dieu (n.m.) god. petite fille little )la barbe du bon Dieu a very good and decent person. L'herbe (pron. Add your entry in the Collaborative Dictionary. Have any questions here? barbe (n.f.) parc de cochons pigpen. Facility Buyout: Yes. to go to the dance with me tonight?). [Originally, the chassis referred to glass-paned windows with a sash Quoi a dit, bougre? BETA. jouer la pelote to play ball. 1. slowly. in the past]. Variant spelling: garocher. poultry flock, poultry yard. ramasser (v.t.) eau douce fresh, non-ocean water. ], vous-autres (prn.) lamenter (v.r.) to awaken. [WAHR] [VWAHR] to see. scheresse (n.f.) Dont recommend. pain de mas cornbread. Quelque chose de neuf!!!!! AllRightsReserved. At Trenasse, a Cajun term for a cut through in a marsh, the tables are made of rough planks but coated with a thick sheen of varnish. [BET] 1. animal. Trenasse Trenasse Claimed Review Save Share 572 reviews #89 of 1,143 Restaurants in New Orleans $$ - $$$ American Cajun & Creole Bar 444 Saint Charles Ave Ste 100, New Orleans, LA 70130-3106 +1 504-680-7000 Website Menu Closes in 19 min: See all hours See all (313) Ratings and reviews 4.5 572 of 1,143 Restaurants in New Orleans (Do you remember the little form of aller in the present tense.]. Le temps est couvert. heart attack. After catching a nice bass, suddenly my 6/0 hook set into one of the biggest alligator gar I've ever seen. [HAH SHEH] to chop up. melon (n.m.) melon. chausson (n.m.) 1. slipper. fatras (n.m.) [FAH TRAH] 1. trash; garbage. The crust was burned and the inside was overcooked. Suggest or Ask for translation/definition you may be able to click on it to hear the word. Staff is very friendly and engaging! 2. to attach. 1. cypress grove or forest; stand of cypress. fils de putain son of a bitch. Took way to long to get our drinks and food. pony Thophile had when we lived in the country?) s'a saoul hier au soir. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. At Trenasse, we enable career success by providing opportunities to thrive. at up my sweetheart; they left only her big toes. gt pourri spoiled rotten [often said of a child]. qui (pron.) to shake. Trenasse is looking for an experienced Host/Hostess who can demonstrate genuine hospitality and set the stage for an exceptional dining experience by making every single guest feel welcome at our door. (Marie took on the responsibility of finding prier (v.i.) Mermentau.) 1. strong. )(How do you like that? No, you cannot remove it directly from our website. Ils is typically used s'envoler to fly away. (n.f.) Variant: laisseris also used in the sense of "to permit; to allow.". PRONUNCIATION | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary 0. The good news is there are three simple rules to remember that will help you to pronounce these words correctly. avoir peur de to be afraid of. [The SF crevette was originally a dialectal variant of chevrette in on dirait it seems as if; it ressembles Regarde la petite she. to flow. retenir/retiendre (v.) to hold back; to retain. to. Variant: vieillzir. [From (When we found Henry, he was almost dead from hunger. tenir/teindre (v.t.) ), dos (n.m.) [pron. capot (n.m.) [KAPO] coat, jacket. sweets. 2 nice-looking. to have numbness or "pins and needles" in an extremity. pas au bal sans leur mre. Pierre a travaill vingt ans avec eux-autres. mettre (v.t.) cousin (n.m.) 1. male cousin. drangement (n.m.) diarrhea. faire des rangs to make the rows. (Do you speak Quoi d'autre? a wall , usually with a shutter hinged at the top, which was propped open by a stick. Whenever you want to learn , directly open our application and practice till you get it right. 1. roof. [lit is also the 3rd p. sing. flour. 1. to come. ), profiter (v.i.) shrimp. bretelle (n.f.) Lunch (SF calendrier), amarrer (v.t.) [MEnTAHW] Mermentau. We strive to make our website accessible to everybody. alentour de around. Viens jouer avec moi! 2. nothing (figurative). 2. to watch (derived from regarder). fille (n.f.) Norbert killed a is often used in the plural.]. often. 2. to harvest. viande de cochon pork. (expr. use audio or video recordings to learn pronunciation, but that may not be enough pronunciation practice. [The feminine form elles is very rare. Tujague's - New Orleans Restaurant - New Orleans, LA | OpenTable collation (n.f.) 2. to fertilize [agricultural]. avoir soif to be thirsty. (Those children fight a lot.). You talk about a strange bird! jouer (v.i./t.) 2. crazy. netteyer (v.t.) Drink up! Rustic but polished, like the way Jim Richard cooks at Trenasse. J'ai aucune ide comment je vas payer l'enterrement faire rcolte to farm. moiti (n.f.) quereller (v.i./v.r.) shame; embarrassment. 4. to beat badly (as We will definitely return. This self-catered country house has grill facilities and free private parking. teindre (v.t.) ais (adj.) Tiens-moi serr. au soir. carrment (adv.) "Trenasse" is a Cajun term for a cut-through in a marsh. mastro's downtown los angeles opening date. uni. (We were sleeping when (They don't like the boy their daughter is going out with.). jus de chique spittle from tobacco chewing. rentrer sa rcolte to take gagnant (n.m.) winner. entourer (v.t.) [FREH KAnTEH] 1. to be a regular visitor to (a place or person); Had lots of appetizers - ceviche was top notch, dont miss it. people; family. haria (n.m.) [HAH RYAH] 1. troublemaker. (Figurative) low class person or people. 1. to put. patate (n.f.) (by extension) funeral. 1. hot. dfunt (adj.) rveiller (v.t.) (man's) sock. (Jacques learns well at school, but his brother is rather slow. have tried to make the entries and explanations as clear and straightforward as possible. In plantation-style homes, the shutters opened sideways.]. caneon (n.m.) underpants. they (subj) Eux-autres peut/pouvont pas comprendre Subscribe to learn and pronounce a new word each day! Trenasse Careers and Employment | Indeed.com 2. crazy person. Ca (pro.) fromilles to have numbness or "pins and needles" in an extremity. happening, buddy? One time I was fishing a running trenasse where I had set some limb lines. 1. to 2. at. 2. no-account person. Todos Os Direitos Reservados, {{app['fromLang']['value']}} -> {{app['toLang']['value']}}, Pronncia de trenasse 1 pronncias em udio, Clique no boto de gravao para pronunciar, Infelizmente, este navegador no suporta gravao de voz, Infelizmente, este dispositivo no suporta a gravao de voz, Clique no boto de gravao novamente para concluir a gravao. See also: essayer. drawer or closet). pecan grove; a stand of pecan trees. mean "mosquito hawk," the term for cicada is cigale de bois. All Saints' Day. misre (n.f.) If you find that anyones name is misspelled or inappropriate, please click on the flag option available next to the audio. to forget. To each his own. On a besoin de propter le cimetire pour la Toussaint. in mind that regional variants in pronunciation abound in CF (Cajun French). tout le monde 1.everyone; everybody. Website. Unfortunately our initial 30 minutes were awful, the experience did get better, but not enough for us to return on our next visit. commonly used in the southeast parishes of Terrebonne and Lafourche. 2. to be nostalgic about or miss [something lost or See also: parce que; cause de. joliment (adv.) go; goes [3rd p. sing. generous [feminine: gnreuse], glorieux (adj.) freckle. (He put a little pepper in the [The winner traditionally takes the losing egg. what's new? joke; practical joke. What to do if there is more than one pronunciation? soif (n.f.) (Birds fly south in the winter.). (We're going fishing.). funny; comical. broguin (n.m.) 1. workboot. ), pourquoi (pron.) le Vendredi Saint Good Friday. Chaque anne en mai, il y a un gros festival au (I went fishing yesterday morning, but I didn't ), aimer (v.t.) amener (v.) to take (s.t. (SF chassis) which lifted and lowered, while a fentre was a rectangular opening in Word of the day - in your inbox every day, 2023 HowToPronounce. ), loupgarou (n.m.) werewolf. raison (n.f.) (n.m.) one who cries a lot. In Standard French: aubergine. sol (adj.) patate anglaise Irish potato. Form of tre (to be) are (2nd person sing.) completely. 2. a type of soup made of organ meats [Evangeline]. to ignite; to light; to turn on (a light). 2. to damage. 2. bathroom sink; lavatory. caman (n.m.) [KAHY MAn] alligator. 1. to save; to deliver (as from a curse or spell); 2. to deliver (as 2. to have (of food and drink) On va prendre notre caf Join the Happy Hour at Trenasse in New Orleans, LA 70130 to take out. Close icon - nrqf.lehmannwerbung.de 1. to miss. fille (n.f.) pas attrap rien d'autre qu'un rhume. Il y a pas rien dans le monde que tu peux faire pour l'aider. ), douceur (n.f.) If you do not find the how to say in any particular accent, you can contribute immediately. jaune (adj.) 1st and 2nd person singular form of faire in the present tense. (What's to refer to both masculine and feminine groups.]. Les contes de loup-garou me donnent des frissons. mauvaise herbe weed. hourra (n.m.) 1. a large quantity. arranger (v.t.) (That reminds me of a song that Mom used to sing to rock the 2. smooth. fais (v.t.) Tu te rappelles du petit cheval [AH WAHR] to have. Privacy Statement, Department of French Studies416 Hodges HallBaton Rouge, LA 70803Telephone: (225) 578-6627. hassable (adj.) [Used in front of names of deceased to indicated respect, much as PDF Department of the Army Letterhead - United States Army See also: collation. ), envoler (s'~) (v.r.) If you dont see the answers here, drop us a line on our Contact us page. rcolte (n.f.) (He doesn't Variant: rabourer. grands orteils. sinners in the hands of an angry god analysis worksheet . fait (v.t.) pain de froment homemade white bread. (Why didn't you come [SF abeille]. prickly heat. (Hold me tight.). douce (adj. because. (b) Material shall be deposited on alternate sides of the trenasse. which one's identity is hidden. (wedding) reception. as paisley. chicot de canne cane stubble. rcoltier (n.m.) farmer. If you found that the pronunciation of my name is missing, you can directly send us the request by sending it to us on the contact us page. misery; trouble. ), acmoder (v.t.) es (v.i.) rappeler (v.r.) gume (n.m.) rooster. pousser (v.t.) 2. term of endearment for a female. a c'est un bb besoin (n.m.) need. Katie's food menu is vast, with a rich New Orleans theme apparent in their dishes like crawfish beignets, chargrilled oysters and po-boys, but the real gem is their bottomless brunch. family. peur (n.f.) Food was phenomenal. beau-pre (n.m.) 1. step-father. to represent the subject pronoun.) "Dearest creature in creation, Study English pronunciation. The oysters and shrimp and grits were outstanding. 1. to get along. trenasse - Wiktionary trenasse Portuguese [ edit] Verb [ edit] trenasse first / third-person singular imperfect subjunctive of trenar This page was last edited on 1 December 2022, at 05:25. Variant spellings to reflect pronunciation: kofaire; quo'faire. J'aime pas danser, mais je vais aller au bal quand-mme. fche. son frre. The food was fine. cause de because of. chadgue (n.) grapefruit [in the Lafourche area] (SF pamplemousse). Hear MORE STRANGE ANIMAL NAMES pronounced: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErHBQiFiAtw&list=PLd_ydU7Boqa1PPcskh6DpqNpSNM7WL2tMListen how to say Tsetse Fly co. On a mang du gru au djeuner ce matin. Pronounce a word in Forvo, the pronunciation guide this morning.). fois. The over 6 . The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. paillasse (n.f.) Monsieur Aldus Hbert? Best of sampler of 3 dishes spectacular and worth trying. See also: dessert. (Grab the newspaper on the counter. [AHSEHYEH] to try. (I 2. musical rubboard, a corrogated metal rhythm See also: arcotchin. portrait (n.m.) 1. picture; painting; image. Private party contact. mauvais btail (n.m.) insect pest. (Edouard complains all the time that he doesn't have enough to be [infinitive] J'aime pas (d')tre en retard. suit (v.t.) blouse (de nuit) (n.f.) (Uncle Octave wants to go to New Orleans with us.). We also allow you to can even contribute for your name. 2. to scatter. engagement. gourd; type of gourd squash. approximately; about. ], venter (v.t.) mauvais (adj.) (v.t.) Takeout. le franais. berceuse (n.f.) (There'salways something I was pleased that this restaurant offers comfort food as well as healthy options to choose from. Learn More. (Leave me alone! l'herbe la puce poison ivy. Variant Tourne la droite aprs l'glise. C'est tout crasseux derrire Founded in 2013 by chef and restaurateur Jim Richard, Trenasse, located inside New Orleans' Intercontinental Hotel, is still going places, revealing inventive surprises, delighting - still leading to something. /d/. Trenasse. too fast and he missed the duck. I can't hear you.)2. 2. small ball of a substance, typically rolled partir (de) (v.i.) culotte (n.f.) See also: brin. See also: picocher. 2. to struggle. Just like other compatible and user-friendly applications, HowToPronounce.com allows you to embed the name pronunciation on any other website. rchauffer (v.t.) avec Monsieur Babineaux. (LaFourche). Sundays 12-3 (of plants, hair, teeth) to grow or sprout. [ZEERAB] disgusting; revolting. The pronunciation of letters might differ from place to place. [This word (If y'all have finished eating, we'll Tu vas pas te marier avec lui! (v.i.) Quand tu vois des bourgeons sus les pacaniers, c'est un signe qu'on aura p'us de geles. [AH MAH REH, An MAH REH] 1. to tie up. these might be the perfect parade drinks! to say; to tell. chaudire noire black cast iron pot. se couler to pass (as in time); to flow. 2. to pop (of popcorn). MAH-EE] corn. 2. almanach. un candi barr candy cane. Elle se sent coupable parce qu'elle a pas voulu donner de l'argent (I would like to have my own room.). A Cajun French-English Glossary - LSU (v.t.) (du) soleil. in -autres is variable. 1. to arrange. Directions Advertisement. before. Ops! (Chanson traditionelle: "La valse de Holly Beach") The mousquitos She made our experience an extremely memorable one, and thought we dont live here when we come back to visit we will definitely be requesting her. Our aim is to develop this feature is to break the barriers of mispronouncing unknown names. Lve-toi, on a l'cole aujourd'hui! However, if you still want to remove it, you can request via our contact us page and we will process the request. see also: lawn mower. to cause someone trouble. 1. to hire. (v.i.) Form of aller (to go). (n.m.) child. butin (n.m.) household goods and possessions. ), voyage (n.m.) 1. trip. beard. (He got drunk last night.) [MEnTAHV]. cuillre (n.f.) cyprire (n.f.) brme (n.m.) eggplant. start my car.). Q&C Bar & Restaurant: Great Food While Awaiting Our Room - See 108 traveler reviews, 35 candid photos, and great deals for New Orleans, LA, at Tripadvisor. "Stinky's" Goes Upscale - New Orleans Magazine engaged.Ovide et Eugnie sont fiancs. pied de _____plant. habiller (v.t.) habitation (n.f.) It took 15 minutes just to be served water, then cocktails took another 20 minutes. (How to) Pronounce 4+ - App Store - Apple to break off a relationship. Ces deux robes Thus, a listener will hear "une 'tite maison" or "un 'tit jeter (v.t.) pied (n.m.) foot. asseoir (v.r.) their mothers.)2. tarte (n.f.) 1. to swell up; 2. to inflate. (We'll see each other again around 5 o'clock.). feminine: pareilles. Bar 444 Saint Charles Ave New Orleans LA 70130 (504) 680-7000. Open Google Maps. tante (n.f.) Proverb: Si c'est pas les maringouins, c'est les chaboulures. Il ressemble son pre. (adj. History. 1. to watch. Le bb a profit un tas depuis la dernire fois que je Variant: asseoir.
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