I then ask it to do a body scan to heal and repair the body. Dolores Cannon will guide them right to the point of their death, while under hypnosis of course, and they would look back at their life with a new perspective. 815 N. Gaskill St. Become connected in a way unlike any before! This has allowed my mind to become open to the positive aspects of life. It is the part of you thats been with you since the very beginning! consequently started a business. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique by Dolores Cannon. Videos will be reviewed in a group setting so each practitioner will not only learn from their own video, but from the others videos as well. An incredible series of videos will begin your journey towards becoming a QHHT Practitioner and test your skills with a final quiz. Industry: Academy Printer Friendly View Address: 815 N Gaskill St Huntsville, AR, 72740-8968 United States Practitioners in your area? It will allow you to have the greatest clarity you perhaps have had in this life and allow you to make changes to support your souls growth. Achieve QHHT Level 1 certification in the comfort and convenience of your own home, at a pace that is conducive to your learning style, and lead the transformation into 5D reality that we are experiencing right now on. Turn Your Passion For Spirituality Into a Career. Some people call this the Higher Self, the Over Soul, the Super Conscious. Grace Smith. *Note: New practitioners who have successfully completed their Level 1 training and provided documentation of 5 practice sessions, may now be listed as a Level 1 Intern. Dolores Cannon was a hypnotherapist whoRead More, Time seems to know no bounds when it comes to our personal development. Read More Contact Test Drive ZoomInfo's Directories Browse Directories people search Boston New York City Houston Chicago Los Angeles Atlanta Quantum Healing for the Mind, Body and Spirit. Curious about how is your past life affecting you today; and more, EWA DEMIANIUK, CHt In-person Sessions are done in El Dorado Hills Clinic: 'Quantum Connective Healing Herb Akers'. Members (14):None Listed / Treasurer SIC Code 80,804. .zrf-form label, .zrf-form input[type=text], .zrf-form input[type=password], .zrf-form input[type=tel], .zrf-form input[type=email], .zrf-form input[type=file], .zrf-form textarea, .zrf-form select {width:100%;font-family:inherit;font-size:inherit;} .zrf_extra_info {font-size: 80%;}, QHHT Office Managerginny@qhhtcustomerservice.com, Here to heal the Earthand improve the world., QHHT Customer Service Representativesommer@qhhtcustomerservice.com, Here to help raise yourvibration to new heights., QHHT Customer Service Representativesteph@qhhtcustomerservice.com, We are all on a beautifulmission together in this world., Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy815 N. GaskillHuntsville, AR 72740, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy * Life Between Lives This year, exactly five years from that time, I became a Level 3 Practitioner, which is wonderful. View Quantum's full profile See who you know in common Get introduced Contact Quantum directly . Want a change & guidance, inner peace & balance; Self-discovery. Many people . You can also prepare any spiritual questions you have. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy Llc 276 Madison 2337 Huntsville, AR 72740. * Clinical Hypnosis Techniques John C Mcilwraith / S Two Park Crsg 310 E 96Th, Indianapolis, IN46240 Free and open company data on Arkansas (US) company QUANTUM HEALING HYPNOSIS ACADEMY, LLC (company number 811010241), P.O. As this amazing energy comes through it shares the purpose of showing you the lives it picked and then answers every question. Developing psychic or extra sensory abilities, Curious about how is your past life affecting you today; and more. All Names . Enjoy the satisfaction of guiding clients into past lives and ingenious problem solving in their current lives. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy offers fully accredited classes for Dolores . QHHT - Home Please make sure to always provide your contacts, so I can get back to you. consciousness.And Financial abundance is flowing as I'm living my passion as a lightwork It will allow you to have the greatest clarity you perhaps have had in this life and allow you to make changes to support your souls growth. We will work with the practitioners on your interviewing and questioning skills and then spend one-on-one time working specifically on your voice skills. and healer! However, there is so much more to life than what we learn in science class. I am so glad I met her! This technique will very quickly allow people to access that part of themselves that has all of the answers and receive instantaneous healing if it's appropriate. Looking for QHHT There are 10 professionals named "Quantum Academy", who use LinkedIn to exchange information, ideas, and opportunities. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy . 25% Discount for Live Level 2 in January!!! - Constant Contact Contact. allows you to answer the questions you have always wondered about. If you are ready for your transformation, book your session today. I have taken training with Dolores and I am certified to practice her method for my own clients. STRESS, ANXIETY, RELATIONSHIP ISSUES, MISPLACED EMOTIONS, Every day I take my clients on a journey into the most empowering aspects of their See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Quantum's connections and jobs at similar companies. Check out Delores Cannons Website for more details. Add a document: By booking a hypnosis session with Ewa Demianiuk, you confirm that you have read, understood. Quantum has 1 job listed on their profile. View Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy's professional profile on LinkedIn. Every Friday 11am - 12pm (EST) The official Facebook page for QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) pioneered by the late Dolores Cannon. If you would like to be credited for contributing this document, make sure to sign in or. It employs 6-10 people and has $1M-$5M of revenue. Open 8AM-4.30PM icknield way, letchworth; matching family dinosaur swimsuits; roblox furry accessories; can i use my venus credit card at lascana; . Centro Hipnosis Current Workplace. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique by Dolores Cannon. TRAUMA, ABUSE, RAPE, PHOBIA, DEPRESSION, Until these Interns have taken their QHHT Level 2 Class or completed 25 sessions, they may continue to facilitate sessions to gain experience at no cost or by free-will offering. It will open your mind, heart, and imagination. QHHT Refund and Return Policy, Join Julia and Kaya on Facebook Live The Level 2 & Level 3 classes are live classes only, and not offered online due to the intensive interaction provided. Empower yourself and others with QHHT's exclusive online training in accessing the superconscious mind. QUANTUM HEALING HYPNOSIS TECHNIQUE Trademark Wediscuss yourlist of questions you want to be answered; both physical and emotional, health issues, personal problems. Confirmation:Please note, that your appointment date/time is not confirmed until you receive my call, Txt or e-mail with confirmation. During the Past Life Regressions, you begin by getting acclimated to who you are and your surroundings. Click to Join , Copyright 2023 | All Rights Reserved | QHHT Official. There is a psychological and spiritual factor behind every color. QHHT Refund and Return Policy, Join Julia and Kaya on Facebook Live Level 2 LIVE:For QHHT practitioners who have attended Level 1 and have practiced with a minimum of 25 different people, this supplemental course will focus on strengthening core QHHT skills. Huntsville, AR 72740. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy Llc does not have any related entities listed in the PlainSite database. Huntsville, AR 72740, 501-302-1497 There will be amazing speakers, vendors and a free psychic fair. H. B. Carter / JR. assists you in finding the origins of illness, dis-ease, fears, phobias, and anxieties. Description:From traditional software and hardware to turnkey managed solutions, Quantum Aviation Solutions provides comprehensive baggage management and passenger tracking. During a hypnosis session, we can give voice to the parts of us, that otherwise are never given an opportunity to speak, we think 'outside the usual box' from a much wider perspective, we remember what we have forgotten, and we understand more. QUANTUM 2007 CONSULTING LLC; QUANTUM MECHANICS CO; Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique by Dolores Cannon, // For over a decade, Dolores taug Psychosomatic symptoms that do NOT make sense (nothing worked so far), ***, BBS5:00 5:55 PMQHHT) QHHT[] , Copyright 2023 | All Rights Reserved | QHHT Official. A QHHT session allows you to gain a better understanding of yourself, your life events, relationships, and origins. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy - Huntsville, Arkansas - LinkedIn YourSubconsciousalways has only your greater good in mind and the love, kindness, and humor it shares are touching beyond words. ( Name, Phone#, e-mail, preferred appointment days/time, Your Time Zone ). 2012 Newearthjourney.com Quantum Healing - Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner - Quantum Brenda Vassaur Taylor / Incorporator/Organizer, Distribution Of Pharmaceutical Products And Provision Of Related Services To Individuals In The State Of Hawaii,Pharmaceutical Sales & Service. Categories: Training Programs & Services. Some people experience Future Lives, Parallel Lives, Lives on Other Planets, Lives in Other Dimensions. We take you to the spirit side to get a perspective on that life as a whole and to learnlife'slessons and purpose. Centro Hipnosis's Phone Number and Email. quantum healing hypnosis academy huntsville ar. The Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique is a method whereby, under hypnosis, these memories can be identified and, if appropriate, can be released so they no longer hold you unknowingly, a prisoner to the . Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique allows people to access a part of themselves that holds all the answers. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique by Dolores Cannon. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy is now offering students the opportunity to learn Dolores Cannons unique Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Level 1 Course in a new and exciting online format. Advanced Facilitator HIGHER BRAIN LIVING. quantum healing hypnosis academy huntsville arspecialized structures of banana. receivedtraining from ANTONIO SANGIO-Introspective Hypnosis, ALBA WEINMAN-Spiritual Journey of Forgiveness, NATH - transpersonal hypnotherapy, ALI CAMPBEL - NLP, clinical hypnosis & was inspired by: DOLORES CANNON-QHHT, IQH, BQH, LBL, SIMPSON PROTOCOL and many others read more, Sessions are done on-line via Zoom or on location. By booking a hypnosis session with Ewa Demianiuk, you confirm that you have read, understood, and agree to all, Hypnosis is one of the fastest, most powerful, United States, Ca, HOLISTIC TECHNIQUES TO EMPOWER YOUR BODY-MIND-SOUL. Now and then, everyone goes through more or less difficult days, that affect our state of mind and well-being. 49,130 people . About. Show More. Additionally, they allow you to have the experience from the comfort of your home anywhere in the world. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy QUANTUM IMAGING, INC - Arkansas After one OHHT Session with Sara Cosme I healed my hip pain, I found my life's purpose and QHHT - Home - Facebook My whole life I have needed healing from my past experiences. It will open your mind, heart, and imagination. . 12/12/2022 1:50 AM. Want a change & guidance, inner peace & balance; Self-discovery, Going through a spiritual awakening,Wanting to connect to your Spiritual Guides, Please click on the link below to view the entire 2017 schedule. . QHH focuses on the concept that the client will go to "the most appropriate time and place" to address any requests for healing or information. Journey Deep Into the Realm of Quantum Healing From the Comfort of Your Own Home. Phone: (479) 738-2348, (479) 738-2448 (Fax), (800) 935-0045 (Free) Last Update. Dolores Cannon: We came to earth to be EVERYTHING The technique practiced by Ewa Demianiuk incorporates many modalities. , BBS5:00-5:55PM Read More, BBS5:00 5:55 PMQHHT) QHHT[] , Copyright 2023 | All Rights Reserved | QHHT Official. QHHT Practitioner Arkansas. To achieve this positive state of existence requires a change in the mind, body, and soul. An incredible series of videos will begin your journey towards becoming a QHHT Practitioner and test your skills with a final quiz. Non-Government Works Copyright 2001-2023 Think Computer Corporation. In February, Suzanne Spooner will be hosting a Level One Companion Class in Iowa. BOX 754 HUNTSVILLE, AR 72740 QHHT Official Hypnosis Training For information on QHHT Courses, please fill out the contact form. Harold B. Carter / President 224 Evergreen Drive, Mandeville, LA70471 (Physical) * Past Life Regression Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy Llc has not been linked to any key people yet. ph# 408-509-4030 QHHT Live Courses; Level 1 Online; . quantum healing hypnosis academy huntsville ar Bkd / LLP, Agent:The Corporation Company 124 West Capitol Ave, Ste 1900, Little Rock, AR72201 (Physical), Doing business as:MENA AIR CENTER SERVICES, Members (2):Brenda Vassaur Taylor / Incorporator/Organizer This wonderful and informative event still has tickets available andif you can't be here for conference, itwill be available for Live Streaming. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique by Dolores Cannon. Online learning provides you the ability to take this course in the comfort and convenience of your own home, at a pace that is conducive to your lifestyle and is a perfect option for eager students who are unable to travel, afford or take the time off work to attend one of the live 6-day QHHT Level 1 Courses. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy Llc - plainsite.org Taking this class does NOT authorize you or anyone to teach this method. quantum healing hypnosis academy huntsville arwhat is the indirect effect of temperature on orcas. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Techniquewascreated by Dolores Cannon which she has developed and refined over her 45-year career as a regressive hypnotherapist, working with thousands of clients in countries all over the world. General. Direct others into the most empowering and resourceful state of consciousness. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy Llc I can't recomend it enoungh! Some people might better understand the term "Past Life Regression", and that is exactly how QHH started, with an exploration of Past Lives. Some people visit the Spirit Side. In order to live joyfully, in the fullness of our potential, we should get rid of low vibrations which have been collected throughout those days and are holding us down, bringing unwanted emotions. quantum healing hypnosis academy huntsville ar. Mark Lawley / Treasurer 25 Morris Lane, Texarkana, TX75503 (Physical) *** Only Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy staff is authorized to teach QHHT and this material. When no special attention is paid to them, they start manifesting a variety of symptoms: emotional, mental or physical. We bring forth your Subconscious. Daniel G King / Secretary QUANTUM HEALING HYPNOSIS TECHNIQUE is a trademark owned by Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy, LLC and filed on Monday, February 6, 2017 in the Education & Entertainment Services category. ), In September we will be in Vancouver Canada. Some may call this your Higher Self or collective consciousness. I finally have found a community of caring and genuine individuals. The official Facebook page for QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) pioneered by the late. About; Courses. QHHT , Arkansas - intuativehealing Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy | PO Box 754, Huntsville, Arkansas 727401-479-738-2348 | info@qhhtofficial.com Learn QHHT | Find a Practitioner | QHHT Practitioner Blog Level 2 January Class We have wonderful news for our Level One Interns and Level One Practitioners. Together we will feel the high vibration of the universe as we journey deep into the realm of Quantum Healing! But I realized that I have been able to witness wonderful things happen to so many people after I started QHHT practice over the past five years. Create a future where you will be living your passion with potential to earn several hundred dollars per QHHT session. Box 754, Huntsville, AR 72740 qhhtofficial.com | 800-935-0045 | 1-479-738-2348 | Fax: 479-738-2448 | info@qhhtofficial.com Quantum Healing Hypnosis TechniqueSM Session Notes Practitioner's Full Name: Client's First Name: Client's Year of Birth: Session Date: Length of Session: Welcome to a safe space for healing and self-discovery. QUANTUM HEALING HYPNOSIS ACADEMY, LLC :: Arkansas (US) :: OpenCorporates Immerse Yourself InQHHT Level 1 Online Course English. Go Pro to view all of the trademark assignments this law firm has worked on. I wanted to become a whole and healthy. Does QHHT help practitioners with session referrals. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy Company Insights, Tech Stack, and Site: dolorescannon.com. Healing With Hypnosis. Huntsville, AR 72740, 501-302-1497 Quantum Academy . Therefore hypnosis can be therapy or an empowering tool, the way we expand our mind, assistance in gaining knowledge and understanding of the chosen subject, but also it can be a spiritual experience and the way we raise our vibration. It can be utterly terrifying for some people to realize there is very little time each year to get the things you want to be done. Holistic Therapy & Alternative Healing Modalities * Role Change (communication with other souls), * Self Empowering [CDATA[ episcopal academy ice hockey; atlas copco fault codes 7008. serta idirections hybrid queen. Wanting to connect to your Spiritual Guides. For over a decade, Dolores taught her Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique to enthusiastic students all over the world. Other events get in the way of our goals, and we need to learn how to work around them orRead More, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy It allows her the flexibility to effectively help clients, in a variety of ways, accordingly to the client's unique situation and needs: * Introspective Hypnosis Comprehensive information on any company or organization, Phone:(479) 738-2348,(479) 738-2448(Fax),(800) 935-0045(Free). June 5, 2022 . 815 North Gaskill St Huntsville, AR 72740. Then something truly amazing happens! Douglas H Stickney / P, Director Two Park Crsg 310 E 96Th, Indianapolis, IN46240790 The City Drive South #400, Orange, CA92668 (Physical) The official Facebook page for QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) pioneered by the late. Step fully into who you really are and who you are meant to be. Can I really make a full-time career out of QHHT? Wediscuss yourlist of questions you want to be answered; both physical and emotional, health issues, personal problems. Book: Session can be scheduled via my e-mail: info@EwaHypnosis.com, Ph: 408-509-4030, or 'Book Now' button. . As a humanity, we are only starting to discover how powerful our mind is, what we are capable of & how unbelievably amazing we are. Address: 907 Embarcadero Dr. Suite A, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762. Follow us on Instagram > @qhhtofficial. Looking for a holistic, alternative way to support your ongoing treatment, Please note that We operate in PST (Pacific) since we are located in California while scheduling your session. non-invasive ways to change your life and break through needled suffering. Quantum Academy - Owner - Quantum Academy | LinkedIn window.__mirage2 = {petok:"0jvt6tIenFqO01pns8qV5cp1nKqLVK5q7tC7X5wgzAU-3600-0"}; Hypnosis sessions have nearly unlimited applications because they allow us to express ourselves in an expanded state of consciousness when we think without limiting boundaries of belief systems, time, space, or even physicality. And Financial abundance is flowing as I'm living my passion as a lightworker and healer! We have wonderful news for our Level One Interns and Level One Practitioners. Dolores told me in a dream, Five years from now, wonderful things will happen to you, after watching the group session video. QHHT {Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique} Official Training Addresses:PO Box 754, Huntsville, AR72740 (Physical)246 Madison 2337, Huntsville, AR72740 (Physical), Members (2):Nancy Garrison / Manager During the part 2 of the session, whereyou will have a very relaxing and enjoyable experience, you will be taken back to 1-3 past lives, that yoursubconsciouspicks for you to see, that best explain the issues you are experiencing. All Rights Reserved. Open 8AM-4.30PM what happened to danny's wife on blue bloods; whataburger coming to kennesaw ga; ovens auditorium covid policy; custom photo suspenders; . Hypnosis is an effective tool to address long-lasting issues, trauma, fears and all that which no longer is serving us well. There are three levels of course available: Level 1 LIVE;Online; Companion:For new students, this course is available in both online and live formats and will equip you with all the necessary know-how and resources to practice Dolores Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy discover . QHHT | Facebook Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy, LLC Company Profile | Huntsville, AR . QHHT - Home - Facebook You should add one! If you are taking the Online Level One class right now or just can't jump in with both feet even though you have completed Level One, this is the class for you!!! This method allows the client the opportunity to "self heal" by communicating with the clients subconscious. Address: 907 Embarcadero Dr. Suite A, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762. Looking for QHHT NAICS Code 62,621. 720 N Gaskill St 12, Huntsville, Arkansas, 72740, United States. Keith T Coleman / T, Treasurer Two Park Crsg 310 E 96Th, Indianapolis, IN46240175 Broad Hollow Rd., Melville, NY11747 (Physical) Please make sure You read all Terms & Agreements before booking a session. [emailprotected] Sub Conscious)SC Practitioners in your area? Note that while twenty-five sessions is the absolute minimum requirement, we highly recommend that the practitioner conduct more than 30 sessions in order to take the most advantage from this class. These intensive courses are designed to fully equip students with the necessary knowledge, skills and technical approach to effectively practice her technique, wherever they might live. This discount is for Students actually attending the class in person. . Pay: Send payment via PayPal or Venmo to: info@QMCmedia.com or use 'Book Now' or 'Donate' button for CC. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy Llc has not been linked to any key people yet. What is Quantum Healing? Some people find themselves in the Akashic Records and still, others visit the Temple of Healing. I will be in Manchester, England as a speaker for Awakening Manchester UFO Conference in March and will be having classes at the same time. What to expect during the Quantum Healing Session? Hypnosis is simply a state of relaxation that allows us to speak with our inner wisdom, our subconscious, where we store suppressed emotions. . Hypnosis | Quantum Healing Hypnosis in New York City | Queens County Call or Text me 405-203-8927 to chat about how I can help you! You can be taken to as an 'observer'. We are bringing in speakers from all over the world and an event not to be missed. In addition, we are very proud to be hosting the 30th Annual UFO Conference April 14th - April 16th. Service of process:175 BROAD HOLLOW RD MELVILLE, NY 11747, 2420 Riverfront Drive, Little Rock, AR72202, Member:Billy Miller / Incorporator/Organizer, Member:John G. Kerr / Incorporator/Organizer, Filled under act:Dom Bus Corp; 958 of 1987, Agent:Gregory Stansell 1701 Woodrow, Little Rock, AR72203 (Physical), Agent:Mary J. Tillman 1710 Lynette, Little Rock, AR72205 (Physical), 1701 Heather Ridge Dr., Jonesboro, AR72401, Agent:David J. Courtois 1701 Heather Ridge Dr., Jonesboro, AR72401 (Physical), 613-B Hunter Ridge Ln, Russellville, AR72801, Agent:Thomas Dube Nickolich 613-B Hunter Ridge Ln, Russellville, AR72801 (Physical), Business type:Business Corporation (Non-Louisiana). We begin with an interview, where I amgetting to know you and yourlife events, that shaped you. it gives insights to things youinnatelylove, talents you have, and passions that come easily to you. Willard J. Fallis / Vice-President, Agent:The Corporation Company 425 West Capitol Avenue, Suite 1700, Little Rock, AR72201 (Physical), Filled under act:For Bus Corp; 958 of 1987. YourSubconsciousalways has only your greater good in mind and the love, kindness, and humor it shares are touching beyond words. If you are interested in attending and taking advantage of this discount, please email us at. info@qhhtofficial.com it gives insights to things youinnatelylove, talents you have, and passions that come easily to you. PDF Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Session Notes This technique will very quickly allow people to access that part of themselves that has all of the answers and receive instantaneous healing if its appropriate. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy Llc has not been linked to any issues yet. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy is now offering students the opportunity to learn Dolores Cannon's unique Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Level 1 Course in a new and exciting online format. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy offers fully accredited classes for Dolores Cannon's hypnosis technique, QHHT. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy 815 N. Gaskill St. Huntsville, AR 72740 Contact Information Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy Phone: (501)-302-1497 Fax: (479)-738-2448 E-mail: communication@qhhtcustomerservice.com To schedule a private session with a practitioner, please follow this link www.qhhtofficial.com/find-a-practitioner Online learning provides you the ability to take this course in the comfort and convenience of your own home, at a pace that is conducive to your . Allen Herod / CPA, Agent:Brenda Rose Sloan 269 Polk 52, Menos, AR71953 (Physical), Orange, CA·Huntington Station, NY·Little Rock, AR, Industry:Distribution Of Pharmaceutical Products And Provision Of Related Services To Individuals In The State Of Hawaii,Pharmaceutical Sales & Service, Doing business as:QUANTUM HEALTH RESOURCES QUANTUM HEALTH RESOURCES CORPORATION, Addresses:790 City Drive So#400, Orange, CA92668 (Physical)175 Broad Hollow Rd, Melville, NY11747 (Mailing)175 Broadhollow Rd, Melville, NY11747 (Mailing)790 The City Dr., Orange, CA92668 (Physical)417 Spring Street, Little Rock, AR72201 (Physical), Business type:Corporation - Foreign - Profit. Then something truly amazing happens! You can also prepare any spiritual questions you have. For over a decade, Dolores taught her Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique to enthusiastic students all over the world. Psychosomatic symptoms that do NOT make sense (nothing worked so far). Level 3 LIVE:The Level 3 class is for practitioners who have completed Level 2 (since January 2014), have been in practice for one year, have a minimum of 125 sessions, and facilitate QHHT as Dolores taught. Remote Sessions are just as powerful and transformative as in person. * Meditative Practices We begin with an interview, where I amgetting to know you and yourlife events, that shaped you. QHHT Session. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy | 1-479-738-2348 |. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy is a company that operates in the Hospital & Health Care industry. Contact Information - Dolores Cannon
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