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He was born September 20, 1941 in Tacoma, Washington, and after graduating from highschool, he studied interior design at the University of Washington. m = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)
"brandedLayout": 1 // 1 = VERTICAL (TEXT UNDER SELECT), 2 = HORIZONTAL (TEXT BESIDE SELECT), 3 = NON-RESPONSIVE MEGA DROPDOWN Come to learn more and speak to some of our grads at one of our information sessions being conducted from 7-8pm on the following evenings:March 9 (East Columbia Branch library) and March 21 (Glenwood Branch library). When Allen learned that scioto meant hairy deer in a Native American Language, he took that as a bit of inspiration to create the deer. You can use this area for legal statements, copyright information, a mission statement, etc. FCS Board Work Session. See All Posts . 12400 W McMillan Rd, Boise, ID 83713 (208) 855-4250. div.region span.homepage-thumb-region-number {
display: none !important;
var M = ua.match(/(opera|chrome|safari|firefox|msie)\/?\s*(\. }
Click the link below to see apresentation showcasing some of the best projects. $("#sp-content").creativePagelistMenu({ monthLong:"no" $(window).bind("resize", function(){ calendarListView(); pgScreenSize(); }); I also like how flowy and happy the rabbits seem. // MYSTART DROPDOWN SELECTOR KEYDOWN EVENTS
if($(this).val() == "Search") { Free in so many ways yet greatly impacted by our surroundings. $("#sw-mystart-right #sw-mystart-search #sw-search-button").html(''); if($("div.ui-widget.app", this).hasClass("headlines")) { ']; By the 1950s Moore had begun to receive a number of international commissions. "menuPosition" : "absolute", // OTHER OPTION IS 'relative' I like the Sculpture because it doesn't have much to it, but at the same time a lot is going on. The Frantz family came to Dublin in 1828, and Eulalia was from a long line of farmers in Washington township. if(M && (tem= ua.match(/version\/([\.\d]+)/i))!= null) M[2] = tem[1]; Centennial High School Dedicated To Excellence In Education District Home. div.homepage-thumb-region.region-3 {
$(this).val("Search"); Staff Front Office Content Area Faculty. Contact Information. Columbus Africentric Early College PreK-12, Columbus City Preparatory School for Boys, Columbus City Preparatory School for Girls, Duxberry Park Arts Impact Elementary School, Ecole Kenwood French Immersion Elementary School, Linden Park Early Childhood Education Center, Click here to order Centennial's 2023 yearbook, May 2021 Vocal Music & Modern Band Showcase, May 2021 CHS Theatre Presents: Star Showcase 2021, May 2021 Jazz Ensemble Spring Performance, FebruaryVocal Music & Modern Band Showcase, Full Remote performance of Beauty and the Beast, JanuaryVocal Music & Modern Band Showcase, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). if(getWidth >= 640){ // 640+ With his characteristic mix of curiosity, historical admiration and irony, he was particularly evoking previous 20th century International Art Deco and Art Moderne styles. $(this).closest(dropdownList).find("li:first-child > a").attr("tabindex", "0").focus(); Like I said earlier this sculpture was in its first drafts in 1996 and was finished after. $("#sw-mystart-right #sw-mystart-search").appendTo($("#gb-search")); Need help logging in? $("#cs-branded-translate-label option:first-child").focus(); That not only is this representative of CCAD and the fine work that is made there, but also the fact that you can find beauty in the simpler things. "advancedOptions": { $(this).removeClass("open"); var featureTimerSet = 0; $(".sw-mystart-button.popular-links").click(function(e){ This link enables staff to record absences and request time off. 3505 SE 182nd Ave. Gresham, OR 97030. This handrail is attached to a bridge.I think the coloration of the deer is to tie it to the idea of the river. Contact Us District Homepage Employee Portal Join Our Team PowerSchool . $(document).on("keydown", dropdownParent + " " + dropdownSelector, function(e) { case KeyCodes.right: $("+ " + dropdownList + " a").attr("tabindex", "-1"); $(this).parent().prev().children().children().next().append(moveArticle); });
As the website of CCAD puts it, Ric Petry (who would later become our first Director of Graduate Studies) got the idea for a large, neon red, block-letter ART sign while serving as a visiting artist in Taiwan. //DOC custom mystart search placeholder Henry Spencer Moore lived from 1898-1886 and was one of the most important British Artists of the 20th Century and arguably the most internationally celebrated sculptor of the period. }); Three major projects marked a timing point in the history of land use in dublin. function appView() { "randomOrder" : "off", He comments on humanity itself through his work- our constant changing nature, precariously balancing in life but not falling. div.homepage-thumb-region.region-1 {
// ********** FOOTER ********** // var getWidth = $(window).width(); The completion of the northwest link in the i-270 outerbelt and the development of muirfield village and the ashland chemical research center set the stage for dublin's change from a farm village to a suburban residential community and corporate office center. screen.width : window.outerWidth; }); PONTIAC, Mich. (AP) A Michigan judge has ruled that staff and administrators at Oxford High School cannot be sued for a mass shooting that left four students dead and seven others wounded. It's a nice place to visit with children. $("#hp-slideshow .image-button.back").html(''); "showSearch" : "yes", Jeff Linder High School Basketball Mar.
School Staff Administration (410-313-2856) Cynthia Dillon | Principal | cdillon@hcpss.org John Seibel | Assistant Principal (A-G) | john_seibel@hcpss.org Tracy Scaltz | Assistant Principal (H-N) | tracy_scaltz@hcpss.org Jeri Somerville | Assistant Principal (O-Z) | jeri_somerville@hcpss.org It also expresses passion because when people kiss they are typically passionate about each other. e.preventDefault(); $(".ui-breadcrumbs").append("Signed Out "); My aunt brought myself and some other family to see the Chihuly exhibit at the Franklin Park Conservatory. $(this).closest(dropdownList).find("a").attr("tabindex", "-1"); $(".ui-widget.app.calendar #calendarlist-pnl-specialview").addClass("ui-helper-hidden"); /* HOMEPAGE EDIT THUMBNAIL STYLES */
Participants attend presentations from leading local experts in the field in its second year and complete hands-on projects. } if(getWidth < 640){ // 480- Regional semifinals, Saturday, 7 p.m. #9 Newport Beach Pacifica Christian at #5 Oxnard. "menuBtnText" : "Pages", He is renowned for his semi-abstract monumental bronzes, which can be seen all over the world.Moore was born in Castleford, a small mining town in Yorkshire, in 1898. window.featureTimer = setInterval(function(){ // CONSUME TAB KEY March 9th at 7PM - CPPEG Webinar: Eat, Sleep and Think Your Way to Health. background: #264867; /*dark blue*/
//DOC add sign in breadcrumb He made this exhibit to make art more accessible to the general public and not just in stuffy museums. }
#3 Orange Lutheran at #2 . Intro to Computers & Virtual Business Teacher, Media Arts, Video, Theater Tech & Webmaster, Chemistry and Project Lead the Way HBS (Human Body Systems) Teacher, Engineering, Architecture and CAD/Drafting Instructor, We Are HAWKS Behavioral Intervention Program, CA PBIS 2020 Community Cares Recognition Letter, Schoolwide Student Behavior & Learning Expectations, Ttulo I Poltica de participacin de padres, Informacin de restablecimiento de contrasea, WE ARE HAWKS Behavior Intervention Program, Kern High School District WASC Accreditation Status, Nondiscrimination Policies (Title IX/Sexual Harassment), 7301 Old River Road Bakersfield, CA 93311. In the early 1990s the Dublin Arts Council decided they wanted to commission an artist to create an outdoor sculpture for the small, three-acre Sam and Eulalia Frantz Park and they eventually decided on Columbus Malcolm Cochran an artist and former Ohio State University art professor from Columbus, Ohio After months of planning and building, Cochran's creation, Fields of Corn with Osage Orange Trees was finally revealed in 1994. Students are encouraged to register on our website but walk-ins are welcome. $(this).attr({"aria-expanded": "true"}).parent().addClass("open").find(dropdown).attr("aria-hidden","false").slideDown(300, "swing"); } Search . $("a.ui-btn-toggle.list").click(); $("a.ui-btn-toggle.month").click(); $(this).parent().addClass("active");
For over 20 years, FCS has provided a Balanced Scorecard analyzing data and information. For this week's Wellness Wednesdays video, hear from our Eastmoor alumnus, Nathan Jameson. Find out more. });
case KeyCodes.down: }); 2021 Clark County School District. "extraMenuItems" : "1,Grade Portal,http://schooltool2.gcufsd.net,_self;1,Calendar,/Page/10,_self;1,Parent Portal,https://schooltool2.gcufsd.net,_self;1,Need Help?,#,_self;1,Student Portal,#, _self;1,Menus,http://schools.whitsons.com/ny/garden-city-public-schools?page=menu,_self;1,Staff Webmail,https://outlook.com/owa/GCUFSD.mail.onmicrosoft.com,_self;1,Location,http://gc.schoolwires.net/Page/5548,_self;", // EXTRA MENU BUTTONS - STRUCTURE IS: MENU-OPTION-NUMBER, ITEM-NAME, ITEM-URL, ITEM-TARGET; $(".sw-mystart-button.popular-links").addClass("open"); Public education is the cornerstone of our community! The making of the piece was recorded in a pioneering documentary on Moore made by John Read for the BBC that year. // PAGELIST NAV MENU
The sculpture was created in two different areas with a street dividing the two; however, the placement of this sculpture only adds to the effect of art, for the two sculptures seem to be blowing a kiss to each other from across the street. }); clearInterval(window.featureTimer); 'icon6' : ['Student Program/5.png', 'Menus', 'http://schools.whitsons.com/ny/garden-city-public-schools?page=menu', '_self'], 1820 Rimpau Ave, Corona, CA 92881. 2 Johnston's gritty 42-35 4A state semifinal win over Ankeny Centennial. 'useSameControlForStartStop' : "on", Schoology replaces Sharepoint. Part of the Howard County Public School System, Servicios de Idiomas | | | Holhlei Riantuanmihna. }); 'showSideImages' : "on", It has this simple and modern look to it, which I think symbolizes what CCAD and the community in general. }
Read stories published by the district's dedicated news team. $("#hp-feature-apps div.ui-widget-header").click(function(){ $(".hp-feature-title.active").removeClass("active").next(".hp-feature-title").addClass("active"); The sculpture is of a blue, antlered deer looking over a river. The specific sculptural form seen in Ohio States Modern Head first came to life in 1969. "itemizedBullets" : "off", Only a few years later, in the mid-1970s. He kept noticing a sign at a college on top of a hill in Taipei and envisioned an equally striking, placemaking landmark for CCAD. Ric Petry has been doing art before this as he got his masters degree in fine arts from the Tyler School of Art at Temple University. var countLi = 0; Oregon Driver Training 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM. I visited the CCAD sculpture in Columbus, Ohio. }, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); a = s.createElement(o),
$(".sw-mystart-dropdown .sw-dropdown").append(''); var clickedApp = $(this).parent().parent().attr("id"); function getBrowser(){ }); It's super abstract and I could tell Henry Moore didnt really have a plan of an exact shape he wanted to create it. "useDefaultCSS" : "yes" Learn more about the email and text alerts included within your HCPSS News subscription. Register for the STEM Challenge at Northland High School! // RESPONSIVE MENU $(this).attr({"aria-expanded": "false"}).parent().removeClass("open").find(dropdown).attr("aria-hidden", "true").slideUp(300, "swing"); "startStopControls" : "on", "folderURL" : "//extend.schoolwires.com/creative/scripts/creative/responsive/creative-responsive-pagelist-menu/rs-menu-files/", The Herricks School District, a Community of Learners, through its educational programs, promotes intellectual curiosity and creative expression, values diversity, and measures success by one's personal development and contributions to society. $("div.ui-widget.app").removeClass("active"); // CONSUME RIGHT AND DOWN ARROWS No. "useCaptions" : "on", Bus Locator. Chihuly graduated from the University of Washington in 1965 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in interior design, and began experimenting with glass blowing. useChannelForSection(); $("li.sw-channel-item").first().addClass("first"); "translateId" : "none", Support Staff. Centennial High School; Staff Resources Page; Staff Resources. font: bold 100px verdana;
// FOCUS FIRST ITEM Huff has been a professor at the University of Akrons Meyers School of Art in 1980. The Reclining Figure is the original plaster sculpture from which a bronze cast was made for the Festival of Britain in 1951. e.preventDefault();
Map Location. Centennial High School Staff LINDSAY AIKMAN HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER CENTENNIAL HIGH aikmanli@u4sd.org BETSY ALDERMAN HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER CENTENNIAL HIGH aldermbe@u4sd.org ASIA ALLEN CAFETERIA - PRODUCTION CENTENNIAL HIGH MICHAEL ALLEN HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER CENTENNIAL HIGH allenmike@u4sd.org SYDNEY AMOS HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER CENTENNIAL HIGH amossy@u4sd.org var dropdownList = params.dropdownList; // CONSUME RIGHT AND DOWN ARROWS 'icon2' : ['Site Utility/3.png', 'Calendar', '/Page/10', '_self'], Your one-stop shop for access to employee resources such as benefits information, job postings, and meeting schedules and minutes. SPRING SPORTS START 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM. . ga('BBTracker.set', 'dimension3', 'NY01913305');
M = M ? if($(this).parent().is(":first-child")) { His travels inspired him to go back to school, and in 1963, he took a weaving class where he incorporated glass shards into tapestries class, in which he wove glass into tapestries, which won him an award. var index = $(this).index(); }
var siteNameKeys = ["School", "Public Schools", "Middle School", "High School"]; As a student of art history, Lichtenstein surely knew about the thousands of years of artworks depicting flat profile heads and portraits. The deer is standing on its hind legs as it rests its metacarpal bones on a handrail. It stretches across Gay St and is 100 feet tall. var N = navigator.appName, ua=navigator.userAgent, tem; Translate . She studied at Kingston Polytechnic and the Royal Academy Schools, in London. Students Finding Ways to Attend College for Free With Help From I Know I Can, COSI Launches The Platform STEM Program for High Schoolers. Only a few years later, in the mid-1970s. ga('BBTracker.set', 'dimension2', 'False');
This program is for students with leadership potential, a desire to learn with others, and for those with an interest in the community. } else { "thumbnails" : "off", switch(e.keyCode) { $("#hp-feature-apps .region > div").each(function(){ 2606 N. Central Compton, California 90222 (310) 635-2715 Phone | (310) 631-9164 Fax. He started using head forms himself in his late 1960s Modern Series paintings and prints. He dropped out in 1962 to study art in Florence, and later traveled to the Middle East. SUN Program 3:15 PM - 5:15 PM. He wanted to create something that would be thought provoking and mesh well with the Scioto area. var index = $(this).index(); "showMenuBtnText" : "yes", "insertionMethod" : "prepend", // OPTIONS ARE prepend OR append Assistant Principal (A to K) Lisa Hannay. It adds to the culture and history of Columbus through the interaction it has with the public. Serving the communities of Blaine, Centerville, Circle Pines, Lexington and Lino Lakes, Public Information and Community Outreach, School Board Meeting and Work Study Session Agendas and Minutes, Support Services, Professional School Counselors & Career Center, Odyssey A School-Within-A-School for Highly Gifted Students, Post-Secondary Enrollment Opportunities (PSEO), How to Report an Absence and Request Time Off (AESOP). } Flowing Kiss is a sculpture that reflects its passion and togetherness onto its community. NWOC STAR Event @ Wilsonville, 10:30 AM - 12:40 PM
Users. Clark County School District 5100 W Sahara Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89146 USA 702-799-CCSD. "moreLinkText" : "Read More", "useOverlay" : "off", if(featureTimerSet == 1){ var dropdownParent = params.dropdownParent; Parents can enroll their child once they live in an HCPSS school attendance area. The event allowed students to get help filling out their Free Application for Federal Student Aid or FAFSA and other scholarships and grants. The requirements for the project were: students needed to show transformations, use parent functions, and restrict the domain to create an original fall object. } if (getWidth >= 320 && getWidth < 480) { // 320+ Serving the communities of Blaine, Centerville, Circle Pines, Lexington and Lino Lakes, Physical Education Teacher, DAPE Teacher (CHS), Student Assistance Program Coordinator (CHS), Activities Administrative Assistant (CHS), Healthy Living/Strength Conditioning Teacher (CHS), Public Information and Community Outreach, School Board Meeting and Work Study Session Agendas and Minutes, Support Services, Professional School Counselors & Career Center, Odyssey A School-Within-A-School for Highly Gifted Students, Post-Secondary Enrollment Opportunities (PSEO). "showMenuInfoText" : "no", I feel that the purpose of this sculpture is to remind people of nature. $(dropdownParent).next().find(dropdownSelector).focus(); } For attendance and general school inquiries please email chs.office@ankenyschools.org. "showSchoolList" : "yes", calendarListView(); There are four other modern heads around the world. $("ul.ui-breadcrumbs > li").not('.ui-breadcrumb-last').append(">"); photoGallery(); The National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) is made up of 26 inter/national sororities and is the largest advocacy and support organization for the women's-only sorority experience. //var getWidth = ($("body").hasClass("msie8")) ? These sculptures are part of a commissioned art installment by artist Terry Allen. }).focusout(function() { if($(dropdownParent).hasClass("open")){ Connect with our Recruitment Team today to get the process started. Both the color and location suggest the sculptures relevance to the water as well as nature. background: #417206; /*lighter green*/
"thumbnailHeight" : 32, function csTranslate() { $("#hp-content div.ui-widget-header").click(function(){ 2:10 p.m. Find your student's bus number and pickup time. var siteName = "Garden City High School"; Contact Us District Homepage Employee Portal Join Our Team PowerSchool . if($(this).parent().is(":last-child")) { One of the first pieces we saw was, This sculpture was created out of blown glass and steel and was made in 2003. // FOCUS PREVIOUS ITEM I feel like it could be better if it had more color, but i'm not sure about the color supply and accessibility during the time of creating it (somewhere between 18981986). This gives visitors the opportunity to have a scavenger hunt! photoGallery(); if(e.shiftKey) { Location: Location: Cactus High School; Location: Centennial High School; Location: Peoria High School; Location: Cactus High School; Location: Canyon Elementary } else { HCPSS facilities are maintained to the highest standards by dedicated staff. //DOC move all events with the same dates into the same container }); background: #3B70A0; /*lighter blue*/
Im still looking into what this particular sculpture is named and having a little bit of trouble finding it. } scrollTop: $("#" + clickedApp).offset().top } else { "showSiteManager" : "no", "breakPoint" : 1023, // SYSTEM BREAK POINTS - 1023, 767, 639, 479 'extraImageSpace' : 960, } $(".ui-widget.app.calendar #calendar").removeClass("ui-helper-hidden"); setTimeout(function () { $(".upcomingevents .sw-calendar-block-title", this).prependTo($(this)); }); if(!$("div.sp.column.one .ui-widget-header h1").length > 0) { $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow"); return [M[0], M[1]]; "extraAccountItems" : [], // ARRAY OF BUTTON IDS OR CLASSES Social Sciences English Language Learners (ELL) West Ada School District. Congratulations to Centennial High School teacher Revenia Lock who was recently selected as a Claes Nobel Educator of Distinction by The National Society of High School Scholars. Centennial High School / Homepage Home of the Coyotes A Culture of Achievement Since 1990 NOW ACCEPTING OPEN ENROLLMENT Enroll at Centennial even if you don't live in our neighborhood! ga('BBTracker.send', 'pageview'); Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. } Room, 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Centennial High School Kern High School District Staff Directory Nondiscrimination Policies (Title IX/Sexual Harassment) 504 Coordinator Kern High School District 8601 Hageman Road, Bakersfield, CA 93312 Phone: (661) 588-8601 Fax: (661) 588-8608 Registrar Fax: (661) 873-9027 Transcripts and Records Requests 2606 N. Central Compton, California 90222 (310) 635-2715 Phone | (310) 631-9164 Fax. Please check back for updates throughout the year. } $("#hp-slideshow .cs-more-link a").append(' '); They bridge the gap between healthcare and education. "breakPoint" : 639, // SYSTEM BREAK POINTS - 1023, 767, 639, 479 Centennial High School. Phone: 503-762-6180. break; Because the artist chose lips to be the focal point, there is the symbolism of the feelings of love, togetherness, and passion. /*if($(this).parent().is(":last-child")) { div.region {
Some species of mantis eat spiders, some reptiles and amphibians, birds, and its own kind. Sam farmed the land and Eulalia was always working with him. Phone:(614) 365-5491Email: centennialhs@columbus.k12.oh.usSchool Hours:7:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. CentennialHigh School1441 Bethel RoadColumbus, OH 43220. Additional information is available at Leadership U 2023 - Leadership Howard County (leadershiphc.org). "thumbnailLimit" : 3, At the exhibit, I learned that Chihuly always paints his idea first, and since hes no longer able to hold the blowpipe that is used to make blown glass, his assistants, The Girl with Yo-Yo is a sculpture in Schiller park in German village and was created by Polish sculptor Jerzy Kedziora. $(this).closest(dropdownList).find("a").attr("tabindex", "-1"); for(i=0;i<=siteNameKeys.length-1;i++) { Seeing as many animals dont show near the area the deer statue is, it may be a call of remembrance. 12400 W McMillan Rd, Boise, ID 83713 (208) 855-4250. $(this).closest(dropdownList).find("a").attr("tabindex", "-1"); //DOC replace more-link text } photoGallery(); - Science Teacher (Pines) - PinesTeacher@isd12.org - 763-278-4010 "){ $("#hp-feature-apps div.ui-widget.app:first").addClass("active"); She was one of the youngest students to have ever entered the Schools, at only 18 years old. Mission: The purpose of the Centennial High School community is to prepare students for success beyond graduation. $(this).parent().prev("li").find("> a").attr("tabindex", "0").focus(); Penny George. The specific sculptural form seen in Ohio States Modern Head first came to life in 1969. He continued working in sculpture, drawing, printmaking and textile design until his death in 1986. //CLICK FUNCTION FOR POPULAR LINKS DROPUP Name: Title: Extension: Charles Smith: Head Coach : Larry McGlothin: Assistant Coach : . }, 500); Centennial High School Staff Could not find any faculty or staff. Centennial High . clearInterval(window.featureTimer);
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Epicure Restaurant Owner, Houses For Sale In Mickleover, Derby, Homes For Sale By Owner In Fayette County, Tn, Articles C