No matter the rarity of the commander, anyone can be used as primary. For talents, focus on the Archer path and build towards "Venomous Sting" and "Whistling Arrows". These skills identify and determine the strength of these commanders for any task we assign them, the differences between the rarity of commanders is quality of skills and cost of upgrades: These skills are progressive through a sculpture system that improves with each level. The level of the commander determines the maximum troop capacity of the dispatch. flottenpolitik wilhelm ii unterricht SAVAGE tier, the very strongest commanders. There are three main purposes that commanders have in this game, fighting in PvP, fighting in PvE, and gathering resources. No priority if you're F2P or low-spender. Rarity: Epic Specialties: Leadership Conquering Skill Country: Ottoman Ratings 4/5 - (33 votes) Overall updated December 18, 2022, 1:51 pm. Also useful in KvK withstanding getting swarmed and the reason he works that well is his synergy with Alexander Nevsky who is basically so strong since release that it will drag Bertrand quite high on the tier list as well. Do you have any argument on Lebensohls opinion? Frederick's special thing is that he's a leadership commander with a skill tree and this means he is your best choice to build a huge mixed army for one march, also due to his fresh recruit skill.
The. Edward of Woodstock is, despite the fact that he has quite a high rage requirement he works insanely well on countering infantry units as well as skill damage bonus that you can use with many other commanders to pair up a really viable combo for rallies or open field actions as well as defending flag/fort. His active skill reduces the enemy target's attack and defense by 30% and does a moderate amount of damage. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. His area damage is just great, he reduces damage taken & buffs health, he generates extra rage and boosts skill damage. Construction is a key part of any civilizations development. Finally, after a long time waiting, this is the Ultimate Commander Tier List for Rise of Kingdoms! His expertise Second to None can trigger a double cast of the Chosen One by probability when he leads only cavalry units, one very important skill for any game mode, both PVP and PVE. If you aim for a legendary with this combo then Please go for the powerhouse Yi-Seong/Tomoe. Bjorn Ironside got quite some hype and then hate upon release and is not able to compete with the good legendary commanders in Rise of Kingdoms. A part with marching speed is good and decent, but it doesn't really apply to F2P player, look at 1. it's hard to get a 200k only horses army. They are at the weakest link in the chain. The new commanders pushed him out of the meta so hard that he doesn't even work well as a secondary commander anymore. Bertrand is all about rallying, especially in Ark of Osiris where you want to have a tanky march and that's exactly what he provides. Ragnar Lodbrok was hyped to be an awesome commander with the release of the Vikings civilization but the reality is that he will lose value quickly the further your kingdom develops and more and stronger commanders become available. The other Legendary commanders require certain events such as Mightiest Governor Event, Wheel of Fortune, Expedition (Aethelflaed), or payment methods (Minamoto no Yoshitsune or Hannibal Barca) to obtain. TIP: If you're looking for a specific hero, we recommend using the search (Ctrl + F) function in your browser. Casts active skills right after the primary commander casting skills. Learn how your comment data is processed. Support: Its main advantage as a specialization is to provide support of any kind to the units under the command of these commanders. Although it would be interesting to make separate lists for when the commander is primary and secondary, well have to save that for potentially another day. Like the stars, do not waste experience books on commanders that you will not use, they can be of help later depending on the game progress you have and the more advanced commanders you have can benefit from this experience. Saladin got his ranking adjusted for the open field as he will not get targeted that much anymore when there are Xiang Yu's on the table. Invest Prio - High! Each of their talents improves the effectiveness of our commander and troops whether it is hunting barbarians, destroying barbarian forts or defeating event bosses in Rise of Kingdoms. No priority if you're F2P or low-spender. Although you can pretty much combine her with every other epic commander in Rise of Kingdoms, she also doesn't provide any form of defense which the other ones above do, so you can also turn your march into a very fragile one with her. Only before your kingdom hits KvK Season 4/Season of Conquest. Contents 1 Planning your Commander Build He is a specialized cavalry commander who excels at dishing out serious amounts of damage and a very powerful attacker when it comes to fighting against neutral units like barbarians. Best Archer Commander Pairing for AOE Nuking: (Edward of Woodstock and Yi-Seong Gye) Edward of Woodstock and Yi-Seong Gye: If Edward and Tomyris are the best pair for nuking single enemy targets, the best pair for nuking multiple targets is Edward and Yi-Seong Gye. Cao Cao is the best option for F2P that we have if you want to use a Civilization with special cavalry units, even his versatility is great for any type of choice. A great option if you are looking for a fast DPS with a high damage capacity for both PVP and PVE. 1. Constance's sculptures are not available in chests but you can buy them in the expedition shop. Although the experience to lohar is wasted for pvp, the power leveling of my primary pvp commander hopefully makes up for that. Invest Prio - High! Used in the right situations you will make multiple targets take more skill damage and he also deals decent damage and can be used quite well, especially in the earlier stages. Therefore, instead of using Lohar specifically for PvE, you should be using your PvP commanders for PvE, especially if they also have PvE skills. Pelagius is an epic defending commander with healing, decent stats and a good damage factor. The most efficient way to farm experience and resources is by rallying Barbarian Forts. Invest Prio - None! I'd prefer suggest to archer's build for FTP, Herman or Kusonoki are easy to get, also Tomoe is easy to get, there ya got 2 great archer combo's. As their buff and debuff will benefits your stronger allies. You can also use rare commander sculptures to upgrade her skills. He appears in the Wheel of Fortune event between days 150-155, where you can spend some gems to unlock him (get 10 sculptures), then spend the golden sculptures to max him out and have a commander for every moment of the game, all events and all tasks, excellent for PVP in open-field, undoubtedly an amazing commander. Where would you say Bjorn Ironside ranks on this list? Invest Prio - None! Scipio (yes, the epic old version, not the crazy new legendary version!). Gaius gathering skill increases Food gathering speed by 20% and other gathering speed by 15%. Also good in Sunset Canyon.
thelfld Guide - The Best Free Legendary Commander! thelfld The damage with the rage restored gives such a good bonus in the open field, and most legendaries cant even come close to competing with what he gives to the game. Also, mind the fact that Nebu can't get swarmed easily. It has several privileges that grant improvements to skills and resistance to units, example: increase in healing factor, fast regeneration of rage and damage skill reduction. YSG, we can unlock him between days 90-95 via the Wheel of Fortune by spending a certain amount of gems to unlock him. Best garrison to defend Attila & Takeda (Cavalry Rally) Zenobia & Flavius Aetius Invest Prio - Niche! Chandragupta is effective in hitting cities and strongholds with his buff and a solid choice here with versatile use whenever you want to hit a city or stronghold.
Updated with new Commanders - TechGamesNews I love writing guides and doing guide videos for the game. In addition, it further reduces the damage of the target by 40% and march speed by 10%, a great skill in general. There are three main purposes that commanders have in this game, fighting in PvP, fighting in PvE, and gathering resources. His exceptional robustness makes him a strong leader and expert in leading infantry units. F2P (epic) commanders are just shit for Cavalry buffs, after introducing Talent 2.0 there are some nice features for mixed armies which imo are far better if you don't have 5/x/5/x CaoCao and 5/5/x/x MoneyMoto. Maxing out a Legendary commander is absolutely possible for all free-to-play players! Also versatile in the open field and provides a good counterattack that makes him quite sustainable. Events like the current thanksgiving cornucopia event highlight that Lilith is creating spaces where pure peacekeepers can shine, and I hope to see more of that moving forward. Joan is also a top commander once maxed and become a solide primary commander to be pair with any legendary commander you might have level through luck and got to 5/1/1/1. On the other hand, Joan or Boudica are great commander to support your bigger players. Cheok Jun-Gyeong (CJ) boosts damage and deals a ton of single-target damage and reduced skill damage taken making him a nice commander you can use in rallies and in the open field. The experience books are the most comfortable method to increase the experience to our commanders, however, the easiest and free method is by killing guardians in holy sites, they provide a quantity of experience that will be of great help. I hope that this guide gave you some insight into each commander and their purpose in the game. Secondary Commander: Alexander Nevsky. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. In Rise of Kingdoms, If you want to do battles or gather resources, you need to have at least one Commander, who leads your army troops. In reality, F2P and low spenders should never be attacking other cities, especially by yourself or as the rally leader. Your email address will not be published. For more information about Supercell, please visit their website at All intellectual property shown here belongs to their respective owner.Contact usPrivacy PolicyTerms of Service. Up to date with version 1.0.63 (December 7th, 2022), I updated some rankings for some commanders and also added the two new commanders Tariq and Sargon. That's it. Can also be used as city defender early in the game. About Joano, mine is already 40 and gathering is full, What should I up next ? Charles Martel is a great infantry commander, tough, and has very good buffs for this type of unit. Tips to develop the best specialization for our commanders. Invest Prio - Niche! Important! Cao Cao is one of the best legendary cavalry commanders for China in Rise of Kingdoms. On her own, she still does pretty well and deserves this spot here in the A Tier. Only invest for specific roles. Doesn't shine so it seems this is where the meta dragged him now. El Cid used to be a very good commander in Rise of Kingdoms but the reason why I don't have him higher in the list is how his skills are arranged. Being F2P players: Focus all your golden sculptures in a single commander until you achieve your ultimate skill Expertise, so little by little. Great at the beginning but weak at late game. We do not talk here about ~70-80 days of server. If you have any questions or suggestions, or if you disagree with anything in this guide, please refer to my Commander Tier List or leave a comment below. Xiang Yu is one of the most popular cavalry legendary commanders in rise of kingdoms(ROK). There are 4 types of commanders, below, we will explain each of them and how to obtain them: They are the most powerful commanders in the game thanks to their skills and absolute strength of rarity. With the way the meta works with Nevsky right now I had adjust her ranking for defending objectives as cavalry will quite bust her there. Although the damage scales down quickly by 25% for each additional target, his active skill inflicts on targets a defense reduction of 30% for 3 seconds. F - Farmville. large scale, a fearsome ability. Also viable in the open field as well.
All Rise Of Kingdoms Commanders List 2023 Nothing special but also not bad is the best way to describe him. Only invest for specific roles.
ROK New Best open field commanders marches in 2022 - TechGamesNews
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