Your First Duty Station (What To Expect) | Joining The Army (2022) Ben Allen 492K subscribers Subscribe 60K views 4 years ago So you're headed to your first Duty Station! September 10, 2022 by admin. Your first duty station 58,934 views Oct 25, 2018 1.5K Dislike Share Save Christopher Chaos 101K subscribers Are you curious as to when you find out about your first duty station in. You are going to make mistakes, thats a given. What worked for you 10 years ago, may not work now. In this video ill breakdown from when you find out what your first duty station will be to actually showing up to that very first unit. . This article is about how to not be one of those people. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. They all say hi. Those with orders for a remote tour can apply for their next assignment before they even depart to the remote tour. How long are you at your first duty station in the Navy? How many Navy ratings are there? At unit level, a new service member is expected to perform and prove themselves before they are accepted and liked. During a PPM, you coordinate the move of your household goods yourself without using any military moving services. You have some restrictions and curfews, but you have . Admittedly, it was out of frustration with the Army. The location of an employees official duty station may affect other benefits, including travel, transportation, and relocation benefits and overseas allowances and benefits. First-term (those in their first enlistment) enlisted members assigned to a continental (CONUS) U.S. location must have 12 months time-on-station before being eligible to move to an overseas location and must have 24 months time-on-station before being allowed to move to another continental U.S. location. In this article we break down what you need to know about PCS. That whole place was a orgy fest . This could be a ship, a submarine, an aircraft carrier, a shore station, or even a headquarters location. Each branch has a variety of billets they must fill, so keep in mind you wont necessarily get your first choice. Due to a units operational security or mission, the Service Member may not be allowed to talk all the time or have their device on them. There are many reasons to begin your career in the Air Force, but the process has many recruits wondering what happens after Air Force basic training. I really thought at first that this was a reference to the 82nd guys who stole the tiger statue during their JRTC rotation. The length of time one spends on an overseas tour depends on the location. DOD Safe Helpline - Sexual Assault Support, Domestic Abuse Victim Advocate Locator - Family Advocacy Program, Wounded, Ill or Injured, & Their Caregivers, Expanded Access at Commissaries, Exchanges and Recreation Facilities, Cliques, Phonies & Other Baloney Childrens Book, Spouse Education and Career Opportunities, Personal Property Customer Service Contacts, explore your base and beyond with MilitaryINSTALLATIONS, Emergency Contacts for Disasters & Evacuations, CONUS: Inside the continental United States. Yet they all had one thing in common. The Army understands that having the option to stay closer to home and loved ones is a big deal, and its taking steps to make the decision easier on applicants, said Brig. You are now able to pick where you want your first duty station to be in the US Army! In some areas, internet, cable, Homeowners Association Fees, trash pickup, and any taxes may add up to a couple of hundred dollars on top of your base housing payment. The whole command team was relieved, CDR 1SG, PSG, SL anybody in a leadership position. If youre getting ready to pick your dream list for your very first duty station, you may be a little unsure of what locations to choose for your top choices. FORT KNOX, Kentucky -. You know how life gets away from you, especially with shift work -- those 12 hour blocks seem to make the weeks disappear even faster, and I'm not sure why that is. Anyway, enough of my excuses. First of all, there is a cap based on rank, dependents, and the average rental cost for the area. Your BAH is here to help! Now the day has arrived, and you are reporting to your first unit. Knowing how to use the AKO is a useful way to receive commands in the military. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. Perform duty station searches by using any combination of the search parameters listed below. At your first duty station, you'll have more responsibility and more freedom than you did during training. Moving can be a challenge, and in times of global uncertainty it is more important than ever to know the best ways to organize the logistics of your move and act fast once you get your orders. In general, this is done based on the military member's last overseas return date. However, the unit will teach you how to conduct yourself as a Service member and as a professional in your respected branch. The first place you will probably live as a service member is in the barracks. Here are 3 things you should know about your first duty station. You may still feel new to the military, but you should be filled with the pride of finally being able to practice your military profession. As a service or family member, you probably expect a permanent change of station to be part of your military life. The military will try to assign spouses together, but there are no guarantees. If the problem is not one that can be resolved within one year, ahardship dischargewill be considered, rather than a hardship assignment. I was often reminded that I was not infantry until I arrived and performed at my unit. First, your duty is to fill oil inside oil tanker and transport your oil tanker truck to different destinations with your truck driving skills. First person in AIT to get their PCS Rep's number in the system. The military will pay to move your personal property from your home location to your first permanent duty station, or, you can rent a truck, move it yourself. Yet talking to a girl that looked Chinese, but with a heavy Russian accent, in a yurt in the mountains that looked like Colorado is something I will remember until the day that I die. Churches, mosques and synagogues are community hubs. Your family's housing needs are today may not be the same as they were before, or will be in the future. Get 10% off your purchase using promo code: PGPL43 when you design your own coin here this video, I talk about what you can expect when going to you're first army duty station.Talk to me on discord: ON THE FREAKIN A-TRAIN: Subscribers - February 8, 20201000 subscribers - March 31, 20205000 subscribers - September 5 2020!10k subscribers - Subscribe and find out!Follow and Talk to me on Instagram: inquires: Hoshkoshllc@gmail.comHelpful Gear:Gerber: pack: Watch: Recording Equipment________________________________________Ring Light - - A6400- A5000 - 11- Hero 8 - Hero session - #Armychallengecoins #customchallengecoins Unlike temporary duty assignments, permanent change of station orders are a longer-term assignment, generally two to four years. At one point in American social life, even nonbelievers went to church to simply connect with others in their community. As you move from basic training to initial, job-specific training, youll also move from open bays and communal bathrooms to rooms shared with one or two other service members and a shared, suite-style bathroom. One day in upstate New York, a friend and I came upon a frozen lake on a random drive designed to get us away from Fort Drum. The keys to success at a unit is work hard, be a team player and do not quit. So that was my introduction to my unit. I figured I could high-five whoever and some salty SSG just left me hanging. And the Barracks AC is on full blast. But it is 2020, everyone. The period of time is usually over 31 days, but generally less than 20 weeks. When you get married or when you reach a rank where you are allowed to live outside of the barracks youll have other housing options. This place the Navy sends you is called a duty station. He drives me back to base without saying a word to me on the way there and drops me off at the barracks. Look at the homeowners association or the local rules regarding what is allowed on the property. A great experience at your first duty sta While it may not cover the entirety of your rent or mortgage, BAH is in place to offset 95% of your rental costs. They summoned you some free leave. Military OneSource is available 24/7 anywhere in the world with expert moving consultants and online tools and resources to help you get organized and settled. Photo credits: Barracks (U.S. Air Force photo/ Airman Anthony Jennings), Military Housing (U.S. Air Force file photo/Released), Overseas Military Housing (U.S. Air Force photo/Airman 1st Class Chad Warren). The Duty Station Locator System is intended to facilitate the Federal civilian personnel community's ability to locate duty station names and codes for use in processing personnel actions and reporting workforce information to OPM. They call it Pinterest. If you have questions about Veteran programs offered through or by the Dept. Articles may contain affiliate links which enable us to share in the revenue of any purchases made. 3 What is the biggest Navy base in the world? They pay you for direct travel from your old duty assignment to your next duty assignment. There was a place she found in the Green River Gorge in Washington and an adobe we stayed at outside of Fort Huachuca. Moving into government housing is one of the easiest moves to make. Max Hauptman The government must then pay again to relocate the dependents from where they are living to the newassignment when the member returns from the remote tour. I've seen it happen anyways. Why is my current station not listed as sea duty? On a remote tour one cannot bring their family at government expense, and the tour-length is 12 months. #1 Naval Base San Diego, California As a result, its not shocking that Naval Base San Diego is by far the most sought after station for duty in the U.S. Navy. After all my paperwork is done, I'm heading to the barracks to get assigned a bed. I like to get rid of the mental stress accrued throughout the day by putting my body . You can use your earned time to take leave prior to reporting to your first duty station. Garrison Commanders frequently require families to live in government housing which may be outside the installations gates. Even today, after 21 years of military service, I still can remember the moment that I walked into my first unit. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. Well, turns out that was a fucking fib. Answer (1 of 2): Imagine going from basic training directly to on the job training (OJT) at your first USAF base. They may vary significantly from the family living next door to you. Almost everything stems from that future address. Neither The Military Wallet nor Three Creeks Media are associated with or endorsed by the U.S. As a young PFC, my first day after in processing, was a complete shitshow. Make your best friend - Use to do everything from learning about moving entitlements to contacting customer service about move issues. Myth#1: Everyone Will Immediately Like You Answer: FALSE. Departments of Defense or Veterans Affairs. The change gives new soldiers the option of living as close to or far away from their hometowns as possible. I had never even heard of the place. It is focused on issues that affect military families, veterans, retirees, and those who may be considering a career in the Armed Forces. But do you know enough about all of your options to make the best decision? . The following weeks were a complete nightmare. 811. When is assigned to a 12-month remote tour, military members can move their dependents anywhere they want to live in theUnited States, at government expense, while the member is away. Availability, cost, and personal finances may also play into your decision as well. Knowing which service best fits your goals and personality will ensure you make the best choice for your personal situation; however, it can also lead to some conflicts. More Troops to Receive a Temporary 2022 BAH Increase, Managing Investment Property While Serving in the Military. All Rights Reserved. I flew into Fayetteville from Syracuse, and was a dumb private who didn't save any money from basic training snd blew it all on underage drinking and fully nude titty bars because that's allowed in Syracuse. For standard overseas tours, one can generally increase his or her chances of being selected by volunteering for the extended tour length. Known for its mechanical strength and ability to withstand pressure, this type of epoxy flooring is often used in places that see a lot of truck traffic and other heavy duty motors like forklifts - it's essentially suitable in industrial buildings. . The S1, retention NCO, branch manager, and Installation Levy Section are the access points to the AKO. For those outside the United States, call your local emergency number. Another type of overseas assignment, like most assignments to Korea, is considered remote. It is an ancient port city called Ostia Antica. Next morning he texts me to come to BN HQ to sign in and meet the S4 staff I'll be working with (even though I'm not on duty). Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Arrived with my ID card, my clothes, and that was it. Research the schools if you have school-aged children, and make sure that you look at commute times and routes. The content offered on The Military Wallet is for general informational purposes only and may not be relevant to any consumers specific situation, this content should not be construed as legal or financial advice. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. At the unit, regardless of branch, you have will unit members who have various levels of experience. Save big with our most popular military and veteran discounts on travel, retail, cell phones, and more! Being an active duty sailor means that the US Navy is your job- your day job, your night job, your real job. However, the most incredible place she ever unearthed was just outside of Rome. If an employee is reassigned (temporarily or permanently) to a new work location and receives relocation benefits for moving to the new work location under the General Services Administrations federal travel regulations, the agency must change the employees official duty station to the new work location. Learn more about, Your military sponsor is someone from your unit who is assigned to assist you throughout your PCS. Part of me was worried it was a trap, but I had no other choice. We were ushered into tops office and he told us there was a lot going on in the unit right now and he was giving us 28 days of leave starting immediately. I remember changing little old ladies light bulbs, teaching a girl how to drive a stick in my jeep and being invited over for Thanksgiving dinner by a family that would become like my own. First-term (those in their first enlistment) enlisted members assigned to a continental (CONUS) U.S.location must have 12 months time-on-station before being eligible to move to an overseas location and must have 24 months time-on-station before being allowed to move to another continental U.S. location. I go there, sign in, and go upstairs to meet my NCO, my peers, and my CO in the S4. Air Force recruiting is in the toilet and senior leaders are sounding the alarm. Its also offered more opportunities for the one thing all soldiers can enjoy cash to spend, interest rates on Dodge Challengers be damned. The VA Home Loan is one of the only home loans available today with no down payment required. It has been a while since I have blogged, and I apologize for that! Branch-specific guidance varies from year to year, but the rule of thumb is 12-18 months in one command and up to 24 months in two commands. They are also available for single service members living overseas or on a dependent-restricted tour. I text him and he says he's on staff duty and can't leave. What your PCS orders include Unlike temporary duty assignments, permanent change of station orders are a longer-term assignment, generally two to four years. My wife Cait has found many places on Pinterest that make up the substrate of many of our memories together. From mountain climbing to whitewater rafting, youll find some of the best outdoor adventures here. You made it through boot camp, various training courses, and graduated from your MOS school. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. of Veterans Affairs, the Dept. My rep lets me stumble through a shitty explanation before saying I'd arrived late last night and wasn't on orders to report till the next day. I drove in to JBLM after driving for 5 days across the country. If approved, the member must then re-enlist to accept the assignment. This article covers more about the pros and cons of living off base. More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at,, TRICARE, FEDVIP Dental & Vision Rates 2023, Military Families Guide to Back-to-School, DoD Priority Placement Program for Spouses, Financial Planning For Your Next Deployment, 11 Free Video Conference Services to Stay In Touch, Myths and Tips for the Military Male Spouse, Financial Tips For Enlisted Service Members, Financial Steps to Take Early In Your Military Career, Military Base Guide: Los Angeles AFB, California, Troops Discharged for Refusing Vaccine May Be Allowed to Rejoin, What You Should Know About the VA Loan Funding Fee, Transition Employment Assistance For MIlitary Spouses and Caregivers, Protect Your Benefits: PACT Act Scam Warning, Programs, Certificates, and College Credit for Military Kids, VA Loan Funding Fee Exemptions For Disabled Veterans, COLA to Increase 5.9% for Retirees, Disabled Veterans in 2022, Military & Veterans Save with Military Discount Flights, Lowes Military Discount for Military and Veterans, Military Discounts on Golfing & Golf Gear, Waves of Honor: Discounted Admission for Military & Veterans, Are veterans missing out on VA education benefit money for high-technology career fields? An employees official duty station is the duty station that is documented on the most recent notification of personnel action (for example, on a Standard Form 50) for his or her position of record. The Army now offers new active duty recruits the ability to select their first duty station, giving many the option to go as far away from or stay as close to home as they want. Get jumping and climbing up close to the action - these are the best platforming games in the first-person perspective. First duty station selection is made (in either basic training or technical school/AIT/A-School), based upon your preferences, and the needs of the service. Her days consist of CrossFit workouts, audiobooks, and pretending to cook while her Instant Pot does all the work. Japan was it for me. These are just the foundation of the things that made a difference to me when I was a young Soldier. Oil tanker transporter truck game on off-road mode is trying to transport fuel from one oil station to the other gas station in off-road environment. One of the positives being there is more information available online for these houses and neighborhoods. Drum, NY. The technical storage or access is required to create user profiles to send advertising, or to track the user on a website or across several websites for similar marketing purposes. Military housing options are about as diverse as those who serve in the military, but it all comes down to availability and desirability. This is a military requirement and there are standards to uphold. How do you write a good story in Smash Bros screening? In the middle of a lake was a shed. Much like arriving at your first duty station, you may find yourself immediately stepping into a KD position or waiting on higher staff before being assigned to this type of position. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. This means that you are responsible for all the planning and communications that a military-coordinated move usually handles. Learning where all the facilities are on the base from the PX, Commissary, Base Hospital, where morning "sick call" is held, where all the AAFES gas stations are, and where the base gyms are only a few of the things to know. Couldn't transfer me to another post as it was a enlistment guarantee. Once I made Specialist (pay grade of E4), only then I was started to be liked by other members of my unit. You guessed it, Japan. Sign up to receive more, Panel Backs Bill to Make Censorship a Firing Offense for Federal Employees, Report Raises Concerns about Security of VA Facilities, OMB: Its Time to Take TikTok Off Agency Devices. The bottom line is the military will take you all over the world and put you in situations that no one from your hometown would ever believe. Men in combat. Joint spouse assignments are obviously much easier to accommodate if both spouses are in the same branch of the military. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. If you're trying to join active duty specifically to stay close to your current location, you might want to reconsider joining at all. When the weekend hit, I always wanted to be as far away from being a Soldier as possible. The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network. This includes shipment of personal property. Fucking dope. This column does not concentrate on troop movements, new weapons systems, or other readiness. Before a military member re-enlists, he can apply to move to a base of his choice. This was in 1982 and the next four years in the 309th were definitely an experience.