of Public Health; subnav - Facilities; subnav - Human Resources; . Adams, Jasmine; Alston, Tayvon; Artis, Candice; Bailey, Sharone; Banks, Jessica; Barnes, Kenneth; Belter, Julie; Bradshaw, Lindsey; Brock, Chad (Assistant Principal) Linda C. Hodges, Director of Human Resources, (540) 459-6743. The Title IX Compliance Officers to contact regarding compliance issues associated with this discrimination and harassment policy are: Substitute Teaching Requirements & Pay Information. Johnston said with the COVID-19 pandemic still going on there is a lot of uncertainty with much of the upcoming school budget. Mr. David Hinegardner, Director of Administrative Services and Strategic Planning, (540) 459-6708 Click here to learn how to set up your account and visit the store. Shenandoah County Public Schools | Woodstock VA - Facebook Email: You will not be able to save the forms so be sure you print them after they are completed. Logout. The school division's designated FOIA Officer is Jessica Sager, 600 North Main Street Woodstock, VA 22664 (540) 459-6222. Thank you to Mr. Roberts for setting up this wonderful educational experience. The Shenandoah County School Board is committed to full compliance with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The Shenandoah County Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs or activities. Email: ADA Compliance Email: The Shenandoah County School Board is committed to full compliance with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Anticipated Opening for 2023-2024: Occupational Therapist, Shenandoah The Title IX Compliance Officers to contact regarding compliance issues associated with this discrimination and harassment policy are: Edulog Bus Routes Parent Portal App Information, SCPS & SCSO Memorandum of Understanding - SRO Program, COVID Guidance Flowchart 2022-23 (Spanish), Text Message Opt-In Flyers (English & Spanish). You are encouraged to submit these forms by July 8 so we can plan for your student's school transportation needs. Login Here Home delivery print subscribers, your subscription also includes. Home - Honey Run Elementary Email: Teachers & Staff - Peter Muhlenberg Middle Linda C. Hodges, Director of Human Resources, (540) 459-6743. Her ability to work with others across disciplines, her thirst for knowledge, and her passion to work with students are commendable. Again, Principal Noonan, Ms. Senators debate raising retirement age in France to 64 The following persons have been designated as the contacts regarding compliance issues associated with this sexual harassment and harassment policy: The Shenandoah County School Board is committed to full compliance with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Use the search field above to filter by staff name. Staff Directory; Calendar; Contact; Toggle the user drawer. With each of the required forms, there is asample completed formto further assist you. The school division's designated FOIA Officer is Jessica Sager, 600 North Main Street Woodstock, VA 22664 (540) 459-6222. Lancaster County Public Schools 2330 Irvington Rd. FOIA Information. The process is simple and convenient and allows for 24/7 access. Email: Documents for Parents Email: FHS-web@fcps1schools.net Staff Directory; Calendar; Contact; Toggle the user drawer. Departments - Shenandoah County Public Schools null Account View All Staff F Finance Staff Members Budget Tuition Assistance Accounts Payable Travel Information For School Bookkeepers Payroll Purchasing G GATE GATE Website H Human Resources Staff Members HTML Substitute Teaching Information Resources for Staff Becoming a Teacher in SCPS 600 N. Main Street, Suite 200Woodstock, VA 22664540-459-6702. Mailing Address P.O. Adobe Reader may be required to view some documents. Select Departments Transportation . Once completed and printed, please sign as needed. Parents will navigate to the online school store, click/add items to a cart and when ready, go through the easy four (4) step check out process. Central High School - Home of the Falcons! Email: This website is in the process of being updated to ensure compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. null Account. The Shenandoah County School Board is committed to full compliance with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Home - North Fork Middle School Please click here for more information about FOIA requests. In accordance with the law, the Board prohibits discrimination and harassment against students, employees, or others on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, race, color, national origin, disability, religion, ancestry, age, marital status, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions, status as a veteran, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by law or based on a belief that such characteristic exists, hereinafter referred to as a protected group status, at school or any school sponsored activity. Email: The school division's designated FOIA Officer is Jessica Sager, 600 North Main Street Woodstock, VA 22664 (540) 459-6222. According to Policy GBA/JFHA, the SCPS School Board is committed to maintaining an educational environment and workplace that is free from discrimination and harassment. Please click here for more information about FOIA requests. null Account. My Calendar Following My Feed My Information. The following persons have been designated as the contacts regarding compliance issues associated with this sexual harassment and harassment policy: Any student or school personnel who believes he or she has been the victim of or has witnessed discrimination or harassment by a student, school personnel or a third party should report the alleged incident to one of the compliance officers or to any school personnel. installed on your computer. Shenandoah School Board approves policy changes but won't vote on model In accordance with the law, the Board prohibits discrimination and harassment against students, employees, or others on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, race, color, national origin, disability, religion, ancestry, age, marital status, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions, status as a veteran, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by law or based on a belief that such characteristic exists, hereinafter referred to as a protected group status, at school or any school sponsored activity. Harrisonburg City Public Schools AH Henderson, Amy Send Email Position: Administrator Departments: District AA Ansoorian, Andrew Send Email Position: Administrator Departments: District BW Wetzel, Blanche Send Email Position: Learning Resource Phone: 540-434-1949 Departments: THMS BN Nussbaum, Brian Send Email Position: Administrator In accordance with the law, the Board prohibits discrimination and harassment against students, employees, or others on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, race, color, national origin, disability, religion, ancestry, age, marital status, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions, status as a veteran, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by law or based on a belief that such characteristic exists, hereinafter referred to as a protected group status, at school or any school sponsored activity. The process is simple and convenient and allows for 24/7 access. Logout. FOIA Information. According to Policy GBA/JFHA, the SCPS School Board is committed to maintaining an educational environment and workplace that is free from discrimination and harassment. Shenandoah District basketball using new officials association this year Mark Skoglund, the Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission's executive director, follows a House committee hearing as members discuss a bill to overhaul the commission and rewrite campaign finance laws, Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2023, at the Statehouse in Topeka, Kan. With each of the required forms, there is a. formto further assist you. Shenandoah Community School District Community School District 304 West Nishna Road Shenandoah, IA 51601 PH: . Shenandoah University's McCormick Civil War Institute is proud to announce the unveiling of a digital history project that delves into the history of the Dr. David Hinegardner, Asst Superintendent of Administrative Services and Strategic Planning, (540) 459-6708, email - dahinegardner@shenandoah.k12.va.us or Ms. Linda C. Hodges, Director of Human Resources, (540) 459-6743, email - lchodges@shenandoah.k12.va.us. Mr. David Hinegardner, Director of Administrative Services and Strategic Planning, (540) 459-6708 Students who would be defined by other teachers as challenging or difficult thrive in Ms. Boohers class., Director of Human Resources, Title IX Compliance Officer, Deputy Clerk of the School Board. Virginia offers low-cost or no-cost health insurance through Medicaid and the Family Access to Medical Insurance Security Plan. Logout. She seems to reach every single student she has. -The education of children is an investment of time, labor, and resources in our future. The school division's designated FOIA Officer is Jessica Sager, 600 North Main Street Woodstock, VA 22664 (540) 459-6222. Please click here for more information about FOIA requests. With the re-opening of schools and the Delta variant creating the latest surge, Central Shenandoah Health District's Director Dr. Laura Kornegay provided an update to reporters on cases, the confusion surrounding safety and exposure guidelines in schools and news on the availability of vaccine boosters. *Transferrable Accumulated Sick Leave (indicated on Prior Employer Verification Form)- Please forward this form to your previous employer, if you were employed with a Virginia public school division or Virginia county government and you have transferrable sick leave.
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