His mother, Deborah Myers, works as a stripper and is in a relationship with Ronnie White, who is a drunk and verbally abusive. They turn around and head to the hospital. Mike Gonland is the obnoxious boyfriend of Tina Williams and likes to act as a tough guy. In the sequel, Halloween II, Michael broke into the elementary school and drew a picture of his parents together with his sister, Judith. Stop it! She eventually heard Tommy's voice and told him which room she was in so he could free her. In the remake by Rob Zombie, Michael's urge to kill is caused in part by his dysfunctional home life. She verbally abuses Michael in several scenes and interacts with her boyfriend, Steve Haley, until Michael murders them both on Halloween. Good Parents: For her son, Danny. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Kara pounded on the door as Michael got closer and Tommy got there just in time to let her in. When Kara was sixteen, she became pregnant. His maternal relatives include Laurie Strode (grandmother/aunt in Producer's Cut), Michael Myers (great-uncle/father in Producer's Cut), Judith Myers (great-aunt/aunt in Producer's Cut), as well as both Mr. and Mrs. Myers (great-grandparents). In Halloween, Lonnie's son Cameron appears, who dates Allyson, the granddaughter of Laurie Strode. By the end of the film, Sara and Freddie are still alive, being two of the few in the series to survive an attack by Michael and the sole survivors in Halloween: Resurrection. It is revealed in a flashback in the following film that she survives the attack. While in the living room, Judith's boyfriend asks if they are alone; Judith replies "Ummm Michael's around some place". He also questioned Kara if she knew who used to live in Danny's bedroom. WebDanny Strode is the son of Kara Strode and Tommy Doyle. WebProfessor Strode is the consummate instructor of both life and the art of writing. When Kara was sixteen, she became pregnant. He reunites with Laurie towards the end of the film, but falls unconscious once again, due to his earlier head injury. At the end of the film, he is seen yelling, "Turn it off! Darlene Carruthers is the foster mother of Jamie Lloyd and biological mother of Rachel Carruthers. Aaron Korey is a British true crime podcaster and partner of Dana Haines. Earl and other local men band together and try to locate Michael so that they can kill him. On a weirdness scale from one to ten, he rates about a thirteen. [2], In Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers, a 25-year-old Tommy is a reclusive individual who, following the events of Halloween 4 and 5, becomes obsessed with Michael. After this, Michael is put into custody and Deborah later witnesses him attacking and killing a nurse. He pretends to attend a school trip to Yosemite, but in fact remains at Hillcrest and throws a Halloween party with his friends and his girlfriend, Molly. It's a me, Mario! His daughter Ellie seeks answers after his death leading to Silver Shamrock. Danny later helps his mother and Tommy protect Jamie Lloyd's newborn son Stephen from Michael and Dr. Wynn and his staff at Smith's Grove Sanitarium. Kara was confused on what Tommy was talking about, so he took her and Danny to his room where he told them to stay as he believed that Michael Myers was going to come to her house later that night. Lynda, who has not heard the attack because of the loud music she is playing, picks up her cell phone and decides to call Laurie. Kara then jumped out and attacked Michael with the lead pipe while Danny and Steven tried to hide. He is the great-grandfather of Stephen Lloyd. However, they never find Michael, but they do find Jamie and Rachel and attempt to get them out of Haddonfield. Dan asks her to stop with the autopsy and instead look into Conal Cochran, the owner of the Halloween novelty and mask making company Silver Shamrock, where the jack-o'-lantern mask Harry Grimbridge was holding came from. Maybe, someone around here gave him lessons." She never wanted to go back to her home as she never came back in five years. WebFiery Red Head: Kara stands up to her father when he starts berating her neglected mother. It was in this room that Kara discovered some tanks with what looks like to be baby fetuses inside each one of them, with a chart with runes translated into scientific letter codes next to them. Nice Girl: She tries her best to do what she can for her son. He then carries her away. Morgan is also the maternal grandfather of Jamie Lloyd, the great-grandfather of Steven Lloyd, the brother of John Strode, the brother-in-law of Debra Strode, the uncle of Tim and Kara, and the great-uncle of Danny Strode. As a result, Laurie's friends Richard and Darlene become Jamie's foster parents. Before she could warn Beth, she witnessed Michael Myers stabbing Beth and then her son walking towards the house. Later that night, Laurie discovers Lynda's naked corpse set up in front of Deborah Myers' headstone and a jack-o'-lantern. Marion Chambers makes her first appearance in Halloween as she drives Dr. Samuel Loomis to Smith's Grove. Lynda Van Der Klok appears as one of Laurie Strode's best friends. She died as a result of being stabbed multiple times with a butcher knife and her murder was much bloodier than it was in the original. The film features a mysterious "Man in Black" arriving in Haddonfield, who has a tattoo identical to one which Michael has. She is the wife of Tommy Doyle . His surviving moments was wrestling a knife away from Michael who snaps his neck, killing him. Kara Strode - Alive The cousin of Laurie Strode, Kara Strode only appears in Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers and because of this, lays claim as one of the few characters in the franchise to have an unambiguous "alive" status. Samantha Thomas was best friends with Rachel Carruthers and Tina Williams. Oct 22, 2018 'Halloween' Character Profile: Sara Moyer. Angus Taylor is the groundskeeper in the cemetery where Judith Myers is buried and leads Dr. Loomis to her grave, only to find the headstone stolen. On a weirdness scale from one to ten, he rates about a thirteen. Kara has been found in 2 states including Illinois, Ohio. Throughout the film, Rachel takes Jamie out to pick an outfit to go trick-or-treating and flirts with Brady. Her body is later discovered hanging in the ceiling by Sara. Norma Watson was the secretary of Keri Tate at Hillcrest Academy. Paul calls Annie while she is babysitting Lindsey Wallace. Her boyfriend then suggests that they go upstairs to have sex and Judith agrees. The man forces Teddy onto the floor and pins her down as she struggles. After they have sex, he tells Judith that it is getting late and that he has to go. Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers characters, Kara is one of three primary female protagonists to survive Michael's attacks in their every appearance in the, Due to the change in the film's third act, the reason Kara was abducted by the Cult of Thorn is never specified. Earl works as a bartender in Haddonfield, Illinois and becomes angry when he hears on a news station that Michael Myers has returned and that all businesses should close for the night. Also, Judith's boyfriend mistakenly calls Ronnie White her father. He was killed near the end of Halloween Kills when Michael gets back up and massacres his mob, who had seemingly killed him. This exchange gains additional meaning after the revelation in the sixth film that Dr. Wynn had been watching over Michael since his incarceration, and it is probably he who taught Michael how to drive. WebThe family living in the Myers house across the street are relatives of the Strode family: Kara Strode (Marianne Hagan), her six-year-old son Danny (Devin Gardner), her teenage brother, Tim (Keith Bogart), caring mother Debra (Kim Darby) This character returns in Halloween II, Halloween: H20, Halloween Resurrection, 2018's Halloween and its sequel Halloween Kills. Once he sees that it is Michael, he stares at him in apparent shock. As Rachel was around eight years old in 1978, it is possible she was a classmate of Tommy Doyle and Lindsey Wallace. After leaving the dance, he finds the wounded Frank Hawkins, and saves his life. WebThe family living in the Myers house across the street are relatives of the Strode family: Kara Strode (Marianne Hagan), her six-year-old son Danny (Devin Gardner), her teenage brother, Tim (Keith Bogart), caring mother Debra (Kim Darby) Then the businessman turns on the drill and forces it into Teddy's ear, killing her. At that time, he walks through the back door and into the kitchen, opens a drawer, and pulls out a large butcher knife. Orrin believed he saw Michael, and the group shot the man dead only to discover it was Ted Hollister. He is killed when Michael impales him on a fuse box. Kara went to his room to discover Danny with Tommy. Tommy later joined up with them and they got into their car, asking Loomis to come along with them, but he told them he had to take care of some things first and the group drove off. Allyson Nelson is the daughter of Ray and Karen Nelson. Originally, Michael was to shove the pair of scissors down her throat, but Cornell felt that this would be too gruesome, and requested that the writers change it; as a result, she is instead stabbed in the chest.[7]. She also appears in Rob Zombie's remake in a role much like the one she has in the original. He is later found dead in his office with a needle sticking out of his eye by nurse Janet. Angel Myers - Halloween (2007) & Halloween II (2009) She is best friends with Laurie and Annie. His ultimate fate is left unknown. Gender He claims that this was supposed to be more obvious, with flashbacks to the original film, but the development of the film resulted in many of those scenes being lost. Richards reprised the role for Halloween Kills (2021), which follows directly from the previous film, 40 years after the events of the original film as part of its own continuity. When Kara was sixteen, she became pregnant. John is also the adoptive uncle of Laurie Strode and the maternal great-uncle of Jamie Lloyd. WebKara Strode is the daughter of John Strode and Debra Strode and sister of Tim Strode. In the original film, Lynda is a good-natured but slightly vapid and hedonistic "valley girl" type. His daughter Annie survives Michael's killing spree, and he discovers her half-naked and tortured following Michael's attack. Paul is one of the few characters not to be murdered by Michael Myers in the original film. Steve Haley was the boyfriend of Judith Myers in the 2007 reboot. As he checks the hospital's storage room for possible breaking and entering, he is killed by Michael Myers with a hammer claw to his skull. Before he leaves, Challis talks to Teddy about the killer who was dressed like a businessman and was able to rip apart Harry's skull with inhuman strength despite not appearing to be on drugs as the police think otherwise. Sartain reveals that he arranged for Michael's escape to reinforce his perceived role as an 'apex predator' who needs to finish what he started and kill Laurie to reassert himself. On file we have 6 email addresses and 7 phone numbers associated with Kara in area codes such as 217, 618, 815, 740. Kara : No. For some unknown reason, Kara was forced to come back home to live with her family but by then John had already disowned her yet her mother still loved her the same. WebKara Strode is the only daughter of John Strode and Debra Strode and sister of Tim Strode. There is no background to explain why Michael, at the age of 6 years, killed his older sister, Judith Myers and stopped talking (October 31, 1963). Angel Myers - Halloween (2007) & Halloween II (2009) Dr. Daniel "Dan" Challis is a hardworking doctor struggling with the relationships between him and his ex-wife, as well as his children. Loomis nearly shot him and told him to turn his car around and to head to Haddonfield Memorial Hospital upon finding out that Laurie Strode was Michael's sister. Once the boyfriend leaves, he goes upstairs and enters Judith's bedroom where she is seen sitting in front of her vanity, brushing her hair and singing to herself. A. Michael Lerner (Theatrical Cut sanitarium scenes), Danielle Harris (Producer's Cut flashback), "List of Halloween (franchise) characters", Learn how and when to remove this template message, Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers, "9 Things You Might Not Know About Halloween 3: Season of the Witch", "Halloween III Season of the Witch (1982)", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_Halloween_(franchise)_characters&oldid=1140043105, Lists of horror film characters by franchise, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from August 2016, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Status: Alive (excluding original timeline) / Deceased (original timeline), Status: Alive (reboot timeline) / Deceased (original timeline), Portrayed by Brent Le Page (1978), Robert Longstreet (, Status: Alive (original timeline) / Deceased (excluding original timeline), Status: Alive (original timeline) / Deceased (reboot timeline), Status: Alive (excluding reboot timeline) / Deceased (reboot timeline), Status: Alive (excluding 2018 timeline) / Deceased (2018 timeline), This page was last edited on 18 February 2023, at 03:50. Laurie reveals her true identity to Will, however, when Michael comes to Hillcrest in search of his sister, Will is murdered in front of Laurie while attempting to protect her. WebBirth: 1987. When Kara was sixteen, she became pregnant and gave birth to her and Tommy`s son Danny and married Tommy Doyle and left her home. The same middle name is given in one of the additional scenes created for the network-TV airing of the original film, as one of the doctors at the Smith's Grove sanitarium reads to Loomis a judge's ruling that Michael be remanded to their custody. She was a victim of sororicide at the age of fifteen (10 days shy of sixteen). Halloween Series Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Kara pounded on the door as Michael got closer and Tommy got there just in time to let her in. On October 23, a man named Harry Grimbridge is murdered after being brought in to the hospital clutching a Halloween mask and his killer blows himself up in a car. In the climax of the film, the Man in Black, in his role as Michael's guardian, kills everyone at the Haddonfield police station with a machine gun and afterwards rescues Michael from the police station and eventually abducts Jamie who was also there. After Michael outright kills Mason, he pursues Cynthia further into the residence and locates a picture of Laurie in the family study. Cochran shows this to Dan in a demonstration, in which he kills a family. However, he emerges from the wreckage and continues to pursue them. Sheriff Brackett patrols the streets while Loomis waits and watches the house, expecting Michael to return there. Allyson distracts Sartain by claiming that Michael spoke to her earlier. When he sees Michael Myers across the street at the Wallace house, Tommy believes it is the bogeyman, but Laurie dismisses his suspicions. Michael leaves her bedroom and walks out the front door. It is during that time that Michael Myers attacks and tries to kill Marion, but is unsuccessful as she runs out into the rain. Character information Rachel insists that Jamie return to bed. As she looks at one of the parts of the killer's charred car, Teddy makes the startling realization that some of the parts she has been looking at weren't from the car but the killer. Annie Brackett first appears is in the original Halloween film. In Rob Zombie's Halloween from 2007, a new incarnation of the character would be introduced. In the end, Wynn turns out to have been secretly using Michael's DNA to create the curse of Thorn in its purest form that he believed manifested in his genes. She has a larger role in Rob Zombie's Halloween. He's always staring out of his window. His search leads him to the Smith's Grove Sanitarium, where he and Dr. Loomis uncover the supposed "Cult of Thorn". Tim and his girlfriend Beth planned a Halloween festival. After they have sex, Bob goes outside to his van to get more beer. Fifteen years later (1978), after escaping from the sanitarium, the adult Michael steals Judith's gravestone and places it behind Annie Brackett's corpse. Some say this information contradicts what Judith had told her boyfriend in the original film. She then notices the front door is open and walks into the living room asking if anyone is there. He also questioned Kara if she knew who used to live in Danny's bedroom. Mistaking Michael for the homeowner, Oscar apologizes for being on his property and bemoans his failure with Allyson. After Michael kills the Marshal and there is an explosion, Marion escorts Laurie to an ambulance. She gave birth to her son Danny and left her home. She gave birth to her son, Danny, and left her home. According to Tommy Lee Wallace on the film's Blu-ray audio commentary, Teddy was added to the film during re-shoots. In the film, while with Loomis, Brackett receives news of the death of his daughter, Annie. Once things got hard for his mother and himself, they had to move back in with his grandparents as they had no other option. Ted ignored the warning to stay indoors and was shot dead by Alan Gateway and his friends who mistook him for Michael Myers. However, the groundskeeper's story ends abruptly when Dr. Loomis interrupts him and reminds him that he needs to find Judith Myers' gravesite. On Halloween night, she is babysitting Lindsey Wallace near Laurie, and the two friends gossip over the telephone throughout the evening. Judith is only featured briefly in the opening scene. While at Mrs. Blankenship's house, Michael was inflicted with the Curse of Thorn, a violent curse, that forced the bearer to kill their family members. Portrayed by An oblivious Lynda teases him, only to become irritated and calls Laurie on the phone to see if she knows where Annie or Paul are. She tried to get out of the room until she heard a woman screaming and decided it was best not to make too much noise. In it, he is seen walking with Dr. Loomis towards his car. After school, Kara returned home to find that her mother wasn't home so she started to worry what happened to her as her mother always stayed home so that Danny wouldn't be left alone when he got home from school. After having sex with Lynda in the Wallace house, she asks him to go get her a beer and he does so. She left her home as quickly as she could so she could watch Danny as he left for school and to get ready to go to class as Haddonfield University. Last night I caught him watching me. After they got Steven to calm down, Tommy told her his theory that the Curse of Thorn was behind Michael's madness. When she arrives home, Laurie finds Annie on the bathroom floor, naked and severely wounded by Michael. Headhunter's Horror House Wiki Karen Bailey is employed as a nurse at Haddonfield Memorial Hospital. Nora Winston was the assistant to Freddie Harris. Kluggs and Kendall mock Michael, and upon putting on Michael's masks Michael lashes out at them. In the remake, Lynda, an ex-cheerleader, is a wild, foul-mouthed girl. Allyson's father Ray mentions Lonnie became a delinquent, having assaulted an officer and took drugs in the woods alongside Ray. Dr. Samuel Loomis is a psychiatrist, and his patient is Michael Myers. It's a me, Mario! When she does find out that she is being stalked by Michael Myers, she asks "Why me?!" Killed in H2 by Michael. Oct 10, 2018 'Halloween' Character Profile: Dr.Loomis. Along with Ellie, Dan traces the mask back to Silver Shamrock Novelties, a company based in the town of Santa Mira. When Kara was sixteen, she got pregnant. Name It goes on to mention that they continue to make payments on the house which hasn't been sold after the death of their eldest daughter. Farrands compares Tommy's arc in that film to Laurie Strode's in Halloween H20: that of a traumatized victim who must stop running and face their worst fear. As time went on, Kara found Mrs. Blankenship telling Danny the story of Halloween. On October 23, a man named Harry Grimbridge is brought into the hospital where Dan works, trembling with fear and clutching a jack-o'-lantern mask. In the original film, he does not appear. Deputy Gary Hunt works with Dr. Loomis after Sheriff Leigh Brackett goes off duty upon hearing the news of his daughter's death. She is the wife of Tommy Doyle . She and her husband Mason Strode are longtime inhabitants of Haddonfield and know much about the town's affairs. When Kara was sixteen, she became pregnant. She is the mother of Jamie Lloyd and John Tate, the latter one only in H20 and Resurrection. In the next installment, Ben Meeker returns but has less screen time than in the previous film, and once again attempts to help destroy Michael in order to protect Jamie Lloyd. WebLaurie Strode is a fictional character in the Halloween franchise by John Carpenter and Debra Hill. Halloween II and its later installments would portray Laurie as Michael Myers' and Judith Myers' younger sister. She hates John for hitting and insulting the family and saying it was "perfect" without her and Danny. Janet Marshall works as a nurse in Haddonfield Memorial Hospital. She is then kidnapped by the supposed Thorn cult who possibly planned to use her for their genetic experiments involving in-vitro fertilization, but is soon rescued by Tommy. Simms was originally intended to be portrayed by and modeled after Howard Stern, who declined in order to appear in his own film Private Parts.[5]. In Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers, it is revealed when Dr. Hoffman is typing a report on him, that his middle name is Audrey. Throughout the film, he searches for Michael and successfully finds him at the Doyle residence. It is revealed by Rachel that Laurie Strode - Jamie Lloyd's mother - babysat her when she was younger. In the Producer's Cut of the sixth film however, Dr. Wynn and his staff follow their cult aspect more closely and planned on making Jamie's baby Michael's final sacrifice during a ritual. Kara was confused on what Tommy was talking about so he took her and Danny to his room where he told them to stay there as he told her that Michael Myers was going to come to her house later that night. Edith Myers is the name of Michael Myers and Judith Myers' mother according to the Halloween novelization from 1979 by Curtis Richards (a pseudonym used by author Richard Curtis). Dan eventually escapes captivity in Cochran's factory and rescues someone he believes to be Ellie. He oversees Michael's transfer back to Smith's Grove Sanitarium and the following day has a heated discussion with Dr. Loomis. She told her son to run away once Michael came into the room and as she was exiting her home, she found the body of her mother and hide near the stairway and attacked Michael, temporary knocking him out. Kara is the one who discovers Dr. Wynn's evil cult-based experiments to clone Michael after rescuing the captive children in the hospital, making her instrumental in Danny's survival as well as her own. WebJamie Lloyd Carruthers was the orphaned daughter of the late 26-year-old, Laurie Lloyd (ne Strode) and her unnamed husband, Mr. Lloyd, as well as the mother/cousin of Steven Lloyd, a product of incestuous rape from her uncle, Michael Myers. She runs back to the Doyle house, screaming at Tommy to wake up and unlock the door, and he does so. While in Santa Mira, Ellie mysteriously disappears and Dan is captured by Conal Cochran's android henchmen. He is the nephew of Michael Myers and Judith Myers. Stop it! Rachel is older than Jamie by nine years and becomes a surrogate sister to her. Danny's grandfather John is abusive towards him and his mother, referring to Danny as a "bastard". Loomis takes the mask off Wynn, and a dying Wynn grabs Loomis' arm, telling him, "It's your game now, Dr. Big J Strode. Richard Carruthers is the foster father of Jamie Lloyd and biological father of Rachel Carruthers. Nov 14, 2018. In the film, she appears as an apparition with a white horse, and is only seen through Laurie and Michael's visions. WebKara Strode is the daughter of John Strode and Debra Strode and sister of Tim Strode. WebKara Strode is the only daughter of John Strode and Debra Strode and sister of Tim Strode. This suggests that Judith might have been babysitting Michael. WebKara Strode is a fictional character featured in the Halloween film series. Aaron and Dana then go to interview Laurie, only managing to get the interview by bribing Laurie. In the Producer's Cut of Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers it is shown that Wynn had impregnated Jamie with Michael's DNA, and that Stephen is both Michael's biological son and great-nephew. She eventually heard Tommy's voice and told him which room she was in so he could free her. His intent was for Tommy to be the successor to Dr. Loomis, to act as a "voice of sanitya kind of modern Van Helsing, the fearless Michael hunter! The voice belonged to Terence Wynn who told his men to be careful with her as they drugged Loomis and Tommy. There, Annie is kissing Paul while stopping his attempts to pull her sweater off, until she agrees and leaves herself topless. .