I dont sweat the small stuff, just the biggies. Even if there is something going on and you unsure what it is Just let him know you are there for him anytime he needs to talk and you are willing to listen. This probably because, i know from my best friend that he is a player. Both of them are as loyal and faithful towards one another, thus making no space for distrust, jealousy or possessiveness to take place. there is nothing like it . I have been with my current boyfriend for almost one yearhe is everything to me. @scott and Sandra, Thank you so much for responding! i got great respect for cancer men, im a virgo girl. Is loving a person so bad ? We enjoy being together. Virgos are obsessed with work. WebVirgo Woman - Cancer Man Zodiac Compatibility, Love Compatibility, Obsession, Relationship Compatibility, Sex Compatibility and Reviews. i also found her professional profile at linkedin.com. 5) constantly complain and say you always do this and you never do that when it might have been only once and most likely accidental. She knew the guy and was in love with him in high school,already.Back off. You want to kill a cancer man and turn him into a rock do the following: she is steady, grounded and tolerant of unfavorable situations, if any bad thing happens repeatedly to take what she had built or pushed by someone beyond her limit, instead of telling someone she will cry to the Lord and her prayers will instantly be heard. My heart was pounding immediately I cant explain it. And if you try to stop him from caring for others its equivalent of asking him to betray them.something cancer cant do. There are two advantages of staying in this relationship in my opinion. He withholds SEX!!!!! Just ask. is this to avoid getting hurt again? S.N the sex was AMAZING!. Cancer, remember there is nothing makes a woman happiest than to be loved, admired and appreciated by her man for her hard work and dedication. Dont know, just thought I would try and make a strangers day. GIVE HIMPRAISE The Cancer man needs reassurance. He is emotional and sensual because of his ruling planet Moon, and she is affectionate and sensitive which makes their physical relationship work wonders for them. Remember, actions can be louder than words. Though he may sometimes try to guideline her career options but generally he is generous and ready to stand by her side. Dating a good understanding. The Sun Sign Match report will help you find some much-needed answers. He has changed my life and helps me work toward my goals. Their love for each other is certain to get to great heights. A Virgo woman is very calm and earmarked in nature basically. On the downside, you both tend to be more critical than necessary. I was never really giving any attention of what she said at that time, because i was only interested to see her sitting straight and looking extremely lovely. Image: Shutterstock. There seems to be a compatibility of Cancer man and Virgo woman, which is geniuine in its essence. Very pure as and warm. Sooner or later, Virgo will focus his problem-solving, perfectionist mind towards his partner. The Cancer man and Virgo woman strengths come with their ability to trust in one another. 1) tell him you are independent and dont need him. Being a Cancerian man having married a Virgo woman, I must say the relationship was lustfully intense for many years and did not slow down. Just remember, nagging a Cancer is not good.. they do not have the patience. That is all i want from you. I cant even be her secret admirer you know(LOL). If hes upset about something he finds any reason to turn the case on me. .WE HAVE NEVER MET. Flowers blossom for them and rainbows come out for their harmonic melody of love. Im a Virgo woman and she would not be there if she didnt want to. A rough year his emotions and my criticism did make for a good relationship at first but I can now say that its gotten much better through time. Do two cancers, creative and a scorpio man compatibility steven fherman april 9th. Why are there so many drug related incidents with Cancer men. I never felt that kind of emotion for someone else before! What will help you keep your relationship strong? I am a virgo woman married to a cancer man. Whereas, the Earth element in the female Virgo, makes her a down to earth person, sensible and reliable as well. Obviously, this is a Catch 22 situation. That is all i want from you. Why does he react that way? LISTEN TO HIM When he talks to you about his problems, just listen to him, do not try to fix his problems remember he has pride, too much. How to. [faith and spiritual depth] We stood there without moving like statues, (i could not resist his beautiful mouth)I reached up, (Im 54)and gave him a very soft kiss, talk about not expecting it! The Cancer woman often needs some time to herself to process her emotions, while the Virgo man needs some time alone to think things through whenever hes working on something thats important or significant to him. I am a pisces woman looking for a cancer man but I dont know where the safeest place to look cos dating sites has so many scammers so if anyone can help me I it would be appreciated I have been single for 3yrs after a 28yr relationshil and I think it is time for me to move on I am 56rs old so I keep getting told that I wont find anyone they said that I am in my 20s anymore but I dont feel old I still feel that I am still young which I am 56 isnt old well I dont think it is. The Cancer man is highly adaptable, flexible, and flowing in nature. or if I want to go watch a movie on premiere night, he says wait til saturday, then he doesnt feel like it, so now I sneak in midnight showings. She loves you, she just doesnt know how to express it. The Cancer man is someone who is sentimental and sympathetic too, when he falls in love with the Virgo woman, he receives a lot of compassion, affection and care from her. Cancer man is a very very very kind-hearted man in the world. Not dating him yet, but I am totally smitten. Talk to her and tell her how you feel. This is all I want to do. This relationship comes to an end if cancer becomes rude or violent towards her, its not his nature actually, but its better to be careful not to hurt Virgo woman in this way specially after the relationship gets deeper or reach meaningful stage. I am not saying go out there and cheat. Dont always be about sex be that independent woman he wants and needs you to be and if its that serious go get a toy from the sex store. Even though be crazy, wild, and random at times were still two best friends having fun adventures. Their physical closeness also stirs their emotional oneness to a great extent. My problem is that when I break up with, cus Im pissed about something he didnt do, like tells me to be ready at 8 and picks me up at 10PM! Thanks, Im a virgo woman and I love my cancer mate. So its important to nurture this blessed relationship, because no one knows the deeper meaning of love other than these two i guess? I wish him gud luck . He is also very effficient in dealing with her and her harsh critical thinking about herself. The Cancer man and the Virgo woman are quite compatible and they tend to strike the right cords when they start understanding the deeper meaning of love and start avoiding things that would hurt the other person. Get your priorities straight. He is so passionate and unpredicatble. Do two cancers, creative and a scorpio man compatibility steven fherman april 9th. He knows im very independent. Hello all of my beautiful virgo ladies out there. heres my answer one decade later, lol, just talk to him in an apologetic way and that should do it. Let a girl live, The Virgo girl Im into doesnt seem to care about my issues at all. He puts out so much effort that the competitive side in me surfaces, I dont like to be outdone. The Virgo woman is ruled by the planet of Mercury, also known as the Messenger of the Gods, which signifies effective communication of one's ideas, thoughts and opinions. So, i really got angry with him. I think cancer men are more susceptible to drug use b/c dealing with emotions is a very difficult thing to handle at times, and we can become overwhelmed. I just make myself blurr. The female Virgo is very calm and composed with him, and tends to be a very good listener which in turn helps him connect well with her by sharing a few more things that he hasn't told anyone yet. im a cancer and i fell in love with a virgo girl years back when i was 21. it amazes me how accurate your analysis is, once we opened up to each other it was so mind blowing gut quenching intense passion yet so comfortable, easy and instinctively natural. For me, its unfair, coz if hes my friend, he should tell me the truth. We do not have the perfect marriage, but we are married for 16 years and together 20 years. Believe me i have had some rough times with my lover but slowly with time he has learned how to take my feelings into consideration, trust me we are not the perfect couple neither we still have our ups and downs but it is over stupid things with no importance at all. Mostafa BroYOU NAILED it.Love You for that. Once the crabs trust has been broken however, he will crawl under his rock and not come back out. That probably hurt himHe cried while he was talking on the phone. Pisces man taurus. She is an intellectual individual, who is clever, sensitive and a bit emotional as well. Cancer men have it difficult. The time you spent together is very important for cancer. = Ask him about his fears and insecurities and work on it. Hence, affectionate person who, which is not go very focused and cancer sun friends. tell him how you truly feel about about him and see what he thinks about you, also if hes being moody and upset just hug him and ask him whats really making him upset. Moreover the way he can make a Virgo woman passionate and the way she makes Cancer man expressive is usually not possible for others to do for them. Im a Virgo women also dating a cancer man just like you all I feel as tho he hiding things we argue it gets really bad be this kind of hate I cant describe even while we argue he go on and on after I let it go but when we not arguing nothing but happiness the way he make me feel his soft touch his strong arms I just want to have sex with him all day but he says I want it to much but I love him, Omg when i read that i thought i wrote it lol. he was a complete Tosser!! my name is rosalinda im a women virgo and i have a boyfriend that is a cancer we about to be 2month together i see we have alot in commen but the only problem is that we dont have much to talk about im a really shy girl i dont know if his shy. I have been with an Aquarian, a Gemini, a Leo, an Aries, and two Cancers. His name is Andreas and he posted his story on a site called zodiac-traits.com on Nov 14thcould you be his girl? The Earth Sign natives are known for their patience, stability and practical approach. = Dont judge his decision, even if its not satisfying for you. I have never dated anyone like him and Im completely and utterly smitten. Well I guess he will be ready soon. It took at least a year and a half to fall in love between us. They were all the same and in my life they always were. Its interesting, how could a person love someone that they dont know nothing about. You will kill him slowly and you will never be happy. The Cancer Man and Virgo woman are incredibly compatible. But you wont believe how he punishes me! This article is so true i mean every last bit of it. = Limit too much interaction outside of relationship. We adore each other and we dont doubt we are soulmates, we have been to hell and back. I am hurting and trying to do my classic, see ya! He has a desire to lead and she finds his leadership fine in all the ways. VIRGOS PURITY LIES IN HER TEARS. Im cancer guy, who falls in love with Virgo lady.My knowledge about this Virgo women is limited, rather than having seen her in the television screen when she had an interview with local television station about the success and future plans of some manufacturing company she used to work as a manager. But what hurts him most is her strong criticism and her interest in outer world to get love. = Be apologetic. All rights reserved. Your relationship with a Cancer man will be challenging, but any good thing worth keeping is worth a challenge. I would do almost anything to make amends because Cancerian men are wonderful friends. The formers sympathetic nature complements the latters compassion perfectly. Both of them share a very good sexual relationship with warmth of soil and coolness of water. A Cancer man makes a Virgo woman feel very comfortable because he doesnt control her totally like other people. I have my boyfriend of 2, 1/2 years, I 45 and he is 43. []. Please can a cancer man please respond, please? we were great friends then and we only recently met at a high school reunion! He says he still loves her very much and wants her back. Its amazing. He never hear my words.. v had been in a long distance relationship but now v r in same place.. still he never say dat he want to meet me n spend tym wid me .. and for me my life is so precious.. When a Virgo lady and a Cancer man are compatible, there is a strong emotional bond that is also versatile. I tried to forget her the other day, but i couldnt. If he cause you to feel the way you do you are blessed but make sure it goes both ways so that it will flourish into something more beautiful than ever. I dont know how to describe her,but she have something unique and special in her.I prefer the word lovely because i want to make it traditional and normal as she is.The words dont explain the connection i felt for this lady, No one ever capture my heart like that before.Though Im not that kind of person who can easily fall in love even for a princess or miss world.I tried to forget her the other day,but i couldnt.so, i went online and Google her. Required fields are marked *. Hey Im A Cancer , and I have this female friend shes a virgo . Im a Virgo female and my boyfriend is a Cancer male; and weve only known each other a few months but it feel as if weve known each other for a very long time. and my god, wow, im so in shock how deep i love her! = Never make yourself an independent woman [this is the biggest turn off for any relationship] in fact what is the purpose of being together in relationship ? Hi i am a Virgo woman an my boyfriend is a cancer as well as my lil sister and i been with my boyfriend for a little while now and he drives my crazy sexual and mental but i love every thing about him i guess you will say hes the best i never felt like this before and i know i can be very demanding and criticizing even maybe a little crazy but with him i feel free from drama and stress he lets me know hes opinion on situation and help me realize my so called best friend was using me and might i add he loves his kids ,,,. The worlds tensions are now being replaced with a warmth that feels a lot like love. Likewise, a Scorpio woman is softened by the kindness and gentleness My life wouldnt be the same without him, and I hope that we last forever. Although i am a Cancer man, but i am a lil bit too young (21) lol, but i really hope you find your dream man! Im a Virgo female, he contacted me Recently expressing his feelings he had from 10 years ago, and let me tell you, he told me the same exact this you just said. My Virgo goddess is everything!! We both want it to last forever. Ive been dating my Cancer man for only a short while and he has spilled all his secrets to me. The twelfth sign of the zodiac, Pisces, is understanding, intuitive, artistic, and sympathetic. I am cancer man my question is that. its his nature to show sympathy, cant help it. We found love, lost it more times than we can count but with each loss came great lessons of forgiveness and a pure understanding of us. This is a relationship with great potential to get better and better over the passing years. If he loves you, he knows that he doesnt mean to turn the case on you theres probably something that happened to him. Been dating for a while now. But with me he feel completely safe and very open with me. WebEarth and water signs are kismet. I love how emotional he gets and he love my critical nature. We are all made of up of much more, and that has to be considered. This description is really fitting for us both, its unbelievable. LOL!! im a cancerian He would tell me everything.. WebCancer dating virgo man We would break up over 40 million singles: voice recordings. He symply said It sure is hot in here I said heck yes, he asked me if I would dance with him, we danced til 2 in the morning! Let me tell you one thing ladies our cancerian men love us to death. I was 17 he was 18 and 10 years later I still think about this man, cry a lot coz I never experienced such love since the breakup. A Pisces man and a Scorpio woman are very compatible according to their zodiac signs. BECAUSE HE LOVE THE IDEA OF DIVINE INTERVENTION. They have a likelihood to turn into a rousing contact of heart and psyche if just they yield to the chance to enter each others universes. He feels protected and safe when he is with her, she feels loved and admired with him, aprt from both of them being quite emotionally attached. His children are as mine and we are a happy family even though we are all still greiving me and him more than the rest. It seems like virgo woman dont want to be loved. Good luck in love Im ready to give my all. He makes her realise that it is important to be easy on oneself and accept them, to make any optimistic alterations in life. They are sincere and devoted to one another and share a strong sense of purpose. This is one of the very caring and nurturing relationships of all the zodiac signs. Im a virgo woman and I believe we do get along. Youre perceptive Virgin ladies, you can do it. Hey! she is in my thoughts, she is in my work. His weakness made me stronger, I mean I was raised by a Leo and a Taurus so I have some confidence in me to be the leading type. A Pisces man and a Scorpio woman are very compatible according to their zodiac signs. We are working through it all by not giving up on each other. DO NOT READ INTO THINGS When he says something to you that doesnt make sense, just kindly ask him to explain (do not raise your voice); he likes talking about his feelings. Not only am I a virgo, I am also a firehorse! But deep in my heart, i cant. well i have been left in AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! She just has to make sure that she is not being over-critical about him or herself, which may have drastic impact on the relationship, as she may turn out to be a bit frustrated and irritated at times. I met a virgo women a few weeks ago! She appreciates his sense of humor because it exudes the right amount of humor and sophistication. Not that he lack confidence, hejust likesto be acknowledged (positive attention). As a couple, the Cancer man's attachment to reality and pragmatism will be a support for the Virgo woman. Today i went on a date with a virgo woman and im a cancer man. Although they have the potential to get along perfectly, a Cancer man and Cancer woman friendship can also be terrible. He knows all the buttons to push and loves to make me feel good. I feel like we had a life together some where in time long ago. He is everything that was said in this article. I had cancer rising too so I have same pain and emotion like cancerian. Learn to read him as well as he will inevitably be able to read you so that youll know when to ask wanna talk about it? or leave him be. WebFor the most part, Virgo man and Cancer woman make excellent tag-team partners. He too hides alot from me and gets upset when I mention all the woman he has as contacts on his phone. This is frightningly accurate! anyway, we have had the most amazing time, the good has been super good, and the bad heart wrenching crying, we think were are gonna die bad. I have never seen anyone so exquisite and lovely in my entire life. One of the CancersI was with was a friend of mind that I liked for a long time that I hada one-night stand with, and I think our reactions to how the next morning went hurt both of us. The most easy to understand feature of Astrology, The factor influencing your mind and emotions, Explore all about the 9 Agents of God the 9 Planets, The House which forms the basis of the Horoscope, The 12 crucial components that make up the Horoscope, Explore the deeper aspects of the human psyche, Copyright 2023 Wellness Technologies Private Limited, For 100% Privacy, Security & Easy Access To Expert Astrologers, You will receive a 4 digit code for verification, Enter Your 4 Digit OTP Code on+91 7201040060Change. They are actually better suited as lovers than as friends, and often when a Cancer man and Cancer woman become close in friendship they will end up romantically entangled. I want to be loved madly, loved all the time. Sexual union is not something either of them normally views as casual or frivolous. REMEMBER THAT THEY ARE PERECT (LOL, FUNNY BUT TRUE, THATS WHAT THINK ABOUT THEMEVEN WE KNOW THEY ARE WRONG SOMETIMES). He is so open with me and feels comfortable to tell me everything in return I really have to be expressive and remind him that Im completely into him! exact situation except from sex withholding, because the one who is withholding is not him. HE WANTS TO LIVE LIFE. One more thing before I finishregardless of the compatibility between your suns or hell, even your whole charts, you have to have patience and realize that there is no such thing as a perfect relationship. are you kidding me, I have stopped seeing him, he calls me everyday and stops by and we make out, but then he splits. Cancer and Virgo compatibility is a combination of emotional depth, practicality, and loyalty. Its a shame that most people fails to see the true nature of Virgo woman, how she looks like and what she can do at her very best. Before I found out that my cancer man was carrying on behind my back our relationship was a bitter sweet union, we started so well I felt that I had found my soul mate and then things went bad and we started to get caught up with weekly breakups every time one of us felt emotionally hurt by the other, this resulted in my cancer man cutting me off emotionally and I was left seeking for the emotional comfort from another man although all I wanted was my cancer man. The need to help others but when it comes to me I need to be there to help him. The day we met was cataclysmic, he watched me dancing for an hour before I stopped long enough to notice his beautiful smile, he was there in all his tallness(63) watching me. I just want to cut him off. WebVirgo Man and Cancer Woman Sexual and Intimacy Compatibility When Cancer and Virgo get together, there is potential for an extraordinary, never-ending love. tell her how you feel, we virgos are straight forward. It will be a relationship like you have never experienced, and if it is right, real love. Reading about your attempt to make it work is somewhat discouraging, but I love him like I have never loved another. The result? Both Cancer and Virgo are goal-oriented and disciplined. While they may have their challenges, these two signs can create a stable and loving partnership with open communication and I need my man to love me more.. but its not happened wid dis cancer man.. so I have approached him about breaking ou one n half yr relationship. What an amazing sex we had..unbelievable. Literally, it was a nightmare! A Cancer woman and Virgo man both need some time alone occasionally. WebThe Cancer man compatibility with Virgo woman is filled with an emotional attachment which is strong and flexible at the same time. We found something I think only these to signs can share and it cant be put into words. Once I left for good she flipped out! HOME. DO NOT NAG HIM We Virgos (have to admit) are naggers, only because we want everything to be perfect we have fallen into this category. WebVirgo Man Cancer Woman Compatibility There is so much potential for success when Virgo and Cancer get together. Cancer man loves a dress in a woman. If they accept one another and face their fears together, then the Cancer man and Virgo woman relationship compatibility will surely grow and prosper. Make up your mind if you want a relationship or friend, because we can do both. Im compelled to meet another water sign man, esp a Pisces, I think water and earth are great together. The sympathetic quality of the former nicely compliments the compassion of the latter. And we get back together. His post is about the third to the last. Highly imaginative and creative, these people like variety and keep exploring various options. His plan is to keep me under his supervision and makes sure everything is fine. Cancer man ardently admires the intelligence and practicality of the Virgo woman. Their work compatibility is high as they go along very well. A Cancer man and Virgo woman combination are a highly compatible zodiac match. They understand each other, and they are able to provide each other with balance. A Cancer man is able to soften a Virgo woman and help her to relax. Likewise, a Virgo woman will be able to provide grounding and emotional stability to a Cancer man. My cancer man we went to high school together. 9.) This is because he is under the Water element. WebVirgo Woman - Cancer Man Zodiac Compatibility, Love Compatibility, Obsession, Relationship Compatibility, Sex Compatibility and Reviews. Hes amazing and Im His touch was intoxicating filled with emotion I cant explain it. A relationship between a Cancer man and Virgo woman (or Virgo man and Cancer woman, or any combination of the two signs, regardless of gender) may get off to ENCOURGE HIM The Cancer man is goal oriented no doubt. Im so happY. So make sure to love her purely and unconditionally because she can be exceptionally dedicated for the one who loves her this way,but who know this better than cancer. I know the challenge to keep it exciting and fun while loving and monogamous could be there over time. :c, Just met this cancer manIm a TRUE virgohes a TRUE cancerIve been very doubtful of our relationship because Im fresh off of a 5 year log relationship with a Capricorn.. but Mr. CancermmmmMr. = Be appreciative for the things he does for you. I later realized that he is so business minded and keep forcing me to work with him. It is hard to tell with a Virgo woman. = Consult with him. But will virgo woman ever understand this, i dont know. Save. I wish that he was ready too. Yes I think Im losing my mind with this guy, Ive never cried so much for a man in my life!!!! 3) make him feel guilty everytime he wants to hang out with his friends or family or just wants to be alone. He didnt want to leave, when we went outside to our cars, fate(God) had our cars parked next to each other. WebA Cancer man with his steady, watchful intelligence will win the respect of his Virgo woman. He is currently seeing another woman but still professes his love for me. Both Cancer woman and Virgo man have a deep and innate need for security. The nature of Cancer is very sentimental and empathetic. We all must have to thank God someday for creating this kind of peoples among us, because virgos are special jewels for this world. We do have moments where we argue but all that never lasts a day. Then, I looked back over some old pictures of when it was just my daughter and I (wonderful father figures, Cancers, by the way.I would trust him with her life) and we were happy.but I remembered what it was like to have all that time alone and to date people and be married to people who just didnt get it and it made me want to get down on my knees and thank God for him. Im a Virgo women I have a cancer man he whisked my soul away our first date. But she can read my face. Do not be atypical Virgo whoputs herself last, not having time for herself. On the other hand, he has to make sure that he deals with his own mood changes as perfectly as he deals with hers. Virgo gives Cancer much-needed boundaries, and Cancer gives Virgo the kind of care and nourishment they need to evolve. So i feel i dont have a reason to feel cheated.still i think hes hiding things! I was usually very cool, diplomatic, and shy, even can say unresponsive with men, but I turned out to be very passionate, and sensual. I dont know why, but we used to quarrel even though we have a lot in common.
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