National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Renewable Resource Data Center, Energy demand in Southeast Asia has increased on average by around 3% a year over the past two decades, and this trend continues to 2030 under today's policy settings in the STEPS. Renewable and nonrenewable resources are energy sources that human society uses to function on a daily basis. We look to be part of an inclusive, responsive approach that complements existing efforts toward practical, common-sense solutions. Much of the impetus for the contribution of biomass sources and technologies to the national energy picture originated in a federal law5 originally viewed as a natural gas conservation measure, the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). Alternatively, new or existing power generation facilities at closed pulp and paper mills could be evaluated as options, and configured strictly for power generation.67 Existing woody biomass stocks could be augmented by biocrops or other types of biomass to help fuel new power generation facilities. Today, biomass is the largest source of renewable energy in the United States. to support a diverse economy, enhancecommunity resilience, and conserve natural resources in Southeast Alaska. Our long-term strategy will include establishing an interagency lead for the Sustainability Strategy, establishing a team charter for the Alaska-based OneUSDA team, and empowering shared leadership within the region by aligning programs with locally developed strategies such as the Blueprint for Southeast Alaska, the Visitor Products Cluster Working Group, the 2025 Economic Development Plan, and the All Landowners Working Group, among others. Southeast Asian countries stand at a crossroads concerning their shared energy future and heavily rely on fossil fuels for transport and electricity. Plasma-arc gasification is an incineration technology which uses an oxygen-starved environment to reduce the organic components in municipal solid waste (or other biomass) into its constituent elements. Plans for increased use of waste wood from forests may require new forms of cooperation and coordination between forest products companies and biomass power generators to ensure access to the resource. [F|39$~0 #4 Although biomass-fueled power plants are not immune to such challenges, they are capable of offering base-load capacity, and a viable clean energy alternative for utilities in the Southeast should climate change considerations officially become part of the rationale for a Renewable Electricity Standard. The Alaska-based, USDA intra-agency team is co-led by Rural Development, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Forest Service. Renewable Portfolio Standards. This exciting new partnership will allow us to bring even more conservation benefits to southeast communities that address food security and local agricultural production.. In Southeast Asia, the Philippines is one of the countries most dependent on fossil fuels,. The 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has agreed on a 23% target for sustainable, modern renewables by 2025. Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. Presentation on behalf of Juneau, AK 99802-1628 Biomass Resources: The Southeastern United States and the Renewable Electricity Standard Debate, Renewable Energy Resources in the Southeast, Forest-Based Resources: Wood Wastes and Black Liquor, Other Potential Sources of Biomass Energy, Landfill Gas and Municipal Solid Waste [Waste-to-Energy], Potential Biomass Use in the Southeast for RES Requirements, Summary of Barriers and Challenges to Greater Use of Biomass, Technological Challenges and Opportunities,,,,,,,,,100000,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, If you wish to learn more the India inquiry, reach out to Saksham Nijhawan at S . The Renewable Fuels Program requires increased use of renewable fuels every year through 2012. The locations selected were bounded by a 280-mile radius to allow for a four-hour maximum one-way haul, and trucks offloading biomass every 15 minutes. Overview of the Quality and Completeness of Resource Assessment Data for the APEC Region. Aggressive customer cost savings, significant employment gains, and cleaner air for the first time, research demonstrates how much a competitive regional electricity market would benefit the Southeast U.S. To deliver these benefits for the people they serve, policymakers and regulators should immediately ramp up efforts to bring competition to a region that has for too long been beholden to monopolies at the exclusion of low-cost clean energy. Are regional transmission organizations the future for renewables in Generating electricity from renewable resources emits far less of such pollutants. (Photo by Paul Harris/Getty Images). Collaborated with Thailands Office of the Energy Regulatory Commission to develop regulations and technical standards to ensure the safety and performance of battery energy storage systems. The strategy prioritizes USDA resources and capacity to better serve the broader economy of Southeast Alaska. At least 29 U.S. states have set renewable portfolio standardspolicies that mandate a certain percentage of energy from renewable sources, More than 100 cities worldwide now boast at least 70 . Renewable Energy in the 50 States: Northeastern Region The majority of that capacity is expected to come from new energy crops.46, Opponents of an RES say goals for new renewable energy generation are unfair and cannot be easily met in the timeframes under discussion. Major benefits for public health and the climate. However, the region's major user of woody biomass and producer of wood wastes is the forest products industry. These markets are far from perfect in practice, but have directly connected customers to least-cost renewable energy. "Hog fuel" is a mixture of wood and bark, usually reduced to 50-75 millimeter-size chips and produced by a "wood hog" (i.e., grinder), from which it derives its name. The Production Tax Credit13 and the Investment Tax Credit14 have been used by the federal government to support renewable energy.15 Recent consideration has also been given to implementing a federal "Feed-in Tariff" (FIT) law. Closing the dirtiest sources of power and adding cheaper renewables would also reduce greenhouse gas emissions nearly 40% in the competitive RTO scenario compared to business-as-usual important for a region that faces up to $60 billion each year in 2050 and up to $99 billion in 2090 in costs from climate-change induced sea level rise and storm surge. This increased renewable generation plays a significant role in advancing sustainability goals and reducing carbon outputs. 26 USC 48. Re-Source Southeast Hub Pulp & Paper Workers Resource Council. Acceleration in Southeast Asia renewables development Ocean renewable energy development in Southeast Asia - Tethys . A companion policy report to the Southeast modeling highlights successful state policies smoothing the clean energy transition for coal-dependent communities in Colorado and New Mexico, which could be a valuable model for the Southeast. The Southeast Asia renewable energy market installed 71.75 GW in 2020, and it is anticipated to reach by 117.17 GW by 2027, at a CAGR of 7.4% during the forecast period of 2022-2027. . Unless some balancing mechanism is in place, such as the Bingaman discussion draft proposal to return federal penalties to those states with less renewable energy resources to specifically develop such resources, southeastern states and electric utilities fear that they will become net purchasers of RECs, which will result in a "transfer of wealth" to the sunny and wind-rich states of the Southwest and Midwest, respectively.21 Given the identified concerns over biomass supplies in the southeastern states and the pivotal role the region will likely have in a federal RES debate, issues in this region will be used as the focus of this report. See,100000,0. U.S. Energy Project in Southeast Asia Increased Renewable Energy Still new to solar, the markets in Southeast Asia are almost the inverse of Australia, Director of Solar Distribution Junrhey Castro tells pv magazine Australia. 2023 Scientific American, a Division of Springer Nature America, Inc. %PDF-1.6 % The projects announced today have been allocated in the categories below: Tribal and Indigenous Interests total commitment of $12.5 million, which includes about $2.3 million for the six projects announced today. Burning approximately one million tons of biomass annually, Plant Mitchell would be one of the largest biomass power plants in the United States.51, Collection of waste wood for biomass power plants may require a coordinated effort with forestry companies. While the rate of underperformance was least severe in the Southeast (reported at 17% below the U.S. average), that region is the most prone to anomalies driven by physical damage (such as cracking, delamination, or . Rep. Jay Inslee (D-Wash.), one of the panel's more liberal members, said there should be "flexibility" to address regional issues but warned against watering down either the bill's emissions or renewable energy targets. In the short time since the Secretarys announcement, over 270 investment proposals were received totaling more than $276 million. In past years, much of this material was either plowed under to reconstitute the soil, left for livestock forage, or was gathered to make straw. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS A lock It is not only an investment in communities, but also recognizes the critical role of tribes in the co-stewardship of our lands and waters and sustainability of our communities. "There have been at least three different proposals back and forth," Stupak said in a short interview yesterday. DUK From mobilizing over $7 billion in renewable energy investments to facilitating nearly 10,000 megawatts of renewable energy capacity (enough to power roughly 8 million homes), the United States Government's Clean Power Asia program is making Southeast Asia cleaner and greener. Using them. The draft bill would require utilities above a certain size to supply 25 percent of their power from renewable sources like wind, solar and biomass energy by 2025, although efficiency measures could be used to meet a fifth of the target. See page 4 of presentation at National Museum of American History, The Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act - Government Involvement to Remedy Energy Crisis: PURPA, Energy Innovation has released updated analysis comparing the cost of continuing to operate coal plants to replacing them with solar, wind, or batteries. Over the past decade, the most rapid growth came from Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia and Viet Nam. The need for agricultural chemicals is often lower for perennial biocrops which can mean less pollution from runoff into rivers and streams. On July 15, 2021, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced the newSoutheast Alaska Sustainability Strategy to support a diverse economy, enhancecommunity resilience, and conserve natural resources in Southeast Alaska. But nowadays, possibilities for use include collection of a portion of this material for burning in a biomass boiler, producing steam for electricity, or processing into biofuels (see below) such as cellulosic ethanol, as technologies and new processes are developed. United States. Gasification technology holds promise for increased efficiency and usefulness of biomass combustion and waste-to-energy technologies. % 2;|Q2C2hH;_2 (Photo by Rolf [+] Schulten/ullstein bild via Getty Images). Analysts from energy think tank Energy Innovation recently published a report showing that it is now more expensive to continue to run most coal plants than to replace them with renewable energy. Knowledge awaits. From mobilizing over $7 billion in renewable energy investments to facilitating nearly 10,000 megawatts of renewable energy capacity (enough to power roughly 8 million homes), the United States Governments Clean Power Asia program is making Southeast Asia cleaner and greener. The harvest of food and other crops often leaves behind a mass of stover (i.e., stalks, leaves and other plant remnants). Reprinted from Greenwire with permission from Environment & Energy Publishing, LLC. In fact, 82% of the total coal capacity in the region could be replaced with solar and storage for the cost of continued operation of those coal plants, and with a significant decrease in risks associated with fuel costs, outages from extreme weather, and potential future environmental regulations. Thus far, two bills have been introduced in the 111th Congress that would amend PURPA. RE-Source Southeast Hub is a regional platform for cooperation between renewable energy producers and energy consumers.. Biocrops are fast-growing (sometimes hybridized) species dedicated to producing energy (electricity or liquid fuels) from all or part of the resulting plant.30 These are mostly perennials such as switchgrass or mixed prairie perennials, or trees like willow or poplar, but any other plant material could be used for biocrops. The effects of these new federal requirements added to existing uses on the price of woody biomass is uncertain, but increased demand without a commensurate increase in supply (or development of alternative supplies) usually leads to higher prices for a finite resource. The key determinants of success related to fuel for a biomass power plant include the availability of biomass resources, prices of the feedstock, and the cost of collection and delivery of these resources. The development of renewable energy projects in the region is an expensive bill for most Southeast Asian countries to foot. Renewable energy development is growing rapidly due to vast population growth and the limited availability of fossil fuels in Southeast Asia. Energy Information Administration (EIA). Energy Information Administration, How is my electricity generated, delivered, and priced?, July 10, 2008, Without additional details, SEEM fails to address many of the efficiencies of full RTO integration modeled in this study like reserve sharing, transmission optimization, regional economic dispatch, independent system operation and market monitoring, and market access for independent power producers. These proposals reflect the broad and deep need for economic stimulus in Southeast Alaska. Vietnam has a high potential for renewable energy, including hydro, solar, wind, biomass, and waste. 26 USC 45. Actual job growth may actually be even higher when factoring in better regional competitiveness. The latest on SEEM, FERC, and the impact on renewable energy The coalition of Southern utilities petitioning to form a new market exchange has responded to a second deficiency letter from FERC. EIA, Monthly Energy Review, September 2008. The Responsible Energy Initiative is seeking funding partners to deliver the outcomes across the Southeast Asia region. Wood wastes from saw mills is a primary source of energy used by the biopower industry in its power plants, but if sufficient numbers of these mills go out of business, then the economics of biopower operations could change.52 There is little doubt that logging operations leave behind considerable waste wood in the forests, but going into the forest specifically to collect wood wastes may not be cost effective for biopower companies.53. Listening to the importance of the sustainability strategy to local communities, learning about southeast Alaska culture, and meeting Tribal members and partners is an honor for me, said Under Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment Dr. Homer Wilkes. Federal support for research and development is believed by many policymakers to be crucial in making renewable energy technologies more cost-competitive. USDA will leverage its resources to support these efforts including programs to strengthen small businesses, broadband, renewable energy production, local foods and agriculture production, water and sewer infrastructure, healthcare, housing, outdoor tourism, silviculture support and others as appropriate. Growing at an average pace of more than 5% per annum, power demand in Southeast Asia is projected to keep rising over the next decade. Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE). The terms RES and RPS (Renewable Portfolio Standard) are often used interchangeably as no material difference exists in program goals. Analysis finds Renewables cheaper than all Southeast coal plants Identifying short- and long-term opportunities for investments that reflect the diverse opportunities and needs in the region. This has fuelled economic growth and permitted higher living standards. The Southeast Asian renewable energy market is changing rapidly. The resultant gas is then used to provide heat for electric power generation. President Biden is placing climate change at the center of U.S. foreign policy, he said. Diversity in biomass supplies will also be key if the resource is to meet competing demands. Since the time of the first nomadic hunter-gatherer societies, wood has been collected for cooking fires and heating. Leaders from USDAs Natural Resources and Environment, Rural Development, and Natural Resources Conservation Service are visiting southeast Alaska this week and meeting with Tribal Nations, Alaska Native corporations, regional and local partners, including recipients of the initial funding. Nonrenewable Resources - National Geographic Society | National Concerns over the potential impacts of a federal RES seem to revolve largely around the issue of whether, nationwide, sufficient renewable energy resources exist and are economically viable. Southeast Asian Tycoons Step Up Investments In Renewable Energy Competition in these markets has reduced wholesale energy costs while creating an entry point for low-cost renewable energy to provide power to the grid. Cellulosic ethanol can be produced from the same types of biomass feedstock as could be used for biomass electric power generation. In addition to the Economic Investment component, the Southeast Alaska Sustainability Strategy also involves ending large-scale, old-growth timber harvest and focusing resources to support forest restoration, recreation, climate resilience, and sustainable young-growth management. The level playing field that markets provide is critical to customers being able to access the clean and renewable power they need to meet their goals.. Produced by biological processes of living organisms. connected to the .gov website. Thestrategy to be undertaken on the Tongass National Forest and in Southeast Alaska includes four primary components: As a part of the strategy, the Secretary of Agriculture made an initial commitment of $25 million to the region. Click on a state or scroll down to access relevant conservation resources and state-specific climate change information. Of these plants included in the analysis, both local and regional solar resources are less expensive than all of the coal plants analyzed. Introducing a Southeast regional competitive market that optimizes regional transmission and shares resources (key features of other RTOs) would save $384 billion dollars with approximately $17.4 billion average yearly savings through 2040 - 23% lower electricity costs compared to today. ) or https:// means you've safely In fact, estimates are that livestock production may be responsible for 18% of greenhouse gas emissions (as measured in carbon dioxide equivalents) including 37% of all anthropogenic methane, and up to 64% of ammonia in the environment which also contributes to acid rain and acidification of ecosystems. Combustion of fossil fuels also produces the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide. Renewable energy resources include biomass, hydro, geothermal, solar, wind, ocean thermal, wave action, and tidal action. Billions of dollars in savings for customers. Overall outcomes anticipated include stronger relationships with Tribal Nations, Alaska Native corporations, and municipal governments; inclusive, diverse engagements that represent the people, communities, and cultures of Southeast Alaska; an understanding of administrative barriers that continue to impact funding distribution and may include changes to policies, laws, and regulations; and be able to use input gained from engagements to determine short- and long-term investments for the region. Dana Kenney, Chief of Party for USAID Clean Power Asia, said, USAID Clean Power Asia collaborated with local and international partners to share lessons learned and best practices to overcome policy and technical barriers that have limited the deployment of clean energy technologies to support increasing demands for electricity, which are set to double by 2040. USAID Clean Power Asia collaborated with diverse stakeholders, partners, and regional organizations to share lessons learned and best practices across Southeast Asia to accelerate the regional transition to a high performing, low carbon power sector. Methane is a more powerful greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, being 21 times more potent at trapping heat in the atmosphere over a 100 year period. They have also been critical to integrating variable renewable energy wind and solar and capitalizing on resource diversity over larger geographical areas. Introduced by Senators Udall and Udall on February 12, 2009. "Right now we are depending on other regions of the country, and foreign countries like Columbia and Venezuela, to supply us with coal. Generation sources within seven states in the Southeast RTO model. The USDA intra-agency team continues to engage with Tribal Nations, Alaska Native corporations, municipal governments, local partners and communities, and the public to support economic development planning and implementation efforts. May 2008. Marshall Steam Station, a coal-fired power plant owned by utility Duke Energy. 35, Landfill gas from decomposing organic matter in landfills can be collected and used to generate electricity, if it is present in suitable quantities and is of a high enough quality in its energy content.36 As such, landfill gas is usually a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide, and may contain other contaminants requiring treatment or removal before the gas can be used as fuel to produce steam for power generation.37, As an alternative to burying the volumes of trash collected by cities and towns, waste-to-energy facilities can use municipal solid waste directly as a fuel source to generate electricity. This open-ended engagement ensures that investments were paired with a forward-looking approach to plan for longer-term action that are home-grown and responsive to local priorities, complement ongoing partnerships, and are inclusive of the values and peoples in the region. Tom Darin Liskey, Georgia Power seeks to convert coal plant to biomass, ReCharge News, February 3, 2009, This article contributes to the growing academic literature on ocean renewable energy (ORE) in SEA by improving understanding of the opportunities and challenges of ORE development in the region .
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