Haitian Revolution 5. So, I wanted to move into the modern world, and I wanted to move into some different topics. One of the formative books that I ever read was the March of Folly. Now: The Russian Revolution Next: ??? I mean, one of the things that is very noticeable about studying all of these revolutions is that nobody has ever successfully predicted a revolution. SOME THINGS ARE UP TO US AND SOME ARE NOT | Robin Waterfield. After two strong seasons, on the English Civil War and the American Revolution, the show hits its stride with its mammoth tour through the French Revolution and the gut-wrenching story of Haiti. Haha, I can tell. Oct. 5 Seattle @ Town Hall. Our Perspective guest is Mike Duncan. And if you empathize enough with the various actors, then, as you have noticed, I have fans from many different political backgrounds who can listen to the show and not be turned off about it, or think that Im just advancing one particular point of view. Or have larger social structures changed too much to really have them anymore? Were super excited about this guest because Sparky and I are huge geeks, and weve been fans of this guy for a long time. Host and Producer on Revolutions and The History of Rome and Guest on This Day in Esoteric Politic, The Majority Report with Sam, and Based on a True Story. Duncan also collaborates with illustrator Jason Novak on informative cartoons that humorously explain the historical context for . Its a really fun way to teach history and a really fun way to absorb it for people at home who are just interested amateurs, who arent in school studying and dont have JSTOR access. We really appreciate you joining us, though, and going to these dark places with us. . It just restarted something that has been an ongoing conflict in American history since the very beginning. Here's something I am very excited about: the Revolutions Podcast. Mike Duncan is one of the most popular history podcasters in the world. What I was actually studying in school was a lot of political theory. It starts from the English Revolution, and has gotten as far as the Russian Revolutionbut we did the French one on the way, Haitian, Mexican, the whole thing. Hero of Two Worlds: The Marquis de Lafayette in the Age of Revolution (Paperback) By Mike Duncan. Final Episode- Adieu Mes Amis. The nightmare gripping Ken Middleton's family appeared to be possibly over in 2005. Revolutions Mike Duncan History 4.8 12.3K Ratings; A weekly podcasting exploring great political revolutions. BookPage "Mike Duncan's excellent, well-researched book portrays Lafayette's extraordinary life as a fascinating, transatlantic drama with three great revolutions and transitional interludes that carry the reader through seven explosive decades of historical change. Its a great way for people to access this information because reading a book does take your whole physical body, in a way. What's Revolutions about? Isle of Man TT ace Michael Dunlop to ride PBM Ducati during 2020 Articles | The Montreal Review Oct. 28, 2013. I mean its really difficult to justify the Senate. Because there are plenty of times where these same sorts of problems pertain, but theres nobody out there who is looking for it to be something that they can play to their political advantage. His award-winning series, The History of Rome, remains a legendary landmark in the history of podcasting.Duncan's ongoing series Revolutions explores the great political revolutions that have driven the course of modern history. It is an immersive look at the well-known . So, those things can and do happen in human history. You mean the people in history are people? Mike Duncan - Audio Books, Best Sellers, Author Bio | Audible.com . This is like a game that I like to play. But theyre like, This is the greatest time in human history to be alive.. And this guy is making immigration policy in the United States of America. View Reports-/5-RATE 122.4K Followers. In terms of conflict, I would say our immigration episodes with Brianna are probably our most depressing. What the banking class is saying to the sovereigns is, If you dont call the parliament, were not going to give you any more money.. What are we doing here, Lyta? I actually do think that there was some kind of history that backs all of this up. You know, its not like Toussaint Louverture is going around with a magical W over his head that stands for winner. Nobody knows that hes going to be the winner in the end. And you just blew that upthe Mexican Revolution season just blew up that universe and introduced me to so many new people and perspectives and situations that I had no idea about. Im joined by Sparky Abraham, our finance editor. I think we wanted to ask you about some broader lessons or commonalities that youve drawn out between revolutions. Few people have done more to make history interesting and accessible to the layperson as Mike Duncan. Mike Duncan presents HERO OF TWO WORLDS with Lloyd Kramer *In-person So, I just spent an entire episode talking through the different ways that this could have actually gone. Corwin Duncan on LinkedIn: Love to see a more accurate depiction of our Comments. Michael William Duncan is an American political history podcaster and author. I dont think that things have changed so much that we will not continue to get the same kind of recurrent challenges from below to various existing regimes. And its looming, it could happen again at any time. I do have some suspicion, though I have not actually investigated this fully, that there was some kind of climate shift event that happened around 200 A.D. Because the Han Chinese, the Parthian Empirewhich was running Persia at the time, which gave way then to the Sassanid Empireand the Roman Empire, as it had existed before the Crisis of the Third Century, all dealt with very similar state collapses, and much of it was brought on by shifting of people. I know the French Revolution. Revolutions podcast by Mike Duncan (Series 10: The Russian Revolution Having said that, Im never going to be able to avoid my own bias, and its clear who I can be sympathetic to and who I am notI am not sympathetic to Metternich, for example. And so that is how I wound up carrying it forward. However, he concluded the podcast in 2012. The following transcript of their conversation has been lightly edited and condensed for clarity. No showtimes found for "Michael" near Palm Beach Gardens, FL After completing The History of Rome podcast he studied Public History at Texas State University but dropped everything to move to Madison WI where he now changes diapers, writes short cartoon histories and produces the Revolutions Podcast. For tickets to the October dates: Oct. 3 Austin TX @ Paramount Theater. Five myths about the Haitian Revolution - The Washington Post So, thats the question. Hey Bird Feed, this is Lyta Gold, your amusements and managing editor. Something like that. What we are seeing right now is the return of ethnonationalist populism. The Paris Commune really seems like a continuation of the French Revolution in a way that we just dont know what is going to happen yet. The Republican Party knows for itself that its representing a shrinking demographic. "Mike Duncan has dug deep into the world of revolutions, and the richness of detail in this book is beguiling. Books will be distributed the night of the show only. 57. James "The Institutionalist: Dianne Feinstein's Long Fight for Abortion and Gun Control" by Rebecca Traister "Mike Duncan Takes on the Turmoil of History" by David Klion Well I appreciate that. Harrison "wanted to go home" after Isle of Man TT tyre issue You just think that it all must have taken place, as you said, in some very short amount of time. I listen to podcasts when I do dishes. And that took some amount of time. Well be fine. I mean, there are probably people out there that dont even realize that Louis XVI was not beheaded at the end of 1789. The first question I want to start with is: why did you pick revolutions as a topic? They need to manipulate the greater power that rural whites have inside of the American electorate, compared to other groups of people who live in cities or the suburbs. Okay. Is this an intentional thing that you are doing? In order to focus on this upcoming book, Mike Duncan has put the Revolutions podcast on hiatus from April all the way to October. His ongoing series, Revolutions, explores the great political revolutions driving the course of modern history. But I do think that history is one of those things that people should really have inside of them. He launched The History of Rome podcast in 2017 after he did not find any Roman history podcasts. Richard Duncan Expand search. Theres a colonization project amongst, let us say, proto-, crypto-, and out-and-out fascists, to use the Roman Empire to their own political advantage in the modern world. Jobs People Learning Dismiss Dismiss. . Thanks, Mike, for joining us. Yeah. And it turns out that that was not the end of anything. (1757-1834) did not fade away after the American Revolution. What I think has often been lacking, and this goes back to what I feel like my role is here in the popularization of history, is that people often lack a kind of barebones narrative of what happened. EMPHASIS ON EMPATHY | Robert Stewart. A lot of them have good intentions and theyre working toward good things, and then heres the way that all of these things just go wrong and dont work out, and people end up killing each other over extremely silly differences of opinion. Mike Duncan's Revolutions podcast . . Mike Duncan's Tweets. Availability: On Our Shelves Now. The 1970s effected a revolution in Lovecraft scholarship, and But shouldnt it be an odd number for tie breakers? Theyre not all going to decide everything. Disclaimer: The podcast and artwork embedded on this page are from Mike Duncan, which is the property of its owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by Listen Notes, Inc. Sparky Abraham is the finance editor, a position he attained by way of nepotism. Mike Duncan (podcaster) - Wikipedia Ch*ngona Revolution. So, I think that there is some hope in the demographics. Thats part of what they want to be doing: talking to each other about very specialized things. Appendix 1- Coming Full Circle. Oct. 27 Washington DC @ Lisner Auditorium. Then Im going to be talking about it from the perspective of the Bolsheviks, and the Mensheviks, and Im going to be talking about it from the perspective of Nicholas and the czars. So what I can do is take all of that information that Im really interested in and convey it to the people, and thats a part of a longstanding tradition. Elon Musk on Twitter highly recommends Revolution Podcasts, Season 10 ago. His award-winning series, The History of Rome, narrated the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, and remains a beloved landmark in the history of podcasting. Its like what they do in the Ninth Circuit. The . After not finding any Roman history podcasts in 2007, Duncan began The History of Rome, a narrative podcast chronicling events from the founding of . And if we can get the Duc dOrlans in on the throne, then hes going to want to bring in a British-style constitutional monarchy, which is going to elevate landowning and banking class into some kind of parliament where now were going to be able to call the shots. And the Duc dOrlans is happy with that because he just wants to go watch racing and gamble. Episode 000: Introduction. Or will we just have revolutions in a different style? Tweets. No, I think that is a fair question. What are they trying to get out of this particular moment? 9.02. The History of Rome + Revolutions. When, in point of fact, the French Revolution was something that went on for 10 or 15 years, depending on where you want to mark the beginning and the end. The object is not to necessarily just destroy your enemys forces, its to destroy the will of your enemy to mobilize those forces. Columbia Pictures / Revolution Studios / RKO Pictures / Cubevision: Steve Carr (director); Hank Nelken (screenplay); Ice Cube, Nia Long, John C. McGinley, Aleisha Allen, Philip Daniel Bolden, Tahj Mowry, Dan Joffre, Pedro Miguel Arce, Linda Kash, Hayes McArthur, Colin and Gavin Strange, Jonathan Katz, Earvin . Revolutions on Apple Podcasts Join now Sign in . I do want to, as much as possible, empathize with whoever it is that Im talking about so I can try to understand their perspective on the world. This is great. Favorite. How does this connect? Right. For tickets to the October dates: Oct. 3 Austin TX @ Paramount Theater. Teresa Garrett. Oct. 29 Newark NJ @ New Jersey Performing Arts Center. And its fantastic. As you know, Capitalism In Crisis focuses on the past, on the causes of the crisis. This does seem like its becoming a bit of a trend. I would hope that we would lighten up a little bit, but again, Im not very optimistic about it. The Upcoming American Revolution. Im not, for the record. iHeartPodcasts. Revolutions Podcast - University of Wisconsin-Madison His award-winning series, The History of Rome, narrated the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, and remains a beloved landmark in the history of podcasting. The way Duncan has broken it up into seasons makes casually listening very easy. Its like: what youre saying right now is that were still going to have an election, but the person who gets fewer votes wins, and thats good? When youre dealing with the Roman Empire, and youre dealing with the sources from the Roman Empire, Im constantly talking about history about kings, emperors, and popes. Mike Duncan. Wherever we are, we are going to be a people. This is happening in France, this is happening everywhere. His award-winning series, The History of Rome, remains a legendary landmark in the history of podcasting.Duncan's ongoing series, Revolutions, explores the great political revolutions that have . But the general public isnt going to enjoy reading those articles, and they arent written for the general public. Mike Duncan. There are these particular dynamics. Dismiss. And then the podcasting part of it: its a new medium. They are not the Goths. Yes. Because we want to save people from the estates. If youre into, again, small d democracy, or youre a small d democratic individual, which I consider myself to be, the degree to which the Republican Party is embracing anti-democratic talking points is really, really, really, something. I do like what Marx said: that history is made by men, but they do not decideI botched the quotebut they do not decide the circumstances within which they make their history. THE HIGHWAY TO HEAVEN: DIVINE REASON OR FAITH? Instead, he loomed large on the world stage for decades after the war, and history podcaster Duncan does a fine job of filling out his subject's life. Highly recommend Revolutions by Mike Duncan . Youre talking about revolutions. There have been a few times where a coup or some kind of uprising has worked, but was the French revolution planned? G. Gordon Liddy is Oliver North just being rehabilitated as a fine statesman. Economist Michael Hudson has published a new, third edition of his book Super Imperialism that updates his analysis for the 21st century, discussing the new cold war on China and Russia and the ongoing transition from a US dollar-dominated financialized system to a "multipolar de-dollarized economy." The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton . I think you can actually look at any of the polls today and find quite a bit more support out there in the general population for these sorts of open-minded, welcoming, and accepting policies. Joshi also charts the development of criticism and scholarship on Lovecraft, from the fan magazines of the 1930s onward. Prophet, a mystic, or a sage? I mean, we still have a lot of the same trends. Looking forward, I am not entirely optimistic about what this is going to mean for us. I hope to launch it in July. I think that were watching it happen right now. Revolutions (Podcast) - TV Tropes That sort of vein. Christophe Pasquier on LinkedIn: GPT is only half of the AI language This is the downfall of the prophet, mystic, and the sage theory, is that it does not deal well with people who are just full of shit. Why is this person behaving the way that they are behaving? It could have gone to some of Louvertures way, it could have gone Andr Redouts way, it could have been that the British actually wound up conquering San Doming and reimposing slavery and San Doming becomes a British colony, or it could have re-fallen to the French and gone back to being French, but then its going to be under Napoleons rule.
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