ThaiTurkish data or documents accessed, unless an original document with the Clerk of the Superior Court filing stamp Volunteer-CASA EstonianFilipino in a specific rule of procedure, statute, administrative order, or these guidelines. All electronically filed documents shall be formatted in accordance with the applicable rules governing formatting of paper documents, .partytd.Gray { However, the original hard copy should be maintained by the filing party. All Rights Reserved. cause participants to invest significant resources in making changes. Self-represented litigants in civil and tax court cases are A participant who files a document electronically shall have the same responsibility as a person filing a document in paper format for ensuring that the document is properly filed, that it is complete and readable, and that a copy has been provided to other parties in the case. The Arizona Supreme Court publishes and routinely updates its Rules of Small Claims Procedure. Arizona Justice Courts The superior court acts as an appellate court for justice and municipal courts. PolishPortuguese table#officeholder-table th, td {font-size: 10px; } Exhibits and appendices to pleadings may be filed and served electronically. Yiddish Haitian Creole ALPHAHebrew Maricopa County Superior Court Commissioner Review Courtroom exhibits shall not be electronically filed with the Court. table #officeholder-table td { BelarusianBulgarian Superior Court Judge Qualifications text-align: center; For those filing participants who utilize the services of an authorized EFSP, the Court has authorized that provider to collect payment of filing fees. The Clerk shall immediately notify the filing participant if any document is rejected and the notice shall set forth the grounds for rejection. As permitted by Section 1-506, Filing and Management of Electronic Court Documents, of the Code of Judicial Administration, Applications and orders for deferral or waiver of court fees and/or costs. Career Opportunities Using This Site . To fulfill its promise of excellence, the Superior Court of Maricopa County operates 16 courthouses or program locations and dozens of courtrooms across Phoenix and the surrounding cities. Juvenile Court. It will remain, however, the responsibility of the filing party to confirm that other parties have received a copy of the filing. Justice Courts Maricopa County - Home Online listings for employment opportunities are available on the Maricopa County employment site.Maricopa County offers careers in a wide variety of public sector professions and new job opportunities are posted on an ongoing basis. Local offices. Each document accepted for filing by the Clerk of the Superior Court shall be electronically file stamped with the time and date of filing, the name of the deputy clerk accepting the filing, and the words "Electronically Filed." Case Management System: The system in use by the Clerk and the Court to docket, calendar, assign, and track cases. The Maricopa County Clerk of Superior Court is not responsible for the content of external sites. Powered by, Justicia para el Futuro: Planificar Para Lograr la Excelencia, Article VI 14 of the Arizona Constitution. He or she serves in that capacity for the remainder of their four-year term.[3]. 1. 2018 Maricopa County Superior Court Commissioner Reviews 2. Please refer to section 2.09 of this document regarding specific documents that are not permitted to be eFiled under any circumstances. file the issued document. Legal Reference & Links School districts | The superior court probation department supervises adults and juveniles on probation. eFiling in the juvenile delinquency (JV) case type may occur on cases assigned to any division. Volunteer-AmeriCorps, Helpful Links .partytd.Republican { Superior court judges serve four year terms. Maricopa County Superior Court - Northwest Regional Center. Arizona Superior Court If an eFiling submitted through eFiling Online requires a filing fee, the Clerk of the Superior Court, prior to accepting an eFiled document, will verify the fee and will contact the filing party by phone or email for credit card payment or adjustment of the fee amount. eFile: Electronic transmission of an original document to the Court, and from the Court, for the purposes of filing. The Judicial Branch of Arizona in Maricopa County Arizona is one of eight states that use partisan elections to initially select judges and then use retention elections to determine whether judges should remain on the bench. State Bar of Arizona El Centro de Autoservicio, Contact Us Juvenile traffic cases may be heard by a court other than the juvenile court (if the presiding juvenile court judge allows it). filed via the Court's eFiling Manager (EFM) application will bear a judicial signature stamp which will be applied to the electronic document EXTERNAL RESOURCES. At the end of their term, the judges remain in office through uncontested retention elections every four years. If a victory margin is within one-half of one percent, there will be an automatic recount unless the defeated candidate provides a waiver to the recount. There are no appeals in Small Claims court. Please refer to sections 2.09 and 7.3 of this document regarding specific documents that are not permitted to be eFiled under any circumstances. Yay for Ray! Finally, the information contained on this website is not guaranteed to be up to date. Filing parties shall not combine the proposed order or judgment with a motion, stipulation, or notice and file them as one document. Pursuant to Supreme Court Administrative Order 2018-81, all attorneys are required to eFile post-initiation tax court (TX) case documents through an authorized EFSP when filing into the Superior Court in Maricopa County, unless an exception in Section (3) of the order applies. SlovenianSpanish Staff Login, Translate this Page: Find a Case | Maricopa County Clerk of Superior Court file the issued document. background-color: #fdd007; If a proposed form of order is submitted as a main document, it will be lodged with the Court along with any supporting exhibits, but only the proposed order will be filed into the case file, and only after it is signed by the judicial officer. Stipulations: a hard copy can be signed by all parties and an eFiled copy can contain "/s/" signatures. 12-141) authorized the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to appoint judges pro tempore (temporary judges) for six month terms to assist with caseloads. 3.1 Permissions } A proposed form of order or judgment shall be uploaded as a supporting document to a motion, which should be the Main Document, or to a stipulation or notice. Electronically filed documents may include hyperlinks, bookmarks, and other electronic navigational aids for the convenience of the judge assigned to the case. U.S. President | The legal authority of this document is established by Arizona Supreme Court Administrative Order 2008-89 signed on November 6, 2008 and Maricopa County Superior Court All proposed forms of order and judgments shall be submitted in .doc or .docx format. The Clerk of the Superior Court makes no warranty of any kind with respect to name submitted in conjunction with a personally selected password shall constitute a signature of the registered participant on documents [4], Candidates for the Arizona Justice Courts participate in primary elections throughout the state. 2.02 above), upon acceptance by the Clerk, will be deemed filed as of the date and time they were received by the EFSP, and all notices of acceptance or rejection generated by the Clerk for documents transmitted by an EFSP will be sent to the EFSP in lieu of the filing participant. The clerk maintains court case files; certifies documents; collects fees; issues summonses, subpoenas, and marriage licenses; and performs other duties required by law, e.g., acts as an acceptance agency for passports. Electronic Service: Electronic transmission of a copy of the document to case participants as required by statute and Court rule and as designated by the filing party. In most cases the arbitrator is an attorney, either alone or as part of a panel. The Judicial Branch of Arizona is committedto excellence and the principles inherent in the rule of law every person, every day, every time. understanding that the information is true and correct in as far as all aspects of the documents filed with the electronic filing is permitted as follows in the Superior Court in Maricopa County, and shall be governed by Superior Court Administrative Order 2007-140, submitted to the Court or by the Court. Rule 5.2, Rules of Civil Procedure; and Rule 1, Rules of Procedure for the Juvenile Court; and in conformance with such other formats as the Court may require from time to time provided these formats do not Documents There is no right to appeal the decision of the Tax Courts small claims division. [5], Arizona general elections are held on the first Tuesday in November of every even-numbered year. Examples of documents that might require retention by the filing party include: Stipulations: a hard copy can be signed by all parties and an eFiled copy can contain "/s/" signatures. A document shall not be password protected and 3. Therefore, the information contained in this website cannot replace the advice of competent legal counsel licensed in your jurisdiction. Arizona Supreme Court Administrative Order 2018-81, and this requirements document. Public policy. The document shall then be reviewed for payment of applicable fees and compliance with all standard filing practices and, if accepted, shall be deemed filed as of the date and time it was received by the Clerks eFiling system. These judges usually work part-time. Arizona Municipal Courts, Courts in Arizona Arizona judicial elections Judicial selection in Arizona, What's on my ballot? Interns wanted: Get paid to help ensure that every voter has unbiased election information. [6], Appellate court judges as well as superior court judges in Maricopa, Pima, and Pinal counties stand for retention. All rights reserved. A superior court judge must be: 2023 Arizona Supreme Court. 2.14 Interruption In Service color: white; Attorneys and process servers may electronically file any proof of service document upon completion of service. 13-602" and hyperlink that text to the URL A hyperlink is not itself a part of the filed document. In single-judge counties, that judge holds the administrative authority. Please refer to section 2.09 of this document regarding specific documents that are not permitted to be eFiled under any circumstances. These cases are heard by one to three arbitrators who are attorneys appointed by the court. Charging documents, including direct complaints, indictments, and any accompanying service documents (i.e. (c) Copyright 2005-2023 by Maricopa County Clerk of Superior Court. Pursuant to Supreme Court Administrative Order 2018-81, court rules, including Maricopa County Local Rules, that require or allow paper copies to be provided to judicial divisions do not apply to electronically filed documents in the Superior Court in Maricopa County. The Superior Court-hosted eFiling system is available at the following address for electronic filing in criminal (CR), family court (FC, FN, and DR), and juvenile delinquency (JV) proceedings, or as otherwise permitted by these guidelines: eFiling Online - State executives background-color: #003388; A participant may electronically transmit a document in .pdf, .doc, or .docx format. Documents filed in any of the following case types: probate, mental health, small tax, special actions, transcript of judgment, lower court appeals, and the Gila River General Stream Adjudication case. All pleadings, motions, memoranda of law, orders, and other documents electronically filed shall be maintained in electronic format by the Clerk of the Superior Court as the original and official record of the Court. Article VI 14 of the Arizona Constitution provides the superior court with jurisdiction over: Appellate Court Role of the Superior Court Superior court judges serve four year terms. As an example, the electronically filed document may contain a reference like "A.R.S. Please refer to section 2.09 of this document regarding specific documents that are not permitted to be eFiled under any circumstances. Petitions for injunctions against harassment and injunctions against workplace harassment. In addition, the small claims division judges hear all tax cases in which the amount of taxes, interest at the time of assessment, and penalties is less than $5,000. For the purpose of retrieving electronically maintained documents, access by the public shall be to the Clerk's electronic document management system, where official electronic documents are maintained. Attorneys may electronically IcelandicIndonesian There are 26 justice court precincts in Maricopa County. Judicial Merit Commission. Charging documents, including direct complaints, indictments, and any accompanying service documents (i.e. Each document accepted for filing by the Clerk of the Superior Court shall be electronically file stamped with the time and date of filing, the name of the deputy clerk accepting the filing, and the words "Electronically Filed." All proposed forms of order and judgments shall be submitted in .doc or .docx format. summonses, subpoenas, and warrants). If the document is free from infection, the document shall be deemed received and an acknowledgement of receipt of the document shall be immediately returned to the filing participant.

} consequential damages arising out of your use or inability to use this Internet service. Your forms. Counties | If a proposed form of order is submitted as a main document, it will be lodged with the Court along with any supporting exhibits, but only the proposed order will be filed into the case file, and only after it is signed by the judicial officer. The Judicial Branch of Arizona in Maricopa County is dedicated to providing a safe, fair and impartial forum for resolving disputes, enhancing access to our services, and providing innovative, evidence based programs that improve the safety of our community and ensure the public's trust and confidence in the Judicial Branch. Surprise,Arizona. Request expedited processing of a document. Click hereto view the Arizona laws outlining statutes of limitation. Notwithstanding any other rules of court, a party who files any document electronically with the Clerk shall not submit a courtesy paper copy of the document to the Court. Documents filed in any of the following case types: probate, mental health, small tax, special actions, transcript of judgment, lower court appeals, and the Gila River General Stream Adjudication case. In no event shall the Superior Court or the Clerk of the Superior Court be liable Locations. Attorneys may electronically file This recognition honors him for going above and beyond the call of duty as a justice court clerk. Entries. as well as any accompanying documents for issuance or service. 2.11 Lodging Documents Mon-Fri 8:00am to 5:00pm Judges divisions are closed daily from 12:00pm to 1:30pm. Any electronically filed document must be printable with the same content and format as if printed from its authoring program. The Clerk shall issue the summons and/or subpoenas in the conventional manner and the original paper summons or subpoena must be returned for filing when applicable. special cases and proceedings not otherwise provided for, and such other jurisdiction as may be provided by law. Each county has at least one superior court judge. Each hyperlink must contain a text reference to the target of the link. can be produced to substantiate proof of filing or error. In counties with more than one superior court judge, the judges operate in numbered divisions. Filing: Documents, either electronic or paper, submitted to the Clerk for filing. Courts in Arizona 11. SlovenianSpanish Feedback CatalanChinese (Simplified) Notwithstanding any other provisions of these guidelines, if the electronic filing is not filed with the Clerk because of an error in the transmission of the document that was unknown to the sending participant or a failure to process an electronic filing after receipt, the Court may enter an order permitting the document to be filed nunc pro tunc to the date it was sent electronically. including Rule 1.9, Rules of Criminal Procedure; Rule 20, Rules of Family Law Procedure; Rule 2.15, Superior Court of Maricopa County Local Rules; BelarusianBulgarian LithuanianMacedonian eFiling in the tax court (TX) case type may occur on cases assigned to any division. SerbianSlovak Courtroom exhibits shall not be electronically filed with the Court. 2.02 eFiling Online Site Use Policy However, courtroom exhibits are governed by the Court's eExhibit policy (2004-013) and shall be handled in the conventional manner. Filing parties shall not combine the proposed order or judgment with a motion, stipulation, or notice and file them as one document. For more information about the eAccess portal please . There are exceptions to this rule, as provided in Arizona Revised Statutes, Chapter 22-202. [emailprotected] Your Service Actions of forcible entry and detainer. Electronic service is currently not available through eFiling Online. Self-Service Center NorwegianPersian 2.08 Original Documents To Be Maintained By Filing Party. The user This website has been prepared for general information purposes only. Specific requirements per case type are listed in sections 3.0 through 7.0. The Clerk shall make available paper copies of any publicly filed electronic or scanned documents at the same rate charged for copies of paper documents. 2.13 Payment of Filing Fees Any individual, partnership, association or corporation may file a small claims suit for a situation in which the dispute is for $3,500 or less. The specific and special duties of the Office are assigned by statute, theArizona Supreme Court, and local and statewide court rules. Media Relations. If the document is free from infection, the document shall be deemed received and an acknowledgement of receipt of the document shall be immediately returned to the filing participant. Electronically filed documents are not complete without the electronic file stamp. The public may access electronically filed and scanned documents of public record through public access terminals located in the Clerk's Office. Attorneys and process servers may electronically file a proof of service document upon completion of service. a subsequent document in an injunction against harassment and injunction against workplace harassment case. You will be redirected to the destination page below in 0 seconds. @media only screen and (max-width: 600px) { Attorneys shall electronically file the documents to request a default judgment, such as the Application for Arizona Revised Statutes Entry of Default, but shall submit the subsequent default judgment packet required by the Court, including the proposed order, on paper. 2020 Maricopa County Superior Court Commissioner Reviews Services. JapaneseKorean Unless the court establishes special instructions, all proposed forms of order shall be submitted in .doc or .docx format. an authorized eFiling service provider (EFSP) when filing into the Superior Court in Maricopa County, unless an exception in Section (3) of the order applies. This set of rules explains the process and may help you greatly in preparing and presenting your case before the judge or hearing officer. Pursuant to Supreme Court Administrative Order 2018-81, all attorneys are required to eFile post-initiation civil (CV) and tax court (TX) case documents through The Office was created to be responsive to the public, mindful of the taxpayer, andindependent of the court itself. .partytd.Green { The Court may issue, file, and serve notices, orders, and other documents electronically in an eFiled case subject to the provisions of this requirements document. EstonianFilipino Admitted to the practice of law in Arizona and a resident of Arizona for the five years immediately before taking office. The judicial officer will determine if any filing deadlines will be extended as a result of the rejection of the non-eFiled document. Documents requiring the signature of the defendant or other 207 Marijuana Conviction/Adjudication Expungement Requests. color: white; Volunteer-FCRB 7.2 Special Circumstances DutchEnglish National Center for State Courts One or more superior court judges are assigned to hear all juvenile cases involving delinquency, incorrigibility and dependency. If electronic service by other means is utilized, it shall comply with all applicable state and local court rules. Admin. The Court and Clerk shall not be liable for malfunction or errors occurring in electronic transmission or receipt of electronically filed documents. Public records that are not available online are available from Clerk of the Superior Court locations throughout Maricopa County. Local court elections A judge pro tempore must be at least 30 years of age, of good moral character, a resident of Arizona and admitted to the practice of law in Arizona for not less than five years immediately preceding the appointment. Law Library Resource Center. 1.0 Introduction: As permitted by Section 1-506, Filing and Management of Electronic Court Documents, of the Code of Judicial Administration, electronic filing is permitted as follows in the Superior Court in Maricopa County, and shall be governed by Superior Court Administrative Order 2007-140, Arizona Supreme Court Administrative Order 2018-81, and this requirements document. The Clerk shall immediately notify the filing participant if any document is rejected and the notice shall set forth the grounds for rejection. eFiled documents accepted through an automated process used by the Clerk of the Superior Courts office shall have the words COC Auto-Accept in place of the name of the deputy clerk. Exhibits and appendices to pleadings may be filed and served electronically. Educator Links eFiling in the civil case type may occur on cases assigned to any division. Chinese (Traditional)Croatian [5], In counties with populations greater than 250,000Maricopa, Pima, and Pinal countiessuperior court judges are chosen through a merit selection system. FinnishFrench Upon acceptance and filing by the Clerk's Office, all documents electronically filed will be converted to Portable Document Format (.pdf) in compliance with standards set forth in sections 1-504 and 1-506 of the Arizona Code of Judicial Administration. filed via the Court's eFiling Manager (EFM) application will bear a judicial signature stamp which will be applied to the electronic document Pursuant to Supreme Court Administrative Order 2018-81, all attorneys are required to eFile post-initiation Documents transmitted to the Clerk by an authorized EFSP (see Sec. 2.14 Interruption In Service Attorneys may electronically file Cases of equity and at law which involve the title to or possession of real property, or the legality of any tax, impost, assessment, toll or municipal ordinance. Audio and video recordings. 2.12 Printing of Electronically Filed Documents. It shall be the responsibility of the filing party to resubmit any rejected document with appropriate corrections. The Clerk shall issue the summons and/or subpoenas in the conventional manner and the original paper summons or subpoena must be returned for filing when applicable. A proposed form of order or judgment shall be uploaded as a supporting document to a motion, which should be the Main Document, or to a stipulation or notice. eFilings file stamped in this manner shall have the same force and effect as documents filed in the conventional manner. RomanianRussian Electronically filed documents are not complete without the electronic file stamp. Azerbaijani ALPHABasque ALPHA Documents to be lodged with the Court and proposed orders will be transmitted electronically to the Court. There are now more than 100 Arizona superior court judges, most of whom are in Maricopa and Pima Counties. If the statute requires a pleading or affidavit to be sworn to, then the original signed affidavit or pleading must be maintained by the attorney or self-represented litigant and produced in its original form within five (5) days at the demand of another party or the Court. Services | Maricopa County Clerk of Superior Court In the superior court system, each court is entitled to one superior court judge and one additional judge for every 30,000 county residents or majority fraction thereof. The Court may issue, file, and serve notices, orders, and other documents electronically in an eFiled case subject to the provisions of this requirements document. Electronic documents submitted by the Court may bear a printed name preceded by the /s/ symbol or a facsimile signature of the Judicial Officer causing the document to be filed. Chinese (Traditional)Croatian The ruling of the Hearing Officer or Judge is final. UkrainianUrdu ALPHA Computation of time is determined as set forth in Rule 6, Rules of Civil Procedure; Rule 5, Rules of Civil Appellate Procedure; Rules 4 and 43, Rules of Family Law Procedure; Rule 1.3, Rules of Criminal Procedure; and Rule 17, Rules of Procedure for the Juvenile Court. If an agreement cannot be reached, a small claims complaint may be appropriate. *Under some special circumstances, time limits can be extended or deferred. Where a Clerk is required to endorse a document, the typed name of the Clerk shall be deemed to be the Clerk's signature on an electronic document. El Centro de Autoservicio, Contact Us Management Team | Maricopa County, AZ Legal Reference & Links 2.06 Responsibility for Filing GalicianGeorgian ALPHA Attorneys and process servers may electronically file any proof of service document upon completion of service. State legislatures Clerk of the Superior Court Minute documents that are not permitted to be eFiled under any circumstances. 14264 West Tierra Buena Lane. JapaneseKorean Powered by, 2022 Maricopa County Superior Court Commissioners, 2022 Pima County Superior Court Commissioners, 2022 Pinal County Superior Court Commissioners, 2012 Maricopa County Superior Court Commissioner Reviews, 2014 Maricopa County Superior Court Commissioner Reviews, 2016 Maricopa County Superior Court Commissioner Reviews, 2018 Maricopa County Superior Court Commissioner Reviews, 2020 Maricopa County Superior Court Commissioner Reviews, 2022 Maricopa County Superior Court Commissioner Reviews.
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