I first got my start in the instructing field back in the Military a number of years ago where I was a member of a Marine Corps Recon unit. what the program includes Pilot Kit / Orientation Ground Class 35-45 Training Days Prerequisites Accelerated Instrument Training - Mooneyspace.com ELITE has had a presence in the flight simulation industry since 1987, witha wide variety of trainers that can be found around the world. https://ifr6.com/testimonials/s-hamilton/, Total student focus. Explores risk management in medieval and early modern Europe, Complete the Computer-Based Instruction course. Home - Texas Flight - Flight Training in Houston, Texas Were seeing a number of positive indications that our clients are turning more to the latest Avionics and increasingly insist upon actual training without the use of simulators. A $1,000.00 deposit confirms your position on the schedule. (702) 504-6376, 2642 Airport Dr. suite 101North Las Vegas, NV, Mon - Fri, 7am - 7pmSaturday, 7am - 7pmSunday, 7am - 7pm, Hello, My name is Jamie Clabaugh and I am based out of the North Las Vegas airport (KVGT). Read what friends and clientele have to say about their experience with us. Instrument Rating | First Landings Aviation As part of the training, youll have the benefit of getting mountain flying experience, and learn real-world instrument flying while flying cross country in the western US. You are trained not only to pass the PTS requirements but also to be a proficient Instrument Pilot. And since you are training full-time, you wont waste time re-learning what youve forgotten since the last lesson. 306 for more information! Margin for error in actual IFR conditions means that you must have a sound foundation of knowledge, practice and skill. During your ten days of training, you can expect to fly an average of just 27 hours, compared to the national average of 65 hours. I plan on instructing here for many years to come and absolutely love what I do! Payments are not refundable but can be used for rescheduling within 6 months. More Info. Texas offers career-focused accelerated training to become a commercial pilot, one of the . Maybe your instructors schedule conflicts with yours or his lack of experience is making the training inefficient. You learn faster and retain more of what you learn. It repays the time you invest with the security that you really know what youre doing. . Top notch. Get Your Instrument Rating in 14 days, or finish-up your partially complete instrument training in 7 or 10 days. $3,500. Since there are no gaps in the training there is no time wasted trying to figure out what did we do last time?. And in just ten days. You can be filing IFR next month not next year! I have been an instructor here in the southwest US for many years now. Our team of 49 educated and highly experienced Senior Flight Instructors and technical specialists are recognized for excellence in service by local, national and international business communities with thousands of happy clients located across the United States and around the world. We offer 4 levels of pilot training that include everything from Private Pilot to Multi-Engine Instructor. Use the Contact Us page or call us at 1-800-435-9437 (1-800-I-FLY-IFR). If you're a Private Pilot looking to become a safer more proficent pilot then earning your instrument rating is the next step. A PIC representative will contact you with further information. We are known as the Finish-Up Experts and we can customize a program just for you. If you complete your course in less days than quoted, you are not charged for days not utilized. 2023 Alpine Flight School. Evidence of citizenship: US passport or birth certificate with government issued picture id. Enhance your flight training with our library of engaging online courses and videos that can be accessed on your schedule. EMS, or cargo, Blue Line's accelerated courses are designed to take you from zero hours to starting your new career in as . We will come to your location (outside of Austin, TX) for an additional $1,000 plus travel and lodging expenses for your instructor if applicable. Use the form below to create a battle plan with our team. (Your specific needs). Not only did I get my instrument ticket in just a few days, his laid-back manner style put me at ease, and his extensive knowledge of aircrafts and flying make me a much safer pilot. As far as we are aware, we are the only reputable flight training organization that truly guarantees their courses. We arrange a meeting with the examiner within the first few days of training, then, if possible, schedule the oral for the evening of the 9th day and then the check ride late morning on the tenth day after a practice check ride with the instructor to ensure the training is fresh in your mind and you are well prepared for the check ride. Before our instructor leaves you, there will be no doubt in his mind you will be able to handle any situation that comes your way in the air. Accelerated Flight Training-Private, commercial, instrument, CFI I was tired of the 2 hour sessions that include 30 minutes of prep and run up.2 days in the plane with Jamie, and the end goal was in sight! 14 Day Accelerated Instrument Course - Bluegoose Aviation If you complete your course in less than 10 days, you are not charged for days not utilized. I learned to fly after I completed my enlistment where I became a commercial pilot/ flight instructor and have loved my job ever since. You really have a professional operation going there. Our aviation training ideology is based on the same fundamentals utilized by our chief pilot/instructor, Jamie Clabaugh, where he honed his training abilities while serving in the Marine Corps special operations unit (recon) as well as from the thousands of hours he has spent in the air throughout his aviation career. Give us a call or fill out our contact form and well help you decide which program is right for you. $3,500 + $170/hr. We can accommodate all levels of flying experience. Not only do we want to assist you in your IFR goals, but we also want you to be a confident IFR pilot. . Fastglas, Jan 31, 2015. Accelerated-IFR - Flight School in Tucson Career Pilot Program | Become a Professional Pilot | Blue Line Aviation Your training can be scheduled for 10 consecutive days or in a series of separate full-day sessions. Most pilots will finish-up in 3 to 7 days. AeroGuard Flight Training Center - Austin, TX - Texas - 78628 Do you own a plane? Step 2: Complete ground school. I'm going back to him for commercial training, and I'd be happy to share my experience with anyone privately. Train with us in Georgetown, Texas (KGTU), just north of Austin, Texas. Lone Star - Instrument Flight Training In addition to the training sessions, youll also have unlimited use of it for practice during the course. Open in Google Maps View Start Date Calendar. The Program is carefully structured so you learn efficiently and can apply it to your own flying. Each client is interviewed before training to customize the course to his or her needs. When I got back home, I had to shoot the GPS approach that has a DH of 480 luckily as I was getting ready to hit the GA button, the runway magically appeared in front of me at 500. IFR6 Flight Training - Your Instrument Ticket in 6 Days A cost effective and time efficient solution, our accelerated training builds stamina and retention in a very short amount of time. Six branches. If you have been putting this off or dragging it out give these guys a call. Youve really built a super tight ship, and assembled an incredible team of people. Portable simulators can be useful for practice, but not for actual Instrument. Premature engine rebuild due to poor engine techniques- $25,000 to $50,000. Accelerated Pilot Training : Sporty's Academy CRAFT IFR Training | 7 Day Accelerated Course | Charleston SC 5 Day Initial Flight Instructor (CFI) Course, 5 Day Instrument Flight Instructor (CFII) Course, Two Week CFI & CFII Certified Flight Instructor Course, Training Materials Plus 36 Hours Instrument Ground Instruction, Call for pricing- (in our plane) CirrusSR22 G3 Perspective/ GPS WAAS or Cirrus SR22 Avidyne / GPSGarmin 430 WAAS or CE-172RG / GPS Garmin 430 WAASor PA-28-151 Piper Warrior with GPS Garmin 430 WAAS, Note: Course, pricing, flight and ground instruction can be customized to individual needs, Note: Courtesy vehicle transportation available, Note: Train at our location or we can train at your location anywhere in the US, Current US Passport, or Birth Certificate & Government Issued ID, Basic Med or FAA third class medical or better, VFR currency to the Private Pilot Practical Test Standards, Advanced aircraft & avionics systems training, Weather planning for the general aviation pilot, Proper power settings and airspeed control, Advanced instrument approaches - GPS, L-NAV, L-NAV+V, LPV - WAAS. I have flown and instructed in many different types of aircraft from small Cessnas to large corporate jets such as the Gulfstream IV but I absolutely love the light singles best of all! Get the adventure rolling We're here to help you make it happen! Or go to the Contact Us page. A.F.I.T. Accelerated Flight & Instrument Training Family owned and operated in Texas since 2008. AFIT Accelerated Flight & Instrument Training is the leading provider of Accelerated Flight Training Programs and professional consulting services to the General Aviation Industry, aircraft manufacturers, private companies, law firms, corporations, Doctors, athletes and government agencies. At the conclusion of the course youll take a simulated flight test from your PIC instructor, then the actual flight test from a local designated examiner. We are a true dedicated accelerated flight training facility, not just a referral service or a school that dabbles in occasional accelerated activities. The 10th day includes the instrument ratingcourse practical test with an FAA Designated Pilot Examiner. Your airplane, your schedule, and your ticket. Our specialized training center offers a different approach to learning than you would receive at any other flight school, one that focuses on safety, technique and a thorough understanding of the technology utilized in general aviation today. Valid medical certificate. Something else on the accelerated courses is to be ready for the "drink from the fire hose" level of activity. American Flyers Airline and Flight Training School Plane & Pilot Magazine AFITs accelerated Commercial Pilot program adds finesse, control and the ability to get paid! Our Instrument rating course and flight training focuses on single pilot operations and scenario based training with opportunities to experience, in training, real IFR flying from the very beginning., Train the way you Fly - Fly the way you train. We understand the cost of flying keeps increasing, however, savings realized using a portable simulator simply cannot compete with actual flying time under ATC control. Copyright 2023 IFR6 Flight Training Designed & Developed by The Ghost Runner. You will learn easily and thoroughly with the PIC Program. Mountain Training in YOUR Aircraft Pilots must have a minimum of 10 hours of instrument time logged before starting the course. St. George, Utah: Piper Archer & Cessna 172XP And in the process, youll become a more accurate and more proficientand thus saferpilot, even when the weather is VFR. AeroGuard Flight Training Center. Please ensure all required documents reflect your full legal name exactly the same on each. Some AFIT Accelerated Flight & Instrument Training students start their training elsewhere, but never finish. Need a six seater? The success of our students relies on a sophisticated and advanced simulator from Redbird. Portable simulators can be useful for practice, but not for actual Instrument. Plus, you will learn more easily because a simulator isnt noisy, you can repeat a procedure quickly, and you can stop the lesson to ask a question. If time is of the essence, our accelerated flight training programs are just what you need. Private Pilot - $395. Each day is concluded with a comprehensive practice test followed by an explanation of the correct answers. Lots of IFR too. We are the "get it done people" when it comes to Learning to Fly and finishing up your training!!! Tell Them IFR Flight Training School Sent You". Earning the Instrument Rating, 17 days, We Come To You, Your Location or Ours, 14 days, We Come To You, Your Location or Ours, 6 days, We Come To You, Your Location or Ours, 2-3 days, We Come to You. Flight Training - Cirrus Aircraft Our instructors are highly experienced IFR veterans with average flight time of 10,000 hours each and 5000 hours of dual given. Instrument finish-up is generally done in 7-10 days but can be stretched out if the student desires. Program costs are $750.00 per day, plus rental aircraft, (if you do not own your own aircraft.). SunState started with only one airplane and about 500 sq. Now a Commander Aircraft 5th seatbelt and shoulder harness is availablefor Commander 112, 114, 115 aircraft. We also teachCurrency Courses and other special courses. Accelerated Training Features: Imagine the difference in the quality and efficiency of the training you will receive with this kind of top-notch instructor. The instructor will travel to your location. It was a good feeling filing and flying home 17K IFR. Alpine Flight Training The course is an organized combination of ground school, simulator work, and flight training in your airplane. Our PIC instructors average 14 graduates yearly. What if you want a slower pace? You can become a proficient and confident instrument pilot in just 10 days because PIC is the expert when it comes to accelerated instrument training. ft. of rented space; now, fast forward to almost twenty years later & SunState has . Any recommendations on who to go through for accelerated instrument training. Client provides a place for our instructor to stay (client makes reservation at a clean and safe hotel they are familiar with) Client provides local ground transportation for our instructor, extra car in family or rental car. FAA Written Test Certificate properly stamped with a grade of 80% or higher if possible. Glass Analog Daytime Phone: 3-Day Instrument Rating (IFR) Refresher Course by GATTS Expand Your Flying Horizons. It was a really good program. pedals. All training. Premiere Flight School & Accelerated Career Pilot Training Recognized in 2019 as an AOPA Distinguished Flight School, Flex Air continues to . click here to view schools & businesses for IFR Training In Texas. I have flown the big jets from time to time but my heart is in the small singles where I do all of my training. For information on the listed courses above please contact dispatch at 832-717-0766. Youll get individualized training for your training investment while you gain real confidence working the IFR system with typical GA routes. Call PIC now, 1-800-435-9437 (1-800-I-FLY-IFR) or use the Contact Us page. Minimum of 25 hours of Cross Country Pilot in Command logged, (an additional 25 hours is obtained during training) total 50 hours at time of check ride. You will be a Safe, Proficient and Confident IFR Pilot. Poor maintenance- Countless thousands. Professional pilots, military and civilian, train on a full time basis. The open sky awaits! . If you assume 40 flight hours and say 30 hours ground, that is no more than 2.3 hours per day, with 1.3 hours in the air. According to the FAA, sport pilots are not required to meet the 1500 hour requirement . With the IFR6 Curriculum, this simulator is an essential training tool. Accelerated Instrument Rating Training, Fast Track IFR, 7-day, 10-day