9. - Unknown, "Retirement: When you stop lying about your age and start lying around the house." Abel Hermant "In keeping people straight, principle is not as powerful as a policeman." Monsieur Hermant was a French Author and social commentator. For some, pulling the pin is the right thing to do, but for most officers, staying on the job is the only possible path. You may not wear the uniform anymore, but you're still our hero! You deserve a very happy retirement, You have helped so many people throughout your career and as you retire we wanted to thank you for your service. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen." You're being reassigned to a new precinct and role. We will miss you, You have shown such passion for policing and been a real inspiration for the junior officers. It reminds you that you, too, can get to the other side of what youre facing. Officers across the country are dealing with a massive uptick in property crimes, domestic violence calls, and in some cases enforcement of "stay-at-home" orders. We appreciate all you have done enormously. Retirement life begins when the kids move out and the cat gets run over. The Customer Is Never Right. With every contact on the street, ask questions and make notes of the answers given. - Gene Perret, "Retirement can be a great joy if you can figure out how to spend time without spending money." ), or make a special gift for him for police week (like this thin blue line string art!) Police officers do such important an important job that when they retire they deserve a big send off and all our congratulations. We cant thank you enough and as you retire want to say how grateful we are to all you did. And that is why I succeed." On what show do police officers solve crimes committed by. - Author Unknown, "The best time to start thinking about your retirement is before the boss does." Discover and share police officer retirement quotes. Retirement creates a new opportunity of time spent and purpose. Integrity is taking it." M.H. - Larry Laser, "I cant wait to retire so I can get up at 6 oclock in the morning and go drive around really slow and make everybody late for work." That service has been so important to the whole community we are very sad to see you leave. I Love My Job. Enjoy yourself now! We have mad respect for whatever you chose to do. Funny retirement speech sample. The streets are largely desolate, but criminals are becoming emboldened to commit property crimes, racing into and out of grocery markets and retail stores and helping themselves to whatever they please, knowing that there will be no consequences for their crimes. "I'm going to change the world, one arrest at a time". "In retirement, every day is Boss Day and every day is Employee Appreciation Day." - Terri Guillemets. Whether you're working nights, days, or mids, you are the rough men and women who allow the community to rest well in their beds. "There are some who start their retirement long before they stop working" - Robert Half. "You've been the best boss ever. Michael Jordan. Thank you for all you've done and the legacy you've left for the next generation. "Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid." (60) $5.00. We, the members of the NYPD, present this to you in recognition of I'm In Prison 8 Hours A Day. Please grant the company good fortune and health to all employees and extremely generous retirement packages and equitable profit-sharing for everyone that works there including myself O! Have a wonderful retirement, Your bravery has kept us safe and your service helped to make our community better. - Terri Guillemets, "One of the problems with retirement is that it gives you more time to read about all the problems of retirement. with the quote featured on it. Retirement is a Piece of Cake. Crooked bankers corrupt police officers cheating journalists and double dealing media barons sinister children s entertainers rotten and greedy energy companies and out of control security services. Aug 10 2017 shop funny police officer retirement invitation created by cooltees. Using a personal story or memory from your time working together can add an extra bit of personality to your card. "The trouble with retirement is that you never get a day off.". Enjoy it!, I have never liked working. Explore 1000 police quotes by authors including barack obama polo g and robert peel at brainyquote. Discover and share police officer retirement quotes. But it can be hard to know what to say. But there are ways to find a humorous take on retiring that will be perfect for your friend or colleague. Enjoy your retired life. Here are some of the best Law Enforcement quotes to keep our favorite folks in blue motivated on even the worst of days. Half Correction Officer. No more lights and sirens or roaring engines! I hope you have a fantastic retirement, Congratulations on your retirement and all the best as you go back to being a civilian. Poems About Helping Others. QuotesGram. Hello Pension. - Unknown " I enjoy waking up and not having to go to work. I've been here for X years, at other companies for another X years so if my maths is correct that makes XX years in the industry. You can look forward to a much more sedate pace of life now! Demands for increased quality and quantity police training will only be successfully met when myopic anti-police politicians, members of the press, and radicalized protesters get out of their own way and let it happen. Congratulations on an inspiring career and your retirement. Police Retirement Quotes Funny. George S. Patton 0 Copy The police are not here to create disorder, they're here to preserve disorder. But they don't have to. There are only two kinds of people that understand Marines: Marines and the enemy. The water is fine! See more ideas about police police life police wife life. - Unknown, "Retirement: Worlds longest coffee break." The Infuriating Irony of Protesters' Opposition to 'Cop City' Training Facility. Knowing how hard you've worked all these years on the force, I can only imagine what you'll get yourself into in retirement. If we had more police officers like you it would be a better world. A sense of complete isolation from the rest of the world. "Blessed are the peacekeepers, for they shall be called the children of God." Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. Sally Gibson is the founder of Someone Sent you a Greeting, a holiday/celebration website. These words may help. He deviated slightly from our original text when he gave the speech but was happy with the all the positive feedback he got. Thinker of Deep Thoughts. Henry Ford. Doug College Degrees Designed for Police Officers, Best Practices for Active Shooter Response and Police Training, The Tennessee Department of Public Safety Increased Visibility, Accountability and Accuracy with Inventory Management Software Designed Specifically for Law Enforcement, Coronavirus: Amid COVID-19 Outbreak, Police Press Forward, Police Humor: Finding the Funny in Challenging Times, Exclusive POLICE Survey: Officers Speak Out About Coronavirus, Coronavirus: What Police Need to Know About COVID-19, DOJ Releases Report Containing "Roadmap" Aimed at Reforming Ohio Police. "The police are not here to create disorder, they're here to preserve disorder.". I've failed over and over again in my life. I dont know about you, but I love a good inspirational quote. For myriad reasons, this is a sub-optimal short-term solution to what really is a long-term problem. Fred Rogers The best is yet to come! All Rights Reserved. The luxury of being able to do what you want, when you want and not having to face the drudgery or hardship of work are some of the benefits of retiring. Card Messages Retirement Messages 39 Retirement Quotes for Police Officers. - Danny McGoorty. Brown, 55, said in a statement today, "Let's always remember the fallen officers including the five officers on July 7, 2016, and the brave men and women of the Dallas Police Department for . In case youre wondering, thats a compliment. Happy retirement!, In retirement, every day is Boss Day and every day is Employee Appreciation Day. Terri Guillemets, When you retire, you switch bosses from the one who hired you to the one who married you. Gene Perret, Theres never enough time to do all the nothing you want. Bill Watterson, Calvin and Hobbes, Retirement adds 5 days to your weekend! You're a free person! Funny Retirement Quotes. Enjoy being the boss of your retirement! So when they retire it can be a real disappointment. The public are the police and the police are the public, and both share the same responsibility for community safety. 31) Retirement - the only real excuse you'll ever have to spend your entire life's savings. It made you a top police officer and we are very sad to have to say goodbye to you. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Chief Amazement Officer. Happy birthday to the best policeman ever! Congratulations! But you can say goodbye and wish them all the best in their next chapter with a retirement quote. There's a retired person in the premises with not a lot to do and plenty of stories to tell! Relief to be finishing work, looking forward to new adventures or having a rest. Funny quotes Retirement quotes The basic mission of Police is to PREVENT crime and disorder. - Unknown, "How do you know its time to retire? Complete with a stately officer's badge, this Police Service Award can honor both acting and retiring officers. Properly trained first responders should be able to at least identify the level of danger within the first few moments of being on scene, and potentially be able to then initiate the best and safest possible course of action to protect people, property, and the natural environment. Most are at police functions such as academy graduations peace officer memorial day and so forth. It has been an honor to have you as our sheriff. Unshakeable: Hope For Police Wives In An Anti-Cop World, How To Support Your Husband When He Feels Called To Law Enforcement, 5 Ways To Make Police Week Awesome For Your Officer, The Most Beautiful And Encouraging Scriptures for Police Wives, 5 Things To Know If You Dont Feel Cut Out For Police Wife Life, 3 Important Lessons I Learned From Going To Bed Angry, 7 Reasons To Stay Married When You Feel Like Letting Go, The Best Gifts You Can Give Your Officer (Hint: Theyre Free! Indisputably the greatest president of my lifetime, Ronald Reagan was imminently quotable, but this one is probably my favorites. But you can trying to find some happiness and humour in their leaving is important and focusing on the positives should be encouraged. Best wishes as you retirement from the force, I can only imagine how dull civilian life will be after years of being a policeman!
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