Under this structure, incentive awards would be made available to MCOs (that have participated meaningfully in HEROs) providers and organizations in qualifying VBP contracts approved by DOH. To report incidents of domestic or child abuse to Echelon 2 commands, what means should you use? MCOs would be required to engage in VBP contracts with an appropriately constructed network of providers for the population-specific VBP arrangement. Maximum authorized sideburn length is defined by what point relative to the ear? When obtaining a temporary TOP SECRET clearance, which of the following is NOT a requirement? Identified Substance Abuse, State of New York Department of Correctional Services (Dec. 2007). Assessing and identify local needs and health inequities by population, and service gaps; Establishing regional priorities based on local needs and specific populations; Ensuring racial, ethnic and gender concordance between patients and providers, so that providers resemble the patient population in order to facilitate patients desire to seek care; Developing other ways to address racial barriers that impact access to care; Ensuring that implicit bias training and awareness, as well as trauma-informed care is part of workforce training; Centralized data collection and exchange among a variety of sources, including national, State, local and proprietary (e.g., criminal justice, foster care, census data, etc. endstream
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Complete the Third Party Designee section only if you want to authorize the named individual to receive the entity's EIN and answer questions about the completion of Form SS-4. Injuries, disease, aging, high sodium diets, low muscle mass, and a variety of other factors may cause the ECW/TBW to increase (. Black 9 inch tall steel toed leather boots. From sports nutrition dosing to complex dietary interventions in clinical populations, InBody data can help guide nutrition prescription to improve performance enhancement and patient outcomes. As the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is aware, the COVID-19 crisis hit New York first and hardest. Ensuring that proper measures are taken to keep machinery spaces, and equipment operational, clean, and in a satisfactory sate of preservation is accomplished by which of the following types inspections conducted by a command representative? Similarly, for VBP arrangements involving people with I/DD, attribution may occur based on the individuals Care Coordination Organization (CCO). They also found LOFAT may be more related to food scarcity than better dietary habits. 22. CMS Location must authorize the State Survey Agency to conduct a substantial allegation validation survey and will specify the CfCs to be assessed. Personnel may work on live electrical circuits or equipment under which of the following conditions? H\@}&uoA\tcb\S'Gz`nhr>T~>utxnlY},O)^?iMs8=]~
xnvM}%|e!b$x:UwYH+?k{{\vxHo)+"2"W[-y =K@Y90d. For example, behavioral health IPAs and/or other behavioral health provider networks would be included along with primary care providers for VBP arrangements targeting the SMI, SUD, and dually diagnosed populations. Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA). The COVID-19 pandemic devastated many vulnerable populations of Medicaid recipients, with a particularly detrimental impact to populations with historical health disparities, including persons living in poverty, Black and Latino/Latinx and other underserved communities of color, older adult populations, criminal justice-involved populations, high-risk mothers and children, persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD), persons living with severe mental illnesses, persons with substance use disorders, and persons experiencing homelessness. He hopes to have sufficient backing from other investors in 6 months. Contact us with questions about "preauthorization" or "notification," and find out if the services you need are covered in your . Background and Context: Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic, Relationship with Larger 1115 Waiver and DSRIP, Initiatives & Investments Proposed by Waiver Goals, Goal #1: Building a more resilient, flexible and integrated delivery system that reduces racial disparities, promotes health equity, and supports the delivery of social care, Goal #2: Developing Supportive Housing and Alternatives to Institutions for the Long-Term Care Population, Goal #3: Redesign and Strengthen Health and Behavioral Health System Capabilities to Provide Optimal Response to Future Pandemics & Natural Disasters, Goal #4: Creating Statewide Digital Health and Telehealth Infrastructure, Budget Neutrality and Sources of Financing, DefinitionsA widely used definition of health equity is the one developed and used by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF): Health equity means that everyone has a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible. Try it now. None of the $700 insurance expense had expired during the year. Pilots and/or reimbursement models for digital therapeutics, diagnostics, screenings (including, where appropriate, genetic testing), and other innovative products that can deliver effective interventions directly with a reduced need for clinical staff. Personnel may work on live electrical circuits or equipment under which of the following conditions? Board members should the applicant's handwritten statement in order to assess writing ability: With the proper tools, these specialists can help clients develop specific, measurable, action-orientated, time sensitive, attainable goals. Critically, this type of CBO network development began to catalyze as a logical outgrowth of DSRIP, with several Performing Provider Systems (PPS) or providers within a PPS, electing to form network entities that are capable of participating meaningfully in VBP arrangements. Signature of Authorized Representative After completing the sections mentioned above, the owner or an authorized representative of the legal entity must sign their full legal entity name and date the form verifying having read the certification principles and agrees to implement and comply with each of the HCS certification principles. The production facility will not produce a profit for one year, and then it is expected to earn a 13 percent return on the investment. Direct analysis involves dissolving a . How often shall PT sessions be conducted per week? The protection of their personnel and assets from the terrorist attacks is the ultimate responsibility of what member of the chain of command? Aboard Navy installations, motor vehicle passengers are required to always wear which of the following items? For female personnel in uniform, what is the maximum allowable length of hair? From sports nutrition dosing to complex dietary interventions in clinical populations, InBody data can help guide nutrition prescription to improve performance enhancement and patient outcomes. The assessment of body composition involves using the most appropriate, and accessible, method possible to 'estimate' a person's body composition (an actual assessment of body composition would be by cadaver analysis). 8 qC~sT~407X0pt4@%YHXAn[n,Rg2=c4Ay7iF ^ 6uN q/Ox~ @
Which of the following is NOT an indicator of potential violence by a work place employee? evaluated body fat differences of inner-city Kidney Transplant Recipients in two groups (HIFAT- higher body fat and LOFAT- lower body fat) in a 2022 study. v4]kLSE V(9V)`V#'6}%l. Suggested initial maximum for required PT is ____ sessions per week, ____ minutes duration; members who exceed this maximum are at risk of injury. New York State (NYS or the State) requests $17 billion over five (5) years to fund a new 1115 Waiver Demonstration that addresses the inextricably linked health disparities and systemic health care delivery issues that have been both highlighted and intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic. Which of the following circumstances is NOT an example of a relationship that is contrary to good order and discipline? For work on a Navy installation, NAVOSH directives authorize joining what maximum number of 25-foot extension cords? Which of the following statements describes the umbrella component? Leasing versus Borrowing [LO2] What are the key differences between leasing With this purpose in mind, NYS seeks approval for the following eligibility changes: Taken together, this series of investments would enable a statewide strategy to address SDH at scale, while maintaining the flexibility to direct resources based on specific local challenges and needs, tied to health equity goals. Any sailor who commits fraudulent activity should be charged under what article of the UCMJ? Similar to Rush University Medical Centers (RUMC) Anchor Mission Strategy. It would also lay the groundwork for reducing long standing racial, disability-related and socioeconomic health disparities, increase health equity through measurable improvement of clinical quality and outcomes, and keep overall Medicaid program expenditures budget neutral to the federal government. On a dress blue uniform, a single service stripe should be placed in what position? On the service dress blue uniform, a Construction apprentice should wear what color of the group rate mark? Submitting a special request chit to request a Captain's Mast. The ECW/TBW ratio is a tool to monitor the balance between body water compartments. Using the forecast prime rate changes, answer the following questions. Lau, J., Knudsen, J., et al. To evaluate the efficacy of any new supportive housing investments, NYS will undergo an evaluation of the initiative, examining metrics such as ED visits, inpatient admits and days both pre and post intervention, graduation rates to permanent, stable housing, average time to successful graduation, and average time to place a member into a supportive housing units. 4
S. Jeganathan, L. Prassannan, et al. When not specifically addressed by the treatment facility, what number of months are required for a command to monitor a member's aftercare plan? body composition and aerobic and anaerobic fitness (which includes, at a minimum, components of cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, and muscular endurance) to successfully perform in accordance with their Service-specific requirements, missions, and military specialties. PMK-EE Warfighting and Readiness Exam for E4, Pathophysiology: Ch. 6, Nov. 28, 2018, available here. NYS has learned from this experience and believes that a more structured approach, as highlighted below, will more successfully connect traditional health care services and SDH service systems, in order to take a more holistic approach to health care and address the health needs of the whole person. Commands will report results of how many PFAs per person per calendar year via the Physical Readiness Information Management System (PRIMS) website? In addition to financing the non-federal share of this 1115 demonstration through transfers from units of local government and state general revenue commitments that are compliant with section 1903(w) of the Social Security Act, New York seeks flexibility from CMS to identify other sources of matching funding. Medical waivers are valid for what maximum number of physical fitness assessment cycles? Telehealth can also increase access to high-demand specialties, and improve use of tools such as home monitoring to anticipate and prevent acute events by extending the eyes and ears of providers into home and community settings. Most electrical deaths could be prevented by taking which of the following actions? Which of the following is an objective of the Personal Excellence Program? 18
Segmental fat mass [ Time Frame: 1 day ] Fat mass provided for specific body segments (i.e., trunk/torso, arms, and legs). Successful dietitians must understand their clients history, lifestyle, and food preferences, as well as any physical limitations or socioeconomic barriers. Phase angle, a measure of how the cells respond to the electrical currents used to measure body composition, reflects cell membrane integrity and has been linked to malnutrition. The PFA includes a medical screen, a body composition assessment (BCA) and physical readiness test (PRT) (see enclosure (1)). The protection of their personnel and assets from the terrorist attacks is the ultimate responsibility of what member of the chain of command? Dietitians working with eating disorder patients might concern themselves with muscle, fat, and BMR data, but what about water? Body recomposition stresses the importance of gaining muscle while losing fat, which may decrease your risk of chronic disease and boost metabolism. As new federal and state housing funds become available, this statewide initiative will also integrate and leverage emerging opportunities to maximize all available local, state and federal funding. 1 April 2022 1 Entering a Member's Weigh-In Data Introduction This guide provides the procedures for a Personnel and Administration (P&A) office or Command User to enter a member's Weigh-In data in Direct Access (DA). Try increasing your protein intake to at least . . The cornerstone of personal readiness is health and well-being and to assist in the assessment of readiness, a modified BCS will be held this April. Female - 17-39 years old = 33%. All DoD components shall measure body fat using only the circumference-based method with one set of measurements Male: neck and abdomen Female: neck, waist, and hips DoN received waiver from OASD (HA) to deviate from DODI 1308.3 and include the AC as step 2 of BCA process 6 9076 0 obj
You suspect that a terrorist group is operating in your neighborhood. The assessment of body composition is an essential tool for nutrition specialists to effectively evaluate nutritional status and monitor progression during dietary interventions. Pub. However, CMS evaluates ASCs only for their current compliance or A booklet used to record checking account transactions is known by what term? They are disproportionately affected by behavioral health conditions, including substance use disorder. . Interpret the results of Problem 59 59 with both a graph and a description of the graph. With the proper tools, these specialists can help clients develop specific, measurable, action-orientated, time sensitive, attainable goals. 25
Participation in multiple campaigns or operations, multiple qualifications, and additional awards of a ribbon are indicated by what device? Which of the following items should you use for planning how to spend or manage your money? To the extent CMS and the State are able to identify state and local financial commitments, similar to the State Designated Health Programs that have been used to fund health care services and have replaced traditional Medicaid-covered services or programmatic administrative activities, NYS asks to revisit prior administrative guidance issued by CMS and allow these expenditures to be counted towards New Yorks non-federal share under this 1115 waiver. National Committee for Quality Assurance, Distinction in Multicultural Health Care, available here. Even under the best of circumstances, when a person is discharged without prior contact with a future care manager/provider or without long-acting depot medications or other addiction/mental health medications as indicated, there is a high likelihood they will not engage with critical service providers when they re-enter the community. A "transmission program" is a body of material that, as an aggregate, has been produced for the sole purpose of transmission to the public in sequence and as a unit. who found that high-antioxidant dietary pattern was independently associated with decreased BMR, fat free mass, and total body water in patients with Metabolic Syndrome. . Six weeks later, there were 18,825 COVID patients in New York hospitals.1 At the peak of the pandemic, epidemiological models indicated that the State required inpatient capacity of anywhere from 55,000 to 136,000 beds for COVID-19 alone.2 At the same time, public health authorities lacked extensive clinical and epidemiological knowledge about the treatment and spread of the disease, and health care workers faced rampant shortages of protective equipment. Enter closing entry information in the six-column table and prepare journal entries for it. PMK-EE Warfighting and Readiness Exam for E4, Lecture 7 & 8: The Clinical Approach to a Vom, Professional Military Knowledge Eligibility E, HM2 Advancement Exam Mock Test [w/ answers], Marketing Essentials: The Deca Connection, Carl A. Woloszyk, Grady Kimbrell, Lois Schneider Farese, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management. North Carolinas Medicaid Reform Demonstration, approved October 19, 2018, see Attachment G a, available here. a. Indeed, to address the full breadth of factors contributing to health disparities, NYS will not only pursue reforms and investment in the health care delivery system, but also in training, housing, job creation, and many other areas. These values are provided by some, but not all, of the body composition . The MRT supportive housing initiative is composed of a diverse set of programs that target high utilizers of Medicaid and use a variety of approaches to provide housing and supportive services to different populations statewide, with a heightened focus on New York City. In a Journal published by Mediators of Inflammation, authors evaluated cytokines and body water distribution of patients with anorexia nervosa (AN) (Himmerich, et al., 2021). To provide navy core value workshops for e-3 and below personnel. Adherence and acceptability of telehealth appointments for high-risk obstetrical patients during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, September 22, 2020, available here.31, 1115 Waiver Demonstration: Conceptual Framework, Health & Safety in the Home, Workplace & Outdoors, Clinical Guidelines, Standards & Quality of Care, All Health Care Professionals & Patient Safety, 1.1 Investments in Regional Planning through HEROs, 1.2 Investments in Social Determinant of Health Networks (SDHNs) Development and Performance, 1.3 Investments in Advanced VBP Models that Fund the Coordination and Delivery of Social Care via an Equitable, Integrated Health and Social Care Delivery System, 1.4 Capacity Building and Training to Achieve Health Equity Goals, 1.5 Ensuring Access for Criminal Justice-Involved Populations, 2.1 Investing in Home and Community-Based Services as Alternatives to Institutional Settings, 2.2 Specific Supports for Individuals with Behavioral Health and Substance Use Disorder Needs, 3.2 Develop a Strong, Representative and Well-Trained Workforce, James V. McDonald, M.D., M.P.H., Acting Commissioner, Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C), Addressing the Opioid Epidemic in New York State, Health Care and Mental Hygiene Worker Bonus Program, Maternal Mortality & Disparate Racial Outcomes, Help Increasing the Text Size in Your Web Browser. Semiconductors issued 11% bonds, dated January 1, with a face amount of $800 million on January 1, 2021. For sailors enrolled in FEP due to BCA concerns, the emphasis shall be placed on decreasing body fat versus weight loss. The ECW/TBW ratio is a tool to monitor the balance between body water compartments. The VBP funds through this waiver proposal would encourage the evolution of the MCO- network entity agreements into more sophisticated VBP contracting arrangements that incorporate health equity design, fund the integration with social care, adjust risk to reflect both the health care and social care needs of their members, reward providers improvements in traditional health outcome measures as well as advanced or stratified health equity measures informed by the HERO, and/or use fully prepaid payment models that fortify against fluctuations in utilization based on pandemics. b. were more interpersonally outgoing. Building on NYS Supporting Housing Programs: Supportive housing was a major initiative of the Medicaid Redesign Team (MRT) in 2011. 20
At captain's mast, what discipline cannot be awarded? This population can then be more effectively served as part of the health equity-informed VBP arrangements described above. Medical waiver recommendations shall not exceed how long in duration? Are you wondering if a professional InBody device is right for you? Compared to the healthy control group, patients with AN had significantly lower total water volume including both ICW and ECW, finding interactions between body water and the cytokine system. December 2017, available here. The COVID-19 pandemic devastated many . No, due to COVID-19 impacts, CG-1 has issued a blanket waiver for AY21 to execution of PCS, School, and ADOS/TDY orders regardless of body composition compliance. Of the following statements, which one does NOT apply to Family Advocacy training requirements? Excluding a wedding ring set, what total number of additional rings may be worn while in uniform? 0
Assign the Lautenburg Amendment to the service member. Training staff to do social care assessments that will form the hallmark of the VBP model design, including plan social care risk adjustment and enhanced data collection; Building out capacity to CBOs to address the behavioral health needs and social care needs; Ensuring a consistent workforce to assist in the reintegration into supportive and community-based housing; Integrating CBO and caregiving staff into the care team; and. Sinha and team evaluated children, ages 6-59 months, finding an association between severe acute malnutrition and Fat Free Mass and Fat Mass. 11
You should take which of the following actions? Navy unit reporting for fraternization incidents must be reported using what method? Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and Foreign Military. All personnel striving for improved fitness. CFL will design a rehabilitative program in conjunction with medical personnel and place personnel in program. Assess Basal Metabolic Rate to guide estimated daily nutrient needs for the most effective nutrition programs. 1. In fact, absent federal support in the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA), the State would have been forced to reduce safety net expenditures immediately, as originally proposed in the State Fiscal Year 2021-22 Executive Budget. To allow for the second semi-annual screening as outlined in the pilot program lost due to COVID-19 screening suspensions. The Navy neckerchief should be worn in what manner? If an officer fails to meet BCA/PRT standards what happens? NAVHLTHRESCHCEN determined upper allowable Navy BCA limits to correspond to ____ percent for men and ____ percent for women. DSRIP had an overall goal of reducing avoidable hospitalizations by 25 percent and achieving savings while transforming the health system to use VBP. Alliance for Better Health, Healthy Alliance Independent Practice Association, Innovative Health Alliance of New York, and Fidelis Care Join Forces to Improve Health by Addressing Social Determinants of Health CISION PR Newswire, (Sept. 23, 2019), available here. There are some specific Navy fat standards which are as follows: Male - 17-40 years old = 22%. Ramaswamy, A, Yu, M., et al. Identifying patients who no longer have supports in place (e.g., day programs are closed, loss of aides or personal care assistants rendering personal care services, lack of access to needed specialty care, etc.) To create a culture of fitness to enhance a members ability to complete tasks that support the commands mission. InBody values are even used to validate other body composition calculations, like in Moonen et al.s 2022 study which assessed the agreement between LBM calculations and InBody LBM. ). "One-Time Access" for an individual to view information at a level above his authorized level, may be used during operational emergencies. Although the New York State Medicaid program has been actively working to improve health outcomes among Medicaid members, including through its groundbreaking and successful Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) program, which began to develop and fund ways to address social determinants of health (SDH) and value-based payment (VBP), COVID-19 is evidence that significant health disparities persist. During emergency situations with the commanding officer's approval. This includes a greater volume of hospitalizations, higher intensity of care services, and the need to replace disrupted acute and chronic healthcare services that are attributable to a pandemic. Midland Corporation has a net income of $19\$19$19 million and 4 million shares outstanding. Procedures for missing ships' movement are contained what UCMJ article? ). Semi annually. To contribute to a favorable military image. Which of the following is an objective of the Personal Excellence Program? 17
Maximum authorized side burn length is defined by what point relative to the ear? 7. InBody values are even used to validate other body composition calculations, like in, which assessed the agreement between LBM calculations and InBody LBM. NYS has identified that expanding Medicaid eligibility for the criminal justice-involved population is critical to achieving the waivers health equity goals; therefore, the State is seeking to build and strengthen the relationship between the care provided inside its jails and prisons and the care offered by Medicaid providers upon release, ensuring appropriate transition and supports during re-entry to ensure particularly vulnerable patients with comorbidities have the housing and other supports they need to stabilize in a community setting. They found that a reduction in energy availability resulted in lower body fat (, Beyond interventional studies, researchers have used the device to consider socioeconomic factors like patients access to nutrition and body composition. 23
To report incidents of domestic or child abuse to echelon 2 commands, what means should you use? The first confirmed COVID-19 case in New York occurred on March 1, 2020. 820, Statutes 2020, chapter 10, section 68, due on or before . NO No further action required. How many trees should the grower plant to maximize the total yield? c. Follow the requirements contained in Chapter 3 of this Instruction if determined to be non . They will be regionally focused in order to align with the health equity needs that differ by community and future value- based payment contracting structures. This partnership is critical to addressing health disparities exacerbated by COVID-19, promoting health equity, and fulfilling the promise of the Medicaid program to provide comprehensive health benefits to those who need them. Skeletal muscle mass (SMM) is the muscle attached to bone and responsible for human movement (. Federal determined that one-half of the increase in fair value was due to a decline in general interest rates. Male personnel are authorized to maintain hair of what maximum length, in inches? Establishing policy and ensuring the Family Advocacy Program meets command, sailor, and family member needs is the responsibility of what entity? utilizes patients body composition data to calculate BMR, which is why its trusted in clinical nutrition studies like. As required for a 1115 waiver, New York will meet budget neutrality requirements, post rebasing, but seeks additional flexibilities to support this proposal. Medical waivers are valid for what maximum number of Physical Fitness Assessment cycles? For bonds of similar risk and maturity the market yield was 12%. Who shall evaluate and/or analyze data on Physical . To that end, this waiver seeks to build on the prior work and the States learnings during COVID-19 in designing and evaluating practical, common-sense, and actionable ways to leverage New Yorks robust Medicaid infrastructure to promote health equity for New Yorkers. 2. Understanding that health disparities differ by population, geography, and previous community investment, calls for a tailored approach based on these factors. "b>ZxLSN.P@JLPWY(6LfT Al
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At the same time, because health and healthcare are local and the social service offerings may differ by region, this statewide strategy must also tie back to local gaps and needs, particularly for the health care safety net. Through the DSRIP experience, NYSs provider community and managed care organizations (MCOs) have learned new, more efficient ways to address individual and population health. Calculate the total interest cost over 180 days for a variable-rate loan. ). FEP shall be conducted a minimum of ____ times per week for at least 1 hour during the workday. NYS achieved many of its goals with DSRIP, including a 26 percent reduction in Potentially Preventable Admissions (PPAs) and an 18 percent reduction in Potentially Preventable Readmissions (PPRs) through Measurement Year 5; facilitated a significant increase in Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) certification; made major progress in integrating physical and behavioral health care; and improved care transitions that directly reduced readmissions. The maximum weight for height screening and body fat percentage estimation based on circumference measurements.
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