He told me he is putting them to safety, of course I found myself on top of the mountain also but did not see water nor anything else. And how I can get ahold of that data to make my own. I do believe in every dream I was in Panama City Beach, FL. In addition, no one knows if its passing near the sun will trigger solar flares that will head our way. Ive wondered about the Hilina slump myself. Reading 152-11 was a response to a client's concern about safe areas to move to in order to be prepared for future geographical changes. Moving to higher elevation asap . We could be without power for several months and I am going to leave it to your imagination as to what can happen if we get hit by a tsunami and there is no power. Be aware . Think Katrina amplified more than you can possibly imagine. Today we look at new dreams from Corra T. In her dream, California was hit by a massive earthquake and tsunami. .. .. .. The consequences of such an event are nearly unimaginable. Im not even talking about the regular.sewage,.disease, resource problems. For the same reason, there is little to no surfing south of Cocoa beach to speak of, but is to the north of it. I looked around the terrain & even though I had never been there I knew this was Hawaii or one of its islands. Both could go in an eruption separate from each other which if done soon after one the other could potentially go even further inland depending on water already there at time. I live in Atlanta, so the only tsunami I would see would be that of cars working their way here. While that sounds logical, there are variables. Preparing for one event such as a tsunami may be on your mind at this moment, but there are literally hundreds or thousands you should be ready for in life, the needle in the hay stack (tsunami) may be a focus for now, but try planning for the entire Hay Stack in a wind storm. Florida has always been a little treacherous. I wish I had a boat cause I would get across the Delaware river as quick as I could and would go straight to the poconos or state forest and hide out. There was no history of the United States before there was a United States. Plus, there are a lot of unmarked volcanoes in the Canary Islands. If you take care of a loved one in their 80s that cant swim and unable to get to the mountains when a tsunami comes does God hold that against us if your heart is right with him. We are in perilous times!! The solution is simpleslaughter the unrepentant, wicked, and Satan worshiping Luciferian globalist elite and their guards and get their property. Wade, I am not in that area and if i were and could move inland , would. Personally if your thinking of being prepared, Id never depend on anything supplied out of your control. However, he specifically nominated a point in the ocean in Bass straight as being the spot for the quake which will send a large tsunami towards Tasmania, and which will also affect the east coast of Australia. Donna, I truly dont know, If a tsunami hits Anywhere, Florida the best thing you could do is try to get to a boat or surf-board and aim it at Mexico!!! I live in Florida There was no history of a submarine until one was invented. "A colossal wave caused by a chunk of rock the size of the Isle of Man breaking off La Palma in the Canary Islands, will one day devastate Southern Europe and the entire East coast of America. https://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message4147947/pg2#75353775. This scenario can happen in December 2013 or January 2014. My family and I live in Seattle sofingers crossed. Now is the time to share visions from Perry's personal dreams and vision journal publicly, revealing what was, what is, and what is to come. Water,cern,harp whats next do we really have a chance. I agree it (asteroid hit tsunami) will happen at some point in time again but its not going to be on September 24 because some guy in Puerto Rico had a dream about it. Thousands of people are having dreams. Just curious . Use google earth to look around and find your highest mountain and have a plan and survive off you back pack until you can walk to safety of ride a bike. Why God Really Exists, Spanish: yeshuaelohimvieneya Its all a bunch of apocalyptic scare nonsense. YOU TUBE has many videos on this. Read more Print length 211 pages Language English Publication date July 23, 2020 Dimensions 6 x 0.48 x 9 inches ISBN-13 How the wave presents itself locally is due to local geography. If you cant accept an external, barycentric cause (Vesica Piscis) for this current Earth change, then your only other option is the CIAs carefully released Adam & Eve story, which notably fails to mention why Earths cataclysmic cycle corresponds with the precession of the equinoxes even though it conjectures that Earth might somehow periodically cross zones of zero magnetic energy. Say in massachusetts. People throughout the US and other countries have been having these dreams and more frequently. This is a scary scenario. Of course at the 225 300 guages we are all underwaterbut one can hope The maps present a glimpse of the raw data height elevation. Tj. In your case, however, perhps those dreams are prophetic, although I hope not. I think I am ok. Would my family be safe in atlanta georgia or gwinnett. Or would it have to be as far as Ohio, or Atlanta Georgia? Focus on that, if you really want to spend countless hours on this. Those inland will be left on their own odds are with no power or deliveries of anything for weeks at least. Praise be His name forever & ever, Amen! No packed bags necessary for that trip. Many prophecy watchers, including myself, are convinced that a tsunami is likely for the East Coast USA sometime in the future. If something goes down I will bug out to 3000 above sea level about an hours drive away. Do you have any website references for your stating fema regions and then sticking up on supplies..I mean havent they been doing this for years? The tsunami will be approx 700 miles along the coastline from Washington to Northern California, traveling at 500 mph with a height of 160. I dont know when this Tsunami will hit the east coast but please be prepared to take the actions needed to stay alive and ready for the outcome of the Tsunami. That said, be ready to take care of yourself/family for a few weeks if East-coast disaster strikes! 90+ Dreams Of Tsunami Dreams - Why God. There is no doubt in my mind this was Hawaii. 0 views, 1 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from The Prophecy Club: 4 New Dreams, Earthquake & Tsunami 03/02/2023 The Bible teaches us that "In the mouth of two or three. It was a horrible vision, horrible to no end to this day, I refuse to go near the ocean for fear of the dream. Development along the shoreline is based on those predicted tides, plus potential high water and waves from a flood that has a 1% chance of occurring each year (the "100-year flood") or from storm surges from major hurricanes. You can read the interesting chapters here: https://www.scribd.com/document/413555560/World-in-Peril, Maybe theres a PDF of the whole book somewhere. In the dream my sister shouted the earthquake is next and it will be a 10 or more on the ritcher scale. As if devastating water isnt enough to worry about. It depends upon more than the elevation and force. 23! Florida) will probably collapse and sink). The thing is, that it COULD happen, but it may not happen in our lifetimes. 321ft above sea level. Now, this Prophecy is very signifcant, because what is happening, is everything in Jeremiah 50 and 51, would be fulfilled in OUR DAY! Now were looking at Sep. 20-30th . The Lord moved me here in 2007 from an area of PA that will be untouched by a Tsunami. I think when it does happen all we can do is look to Him! We may be at our harms way of a 300 ft tsunami. God has a plan for His people and He will never abandon them or forsake them. While the St. Lawrence River is a funnel from the Gulf of St. Lawrence, it appears that the only real opening from the Atlantic is about 50 miles across to the Gulf, which would then have to hang a left down the St. Lawrence, and then were looking at hundreds of miles to Lake Ontario. If a meteor hits, I do practice yoga so I can bend over and kiss my a$$ goodbye. Guns in America. Amenonly God can see us through it and whatever it maybe. Something like this may never happen at all. One wise man once said, The scariest words in the English language are, Im from the Govt and Im here to help. What a relief! @WalkByFaith research the 1958 Lituya bay Mega tsunami. Hopefully never. I am in different places when these things happen in my dreams. But the point is, one must not look at the scenarios in the article as real, they are instructional, but are not possible as presented. The Big One These many prophetic signs are compiled from my book Evidence Backed End Time Prophecy, but I've released this portion of the book, concerning the California Mega Earthquake, for free. I did hear this winter in Wisconsin was expected to be bad. Practically every property from a prepper standpoint has issues with it, be it drought resistance, fertility, tornado zones, earthquake, erosion, hurricane, flooding, too arid, too cold, too hot, etc. Tsunami Coming to the East Coast of the United States. The Canary Island scenario, in my opinion, might yield less energy relative to how fast it travels, wave height, how far inland, etc. I believe so. Prophetic Warning to Northeast U.S.A. January 27, 2016 Prophet Ken Dewey A prophetic warning to New York City, East Coast [New Jersey Coast Line] and Washington, DC areas. Shes Screwed!!! In almost any SHTF scenario, the East Coast is a terrible region to be in. @ Anthony w. lane Takes 3 hours to get to NYC on a good day. How would this affect Baltimore, Maryland? This prophecy predicts a series of tsunamis never seen before hitting cities and shorelines on the East Coast. A bad prophet is like a bad comedian, they are off primarily in their timing. I m in Hollywood,Fl 3 mins from me is Ft. Lauderdale. Very true,Ive seen it myself and have done the same,May God be with you and your family. Major damage to Ohio from tornadoes. Check out the Chesapeake watershed area maps. Be Advised that the 923 scenario will occur in 2016. z3news.com godlikeproductions.com youtube.com all have information for you. Wondering how N. Suffolk, VA would fair with the Nansemond River close by. Tsunamis dont maintain their height. Yes, I believe we are but there will be no rapture on September 23 and when the SHTF is anybodys guess. Die, NYC, die!!!!! Would any parts of neighboring New Jersey, the New England States, or Pennsylvania be survival options. Land,the size of 1500 miles; 300-400 feet wide would slide into the ocean. If a tsunami hit the east coast. No Trout, Bass, Salmon, Pike, Perch etc will be left alive. Give, and you will receive. Replacing just one pole requires a crane and a massive flatbed truck to haul the steel beam which is only a few feet higher than the original wooden pole but seems to have a larger electrical apparatus involved in the area where power lines connect. I love in Lancaster SC , am I in a good location to survive a massive wave ??? 9;?GP 2;YL4*%9x*!STs_A-to'.fn}-q*aC#Uf\w
s8xe9c(l,%|F7)a#); KP:$Kvc&}q"i? oh well, like water better then fire. How much time would we have to react? I dont think that the water would reach this far, but all of Boston and the metro area would be devastated. How high would a Tsunami be if a Cascadia fault quake 9.2 is generated? How far inland can a tsunami travel? Also,Perry Stone, from Manna Fest Ministries has been having dreams of this East coast Tsunami for years. It better come with more than 400 ft. And I worked at the closest 4 story hotel twice. With another severe earthquake there, you could indeed see a fast tsunami travel across the Atlantic Ocean into your East Coast. Should we in Central Tx move towards the Appalacians? Also, food shortages, electrical power, clean water, and waste sanitation.. Will Elizabeth, Linden NJ be affected? If its Gods will, I would rather be alive doing Gods work than drowning. Plenty more to worry about. Aimo , its not the wave for you its the animals on two legs looking for what you have that they donty and shut the f up and tell not one person what you have hid. by diving into a swimming pool RIGHT BEFORE the wave hit you. There is a 100% chance that part of the Canary Islands will collapse and cause a tsunami. As far as Texas and the Gulf, the effects of the tsunami will be greatly reduced because it is mostly blocked by Florida from the East. I would be doing that asap or you can sit around, do nothing, and take your chances. The real threat of a tsunami hitting the East coast and erasing Florida from the map is not a chunk of land breaking from the Canary Islands. Just a tip! Wade,I suggest you watch some YouTube videos of the tsunami that hit Japan. Cisco, TX 76437, Whistle Blower Jeff The rapture could come at any moment! We need to prepare now. So, he is trying to keep an eye on news for this and watching instrumentation. I pleaded to God from the depths of my soul for mercy and I asked him to please spare my life from such a great destruction. May God bless you and cover you with His peace and protection thru Christ Jesus. The earthquake would cause a massive tsunami on the east coast, if you werent on the west side of the fault line, you have no chance because the tsunami is going to be so massive that it will kill millions. I yelled I cant save you! IF the ground underneath remains stable. They are saying this Orbit around us will take 150-152 Days. They will all be washed out to sea. I couldnt find any other way to comment, so peanut_gallery im not really replying to YOU, just commenting in general. Pay attention not only to weather radios, but scanners which monitor activity of first response organizations as they often will get the information in advance of the public. In the event of the near Puerto Rico predicted asteroid hit any prognosticators on how Sebring will fare ? Now its trayectory may change because we are dealing with many objects spreading out and slowing down. Duhh. Do you live on the Big Island? I live in north haven myself going to check elevation, Im concern with this I live in Conneticuts capita and it seems to be purple in the map :(. The mere fact of the many hundreds of dreams that people have had, including myself, about an East Coast tsunami is proof enough.But the question remains as to how and when. Obviously elevation from coast is in your favor but the rivers http://www.virginiaplaces.org/watersheds/watershedsall.html. Where is the big event? Some of us will not be able to make that kind of move. The tide on the Virginia coast rises and falls about 1-3 feet twice a day at the NOAA reference stations. She had some bizarre experiences that made me believe her. To me that means our Generation and quite frankly point to La Palma or sister island. I see maps about my are being covered but most module videos show up to Florida so i have no idea what to expect. Id be better of to drive into the storm than sit and watch my kid.die of poisoning over.days, or hours. It is NOT PROPHETIC. Lots of news out about it. But I am curious. Then I have had dreams of people trying to escape on boats from something. Seabirds, in fact, any unusual animal migrations and behaviors are very reliable signs that something bad is about to happen. Others will cause minimal damage, and will be more akin to signs denoting great changes in America. Are you saying we will be 10 feet under water ?
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