For further information on Extenuating Circumstances, please visit the UCL Academic Manual. Most EC applications needto be supported by written evidence from an appropriate, independent and verifiable authority such as a doctor or registered medical practitioner. Self-Certified claims must be submitted before the assessment deadline/ date. It would be a good idea to speak with Fabien, if you can, alongside submitting your EC claim so that he can advise you on how best to deal with what has come up. Extenuating circumstances refer to a situation or situations beyond your control that have the potential to severely affect your academic performance. Unless instructions for the assignment explicitly state otherwise, blocks of prose placed in boxes, whether labelled as textboxes, figures or tables, must be included in the word count, Footnotes, but only when used to reference primary source material. Self-certification periods should be two weeks (ten working days) apart and self-certified claims cannot be accepted more than two weeks (ten working days) before the first affected assessment. What qualifies for extenuating circumstances? are met, they are able to apply for further extensions using this process. Extenuating Circumstances include, but are not limited to: During the pandemic, the definition of Extenuating Circumstances has been expanded toinclude: More information on what is considered an Extenuating Circumstance can be found in the Academic Manual (Annex 4.1.1: Grounds for Extenuating Circumstances). Step 4: wait for approval. If you have used up your self-certifications or have a more complicated situation, this will take more time because the panel will need to discuss your case. The IOE EC may also need to seek approval from your faculty or from the Vice-Provost (Education and Student Experience) for some types of mitigation. syg|vb?`F=
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If you have any concerns or questions about the Extenuating Circumstances process,contact theAdvice Serviceas soon as possible to make sure you have all the information you need to make your decision. E.g. If you submit your essays online, chances are your extenuating circumstances form will also be online. Well keep you active in a way that works for you. It's National Student Money Week - the perfect time to remind you of the financial support we have available to you. 'Extenuating Circumstances' (often known as 'ECs') are events which are sudden, unexpected, significantly disruptive and beyond your control and which may affect your performance at summative assessment, such as a serious illness or the death of a close relative. Yes, as long as they fall within the same 14-day period. Work will not be accepted by email. If you cannot submit a self-certified EC claim, you will also need to provide the relevant evidence. Q!GQe#8! If the student has a two-week EC extension approved the new deadline will be 22/5/23. /Tx BMC Students on a Learning Agreement must not submit an EC application but should discuss any extension requests with the Academic Head of Teaching and Learning (AHLT) or Personal Tutor. For any questions regarding extenuating circumstances, fee waivers and extensions, we encourage you to reach out to us directly by email or by phone at 401-863-2378. /Tx BMC Then youll know where you are and how best to proceed with the assignments involved. Once you have started any time-limited assessment, you cannot self-certify a deferral to the next assessment period. You need to ensure that your submission for extenuating circumstances is made within one week (five working days) of the circumstance taking place. If you are not eligible for self-certification, you will be asked toprovide supporting evidence. %%EOF
This means that students can self-certify without providing evidence for up to five separate periods within the 2020-21 academic session. There can also be an exception where it is a new condition or there has not been time to put reasonable adjustments in place. We may be able to support you better through the wider Student Support Framework. From a casual class to captaining a competitive club, live an active lifestyle with us. endstream
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However, if you feel that there has been a procedural error in the handling of their request, or that the type of mitigation offered is unsuitable. Anyway, it was due to extenuating circumstances and all of my choices were happy to consider my application fairly. If you are ill or your studies have been affected by other serious events, you can submit an Extenuating Circumstances form. endstream
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If the mitigation you are applying for is not included in the Self-Certification Policy, you will need to provide evidence with your EC claim. mobility impairment, loss of concentration) and living in auniversityenvironment, Current treatment and / or medicationbeingundertaken, Side effects of any treatmentsormedication. !)z)/VETU*P:BYG-r6BZSZY6bvc]v0QZq endstream
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Stay calm, heres what to do, A sudden illness or injury that prevents you from studying for an extended period, A serious illness or death of a loved one that affects your ability to study, A flair-up of a long-term health issue such as a chronic illness or a mental health condition, A detrimental personal issue such as parents divorce, an unexpected pregnancy or falling victim to a criminal offence, Last minute computer issues that prevent you from completing your work, Minor illness or injury that doesnt affect your academic performance for more than a few days, Issues that have been on-going but dont really affect you during the period in question, If youre applying due to personal or family matters, youre likely to need to provide a written account of your situation or a police report. Your department will decide whether your claim meets the criteria and which mitigation is suitable for your circumstances. endstream
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We are the representative body for University College London's (UCL) students, one of the most diverse student communities in the world. After that, it is your work, and we normally see it only in our capacity as examiners. This means that students can self-certify without providing evidence for up to two separate periods within the 2022-23 academic session. Theywontusually accept things such as viruses, disk corruption, printer problems etc. Please be aware that deadline extensions are available, and you will not be disadvantaged in the admission process for delays caused by events beyond your control. References in the text should be in the author/date (Harvard) format. Please note: Students on a Learning Agreement must not submit an EC application but should discuss any extension requests with the Academic Head of Teaching and Learning (AHLT) or Personal Tutor. endstream
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Evidence should be from the appropriate independent authority (doctor, police officer, court officer etc.) We've made the process as easy as possible for you - but don't just take our word for it. If you cannot obtain the necessary evidence in time to submit your EC claim, you must still submit your application on time and indicate that your evidence is to follow. If your circumstances are not sudden, unexpected and beyond your control, UCL has a wide range of other options to support your studies please see, Where a student with a disability or long-term condition needs regular extensions to coursework deadlines thisshouldbe explicitly stated in the. If you are ill or your studies have been affected by other serious events, you can submit an Extenuating Circumstances form. They should be identified as Table 2 or Figure 1 etc, and all must have a short descriptive title. Other universities may prefer to meet with you in person to decide how to move forward. The evidence must be a signed statement from a registered doctor or other medical practitionerin UCL Student Services OR external totheUniversity. You will need to provide information on each assessment you are applying for and provide a detailed explanation of your circumstances and how they have prevented you from submitting or negatively impacted your performance during the assessment. You can find further guidance on what your evidence should include in UCL's Academic Manual. All discussions will be treated confidentially. H1 EwN0!s#TjU/%`Hv?;xq@s,-@=mo3Y"(U!L>|#J23e(T'[nP\RSrp)&J9p]r[Wo9: 2vDKm\^CRx_ DZ
If you are looking for a different outcome, your request will be considered by a Departmental Extenuating Circumstances Panel. Were led by studentsand that means youre in charge. Raise an Extenuating Circumstances claim via the Student Enquiry Centre My GCSEs are 98877755 LNAT is 24 (last year it was 6 so very proud lol) I also applied to: Manchester, UCL, Warwick, Edinbrugh. 1E=E.i=k\LiSdOgJ@&9\q^DW=]U*S8YGlgw.G`I*>=jHMiAl}Rj8N%(Y'1\Hpy%3a*N&38M I:
Extenuating Circumstances (often referred to as ECs) are events which are, sudden, unexpected, significantly disruptive and beyond your control, You can submit an EC claim to access mitigation such as an extension or deferring an assessment to a later date, Any student considering an EC application needs to meet the. You cannot appeal against an academic or professional judgement that has been reached through due process by an Extenuating Circumstances Panel. The formal procedures governing Extenuating Circumstances can be found in theManual of General Regulations Part 6. We would encourage you to disclose disability and mental illness to UCL, with the support of UCLsStudent Disability ServicesorStudent Psychological and Counselling Services, to ensure that UCL makes the required reasonable adjustments throughout your studies, and that you are supported when youneedit. Self-certified ECs do not require evidence but there are important limits to their scope: Self-certification requests are designed for circumstances where evidence is difficult to obtain or where the mitigation is limited to the point that it doesnt justify increasing workload pressure on GP practises by insisting on medical evidence. Please refer to SHS Faculty for penalties for over-length work. there will be no penalty for submitting late). If you miss the deadline, you will need to prove that your circumstances made it impossible for you to submit earlier. On the application form you will be asked to state your deadline this should be the most recent deadline. Extenuating Circumstances Request Form How to apply for Extenuating Circumstances:1. anno 1800 best ship for expeditions,
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