Im glad nobody is around when I tell my cat. When a flea or tick ingests selamectin, chloride ions are released into the brain and nerves that can paralyze it. According to DVM360, this effect is typically not a true toxicity, but a sometimes dramatic reaction to the bitter taste. It is a topical treatment that can be applied to the skin of your cat once a month. In cats, the most common species of ear mite is Otodectes cynotis. why is revolution for cats, so expensive The medication comes in small pipettes which are formulated for the dogs weight. Flea eggs that were laid before any anti-parasite products have been applied will still be hatching out of your carpets and upholstery. Advantage II should not be used in puppies less than 7 weeks of age, or kittens less than 8 weeks old. But there are many other types of parasites that can affect your cat, including ear mites, heartworms, and hookworms. Thank you for sharing this. To get on top of theflea life cyclequicker you may want to treat your home as well as your pet, using chemical sprays which kill flea eggs and larvae. There are a few reasons that Revolution for cats is more expensive than other flea and tick medications. Adorable Appearance. The active ingredient selamectin is a chemical that gets into your cats bloodstream and remains there for the life of the parasite, killing it. Be the first to get our latest updates, insider videos, cat health resources, and more. The main difference between the two products is that Revolution Plus protects against six common harmful parasites while Revolution only protects against five. I hope your cats are okay now! The first reason is that Revolution is a prescription-only medication, meaning that it can only be obtained through a veterinarian. Required fields are marked *. The gender of the Savannah cat will also determine its cost. margin: 0 auto; They will be able to help tailor a parasite regime to your pets specific needs (different parasites may be more of a concern in your specific area). font-size: 14px; Hopefully, this article has helped you compare two different parasite products side by side, and will also give you a basis on which to do any other product comparisons you might carry out too. Parasites are unpleasant creatures. I wish I could get you a better anwswer, but heres really not much more you can do other than to have the correct dose ranges. Protects against both internal and external parasites, Safe to use in pregnant, and lactating cats. It is a newer incarnation of its older predecessor, Revolution for cats. A's cheap seats are about $20. Thank you for the information. It is also worth noting that there is a product calledRevolution pluswhich is a product for cats that has an extra ingredient to help control intestinal roundworm and hookworm as well. Why Is My Cat Acting Weird After Flea Treatment? Revolution all-in-one formula for cats is also useful in the treatment and control of roundworm and hookworm infections. Revolution Plus does the following: According to the manufacturer, when newly applied, Revolution Plus can start killing fleas within 12 hours, with a majority killed within 24 hours. Your email address will not be published. Although many of these people had good results with few side effects for the first few times, many of them said that after 2 or more applications that their pet got sick or perished. There are several reasons why Bengal cats are so expensive. Advantage II is an upgraded formulation that works against multiple stages of the flea life cycle, whereas original Advantage was only effective against adult fleas. If you have any concerns for potential toxicity, even if you think your kitty might have just licked some Revolution Plus off her fur and is having a bitter taste reaction, it is always best to contact your veterinarian, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (1-888-426-4435), or Pet Poison Helpline (1-855-764-7661) immediately for further advice. I cannot buy single tubes for his weight. Common Names: Sometimes, even if you order a prescription online, you will still need to send a request to your veterinarian for approval. Sarolaner allows for Revolution Plus to have a better spectrum of activity against ticks. We work to make the world a better place for cats, and we're getting better for you. Some people had been giving it for a year and then suddenly their pet had a reaction and died. If you have a flea infestation in your home it can take time and patience to get on top of the problem. Also healthy kittens can take four times the amount of dosage on "revolution pink for puppies and kittens". .medication-table h2{ Selamectin, sarolaner Revolution Plus is the newest incarnation of Revolution, a product that has been used for cats for many years and is generally a safe and effective product when used properly. It is important to discuss with your veterinarian if you are planning on using oral medication. Revolution Plus For Cats: Overview, Dosage & Side Effects The main reason ragdoll cats are so expensive is their health. The main reason for this is that some pets can be at a higher risk of reaction if the product is given or applied while the pet has an active heartworm infection. Intestinal worms are the most common type of parasite in cats and cause vomiting, dull hair, pot-bellied appearance, and bloody feces. The product can also be used in younger and smaller animals. Bengal cats are some of the most expensive cat breeds in the world. This gene can also cause some health problems, such as osteopetrosis, which . How Much Is It To Deworm A Cat? If the seizures persist long after Revolution Plus has been discontinued, then it certainly is more likely another cause is present. .medication-table .table-row{ 3 other doses were given to my other cats and 2 doses divided up between 5 guinea pigs. It works by binding to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR) of flea motoneurons causing the insect to become paralyzed and die. Bathing shortly before application may also reduce its effectiveness. It is then circulated throughout the body and works to kill adult fleas. margin-bottom: 20px; Not only is this process quick and painless for both you and your animal, but you can rest assured knowing that they are safe from harmful parasites for an entire month. Xrays my vet can find nothing wrong. You may see a few fleas on your dog or cat after treatment, but more than 98% of adult fleas will be killed within 36 hours. display: flex; Safe use of Revolution Plus or any topical product for your kitty means always following all instructions on the packaging. Advantage II is a topical spot-on product. Revolution Plus is a powerful combination of two antiparasitics, selamectin and sarolaner. It is a newer incarnation of its older predecessor, Revolution for cats. It appears to burn him. Why Bengal Cats Are So Expensive - CatsInfo } Revolution Plus contains the main ingredients selamectin and sarolaner. Revolution, for example, demonstrated in clinical trials more than 90% control of flea infestations within 30 days of the first dose. Dr. Vanderhoof is also a copywriter specializing in the animal health field and founder of Paramount Animal Health Writing Solutions, which can be found at Once administered, the composition quickly gets absorbed into the cat's skin. However, the product does not cover tapeworms and should be used in conjunction with a dewormer that does. In the United States, Scottish Folds must be bred with Scottish Folds, American Shorthairs, or British Shorthairs to maintain their pedigree. international journal of business research impact factor. A Female is also needed for breeding. 10%Off +10%Cashback on all orders- Use Code : SPRNG10 The second reason is that Bengal cats are very difficult to breed. There is another reason cats are expensive, though, especially from shelters. It kills fleas quickly within 6 hours and also prevents fleas from laying eggs for 5 weeks. Why is cat dental work so expensive? How much does it cost to - Quora All flea/tick preventatives should be thought of as medication and their dosage ranges need to be followed closely. Revolution Flea Control for Cats is a topical parasiticide used in the treatment and prevention of fleas, heartworm, intestinal worms and ear mites in Cats. Then empty the entire contents of the tube in one spot. Revolution plus for cats is a great way to prevent these pests from infecting your pet. The breeder makes sure that the cats that are going to mate do not have those health issues and that they dont have those health issues in their genes. Adult show cats, which are highly sought-after, are even more expensive, exceeding $2000 at times. Revolution View all posts by Dr. Chris Vanderhoof, DVM, MPH, Marbofloxacin For Cats: Overview, Dosage & Side Effects, L-lysine For Cats: Overview, Dosage & Side Effects, Lactulose For Cats: Overview, Dosage & Side Effects, Solensia For Cats: Overview, Dosage & Side Effects, 10 Interesting Facts About Cat Paws You May Not Have Known, How To Make Your Cat Love You Even More [8 Ways], How To Wash A Cat Without Cat Shampoo In 13 Simple Steps, Is Your Cat Lonely? Packages should be stored below 86 degrees F (30 degrees C). Revolution Plus also includes sarolaner, which is an isoxazoline class acaricide/insecticide that inhibits GABA, leading to neuromuscular overstimulation and death of the parasites it targets. 2 lieu dit Vallires 37360 Neuill Pont Pierre. In addition to being effective against a wide range of external and internal parasites, Selarid also offers protection against flea eggs and heartworm larvae, making it an excellent choice for pet owners who are looking for a complete solution. The average price for Bengal cats is between $600 - $2750 depending on the coat coloration. When used properly, side effects of Revolution products for cats are uncommon. Interestingly I was affected to just by the fumes on her! text-align: center; what is recommended for an adult dog 10 years old, 5 lbs. However, there are pros and cons with both products and the decision will depend on your own circumstances as to what you are looking for in an anti-parasite treatment. The main difference is Revolution Plus contains the isoxazoline drug sarolaner in addtion to selamectin. Buy Revolution for Cats is an effective heartworm and flea control treatment with free shipping in the USA. However, one of the most common types of worms we see in cats are tapeworms (which can be seen a couple weeks after an exposure to fleas), which resemble small rice-like segments. In general, the most expensive Himalayan cat will be a kitten from a reputable breeder that has excellent coloration and optimal health - this could set you back up to $2500. If your dog is suffering from a lice infestation, Advantage II may be a better option. Heres what you need to know, The 5 Fastest Ways To Become Rich, According To Experts. font-size: 20px!important; Avoid using on sick or debilitated kittens and cats. Fleas, worms, and ticks not only irritate our pets but can also transmit disease. } Fleas are probably the most common parasites that veterinarians see, and are also the one that often troubles owners the most too. Why Are Persian Cats So Expensive? (With Average Cost) Ear mites are tiny white specks that live in the ears of cats and dogs. If your dogs skin is sore or scabby or he is constantly scratching, then give them a call. It also prevents and treats biting lice, and eliminates hookworms, roundworms, ear mites, and whipworms. While I no longer breed and show purebreds (I s. Revolution Plus kills three common tick species (American dog tick, black-legged/deer tick, and Gulf Coast tick). Revolution Plus contains the main ingredients selamectin and sarolaner. They cause itching and irritation, sometimes causing pain or discomfort in the ear. I already have 4 foster kittens so Im stocking up at this price. flex-wrap: wrap; Frontline Plus and Revolution are two such products. I will check with my local vet. It is possible Revolution Plus could be related, but not certain. Available Dosages: Revolution may take a little longer to kill off existing adult fleas but on balance it does seem like the better product. Only those two cats are allowed to breed. Other things to consider for persistent worms in the stool include sending a stool sample out through your vet. We recommend you consult a veterinarian before starting with the Revolution treatment. Lathargic, not eating depressed sore and limping hiding and its been 3 days since the application. This health check can often be done at the same time as routine vaccinations so doesnt necessarily mean a separate trip. For starters, Revolution protects against a greater number of parasites than Advantage II. Revolution Plus is labeled for cats 8 weeks and older. Revolution Plus for cats is a brand of topical, "spot-on" medication that prevents fleas, ticks, intestinal parasites, and heartworms. Supply and demand always factor in when it comes to purchasable goods, and pets are no exception. If the Revolution Plus was related, you would expect the seizures to stop once the product is discontinued and out of a kittys system for 30 days. Siamese cats are in high demand, which drives prices up. After applying Revolution, your cat will have protection against fleas, ticks, heartworm, and ear mites for up to 30 days. When deciding on a flea product for your pet, you may decide that a tablet is easier to administer to your dog than a topical liquid spot-on. This is especially the case with dog products like K9 Advtantix II, which contains, Unlike regular Revolution, Revolution Plus contains the added ingredient sarolaner, which adds to its spectrum against ticks. Lastly, Revolution plus was found to be nearly 100% effective against intestinal hookworms and roundworms in cats over a 60-day period of study. For cats, the product also protects against roundworm and hookworm infection (but not ticks). Can Cat Fleas Live on Human Hair? Your email address will not be published. It is also worth noting there is a product callAdvantage Multi, which is a prescription-only medication for cats and dogs. Why Are Bengal Cats So Expensive? - CatsInfo .medication-table a{ That leaves the unlucky 10%. Is Revolution for cats sold over the counter? participates in select affiliate advertising programs, including the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Now, place the tip of the pipette on the cat's skin between the shoulder blades and squeeze the entire liquid onto the skin in one spot where the cat cannot lick the content. It is easy to use and provides broad-spectrum protection against fleas, ear mites, heartworm, ticks, and intestinal worms. There are also some effective flea and tick collars which they may be able to suggest too, so dont feel limited to using a spot-on. Another example is gender. Thanks for sharing and Im sorry to hear that youre having these issues with your kitty. .table-footer a{ It works by killing the parasites or preventing them from reproducing. Revolution Plus is the clear winner here! It does not affect mammals, so it is safe for our pets. Also, the flea spray provides complete protection from fleas for 3 full months and from ticks for maximum 3 weeks. Fleas, worms, and ticks not only irritate our pets but can also transmit disease. Possible adverse effects of licking Revolution in cats include salivation, gagging, frothing, digestive upsets, and occasionally seizures. Any product containing an isoxazoline carries this warning, but I dont think its known how often this occurs. is there side effects? Of those two, only roundworms are visible, resembling long spaghetti-like strands. Often referred to as the "generic Revolution," Selarid is an affordable alternative to the more expensive brand name product. Though I guess maybe I was lucky i live on tx gulf coast & fleas are a devouring plague in warm weather! This doesnt mean the product isnt working. You can buy the product in packs of 4, 6, or 12 pipettes, and can be purchased over the counter at many pet stores on online retailers. I will definitely recommend this to every pet parent. If youve done general labwork and it looked normal, it does rule out several potential causes of seizures, but its not uncommon to see labwork look normal and be no closer to the underlying cause. It is important to get your cat wormed on a regular basis to prevent a number of diseases that can be caused by parasites. Consider holding off on another dose and first confirm what types of intestinal worms youre seeing, as Revolution Plus can only kill certain ones, roundworms and hookworms. Your veterinarian will also be able to help assist you if your dog is suffering from excessive itchiness from his flea problem, as some dogs can have flea allergies. The product needs to be given monthly to be effective. Most vets will want blood work before anesthesia to make su. It should be used once a month. The results of this will help you decide if your cat needs to be treated with a wormer. Sarolaner broadens Revolution Plus spectrum to include three types of ticks: the American dog tick, black-legged/deer tick, and the Gulf Coast tick. In addition to these common pests, however, Frontline Plus also helps protect dogs from infestations of chewing lice and sarcoptic mites. Tlphone : 06 11 25 86 05 Mail : kalahari waterpark day pass These products typically have a high safety margin, but the principle is still valid and they need to be used according to label. I was given a free sample of this from my Vet. The formula consists of selamectin. Revolution Plus for cats is safe to use on all pets, including kittens and pregnant or nursing cats. As a heartworm preventative, Revolution Plus was found to be 100% effective in preventing the development of heartworms in cats when those cats were exposed to larvae about 30 days prior. What is Revolution Topical for Cats? Why is revolution for cats so expensive Parasites are unpleasant creatures. 2023 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, Kills adult fleas and prevents flea eggs from hatching, Prevents heartworm disease caused by Dirofilaria immitis, Useful for the treatment and control of roundworms and hookworms, Part your cats fur until skin is visible, Place the tip of the pipette on cat skin and squeeze the liquid to empty the content onto the skin in one spot, Ensure not to touch the application site until dried, Do not use on kittens under 8 weeks of age. It is important to use the correct size for your dogs body weight, as underdosing will make the product less effective. I took in a stray cat and have used revolution plus for the past four months. This is especially the case with dog products like K9 Advtantix II, which contains permethrin, a substance that is extremely toxic to cats. Revolution appears to be the best product in terms of providing more cover against a variety of parasites. The active ingredients in revolution plus for cats include sarolaner and selamectin, two powerful chemicals that are effective against a wide range of internal and external parasites. display: flex; TheAdvantagewebsite has more information about the product. How to choose the right food for your cat, 10 Year Old Cat with Urinary Issues - Vet Says Nothing is Wrong, Cat pacing around meowing with blood anus & clear discharge, IBD and possible lymphoma, my cat is crashing, Sudden health issues (fluid in lungs, enlarged heart). They will not cooperate with the vet like we cooperate with a dentist. Why are Persian Cats So Expensive - Animals HQ Can he have another dose before 30 days? This concentration of selamectin remains in your pets body for up to 30 days after it is first given. Consult a veterinarian if your cat experiences one or more of these symptoms. If your cat already has fleas when you start using REVOLUTION PLUS, it will kill the adult fleas before they can lay eggs. color: #fff; Before purchasing Revolution Plus, find out how much your cat weighs so you can buy the correct dosage. This medication is also a safe and effective choice for cats with intestinal worms such as hookworms and roundworms. I always worry about strays because we dont know what theyve had exposure to in their past life. Some of these include lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, irritability, tremors, and in some cases, seizures. .cliverse-medication-title{ My cat has hair loss where I put the revolution plus. And lastly, topical products like Revolution Plus have been known to cause skin and eye irritation in people. One of my cats is allergic to Revolution (minor reaction, just got bald spots) so he's on a different product bow. It also helps control ear mites and sarcoptic mange by blocking the enzyme that allows these parasites to feed on skin cells. The best way to do this is with a prescription product like revolution plus for cats that protect against a variety of common pet parasites including fleas, ticks, ear mites, and heartworms. Laboratory studies demonstrated that more than 98% of existing fleas were killed within 36 hours of application of the product and future flea infestations are prevented by regular application. For best results, it is recommended that you bathe your pet prior to applying Revolution. Why does Revolution for cats require a prescription? It contains two drugs. While regular Revolution only provides some protection against the American dog tick and is not labeled for this in cats, Revolution Plus has labeled action against not just the American dog tick, but also the black-legged tick that carries Lyme disease, and the Gulf Coast tick. Health Concerns. One option is to use a prescription topical medication called Tresaderm which contains antibiotics for any secondary bacterial infections, a cortisone derivative for inflammation, and thiabendazole to kill yeasts and mites. That's because having an adoption fee helps make sure the people adopting the cats can actually afford to take care of them. Bengal cats are expensive because they are rarer than most domesticated cat breeds. Revolution vs Advantage II Flea Treatment (Vet Answer) Unlike other products that protect pets for a short period, this one lasts for 30 days and is applied topically to the back of your cats neck. Not to mention, the product can also be used on younger and smaller animals. Read more here. Here's why: After I researched deeper online I started reading alot of tremendously sad stories about people losing both cats and dogs or their pets getting very sick from these products. However, this reportedly affects only 4% of cats, so is very rare. } While some may dread the thought of having to put medicine on their beloved pet, Revolution makes it easy by only requiring application once a month. The last three week she has had two seizures So, not only will Revolution protect your pet from heartworms, roundworms, and hookworms, but it will also defend against ear mites. Why are River Cats tickets so expensive? : r/Sacramento You should follow the packet guidelines for advice on application. Other treatment will be required to clear an existing infection. The is very specific to the nerves of insects though, so it wont cause harm to us or our pets. It is important to keep in mind that products like Revolution Plus can be bitter tasting to cats. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to still work on this cat? Anasayfa. Cat Poop: What Do Colour, Consistency and Smell Tell You, Complete Guide To Leaving Your Cat Home Alone While On Vacation, We heard you incontinence affects men too. Revolution Plus vials have a cap that first needs to be pushed down into the vial to puncture it. Basically a fee that pays for the male to deposit and create the baby kittens. A monthly medication is often a good option for pet owners who want to protect their pets from fleas, ticks, ear mites, and heartworm disease. .cliverse-medication-title .logo{ It also helps protect your cat from heartworm, an internal parasite that can cause serious illness and even death. Revolution is said to be effective. So, if you're looking for a unique and exotic cat breed, be prepared to pay a premium. Contraindications when should you not use Revolution? Its simple to apply, just squeeze the tube onto your pets skin and give it a few minutes to dry. This allows Revolution to kill fleas and other parasites on your pet before they can lay eggs. Therefore, it is important to be cautious when using these products and make sure that the area where the product was applied is not accessible to the cat. Hope that helps. Some dogs with sensitive skin can also have local reactions to spot-on products. It is a small brownish-red wingless insect that can quickly multiply, laying eggs that roll off into our homes. My other 3 cats have no issues with it at all. border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; Within the last year, researchers at WSU have identified that cats can have the MDR1 genetic mutation (which has been known about in dogs for about 20 years) that renders some cats sensitive to drugs including selamectin with seizures as a possible sign. Not only does selamectin kill adult fleas, it also prevents flea eggs from hatching. If you still feel theres a true product IssueIf you feel you have applied a product properly and are addressing a flea infestation according to your vets instructions and still feel that a product is not working well, make sure to bring those concerns to your vet or contact the manufacturer of the product. This is good, but indicates that fleas may still be seen at this time point due to the environmental infestation. text-align: center; Skin irritation is uncommonly reported with Revolution Plus, though hair loss was not, at least not in clinical trials. Revolution for cats prevents heartworm disease caused by Dirofilaria immitis. Cat and kittens 8 weeks of age and older and weighing at least 2.8 pounds. However, it doesnt do any tick protection. Make your cat stand in a fixed position. It also prevents flea bites and ear mite infestations, making it an easy way to help keep your pet healthy. Most breeders will choose the highest quality of female Maine Coon that they can find. Revolution Plus is typically applied every 30 days for the best protection. Explained! Selamectin, on the other hand, blocks electrical transmission in nematode and arthropod neuromuscular systems, leading to paralysis and death of these pests. Follow revolution dosage for cats chart given below for appropriate pack size: For over 15 lbs cats, administer appropriate combination of treatments. display: inline-block; We buy it online at because Canada does not require a script. 2000-2023 Yes. .medication-table h2{ Why Is Revolution For Cats So Expensive | When parasites take blood meal from a cat's body, the chemical enters the cat's bloodstream and paralyzes the central nervous system of parasites and eventually kills them. When it comes to choosing between Revolution and Advantage II, there are a few key differences to keep in mind. .medication-table .table-row .item-title{ It will protect your pet from fleas, ticks, ear mites, heartworm, and various other parasites for the whole month. Is this just for kittens? padding: 15px 15px 15px 25px; If the remaining cats are in the proper range for what you have and have the product on, the risk of fleas would at least be lower if one kitty does not. This medication will kill the adult lice, as well as their eggs and larvae, helping to prevent further infestations. Dr. Chris Vanderhoof is a 2013 graduate of the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine (VMCVM) at Virginia Tech, where he also earned a Masters in Public Health. justify-content: space-between; This product also works to kill other blood-sucking parasites including heartworm, ear mites, whipworm, and intestinal worms. This article aims to look at two popular products Revolution and Advantage II. } SPRING SEASON SALE! It comes as a liquid in small pipettes which needs to be applied to the skin on the back of the dogs neck/shoulder blades. If this is the case with your dog, then it would be worth speaking to your veterinarian about some of the alternative treatments available.
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