By Madison Paul Archivist, AEBM *Reworked from a speech given January 28, 2023 This will be Part One of a series dedicated to Amelia Earhart's family history. Focus on Amelia's mother, Amy Otis Earhart. Amelia Earhart, in full Amelia Mary Earhart, (born July 24, 1897, Atchison, Kansas, U.S.disappeared July 2, 1937, near Howland Island, central Pacific Ocean), American aviator, one of the world's most celebrated, who was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. The flight from Oakland to Honolulu took 16 hours. Genealogy chart showing how Amelia Earhart (Aviation Pioneer) is the 7th cousin 2 times removed to Lee Remick (Movie Actress) via their common ancestor of John Otis Jr.. [59] At this time, she lived in Medford, Massachusetts. [103] Earhart was especially fond of David, who frequently visited his father at their family home, which was on the grounds of The Apawamis Club in Rye, New York. The Otis house was auctioned along with all of its contents; Earhart was heartbroken and later described it as the end of her childhood. 262. The marketing campaign by both Earhart and Putnam was successful in establishing the Earhart mystique in the public psyche. The Importance of Amelia Earhart. Amelia"s mother, Amy Otis Earhart, survived untii l963, dying on Halloween of that year. [Note 27] In the later DU-1 design, the coupler need not be powered. "Eighty years since famed flight; Anniversary Amelia Earhart's stop in Saint John may have been brief but pivotal in record-breaking feat". [149], In March 1937, Kelly Johnson had recommended engine and altitude settings for the Electra. [208] Based on these facts, and the lack of additional signals from Earhart, the Coast Guard first responders initiating the search concluded that she ran out of fuel somewhere very close to and north of Howland. She lived with her wealthy grandparents in Atchison until she was twelve. [25] She later described the biplane as "a thing of rusty wire and wood and not at all interesting".[26]. ", "Portrait of Earhart as a volunteer nurse in Toronto. [173] Near Howland, Earhart could hear the transmission from Itasca on 7500kHz, but she was unable to determine a minimum, so she could not determine a direction to Itasca. [227] Hoodless also wrote that "it may be definitely stated that the skeleton is that of a MALE. Initially, Johnson recommended a more efficient flight plan that had a lower altitude for the first 6 hours. [Note 19] The expected flying time was about 20 hours, so, accounting for the 2-hour time-zone difference between Lae and Howland and crossing of the International Dateline, the aircraft was expected to arrive at Howland the morning of the next day, 2 July. You've likely heard that a young woman, Amelia Rose Earhart, a pilot and former Denver TV weatherperson who happens to have your first and last names but isn't otherwise related, completed a relatively risk-free world flight July 11 following a route that roughly approximated your own. The search found more bones, a bottle, a shoe, and a sextant box. Amelia Otis was the granddaughter of Gebhard Harres, a German settler well known for his work in the Lutheran Church. In the "R" position for the DU-1, the antenna signal is capacitively connected (via, Noonan wrote a letter on June 8, 1937, stating the RDF did not work when closing with Africa. All of these added to the confusion and doubtfulness of the authenticity of the reports. [60] She flew out of Dennison Airport (later the Naval Air Station Squantum) in Quincy, Massachusetts, and helped finance its operation by investing a small sum of money. If the vacuum tube is not powered, there would only be stray coupling. Hoverstein, Paul. [149] While apparently near Howland Island, Earhart reported receiving a 7500kHz signal from Itasca, but she was unable to obtain an RDF bearing. ", "Parks Airport Lockheed Vega 5C Special NX/NR/NC965Y. After her first successful solo landing, she bought a new leather flying coat. Earhart was just under 40 years old when she disappeared. Some sources have noted Earhart's apparent lack of understanding of her direction-finding system, which had been fitted to the aircraft just prior to the flight. Noonan and Earhart expected to do voice communications on 3105kHz during the night and 6210kHz during the day. During an attempt at becoming the first woman to complete a circumnavigational flight of the globe in 1937 in a Purdue-funded Lockheed Model 10-E Electra, Earhart and navigator Fred Noonan disappeared over the central Pacific Ocean near Howland Island. [210], British aviation historian Roy Nesbit interpreted evidence in contemporary accounts and Putnam's correspondence and concluded that Earhart's Electra was not fully fueled at Lae. She also has a minor planet, planetary corona, and newly-discovered lunar crater named after her. Memo to Operations Manager, Pacific Division, Pan American Airlines, April 29, 1935: "The inaccuracies of direction finding bearings can be very definitely cataloged: twilight effects, faint signals, wide splits of minima and inaccurate calibration.". Amelia Mary Earhart was born July 24, 1897, in Atchison, to Samuel Edwin Stanton and Amelia (Otis) Earhart. Owing to the weather-beaten condition of all the bones it is impossible to be dogmatic in regard to the age of the person at the time of death, but I am of the opinion that he was not less than 45 years of age and that probably he was older: say between 45 and 55 years." The 157/337 radio transmission suggests they flew a course of 157 that would take them past Baker Island; if they missed this, then sometime later they would fly over the Phoenix Islands, now part of the Republic of Kiribati, about 350 nautical miles (650km) south-southeast of Howland Island. By 1935, recognizing the limitations of her "lovely red Vega" in long, transoceanic flights, Earhart contemplated, in her own words, a new "prize one flight which I most wanted to attempt a circumnavigation of the globe as near its waistline as could be". [218] "[269][254] Additionally, had the Japanese found a crashed Earhart and Noonan, they would have had substantial motivation to rescue the famous aviators and be hailed as heroes.[254]. [36][37], When the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic reached Toronto, Earhart was engaged in arduous nursing duties that included night shifts at the Spadina Military Hospital. (Miss Earhart had been advised of the facilities and the Station's wave length prior to departure from Koepang). [14] Their upbringing was unconventional, as Amy Earhart did not believe in raising her children to be "nice little girls". Wife of Samuel Stanton Earhart married 16 Oct 1895 in Atchison, Atchison, Kansas, United States Descendants Mother of Unnamed Infant Earhart , Amelia Mary Earhart and Grace Muriel (Earhart) Morrissey Died 29 Oct 1962 at age 93 in Medford, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States [196], Later search efforts were directed to the Phoenix Islands south of Howland Island. Phone 951-697-5700 | Fax 951-328-7580. Amelia Earhart to Amy Otis Earhart, 1931 - March 1932. [263] Campbell cites claims from Marshall Islanders to have witnessed a crash, as well as a U.S. Army Sergeant who found a suspicious gravesite near a former Japanese prison on Saipan. [108][109], As the first woman to fly solo nonstop across the Atlantic, Earhart received the Distinguished Flying Cross from Congress, the Cross of Knight of the Legion of Honor from the French Government and the Gold Medal of the National Geographic Society[110] from President Herbert Hoover. Amelia Mary Earhart was born on July 24, 1897, the daughter of Edwin and Amy Otis Earhart. (19212013). Some sources, including Mantz, cited pilot error. Daughter of a railroad attorney, she grew up as a . ", "Dorothy Binney Putnam Upton Blanding Palmer 18881982. Movies. After the Navy ended its search, G. P. Putnam undertook a search in the Phoenix Group and other islands,[215] but nothing was found. Hoodless wrote that the skeleton "could be that of a short, stocky, muscular European, or even a half-caste, or person of mixed European descent." The 50-watt transmitter was crystal controlled and capable of transmitting on 500kHz, 3105kHz, and 6210kHz. [2][Note 1] Earhart was the first female aviator to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. She emerged from the broken wooden box that had served as a sled with a bruised lip, torn dress and a "sensation of exhilaration". ", "Barbie unveils dolls based on Amelia Earhart, Frida Kahlo, Katherine Johnson and Chloe Kim", "Amelia Earhart Tribute 40450 | Miscellaneous | Buy online at the Official LEGO Shop US", "Fantastic Or Even Eagle Flew", "Six snapshots taken at Wheeler Field, Oahu, January, 1935. ", Quote: " the judge nevertheless adored his brave and intelligent granddaughter and in her [Earhart's] love of adventure, she seemed to have inherited his pioneering spirit.". [39] Earhart passed the time reading poetry, learning to play the banjo, and studying mechanics. "[53], The next month Earhart recruited Neta Snook to be her flying instructor. Putnam also learned that he would be called "Mr. Have been unable to reach you by radio. He was ordered to send the remains to Fiji. and this did it a great film. The Lost Evidence proposed that a Japanese ship seen in the photograph was the Koshu Maru, a Japanese military ship. The initial search by the Itasca involved running up the 157/337 line of position to the NNW from Howland Island. The Riverside Unified School District is committed to ensuring equal, fair, and meaningful access to employment and education services. Eleanor Roosevelt would later feature prominently in another aviation-related cause when she took a famous flight with a young Black aviator, helping establish the credentials of the "Tuskegee Airmen". Amelia Otis was. The USCGC Itasca was on station at Howland. sex or gender. Earhart set several records, being the first woman to fly across the Atlantic, first as a passenger and later, as a solo pilot. Safford disputes a "sun line" theory and proposes that Noonan asked Earhart to fly 157337 magnetic or to fly at right angles to the original track on northsouth courses. Amelia Earhart Field (1947), formerly Masters Field and. Most historians hold to the simple "crash and sink" theory, but a number of other possibilities have been proposed, including several conspiracy theories. That year, once more flying her Lockheed Vega airliner that Earhart had tagged "old Bessie, the fire horse",[Note 14][119] she flew solo from Los Angeles to Mexico City on April 19. [40] While staying in the hospital during the pre-antibiotic era, she had painful minor operations to wash out the affected maxillary sinus,[38][39][40] but these procedures were not successful and Earhart continued to have worsening headaches. Earhart". [266][267] According to one cousin, the Japanese cut the Lockheed Electra into scrap and threw the pieces into the ocean, to explain why the airplane was not found in the Marshall Islands. "I did not understand it at the time," she said, "but I believe that little red airplane said something to me as it swished by."[45]. edn byla prohlena za mrtvou 5. ledna 1939. The many scattered clouds in the area around Howland Island have also been cited as a problem: their dark shadows on the ocean surface may have been almost indistinguishable from the island's subdued and very flat profile. Electronic Theses and Dissertations. The movie helped further a myth that Earhart was spying on the Japanese in the Pacific at the request of the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration. [4] She set many other records,[3][Note 2] was one of the first aviators to promote commercial air travel, wrote best-selling books about her flying experiences, and was instrumental in the formation of The Ninety-Nines, an organization for female pilots.[6]. Putnam, who was known as GP, was divorced in 1929 and sought out Earhart, proposing to her six times before she finally agreed to marry him. Amelia preferred the more benign weather of the west coast for flying and based her later years' operation from California rather than the east coast. [Note 46] Almost no communications were transmitted to the plane. Gallagher stated that the "Bones look more than four years old to me but there seems to be very slight chance that this may be remains of Amelia Earhart." [61] Earhart also flew the first official flight out of Dennison Airport in 1927. With the radio contact, the plane should have been able to use radio direction finding (RDF) to head directly for the Itasca and Howland. [Note 26] In addition, the RDF-1-A and DU-1 coupler designs have other differences. [90][91][92][93], During this period, Earhart became involved with The Ninety-Nines, an organization of female pilots providing moral support and advancing the cause of women in aviation. We will repeat this message. Itasca had its own RDF equipment, but that equipment did not work above 550kHz,[149] so Itasca could not determine the direction to the Electra's HF transmissions at 3105 and 6210kHz. Fred Noonan had earlier written about problems affecting the accuracy of radio direction finding in navigation. The flight never left Luke Field. [246][247] Based on this new evidence, Gillespie returned to the atoll in June 2015, but operations using a remotely operated underwater vehicle to investigate a sonar detection of a possible wreckage were hampered by technical problems. Earhart was the 16th woman. ", "New Orleans' Art Deco Lakefront Airport terminal sheds its Cold War shell", "Preparations and Departure, World Flight 1", "Lockheed Technical Data, Fuel Consumption Assumptions, 10 Miles or 100? The cutter offered many services such as ferrying news reporters to the island, but it also had communication and navigation functions. The flight's opposite direction was partly the result of changes in global wind and weather patterns along the planned route since the earlier attempt. The original note has some slight variances in the header, use of commas and the salutation but is spelled correctly. media legend. On 4 April 1941, Dr. D. W. Hoodless of the Central Medical School (later named the Fiji School of Medicine) examined the bones,[226] took measurements, and wrote a report. April-December 1932. She was a Vice President of National Airways, which conducted the flying operations of the Boston-Maine Airways and several other airlines in the northeast. If the RDF equipment was not suitable for that frequency, then attempting such a fix would be operator error and fruitless. There has been considerable speculation on what happened to Earhart and Noonan. Amelia Earhart (1898/07/24 - 1937/07/02) Aviadora estadounidense La primera mujer que cruz el Atlntico en avin. Amelia Earhart, fondly known as "Lady Lindy," was an American aviator who mysteriously disappeared in 1937 while trying to circumnavigate the globe from the equator. 1,395 1,038; 645 KB. Safford concluded that the flight had suffered from "poor planning, worse execution". The Amelia Earhart Memorial Scholarships (established in 1939 by The Ninety-Nines), provides scholarships to women for advanced pilot certificates and ratings, jet type ratings, college degrees, and technical training. Amelia Otis was the granddaughter of Gebhard Harres, a German settler well known for his work in the Lutheran Church. A week after Earhart disappeared, Navy planes from USS Colorado (which had sailed from Pearl Harbor) searched Gardner Island. [124] Putnam had already sold his interest in the New York-based publishing company to his cousin, Palmer Putnam. Their last known position report was near the Nukumanu Islands, about 800 miles (700nmi; 1,300km) into the flight. Earhart referred to her marriage as a "partnership" with "dual control". On September 23, 1940, Gallagher radioed his superiors that he had found a "skeleton possibly that of a woman", along with an old-fashioned sextant box (later revealed to have been left during a recent hydrographic survey),[Note 50] under a tree on the island's southeast corner. [270], A rumor that claimed that Earhart had made propaganda radio broadcasts as one of the many women compelled to serve as Tokyo Rose was investigated closely by George Putnam. There is no identification on the backs. [30], Earhart graduated from Chicago's Hyde Park High School in 1916. See. The subsequent report on Gardner read: "Here signs of recent habitation were clearly visible but repeated circling and zooming failed to elicit any answering wave from possible inhabitants and it was finally taken for granted that none were there At the western end of the island a tramp steamer (of about 4000 tons) lay high and almost dry head onto the coral beach with her back broken in two places. After receiving training as a nurse's aide from the Red Cross, she began work with the Voluntary Aid Detachment at Spadina Military Hospital. Alfred Otis was a former federal judge, the president of the Atchison Savings Bank and a leading citizen in the town. [10] Nearly one year and six months after she and Noonan disappeared, Earhart was officially declared dead. ", "News Archive: Your link to SouthCoast Massachusetts and beyond. Papers of Amelia Earhart, 1835-1977. [251][252][253] Other sources have criticized TIGHAR as seizing on unlikely possibilities as circumstantial evidence; for example, an article criticized the suggestion that a jar of freckle ointment found on Nikumaroro might have been Earhart's, when the Electra was "virtually a flying gas station" with little room for amenities, as Earhart and Noonan carried extra gas tanks in every scrap of available space and absence of any corroborating evidence connecting the artifact to her. [204], Back in the United States, Putnam acted to become the trustee of Earhart's estate so that he could pay for the searches and related bills. The two were close enough for settings 1, 2 and 3, but the higher frequency settings, 4 and 5, were entirely different. The two were last seen in Lae, New Guinea, on July 2, 1937, on the last land stop before Howland Island and one of their final legs of the flight. Some have suggested that Earhart and Noonan survived and landed elsewhere, but were either never found or killed, making en-route locations like Tarawa unlikely. Born and raised in Atchison, Kansas, and later in Des Moines, Iowa, Earhart developed a passion for adventure at a young age, steadily gaining flying experience from her twenties. Some authors have speculated that Earhart and Noonan were shot down by Japanese aircraft because she was thought to be spying on Japanese territory so America could supposedly plan an attack. This transmission was reported by the Itasca as the loudest possible signal, indicating Earhart and Noonan were in the immediate area. [177], At 6:14am another call was received stating the aircraft was within 200 miles (320km), and requested that the ship use its direction finder to provide a bearing for the aircraft. [132], Although the Electra was publicized as a "flying laboratory", little useful science was planned and the flight was arranged around Earhart's intention to circumnavigate the globe along with gathering raw material and public attention for her next book. Pas buena parte de su infancia en Atchison con sus abuelos maternos, quienes le proporcionaron un estilo de vida lleno de comodidades. [188][Note 37] After all contact was lost with Howland Island, attempts were made to reach the flyers with both voice and Morse code transmissions. Kevin Richlin, a professional criminal forensic expert hired by National Geographic, studied photographs of both women and cited many measurable facial differences between Earhart and Bolam. Many explanations have been proposed for those failures. ", "Climbing Dome of Main Library is Ambition of Amelia Earhart, Former Columbia Student", "Flight instructor Neta Snook with her student Amelia Earhart at Kinner Field, Los Angeles, in 1921", "Has Simi Valley become embroiled in the Middle East situation? She quotes the great aviator Elinor Smith, who was still flying in 2001, at eighty-nine: "Amelia was about as . The next year, at the age of 10,[22] Earhart saw her first aircraft at the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines. Putnam said upper limit was 1400kHz; Long and Long say 1430kHz; on 26 June 1937 1930GMT, San Francisco station of the Coast Guard quote Earhart: "Following information from Earhart this date quote homing device covers from 200 to 1500 and 2400 to 4800kHz any frequencies not repeat not near ends of bands suitable unquote". [Note 28], There were problems with the RDF equipment during the world flight. In 1966, CBS correspondent Fred Goerner published a book claiming that Earhart and Noonan were captured and executed when their aircraft crashed on the island of Saipan, part of the Northern Mariana Islands archipelago. She presumably died in the Pacific during the circumnavigation, just three weeks prior to her fortieth birthday. ", "Lady Lindy, Amelia Earhart's life history. [216][Note 49] [Note 47] Consequently, the plane was not directed to Howland, and was left on its own with little fuel. [264][265], A number of Earhart's relatives have been convinced that the Japanese were somehow involved in Amelia's disappearance, citing unnamed witnesses including Japanese troops and Saipan natives. (Should be in Long & Long near page 142.) Padres: Samuel Stanton Earhart y Amelia Otis Cnyuge: George P. Putnam (m. 1931-1937) Nombre: Amelia Mary Earhart Otis Altura: 1,73 m Amelia Earhart naci el 24 de julio de 1898 en Atchison, Kansas (Estados Unidos). Elgen and Marie Long claim that the coupling unit adapted a standard RDF-1-B loop to the RA-1 receiver, and that the system was limited to frequencies below 1430kHz. [81] Shortly after her return, piloting Avian 7083, she set off on her first long solo flight that occurred just as her name was coming into the national spotlight. When a farm hand asked, "Have you flown far?" The documentary theorizes that the photo was taken after Earhart and Noonan crashed at Mili Atoll. Amelia era hija de Samuel "Edwin" Stanton Earhart (1867-1930) y Amelia "Amy" Earhart (nacida Otis) (1869-1962). Hundreds of articles and scores of books have been written about her life, which is often cited as a motivational tale, especially for girls. ", "Life Hero of the Week Profile: Amelia Earhart; First Lady of the Sky. Amelia was named Amelia Mary Earhart after her two grandmothers, Amelia Harres Otis and Mary Wells Earhart -- a family tradition. She now has several commemorative memorials named in her honor around the United States, including an urban park, an airport, a residence hall, a museum, a research foundation, a bridge, a cargo ship, an earth-fill dam, four schools, a hotel, a playhouse, a library, multiple roads, and more. "The Enduring Mystery of Amelia Earhart's Disappearance Maybe Finally Coming To an End". [151] Elgen and Marie Long describe Joe Gurr training Earhart to use a Bendix receiver and other equipment to tune radio station KFI on 640kHz and determine its direction. Following her parents' divorce in 1924, she drove her mother in the "Yellow Peril" on a transcontinental trip from California with stops throughout the western United States and a jaunt up to Banff, Alberta. Earhart's mother also provided part of the $1,000 "stake" against her "better judgement". ", "Miss Earhart to get 'Flying Laboratory'. (Harres) Otis. The flight resumed three days later from Luke Field with Earhart, Noonan and Manning on board. [136] Under poor navigational conditions, Manning's position was off by 20 miles. A wide range of promotional items bearing the Earhart name appeared. [57] [Note 6], Throughout the early 1920s, following a disastrous investment in a failed gypsum mine, Earhart's inheritance from her grandmother, which was now administered by her mother, steadily diminished until it was exhausted. The picture showed a Caucasian male on a dock who appeared to look like Noonan and a woman sitting on the dock but facing away from the camera, who was judged to have a physique and haircut resembling Earhart's. During this period, the Earhart girls received home-schooling from their mother and governess. Johnson estimated that 900 gallons of fuel would provide 40% more range than required for that leg. [123] For the new venture, she would need a new aircraft. Wait. Then Came a Startling Clue", "The Amelia Earhart Mystery Stays Down in the Deep", "The Earhart Project Research Document #13 Gallagher's Ninth Progress Report October December, 1940", "The Origin of the Nikumaroro Sextant Box: An Assessment of the Nikumaroro Hypothesis", "The Earhart Project Research Document #12 The Bones Chronology", "Brandis Sextant Taxonomy, Part Six: U.S. Navy Sextant Specifications", "Sextant box found on Nikumaroro - TIGHAR", "The Earhart Project Research Document #12 The Bones Chronology, Cont", "DNA tests on bone fragment inconclusive in Amelia Earhart search", "Amelia Earhart's Bones and Shoes? Amy was a homemaker who was also involved in social work and women's suffrage movements. On March 17, 1937, Earhart and her crew flew the first leg from Oakland, California, to Honolulu, Hawaii. On this second flight, Fred Noonan was Earhart's only crew member. Celebrity endorsements helped Earhart finance her flying. [84] At Cleveland, Earhart was placed third in the heavy division. Please reorganize this content to explain the subject's impact on popular culture. "[83], Earhart subsequently made her first attempt at competitive air racing in 1929 during the first Santa Monica-to-Cleveland Women's Air Derby (nicknamed the "Powder Puff Derby" by Will Rogers), which left Santa Monica, California on August 18 and arrived at Cleveland, Ohio on August 26. She exclaimed, "Oh, Pidge, it's just like flying! ", "Amelia Earhart's pilot's license, leather and paper, Issued May 16, 1923 (One Life: Amelia Earhart). Earhart played basketball, took an auto repair course and briefly attended . Chapman, Sally Putnam, with Stephanie Mansfield. Due to Edwin's occupation as a legal representative for various railroads, the family moved frequently during Amelia's childhood, living at . Dr. Carlene Mendieta flew an original Avro Avian, the same type that was used in 1928. [Note 24][Note 25] It is not clear that such a receiver was installed, and if it were, it may have been removed before the flight. After recuperation, she returned to Columbia University for several months but was forced to abandon her studies and any further plans for enrolling at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, because her mother could no longer afford the tuition fees and associated costs. [277] Subsequently, Bolam's personal life history was thoroughly documented by researchers, eliminating any possibility that she was Earhart. During the transatlantic leg of the flight (Brazil to Africa), the RDF equipment did not work. [259] Various purported photographs of Earhart during her captivity have been identified as either fraudulent or having been taken before her final flight. Hoodless offered to make more detailed measurements if needed, but suggested that any further examination be done by the Anthropological Department at Sydney University. [20] The girls kept "worms, moths, katydids and a tree toad"[21] in a growing collection gathered in their outings. [230][240][241] They have suggested that Earhart and Noonan may have flown without further radio transmissions[242] for two and a half hours along the line of position Earhart noted in her last transmission received at Howland, then found the then-uninhabited Gardner Island, landed the Electra on an extensive reef flat near the wreck of a large freighter (the SS Norwich City) on the northwest side of the atoll, and ultimately perished. Their intended destination was Howland Island (04824N 1763659W / 0.80667N 176.61639W / 0.80667; -176.61639),[148] a flat sliver of land 6,500ft (2,000m) long and 1,600ft (500m) wide, 10ft (3m) high and 2,556 miles (2,221nmi; 4,113km) away. While the family's finances seemingly improved with the acquisition of a new house and even the hiring of two servants, it soon became apparent that Edwin was an alcoholic. At the time her mother, Amy Otis Earhart, and sister, Muriel Earhart Morrissey, lived in the Brooks Street house. The lagoon at Gardner looked sufficiently deep and certainly large enough so that a seaplane or even an airboat could have landed or takenoff [sic] in any direction with little if any difficulty. 2nd right rib): (6) left humerus: (7) right radius: (8) right innominate bone: (9) right femur: (10) left femur: (11) right tibia: (12) right fibula: and (13) the right scaphoid bone of the foot.".
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