So that gave me practice in learning to clear the jams and I never know when it would happened, so I liked that it wasnt that reliable! why the click-bait? p.s. . Very good ammo test and recommendations. "Control" is a subjective term. Wait for it - as soon as the infatuation with "new bullet advancements" smacks up against reality, we'll see agencies once again picking up .40 S&W and .357 Sig and the 9mm will be relegated to its place at the lower end of the "mid-calibers.". The superb induce, fiber optic front sight and adjustable rear sight assist you to increase the P17s array. So here it is Tuesday 22 MAY 2018, and I'm shopping for a more humane round because, far be it from me if the next one has to go into a school shooter or something. Serious lack of experience is what tripped you up. You can talk weight, expansion, and penetration all day but its the energy you put into your target thats gives you that knockout punch. My carry 26 is loaded with hollow points but shoot plenty a 9s through it ato the range. The cat finally expired about a minute later because it bled out. We're all bad-asses until were not. The 9mm Luger is generally not thought of as a rifle cartridge, but we're seeing a proliferation of . The best group of the day measured 2.05 inches for five shots, and four of the 20 groups fired measured under 2.5 inches. And now I was soaked down to the bone, and starting to shiver like the cat I had just dispatched. I have shot it in most calipers it is available in and I like the way it reacts in every gun I'v tried. Here are some details of the test which closely mimic FBI protocol: Here are our recommendations for each of the most common weights of bullets: 115, 124, & 147 grain. I have even seen articles that say reloading is more expensive. The best you can do with any handgun seems to be 96%: the least effort with which you can do that is a 135 grain .40 S&W at 1350 f/s (Cor-Bon). This little pistol is really a tack driver. When I'm putting one in the chamber it's popping out like its too small. The best ammo is what works most reliably in your gun. Nah, most any modern 9mm, even a Taurus, should handle +P just fine. Our flagship line of compact, full-size and hybrid EDC pistols. I am now paying for my casual attitude in many earlier years of hunting, target shooting, and heavy equipment. Perfect for ranges or classes where you cant pick up brass. Anyone try the liberty civil defense ammo? Worked for them, just saying. I've only used the Magpul PMAG Gen M3 magazines to date. Can be conceal carry, convenient for self-defense . The gelatin exists to provide a COMPARISON medium between different rounds, as it is neither practical nor ethical to test competing cartridges on living targets. Shot placement with handguns trumps all. I would choose any of these 3 over the 5 in the article. I shoot Federal's American Eagle 115 gr FMJ for practice and Federal's HST 147 gr hollow points for defense. I would like to see ARX added to the review's. Both gun and ammo, I had not much of choices in the pandemic. Yeah 9mm was garbage in the 1980s. Let us help you find the best . Ive shot A LOT of PMC ammo through the years in both pistol and rifle cartridges. There is not telling what the current chest cavity configuration may even look like. Ballistic gelatin doesnt shoot back, and you are not using the math reported by Ed Sanow to predict stopping power from gelatin results. The Sig V Crown and ball ammo run perfectly through all my handguns an pcc's. HoneyBadger ammo isn't the cheapest load listed here, but it's certainly one of the best 9mm self-defense loads available . The company has been making the best ammo for years now, so you can be sure that this one will be great. 1 Magtech Ammunition 9 mm 115GR FMJ Ammo. I love the 43X also, but looking for a second (back-up) option to carry. I never see Wilson Combat, Hornady, Remington, Winchester, or Atlanta Arms ammo reviewed. The brass itself is a bit finicky and might need extra steps such as deburring, annealing, etc. bullet for self defense, if you don't have time to put on ear protection, is the lower velocity better for minimizing hearing damage, or is a silencer still necessary? Buy On Amazon. I shoot them sparingly just to make sure that the brands I have cycle through without issue. . I personally think you should have gotten way more range ammo. Its a TEST do it all, and let us know which 9mm ball will cycle the most guns. In that case, I would have to agree with the manufacturer you spoke with and go for a base of the skull shot. I understand that my glock 48 MOS should give me higher velocity and, based on your ballistic gel tests, I would anticipate consistent expansion without excess penetration. I will tell my friends "I would rather you hit 5 times with a .22 than miss 6 shots with a 454 . Theres actually not Considerably to convey a couple of mag loader that hasnt been claimed prior to. Right now theres not too much selection and these are the ones mostly in stock: However, here are my picks of my favorite self-defense rounds. Dont let the compact dimensions fool you. Federal HST or 147 gr. Did I make the wrong choices? -Recoil: I'm definitely better at follow-up shots with a 9mm when compared to a .45 even in my heavy 1911's. Thanks for the reply Eric. I have also signed up for practice at a local gun range. At some point you're splitting hairs. Relatively new firearm owner that's been hitting the range as much as time and cost permits. Hey how are you, I'm surprised not to see my favorite on your list ( hornady critical duty) 135, is it that it is not as good as the others. John Blair (Cpl USMC 5811 '77-'81; credence ), Hello, I live in S. CA and recently bought my first pistol, a S&W SD9VE with several hundred rounds of Winchester Ranger 9mm Luger T-series 147g (HST type for home defense) and 100 rounds of Winchester Luger FMJ for target practice. Hornady American Gunner Ammunition 90 Grain .380 ACP 3.20" 1 item; 3" 3 item; 4" 8 item; Compare Products. I became my group's "gun guy" and everyone who had questions came to me. They fired 24 rounds of FMJ ammo and sent it back, saying it works fine. From a veterinarian--one other reason to go for a head shot, particularly on severely wounded animals. Any .40 cartridge, cheap or not, will always out perform any and all 9mm. Galco's Sto-N-Go holster is ideal for concealed carry. She can group this load in a teacup. Just picked 2000 rounds It's incredibly affordable, reliable, and seems to have no drawbacks in a configuration that more gun buyers want in an everyday carry/home defense gun. But the .38 caliber that was popular at the turn of the 20 th century can still be a viable option for folks looking for operational simplicity and dependability with enough persuasion to stop a threat. Great penetration, the biggest expansion, and velocity for those who like shooting the slightly heavier 124 gr rounds. The CCI Blazer has a warning not to use their ammo with a ported barrel. Taurus followed the G3 by introducing the G3c that same year, a compact version with a 3.2-inch barrel and 12-round capacity. Thanks for the advice. Taurus G3 9mm Luger Semi Auto Pistol 17 Rounds Black Taurus G3 9mm Luger Semi . The sights were properly sighted for 124-grain ammunition at 15 to 25 yards. 9MM LUGER (9X19 PARA) . We'll only use the information provided according to our privacy policy. Want more calibers and choicescheck out Best Places to Buy Ammo Online. Unfortunately for this one being reviewed, it is not one of the ones that could be making the gun popular. Would you ??? The sig crowns are ok. Have you tried the Underwood Extreme Defense ammo in the 9mm? From what Ive seen with this particular speed loader, it works properly, reloads my journal within just twenty seconds, and it is sturdy enough to become tough with it without having stressing if its likely to break or not. Have had to use this ammo in a real defensive situation and it worked just as well in the field as testing. Bottom Line. my FFL acquired almost everything in tact within the required time stated by this dealer, would unquestionably make them my go-to gunshop That few MS longer curve spreads the energy going into the shooter over a slightly longer period of time. I call this my "defensive cocktail" loads, so if one does not stop the agressor, another different loading will if I do my job and put the rounds in the right place! He picked the most popular 9mm rounds that are the most readily available. The U.S. Border Patrol gets in more gunfights than any other American police agency. Most pistols will cycle these bullets ok but the magazine may not drop freely if the nose of the bullet is pooched out a little. Find out the best 9mm ammo for self-defense based on ballistic geltests that cover penetration depth and expansion. One SWAT Sergeant wanted to sell me a service pistol and offered a few boxes of frangible as part of the deal. That said, HST is the king of defensive rounds. See all their 9mm. I mean no disrespect or maliciousness. A lot of vicarious shooting anecdotes and recreational pharmaceuticals floating around? The other two are too new to say they're superior. I may earn a small part of the sale from links to any products or services on this site. The excellent cause, fiber optic front sight and adjustable rear sight assist you to lengthen the P17s array. Low recoil and pretty clean. 5.B) Corbon 125gr JHP + P. Or just watch Paul Harrell videos on Youtube where he shoots the meat target. This sighting system now includes a serrated steel rear sight . Hi, I'm Eric Hung and I got into guns when I was around 25 and started with YouTube videos, scouring forums, and eventually taking a bunch of classes. I have been shooting the .40 cal since the early 90s when it first arrived on the market , my first handgun was a S&W 411 , I own 2 other .40s one Beretta Px4 Subcompact and one Smith M&P . Just curious as to how you feel about the fluted defensive ammunition like the Underwood Ammo and the Black Hills Honey Badger. I have tested the HST ''LE TACTICAL'' several times .Shooting thru up to 8 layers of denim, shot thru med jacket, thru Roasts.The HST le tac. Check out keen dynamics on line bought some great prices. It works well for AIWB and strongside carry. I sent it back to Taurus. While no new .25 ACP pocket pistols have been developed in a very long time, and it remains . But I am sure you both had a lot more to add if this discussion hadn't required putting M&S (once again, sigh) to bed. Features. One of them knew just enough stats to be dangerous. Need a better way. Agreed. I would recommend the Norma Monolithic Holopoint. What do you think of Federal? That's pure imagination. As you know the first 3-5 inches of Ballistic gel is considered to be the epidermis. Perfect weight. Federal HST 9mm 147 gr. With the best construction, you will get the ammo being reliable. we are of the similar mindset with our passion for firearms. This ammo is designed to provide maximum stopping power while shooting in self-defense situations. The Taurus G3X Hybrid Compact Pistol. Thats ridiculous. Well, it finally happened. I'm a few weeks away from attaining my first 9mm Glock. IMO Hornady is overrated, overpriced and over-marketed to gun owners who otherwise dont know any better. Hornandy critical defense not on this list. After all Sig managed to sell the army brass on something not much different. When it comes to self-defense ammo, we tested the G3C with personal protection hollow points from Federal (HST), Hornady (Critical Defense), Speer (Gold Dot), and Winchester (Ranger). Well the biggest problem i see is that "if" you can find it the prices are so damn high i can only order two boxes if im lucky but at least the prices are just high enough to get me free shipping. So, for those of you out there with a lot more experience with this type of firearm, or shooting 9mm ammo in particular, what would your recommendations be for the best ammunition for a G3C, or any sub-compact pistol, and is +P too much ammo for this gun. It's not the grains of powder it's all 9 mm sure more grains of powder more firepower I get at feet per 2nd what about hollow points. 9mm Largo/9x23 - This is an old Spanish cartridge. They wasted a lot of time and paper, and hurt real discussion of facts in terminal ballistics. Do they fail the 4 layers of fabric test? Also, lightly smoothing the lips to the magazine might help as well. Excellent price point. My clock sf21 is my nightstand gun. The Winchester Ammo Silvertip is an excellent choice for Taurus G2C owners. I think you forgot to update the prices! I felt like I was shooting a quite heavy .22 On the other hand I haven't tried out any of the +P, or +P+ with the extra powder as of yet. Thanksjawalton. Dead is dead. Runs 1,300 fps from a 4" barrel delivering 338 ft lbs of energy. The other day I was able to get a box of hollow points. p17 kel tec That is incredibly low. (Photo by Michael Anschuetz) With its 4-inch barrel, the G3 is 7.3 inches long, 5.2 inches high and weighs 25 ounces empty. Thanks. 9mm is junk. Old thinking. best .380 round for short barrels, is the Hornedy, xtp. Go for the head shot--the brain is either there or not. What other concealable 4" 9mm semi-auto offers an 18 round capacity, a single-action fire control unit with a second strike capability and a three-slot accessory rail for only $345.23? But you should try to bring some current science into your thinking, and be willing to move forward. While a lung/heart shot is what you normally choose for a clean animal kill, such as hunting game, it probably isn't the best for putting an animal out of its pain. 9mm Glisenti - Same as above but Italian. (I'll leave it to you to find more precise equivalents as you pursue your real education in terminal ballistics.). 12-18" in gelatin does not directly translate to that same distance in living tissue; that number was decided upon based on comparison of the cartridges used in real life debilitating shots then being tested in gelatin. towards your level. Hornandy critical defense not on this list. A lot of ranges have different guns you can try, as do many firearms instructors. I've put at least 1000 rds of American Eagle 115 through my M&P9c without a single malfunction. Only have a single 9mm - my CZ P01. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. At a lot less than fourteen-ounces thoroughly loaded, and barely lengthier than a dollar bill, the P17 is concealable for essentially any one. Could you explain in more detail your intended meaning behind this statement in the ammo article? I'm not a fan of super lightweight ammo though. but it is not at all temperamental with anything I feed it. I use Hornady in my 3 personal carry Springfields; XDM, XDS, and Hellcat Never had a problem with feed. This best ammo for taurus g3c 9mm is easy to maintain because of its simple design, making it very easy to clean! Your site is helping me a lot. Feder hydra shok comes in hollow point too. Some steel-cased ammo has a projectile with a mild steel core, but some does not. Choose wisely. Tall Co-Witness Sights. Easy. Wrong. That's what a rifle is for. Beleieve me, I have seen lungs and hearts back in the abdomen and intestines up where the heart should be in many hit by car cases.
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