Both locations will now use the IFV icon. Narva Destruction v1 Fixed an issue where USA is not team1, which could result in the same team playing the same faction 2 maps in a row. Fixed a minor issue with the INS Hab lacking bullet collision on the backfaces. If the player presses the fire button for a short period, the sound effect gives the impression that you fired more rounds than you did. AAS . Updated point capture speed to scale by the number of players. Added 2 new Narva RAAS layers with re-configured CP routes for improved variability and less predictable routes: Narva RAAS v2 (USA vs RUS), CAF Narva RAAS v2 (CAF vs RUS). Fixed an issue with a wall sticking through a building at grid C4-2-4. Updated ragdoll motors to create a more realistic death with the pose being maintained. Fixed an issue with the entire inlet north of grid C11-2-8 not having water footstep SFX. Updated several map layers which were displaying vehicles bundled in groups in the vehicle card list info. All armor piercing projectiles use another set of piercing more destructive sounds. Adjusted river grass and cattail foliage to better match the rest of the autumn look. Squad Update v3.0 Release Notes Fixed an issue with a stone fence that players can enter and see through at grid F6-4-7. Squad is again way too infantry-based, almost all AAS/RAAS layers lack Fixed a minor issue with team tickets going into negative value space under certain conditions on the match end scoreboard. Updated the MEA G3 Rifle series firing sounds. Updated brick tower at grid O13-4-6, interior ladders have been removed. The intention is to give the Defenders a larger range of choices that they must make in the opening moments of an invasion battle, which includes a deeper risk/reward assessment. At Cinematic quality, there is no longer any limit to particle update rate, allowing you to see our VFX the way they were always intended to be seen. A lock icon will appear over a capture zone when a team cannot currently affect the flag state anymore (in a double-neutral situation). Fixed a few locations where archways/ doorways were too low / terrain too high at grid G8-7-2. This was related to the v2.0 layer overhaul vehicle spawners vehicle type authorizations. Fixed a visual issue with the vehicle HUD, where a vehicles, destroyed turret component indicator would incorrectly display that the turret stabilisation was still active, even though the. All infantry inside the restriction zone can take damage from projectiles and anything else that causes damage. Adjusted the protection zones on Tallil Skirmish v1 and v2 to be larger, to help mitigate issues with Main spawn camping. Fixed an issue with a shed that players can enter but cannot exit at grid D4-8-8. This may not provide a benefit on all computers. A complete dictionary of Squad Maps and layers available in-game. Fixed an issue where players occasionally would have very thick fog after switching to a new map layer. Added a new experimental Tire Fire deployable for Insurgents. Squad: New Harju Map Added in Update v3.4 | Player.One Adjusted all SL Rifles to now show + Tracer on their HUD names. Fixed a minor UI issue with the MIL MTLBM 6MB vehicle info card entry, the icon was inconsistent with the map icon (it was using APC rather than IFV). Adjusted the rotation speed of open turrets and emplacements using keyboard and mouse input. Server performance may periodically dip when a server has a high population and high load. Fixed an exploit where players were able to manipulate their speed during games to gain an unfair advantage. TC v1. Local/Offline Bug with Weapon damages: When playing offline on Jensens Range, Weapon damages with both Infantry and Vehicle weapons are not accurately replicated. Updated the backend of FOB Radio deployment, to reduce the possibility of clipping/glitching the FOB Radio into buildings, to prevent glitchy/exploitive FOB Radio placements. Added a brand new POI: Alekseivskiy Posad, located between Mogiliovo and Kropy. Fixed a minor issue with the GB helmet scrim appearing too dark at longer ranges. Added new map layer: Goose Bay Invasion v3 USA vs RUS, dim twilight lighting scenario with very large capture zones. Updated CAF TAPV Armored Cars woodland and desert texture with maple leaves for the syrup lovers. !vote cancel - Cancels current round of voting. Squad Update v2.9 Adds 5 New Map Layers, Fixes Ammo Racks Most night layers are now brighter in general. Squad Lanes has destroyed RAAS layer. Restriction zones are in place that prevent enemies from coming close to forward spawns, Weaponized emplacements are removed from the build menu. Adjusted the volume of the tire sliding sound for all wheeled vehicles to reduce annoying skidding audio. The Wrench - September 2021 : Squad - Communicate. Coordinate. Conquer. Narrow, windy roads and dark tunnels follow the coastline and are treacherous bottlenecks . Added a small amount of new mini POIs throughout the map. Localization for most language translations is currently out of date. All tank rounds are using the existing sounds that youve heard. Updated Fortification POI by removing a Ural truck inside a barn to allow for potential HAB placement. Squad Maps Fixed an issue with untextured rubble walls at multiple locations. This updated grass is currently found on Gorodok, Yehorivka, and Mestia. Fixed the issues with the backdrop mountains texture. This experimental camo netting may eventually get added to many of the deployable fortifications/emplacements, in an effort to increase the survivability of soldiers using these assets, as we want to see an increase in their use and more practicality of deploying these assets. Updated open-top / RWS vehicle turrets (those mounted on a pivot) to no longer pass damage to the vehicles hull. Updated Seed Map layers to now show the game mode in the server browser, as well as adding the game modes description to the team select menu. To prevent frustration, we have opted to ship the fall damage overhaul as part of a more complete package of soldier locomotion changes in the future. Updated the grass wind effect, replacing the old wind function with an updated version, which should emulate wind gusts and overall foliage weight much better. Narva Adjusted Narva mid day lighting.This lighting should now have more balanced colour temperature and wider contrast. Easily installed this mod works to correct debilitating Raas layers. Commander UAV VOIP bug When the commander changes to the UAV camera, they cannot hear local audio anymore, even though they still see local audio transmissions in the bottom left corner. Adjusted Skorpo Invasion v3 MIL secondary main protection zones, reducing the size of the zones & adjusting MIL vehicle layout. With this adjustment, the intention is to put more emphasis on the SPG9 vehicle crew to maneuver more carefully in an active combat zone, instead of previously being able to arrive at ideal ambush positions, over-watching the first objective before the enemy had a chance to maneuver. Fixed a long-standing UI issue with the diamond-shaped flag state indicator on the map, where the indicator was incorrectly blinking even when neither team was capturing the flag, giving players an incorrect impression about the current capture situation. This patch adds the new Harju Map to the game. Fixed an issue with tall buildings culling inapporpriately. Updated the sewer entrances with blocking volumes for vehicles only, to prevent motor bikes from glitching into sewers. Fixed the collision on the Green Bridge so that landmines are still slightly visible even when dug down. It should no longer crash, but we will be monitoring client logs. SFX bug while Firing in full auto. Reduced the damage from 1248 down to 960 to be in line with other LAT weapons. All UGL / Frags now use a new light impact sound. Also adjusted the volume of 50cal hit sounds against a Minsk. We noticed that there were still some untapped areas to improve performance, as well as provide better scalability options across the board including for users on lower-end hardware in our graphics menu options. The audio module for Squad is initialized at the game start. Added subtle Volumetric Fog to all maps, which reacts to light more realistically. This has increased both the visual quality and performance cost of particles. Anti Aliasing toggle: While turning off AA is not officially supported, the menu has been redesigned with a more clear on/off toggle. Steam Workshop::Hawks Layer Pack [v4.2] [75MB] Pros: Large amount of hit points and good viewing angles, with a protected entry way. Capturing generally takes longer and the neutral flag capture rate variability is more obvious with 3 or fewer soldiers in the capture zone. Added various types of additional cover to various central locations. All vehicles will now deal damage to infantry who are within close proximity to a vehicle when it explodes (~10m or less). Also added more opacity at further LODs. Added WASD input zoom sensitivity scaling to open top vehicle turrets and emplacements. Fixed incorrect shading on several landscapes. Adjusted the corn and wheat fields to remove the short grass. Please play Squad on a system that meets or exceeds our min spec. Fixed an issue on several Invasion/Insurgency map layers where the Defenders would have the wrong intro text & staging phase text. This issue occurred when a projectile damage trace would hit both the vehicle turret and hull, applying damage to both of them, and when the turret was set to transfer received damage to the hull, it resulted in dealing double damage to the hull, which was not intended. One squad leader is usually trying to pull the team together and getting yelled at by the other squad leaders, who are doing nothing productive, for losing everyone the game. This achieved brighter highlights, deeper shadows, greater contrast, and more accurate colour. Fallujah RAAS v1 Adjusted vehicle layout, removing MEA Simir Kornet, replaced with BMP2 IFV. Fixed an audio issue where double hit sounds would play for soldiers. Potential Fix for a client crash related to network messages when joining a squad. In addition to improving the visual fidelity at all settings, this also ensures that Low settings no longer give a significant competitive advantage for spotting targets. Those who know about it anticipate and destroy maps. After the fighting in Narva, the opposition forces have begun raiding the various towns in the area. Optimized foliage by reducing the maximum number of non-visible foliage triangles allowed to be drawn at once. The map was added into the game in the Alpha 14 (June 6, 2019) update. Fixed an issue with Lashkar Valley Insurgency v1, USA Helicopters were unable to resupply from their helipads. Now on RAAS map layers, all flags should stay visible for members of a team at all times after they were discovered by that team. Fixed an issue with a bad texture assignment on certain brick walls. Implemented infantry player and infantry weapon Capsule shadows as a performance optimization at low settings. Updated the MEA MTLB 6MA APC & MEA BRDM2 to now have collision on the UB32 rocket pod. Rocks and grass should blend much better. Fixed an issue with terrain clipping into a building at grid D3-3-6. This, The deploy screen squad list will sometimes display incorrect players that are not actually in the squad. Fixed a minor visual issue with a concrete doorway trench arch static which had an incorrect setup for LOD1 normal maps. Adjusted Al Basrah POI Druglord to now be named more accurately: Warlords Compound. Adjusted how Mesh Distance Fields work in the game engine, especially for subterranean spaces like tunnels. Fixed an issue with a tree growing in train tracks at grid G9-4-8. Exit Indicators will change colour from green to red to indicate when an obstacle obstructs the arrows position, which is an indication that the doorway may be partially or completely blocked to players. The capture progress bar will also be hidden to indicate the flag is no longer valid to capture. V2.12 also features extensive overhauls to some existing maps with Yehorivka and Gorodok getting significant updates including lighting updates and new geographic features. . Fixed an issue with the Kohat Poppy fields flickering in a white/black color. Players could also use this as a corner-piece to connect with a larger network of defensive deployables like the HASCO walls, sandbags, HMG bunkers, etc. This was a legacy issue that has been tough to isolate. The new map is set on the southern coastline of Finland. Added a Material Quality graphics setting. before taking any other troubleshooting steps. Fixed a minor issue with the MEA BRDM2/MTLB UB32 rocket pod turret using the incorrect texture. BTRs, MBTs)- the sole exception being the Spandrel, to prevent it becoming too arduous to deal with in engagements. The only exceptions are the MIL AR kit with FN Minimi and CAF AR kit with C9, which uses 200-round belts. Those who know about it anticipate and destroy maps. This gives defending players the opportunity to deploy an elevated, protected position, which they can use as an observation and firing platform. Squad Lanes Destroying RAAS :: Squad Game Owner Discussion RAAS layers offer high variability of point layouts, Invasion layers offer a unique balancing philosophy of "First point hard to hold, last point hard to take" which should offer much more enjoyable Invasion Games for both sides, but will have a slight adjustment period. Adjusted MEA SL 01 pistol to have 2+1 mags, instead of 1+1 mags. The development team focused on creating more physically accurate parameters for outdoor lighting, achieving brighter highlights, deeper shadows, greater contrast, and providing more accurate colour. Steam Community :: Guide :: RAAS Meta Explained Added new explosive splash damage against infantry upon vehicle destruction. Added a new road connection between the Bunker and Train Bridge OP. Fixed floating shovel and no water sfx sound on inlet. Numerous fixes and updates to improve Squads modding SDK.These have been communicated directly to our modding community on the Squad Modding HUB Discord server. Local/Offline Bug with Scoped Emplacements: When playing offline on Jensens Range, if a player exits an Emplacement while looking through the scope, the Scope remains on the Players HUD until they get back in the Emplacement and then Scope out. Please note that the associated quality and performance tradeoffs have similarly changed. Skirmish v1. Added a new visual aesthetic effect for helicopters the rotor wash of helicopter blades should now interact with the environment. a UGL impact getting perceived the same as a Tandem rocket). Players who are experiencing issues after the update, be sure to go to Settings ->. Local/Offline Bug with Vehicles: When playing offline on Jensens Range, Tracks, Wheels, and other components are not destructible while on the Jensens Range in Local play. Fixed an issue with CAF Manic-5 TC v1, which was incorrectly named TC v2. Expanded the road network northwest of Mogiliovo POI. Squad v2.15 will be released on Wednesday, April 13th at 19:00 UTC. Fixed some minor visual issues with the Scots Pine bush LODs and normals. I present to you the Great Book of Lanes, a comprehensive catalogue of the possibilities in every RAAS and Invasion variant, current as of Squad's 1.0 release. This map layer also uses an updated regular RAAS flag lattice instead of the RAAS Lanes for improved variability and less predictability. Fixed a wall segment having a missing face at grid I7-8-9. Exception is RUS AR kits with RPK-74, which should spawn with 2x 45 round magazines (90 rounds in total). Added a new landscape shader and new landscape textures. Design Intention: This unique Insurgent deployable is intended to slow vehicles, cut off enemy routes, conceal travel routes, block sight lines, and create fear and chaos among the enemy. Fallujah Fixed a few locations in sewers that still allowed. Occasional Player (Client) crashes in various circumstances. Design Intention: This gives defending players the opportunity to deploy an elevated, protected position, which they can use as an observation and firing platform. RAAS v02. Fixed a minor visual issue with the M240 Helicopter Door Guns muzzle flash not moving with the gun. Fixed a minor typo on Tallil RAAS v1 & Tallil Tanks v1, where the display name (in the server browser) had a double space. Kamdesh RAAS v4 Fixed respawn time of an MEA MTLB 6MA (was incorrectly 10 seconds, now 6 minutes). Fixed an issue with decorative stones causing issues with players crawling into the collisionless mesh by reducing the overall scale/size of these objects. Potential Fix for the critical issue of players occasionally not seeing Logistic Vehicles construction supplies (Logi Bug). This is also intended to increase chances of Attacker success on first Capture Points. Designers Note: The intention with this change is to incur a more noticeable effect on soldier stamina when navigating obstacles, to bring more nuance to stamina management and navigating terrain. Fixed an issue with the waterfall missing its VFX. Only the admin cam has special caster features. Overhauled the vehicle armour mesh system to now use a new simplified process for assigning VFX and SFX. Fixed a minor issue with the GB FV107 Reconnaissance vehicle using an inconsistent icon on the map screen versus the vehicle info card menu. Adjusted the deployable TOW and Kornet to now have a more precise collision on thetripod to match the visual mesh. Most noticeable when aiming down weapon sights, bipoded, using emplacements, or looking through a vehicle viewport. The effect has been visually improved to eliminate most graphical artifacts and preserve visual detail in dark spaces. Fixed LODs before imposter on Beech/Oak trees. Along with every map/layer, each contains: Team Information (Name and Total Tickets) Vehicle Information (Name, Quantity and Delays) Layer Information (Weather, Command and Total Capture Points) and more! Adjusted the Mi8/Mi17 Helicopters default ammo/construction cargo split from 750/750 to 900 ammo / 600 construction. MEA now has 2x Ural Logi instead of Simir Logi. etc.) Fixed an issue with the minimap on all maps which support helicopters (using soft map boundary), the minimap appeared more dim/darker than intended. This affects the following scopes: USA M150 ACOG Rifle Scope, GB L129A1 6x Rifle Scope, GB/USA/CAF M2 Browning HMG Scope. Fixed an issue with some fences culling at too short-range at grid H10-3-5. Added Dynamic Mesh Quality setting: Scales the quality of distant skeletal meshes, including soldiers, vehicles, and weapons. This can be changed in Settings -> Graphics. more than 100 rounds if they respawn with an empty kit. Fixed the RUS MTLB VMK not spawning on Jensens Range v2. The system is limited to only one player being able to stand on another at a time, to prevent giant towers of players The Squad teams focus here was to reward players who move and work together to overcome obstacles, encouraging and rewarding players who move in closer proximity and work as a squad rather than as individuals. The most obvious part of the v2.15 Update is the much anticipated release of the Australian Army. Squad is a tactical first-person shooter made by Offworld Industries, a game developer comprised of several people who helped create the Project Reality mod for Battlefield 2. Others can still hear them when they talk. This, Player kit role icons are sometimes not being displayed on certain menu screens. Fixed an issue on Logar Valley with a collision on a ruined mud wall that was blocking a doorway at grid C3-5-3. No ticket gain from capturing flags (normally +60). Fixed a minor visual issue with some small visual holes in the mesh of the Middle East Urban Center static building. This is intended to give low-end hardware more performance options. Squads v2.12 Update has been in development for a considerable amount of time here at Offworld Industries and the entire development team is excited for you to get your hands on it and finally experience it in the live game! Fixed an issue on Gorodok RAAS v1, the minimap was not showing the map layers version number. Textures do not become excessively blobby at lower settings. Fixed an issue with conflicting ambient tree SFX cutting out around grid E9-6-6. Adjusted all Tallil map layers helicopter altitude threshold to be decreased from 400m to 300m. Don't bother loading up Squadlanes, because it won't work, it's the RAAS experience we always wanted. Fixed a minor issue with the name of the MIL Logistics Technical from Transport Pickup Truck to Logi Pickup Truck. Fallujah Fixed a detached wall segment at grid G5-3-2. This work can have a significant effect on gameplay as Tallil shadows now render out to 1km at all graphics settings which ensures that Low settings no longer give a significant competitive advantage for spotting targets. This gives the ambient lighting much better colour and contrast, which ensures that it fits the sky colour, and greatly improves the quality of the sky. More details below: Removed the force which previously prevented infantry from standing on each others heads. Fixed a minor UI issue with a typo for the kit limit warning for Auto Rifleman, it should read unlocked and not unclocked. Stamina cost for these actions has also been increased. Cooldown does not affect markers placed through the map. Adjusted the CAF Arid and Woodland team selection images to reflect the most up to date character and weapon models. Updated minimap with the intent to make height more readable, minimap now also features trees. Tunnels are now darker in general, to better represent these CQB areas. Main Rifle (Non Magnified Optic): EF88 + Eotech 552 (new), Main Rifle (Magnified Optic): EF88 + Elcan Specter 4x (new), Light Machine Gun (LMG): F89 Minimi (new), General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG): Maximi (new), Light Anti-Tank (LAT): M72 LAW (Same as USA/GB/CAF), Heavy Anti-Tank (HAT): Carl Gustaf (Same as USA/CAF), Logistics Vehicle: HX60 (Retextured GB asset), Unarmed Transport Vehicle: HX60 (Retextured GB asset), Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV): ASLAV-25 (new), Main Battle Tank (MBT): M1A1 Abrams (Modified USA asset), ATGM: BG71 TOW Emplacement (Same as USA/GB/CAF), Mortar: 81mm F2 Emplacement (Same as USA/GB/CAF), 12 Cannon Salvo Circle (Same as USA/GB/CAF), 12 Cannon Salvo Line (Same as USA/GB/CAF), Commander UAV: MQ-9 Reaper (Same as USA/GB/CAF). For more on the development and challenges we faced with this update see our pre-launch blog post ( LINK URL ). Fixed an issue with RUS Tigr and GB LPPV where the open turret hatches were transmitting damage to the vehicle hull, this will no longer happen. Squad Masters Vanilla are the normal maps with normal settings. It should also improve pacing by encouraging more deliberate movement from flag to flag, and provide more strategic options on rollout. USA now has 2x M939. . Afterwards it becomes AAS,(assuming if you remember the next objective location). Squad v2.15 continues Squad's new release cadence, with our team working to provide more frequent updates as we move forward. . Some of the changes since you last saw me on the wrench: Fixed a minor issue with the RUS Kamaz 5350 Truck where infantry were unable to fire while prone in the truck bed. Steam Workshop::Hawks Layer Pack [v4.2] [75MB] Goose Bay Fixed various floating grass. Updated CAF arid uniforms textures to look more authentic. The knowledge of Squad Lanes would still be both in the heads of experienced SLs and not so easy to access. RAAS v04. One side of the camo netting appears semi-transparent up close, while the side facing the enemy is fully opaque. Updated and optimised deployable sandbag destruction FX. Fixed a minor visual issue with the GB FV107 Tracked Recon wreck mesh LOD. This feature is currently enabled on the following maps: Anvil, Gorodok, Manic-5, Mestia, and Yehorivka, greatly increasing the close-up detail of the Landscape. Updated all GB SUSAT-equipped infantry weapons to have adjustable range zeroing from 100m out to 600m, in increments of 100m. Squadlanes: Good or Bad? What's your opinion? : r/joinsquad Adjusted many Invasion map layers to add an initial 5-minute delay for the Defending Teams Technical SPG9. Players may want to try adjusting their Shadows and Ambient Occlusion Graphics settings for this update. Fixed mesh and DF issues on the Tamarix tree and adjusted the Tamarix bark being extremely dark. Squad Lanes has destroyed RAAS layer. The only vehicles which will still have damage from turret hits passed to their hull are those where the turret is an integral part of the hull (i.e. Fixed the Scots Pine tree texture so it is less bright. Adjusted Sumari AAS v2 vehicle layout to not include APCs. Reduced the hollow tube effect.
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