Yes, the examiner basically stated that in their opinion the synovial hypertrophy is SC while the arthritis is not. They can scour every VA clinic record for the 40 years Ive been complaining & I always let them redirect and placate me because I trusted they knew how to help better than I did when I was especially numb and not certain if I could pick the correct severity number in the pain/ discomfort/ numbness question the interveiwers always ask. If you have service-connected shoulder pain or injury, reach out to the VA disability lawyers at Woods and Woods, The Veterans Firm. She came to Hill & Ponton in August 2015 wanting to help veterans and started off as a Case Manager. DOCTORS IMPRESSION: 1. C6/C7: Symmetric posterior disc bulge. No matter how many ranges of motion are impacted! I got handed to psych people instead of medical people. With me not having AS, but my back condition has became worse and more painful, plus I have problems with my neck, pain and numbness radiating down my right arm. I have recently been diagnosed with Epidural Lipomatosis. Symptoms of Acromioclavicular Joint Separation, VA Disability Applications for Acromioclavicular Joint Separation, Establishing a Service Connection for VA Disabilities, VA Disability Rating for Acromioclavicular Joint Separation, Secondary Conditions to Acromioclavicular Joint Separation, Amputations Resulting From Shoulder and Arm Conditions. You can look for a VA disability attorney near you or call us and join the thousands of veterans living off of VA disability thanks to Woods and Woods. Odd jobs (marginal employment), dont count. At Woods and Woods, the Veterans Firm, weve helped thousands of veterans with their VA disability applications and appeals. If accepted into our ELITE membership program, youll get free up-front access and permission to use $13,119 worth of proprietary VA claim resources, including access to our network of independent medical professionals for medical examinations, disability evaluations, and credible Medical Nexus Letters, which could help you get a HIGHER VA rating in LESS time. I'm really not sure what to expect and wondering if I'm wasting my time with this secondary claim. The first VASRD update, in September 2017, was for dental and oral conditions. have hearing loss, VA plans, budget, finances, and performance. Examples for shoulder and arm injuries could include a VA disability rating for shoulder range of motion, VA disability rating for shoulder tendonitis, or VA disability rating for shoulder impingement. No spinal canal stenosis or neuroforaminal narrowing. Deland, FL: 1607 South State Road 15A Suite 12 Deland, FL 32720, Satellite Offices 203, San Jose, CA 95134 VA medical records and hospital records relating to your Acromioclavicular Joint Separation or that show it has gotten worse. Keep reading to learn more about VA disability benefits for arm and shoulder conditions and how you can increase your disability rating. You haveone yearto appeal the claim from the date ofthe denial. They would just consider it along with your other condition and give you a single overall rating that reflects the overall condition of the shoulder. Dont post your vaccination card photo on social media, VA Schedule for Rating Disabilities (VASRD), infectious diseases, immune disorders and nutritional deficiencies, VA releases dashboard to measure the PACT Acts impact on Veterans and survivors, 100 years of advancing health care for women Veterans, You can request a VA home loan Certificate of Eligibility through, Call TTY if you It is medically indicated that the ankle would cause this condition, so it makes sense that the VA denied it. You may be owed compensation. As long as they have evidence that the shoulder condition worsened and caused arthritis, then it should still be processed correctly. Kirsten has since transitioned to focus on her legal education and has been attending law school full time. 1. Massive Increase in VA Disability Rates for 2023! And I have the new neck problems. Different from degenerative arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis is an, For some veterans, the objective criteria in the disability rating schedule may not accurately reflect their true level of disability. In this scenario, your arthritis would have to be the result of, or secondary to, a separate disability that is currently service-connected. Since his elbow and ankle do not have any limited motion, then they are both rated as. Portland, OR: 650 N. E. Holladay Street, Suite 1600, Portland, OR, 97232 A Veteran with arthritis might receive either a 10 or a 20 percent rating, depending on the specifics of their condition. I am overseas working and at a loss how to communicate with the doctors here. Only one rating per joint. Thank you. If there is limited motion in your joint, then your condition will be rated based on that joints limited motion. The spine is very related, so it is possible for your DDD to cause your cervical spine problems. Get more resources at For a supplemental claim, you can show new evidence that wasnt considered with your initial claim. Additionally, I have had four "flare ups" in less than a year, two of which I received prednisone for and two of which I did not. This gives the veteran a bilateral factor of 2.8%. 40% for ankylosing spondylosis and DDD. What is my disability for this type of arthritis? This will best be explained by using an example. Without knowing full details regarding incapacitating episodes, I'd assume that your condition would be rated on limited motion of the effected joints. Surgery can sometimes improve the function of the affected joints. I attempted to let the same doctor writing my appeal to go over them. VA Disability I was so demotivated for so many years that I stayed away from care centers until I could not function. They will, however, rate your radiculopathy separately. Under the painful motion rule, the minimum compensable rating of 10% must be assigned. They kept pointing to the VA as the answer. All of these falling under VASRD code 5200. Note (2): The 20 percent rating on the basis of activity within the past 5 Ultimately, yes, they may ask for the extra money they paid you to be returned. Some veterans will undergo a knee replacement, with hip and knee joints being the most common, to help with mobility and pain. At most, 20% for 1-2 incapacitating episodes/year. 38 CFR Part 4 section B details all of the diagnostic codes for musculoskeletal problems with your shoulder. Bilateral facet arthropathy. Now that we understand that, lets jump into arthritis. I've taken methotrexate for a few years. Thus, you would ultimately only receive an increased evaluation. I did some research on a website called which stated "degenerative discs and osteoarthritis often occur hand in hand because the disc and facet joints are both part of the same three-joint complex. I started to get the ball rolling with Mr. Woods/Mr. However, without any symptoms present while you were active duty, it is highly unlikely that they will grant service-connection simply based on your posture during service. An untreated AC injury can make daily, independent life a struggle. Because that was defunite they changed the diagnosis to rid themselves of my puzzling case. In fact, the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons has cited it as the number one reason for disability discharge among service members. Havent filed a claim yet or know that you are underrated? Evans and they did so much. Given this information, do you believe I will be rated under 5002 for wrist arthralgia (claimed as bilateral proliferative synovium/synovial hypertrophy) or will I be rated for limited ROM? I'm trying to figure out of the conditions I have with my ankle what could give me a rating increase. You can also submit a new claim for a secondary condition or increase your disability rating by combining multiple disabilities. The examiner notated the following in regard to the synovial hypertrophy/proliferative synovium:"a. You can definitely claim it as secondary, but the VA will not rate it as a separate condition. You can try, but there is a high likelihood that it would be denied. According to the VA regulations, if your symptoms of arthritis appear within one year of discharge from service and qualify for at least a 10% VAdisability rating, the presumption of service connection applies. If you have one or more disability ratings, you can view your VA combined disability rating and your individual ratings online. In fact, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates the rate of arthritis in veterans to be 25.6%, although other estimates have the rate as high as 35%. Dear Veteran, Heres the brutal truth about VA disability claims: According to our data, 8/10 (80%) of veterans reading this message right now are underrated by the VA. If you are filing an appeal, it can take up to 12-18 months for the VA to review and grant your appeal. For an explanation of arthritis ratings click HERE. Specifically. so they are taking 10% away from me. The musculoskeletal and muscle injuries portion of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)VA Schedule for Rating Disabilities (VASRD)has been revised to reflect updated medical information used to assess Veterans medical records and determine their VA disability rating. When the bones no longer align properly, they may scrape on one another and cause inflammation and pain; this condition can also lead to rheumatoid arthritis. A NEXUS letter from your physician would strengthen your claim for the hypertrophy as a secondary condition. The VA evaluates shoulder replacements under Diagnostic Code 5051. This combined rating takes effectif your other condition qualifies for a rating, such as VA disability rating for shoulder bursitis. Also, what is an "incapacitating episode"? In those days I did not want a disciplinary action aftet getting just 3 months from my EOS. All FOBs had Burn Pits inside the wire! This communication with the firm or any member of the firm does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Today, VA announced its next update: The musculoskeletal system and muscle injuries. Minimal spinal canal stenosis. I'm thinking about doing a secondary claim for the cervical spondylosis to the DDD. Unfortunately, it is common for the VA to overlook information or make mistakes on arthritis claims. In late 2017, VA began a multi-year effort to revise and update the VASRD, or VA Schedule for Rating Disabilities. We also connect veterans with independent medical professionals in our referral network for medical examinations, disability evaluations, and credible independent medical opinions and nexus statements (medical nexus letters) for a wide range of disability conditions. Since it has been so many years, it is just as likely that the sleep apnea developed on its own and isn't connected. Since it was their error, they often will decide to let it slide, but they do have the legal right to request the funds be returned. Excellent question, and a tricky situation. Symptoms and signsof AC shoulder separation, applyfor VA disability for AC joint separation, All of these falling under VASRD code 5200, Read About All VA Rated Shoulder Injuries, Veterans granted TDIU receive payment at the 100% rate,, What You Need to Know about TDIU VA Benefits, there has been an error in your VA disability filing, look for a VA disability attorney near you, VA will avoid pyramiding and giving you multiple ratings, Pain begins the moment the injury happens, Limited movement due to pain, not weakness, Deformity the outer end of the collarbone might look out of place, or the top of the shoulder might have a bump on it, Tenderness over the AC joint on top of the shoulder. Not at all. After graduation, Kirsten sought a position in the legal field that would allow her to continue advocating for those in need. So, if your arthritis gives a higher rating than the meniscus condition, then it is rated, and the other is ignored. VA If you have used steroids as a treatment for a service-connected condition, then it could qualify that way. My question to you is should I open a new claim for the cervical spondylosis and not try to tie it to an existing secondary condition? Active cases of The VA does not rate a disability under limited range of motion and degenerative arthritis. Moreover, if there is pain (without limited motion), then the VAs painful motion principle kicks in. Under the painful motion rule, the minimum compensable rating of 10% must be assigned. Therefore, the C&P examiner ought to test for active and Many with identified surgeries which made me understand staying to fight a person intent on ridding U more than helping U even have a chance was beyond my capacities right then. According to Title 38, for a minor shoulder that can raise between 25 and 90 degrees is 20% disability. I DONT MIND a delay so long ad they look at my knee & all the many items I listed earlier. Your treatments may also vary depending on your other conditions. or concerned about one, connect with our caring, qualified responders for confidential help. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I was in the Army for many years. It is primarily in my L4-L-5-S1 region. Major joints include the shoulder, wrist, elbow, hip, Based on the painful motion regulation, you can theoretically receive a 10% rating for different joints as long as there is not overlap causing it to count twice. VA Disability Rating for Rotator Cuff Repair and Shoulder Bursitis 10%, 20%, 30% etc. Confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent through this form. L4-L5 disc protrusion and acute L5-S1 disc protrusion. If you are not receiving maximum compensation, you can file foran increaseif your condition worsens. The pain issues in my foot have been ongoing for years. Since both conditions directly affect the use of the ankle, the VA will lump both conditions together and give you a single rating under the code that allows the higher rating. As with all VAdisability ratings, the examiner will review your medical evidence looking for past diagnoses and symptoms. If limited motion is not present, then you will receive one overall combinedrating under VA diagnostic code 5003 for degenerative arthritis. The joints Which is worse a vet in a war zone gets shot and corrected with a rating or a peace vet gets lots of demotivating conflicting analysis by well meaning expediency oriented professionalsthat have very tight schedules which resultd in a peace vet feeling as if every thing he asks is always denied becausethe darn documents cant be found to substantiate. Suggest that you gather all pertinent medical information to assist your claim. Since 2016, VA Claims Insider has helped thousands of Veterans just like you get the VA rating and compensation they deserve in less time. We use our arms and shoulders for many daily tasks, including getting dressed, driving, and bathing. This is the link to get started, FAST. I received a 10% disability at separation for on one knee. VA Disability See your personnel office for the proper forms. Osteoarthritis can manifest from mildly disabling to almost complete impairment, and will be rated by the VA accordingly once service connection is proven. Under the VArating schedule, there is a standard 20% disability rating if there is x-ray evidence of involvement of two or more major joints, or minor jointgroups, with occasional incapacitating exacerbations.
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