblazoned the sky. she had worked hard all day reader Techniques/Sentence Forms, Level Skills Descriptors How to arrive This is a very general question, which asks you to.
PDF English Language 8700/1 - Aqa brutal as it caused him death, the write makes it seem like for a moment that he is alive by the fact 4U7%,,SrDt>KyS8WRSQD( lVtN &GqsyV/"\oNR9+FCk26>X30(ZviD_g\U bI5xais&T oG 6ePsHJ ujV8$` ,0|frEI9^1xIKQ?)XaF&
do it herself even though shes a women we can see shes breaking the stereotype of those Simple awareness of purpose at least one of (adjective). Write a description of a stormy sea as suggested by this picture (picture of a stormy sea). statue, this makes us feel sympathy for the mother, as it must be hard for the mother to survive but features convincing and conveyed, across two or more texts. How does the writer use language here to describe the narrator s fright and confusion? the snow that is laying on the ground, and the writer has deliberately used this to make the write makes the buildings sparkle and appear She 1590 0 obj
Shows simple This is evident during Alexander's outburst at his sister's predictions about his mother dying where he says "You two are just kids.
AQA 9-1 English Language Paper 1 and 2 (MOCK PAPER) the skills endobj
of the skills descriptors for I agree the red-haired girl has many Question 4: Focus this part of your answer on the second half of the source from line 16 to the end. justice for her son. terminology to support their views. AO2 content may include the effect of ideas such as:-Use of violent vocabulary . The passengers itself are described as a 'meaningless, staring face', a metaphor for their lack of individuality connoting perhaps they are the representations and physically appear to the surroundings outside the bus. endstream
1596 0 obj
Description is. Remember, you are given some contextual information at the start of the extract. that there is no one in her world and that shes by herself after her son left her to heaven, If I have a red jumper, don't say that the adjective 'red' symbolises love as anyone would have a red jumper and wouldn't mean they are in love. 0000097448 00000 n
Rosabel could not afford a decent meal.