Be glad, it wasnt permenant. The Loud House follows 11-year-old Lincoln, and 10 sisters who each have unique personalities: Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn Jr. ,Lucy, Lana, Lola, Lisa, and Lily. IF YOU GO IN MY . The camping trip had ended, and the sisters were talking about it. They roasted the hot dogs over the fire and had them for dinner. Our bro propablly hates now! De series como Ben 10 , The Loud House , Pokemon , South Park y muchas ms. Apparently its good. My 9th fanfiction of the Loud House. Hello! Lori: HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU TO STAY OUT OF MY ROOM?!? Lynn: We don't want your bad luck in here. Credit goes to AnimationFan15 for suggesting the title. The boy's name was Lincoln Loud, a tenth grade boy who's had some whacky adventures with his sisters and his friends, but notably his girlfriend Stella. A continuation of the first part. "Ow." The word came from Ronnie Anne's mouth as her mother cleaned the scraps and bruises on the girl's face. (laughs) Get it? Chapter 3, a living nightmare. This story is about a girl named Sarah, and her flashbacks about her past suicides. They jumped in and began playing around in the water. Everyone was startled by Lucys sudden appearance. Michael, knowing a thing or two about these struggles goes to him to try and break him out of them. Lincoln, who was sitting in the back, all covered in cuts and bruises, turned to the audience. Also if anyone has seen Liv and Maddie or Modern Family, Im gonna be adding those little interview/chat things where th Das antes de que el mundo cambiara para siempre al enterarse de la existencia de seres con caractersticas nicas, la mejor amiga de Lincoln, Ronnie Anne, se ve forzada a encontrarle un origen a la misteriosa maldicin que la persigue, as como descubrir los motivos que tiene una malvada organizaci (* ) Afterwards, they went into their tents and went to sleep. Later that night, the girls were eating dinner, when Lana noticed something. "Do you want the crazy forest people to attack you", Lori asked. This is another NSL fanfic that shows a different take from the first NSL fanfic that I've made which is still ongoing. They noticed that Luna didnt went staight to her room. (Yes, NSL, STFU). to learn more please read the story :) User blog:Austria-Man/Truth or Fanfiction? After he was done, he put it away). Luna decided to invite Lucy to come to her and Sam concert as a way for the two of them to bond with eachother and there dad. Luna (angry): Grrr. "Come on Lincoln", Lynn Sr. said, "we're going out for some ice cream.". The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. ' , g . Lynn Sr.: (speaking to himself) Lynn could put up tents in like 2 minutes. Who is Annabelle you ask? This was also the first time Veenster7 came up with a fanfiction idea, ever. Hey guys, it's been a while, hasn't it? Until now however he was willing to take it all, it felt like his burden as the only boy. A Father's Thanks by KHXhero on DeviantArt And yet, for reasons she couldn't understand she trusted him. In a town of Michigan lives a 11 year old boy named Lincoln Loud. (stands up). and since then she has nightmares. This was the second story requested by a user (Veenster7), the first was "Cheer-Loud-ers" (FirstDrellSpectre). It's not what you think! Luan: (walks into the room) Hey Dad, did you remember about today? Lincoln: (Shows them on his laptop) I could go to the police and get you arrested for this. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. (Loud House Genderbent x Reader), The Loud House's Sonic the Hedgehog: The Fastest Thing Alive, A Walk Through The Park | A Loud Sisters Fanfiction. When a troubled transfer student comes in to Willie T. Ribbs Middle School, it seems like the struggles only continue to pile up during his time there. Going to New York to visit her family, she decides to try skating. We start outside the Loud House, the siblings are watching tv with Rita and Lynn Sr. "Mom, dad", Lori said, "we weren't expecting you until tomorrow.". "Listen Lincoln", Lori said, "we're sorry about the camp, we should've let you have your fun. Haha! Toffee Cocoa Cuddles Murders Harold McBride, It's Still a Loud, Loud, Loud, Loud, House, A Truck Drives Off with The Lalaloopsy Dolls' Remains, April fool's special (The Gost, Fool Mission impossimple), Baby Bear, Telly, and Mr. Snuffleupagus fall into a road, Bea Spells-a-Lot Drives with Harold McBride on the Hood, Berry Jars 'N' Jam and Sunny Side Up Kill CJ and Carlitos, Bingo reveals what really happened to Seymour, Bobby's Reaction To Lincoln's Squirrel Suit RP, Cartoon Crossovers: The Powerful Snap and Disappearance, Chandler tells The Wubbzy gang the shows cancelled, Chandler tells the Wubbzy gang the shows cancelled, Chris tells The Louds the show's cancelled, User blog:ChuckyGaming12/Drive-Thru 2007 (Loud House Edition), User blog:ChuckyGaming12/Drive-Thru 2007 (Loud House Edition) The Sequel, Curls 'N' Locks and Little Bah Peep Crush Ms. Johnson With a Big Rock, Fleegle, Bingo, and Drooper smash Bobby with a hammer, Flip drives off with the Wubbzy gang's remains, FREDDY FROSTBEAR TERRORIZES ROYAL WOODS ELEMENTARY, Fuse and Slick kill Howard and Harold McBride. He "LOVE: A dirty trick played on us to achieve continuation of the species." Lori rubbed the flint and steel together, and it created a campfire. Other sisters were glaring at Lincoln, except for Luna who was concerned about her little brother. I never even had a compliment from you (Lincoln looks down, making Lynn Sr. feel guilty by the fact that he never said he was proud of Lincoln for good notes). It makes people stop in their tracks and forces them to listen. What happens when the worst things possible tr Danna is twelve and absolutely adores sports. Lincoln opened up the door and saw the girls. Lynn Sr.: (laughs) That was a great one! Later on, Lincoln was heading to the bathroom, and saw Lynn Sr. was in Luan's room, set up as a comedy club). Now, I'm really jamming it up! Boys. Lincoln: It's like me and Dad can't even do anything together. bajo esos trminos usar mallitas no suena tan mal. (Clyde and his Dads get into the car and drive off. Story. Mr. McBride: I agree with you. Now fourteen, she still has to brave the harsh and cruel ghetto nights in order to survive. Credit goes to AnimationFan15 for suggesting the title. (Lincoln frowned by this, then he walked downstairs). "Finally", Lola said, "I was getting cold.". Lynn Sr.: Of course I am Lincoln. A New Father by admiralDT8 on DeviantArt Luna: I didn't want to be kicked out too. Nor robbery, drug use or domestic abuse. A failing student? ", "Now come on", Rita said, "let's get you girls home.". Lincoln: Didn't you two say you would never give up your children, (The parents' guilt builds up) and did you know it is illegal. User blog:Bobbybooboobear/Joke Fanfiction - CN and Nick: Nature, User blog:Bobbybooboobear/Leni Loud, A Strange Species, User blog:Bobbybooboobear/Lynn as a Mosquito, User blog:BriceBlueGuy Wiki/Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru (re-write), User blog:CartoniAnimatiMania/Brawl in the Friends (sequel of Back Out There), User blog:CartoniAnimatiMania/Darkwing Linc and his Amazing Sister, User blog:CartoniAnimatiMania/Everyone cries for Lincoln Loud's death, User blog:CartoniAnimatiMania/Fanfiction - High and Flighty, User blog:CartoniAnimatiMania/Fanfiction - Lend Lease Bro, User blog:CartoniAnimatiMania/Fanfiction - Missing in holiday, User blog:CartoniAnimatiMania/Home Alone (Female version), User blog:CartoniAnimatiMania/Lincoln Loud Is Dying, User blog:CartoniAnimatiMania/Lincoln's Angels, User blog:CartoniAnimatiMania/Requiem for a Loud, User blog:CartoniAnimatiMania/The Loud House - Episode Title Card - Fashion Music, User blog:CartoniAnimatiMania/The Loud House - Episode Title Card - Lend-Lease Bro, User blog:CartoniAnimatiMania/The Loud House - Episode Title Card - Lincoln is Missing in Holiday, User blog:CartoniAnimatiMania/The Loud House - Episode Title Card - Lover Ditzy Better, User blog:CartoonEverything/Fanfiction - A Sponge Crossover, User blog:CartoonMan3D/Fanfiction/Best Friendship Week, User blog:CartoonMan3D/Fanfiction/The Loud House Bohemian Rhapsody, User blog:CartoonMan3D/The Loud House fanfic Christmas special: The birth of Rico Santiago, User blog:CboyC95/Fanfiction - 12 Angry Louds, User blog:CboyC95/Fanfiction - Band Geeks (Loud House version), User blog:CboyC95/Fanfiction - Bobby's Falcon, User blog:CboyC95/Fanfiction - Fast 'N Loud, User blog:CboyC95/Fanfiction - Firehouse Louds, User blog:CboyC95/Fanfiction - Loud Next Door, User blog:Chanyhuman/Back in White (Genderbent Back in Black), User blog:Chanyhuman/Croaks and Crowns ( Genderbent Toads and Tiaras), User blog:ChristopherDobelman/ChristopherDobelman v. InklingBear: Dawn of TLH Wiki Chapter 1: Analyzing a Threat to Humanity, User blog:Chromastonex34/Chromastonex34 Visit The Loud House, User blog:Chromastonex34/Loud House A New Loud, User blog:Chromastonex34/Loud House Really Loud Music (My Version), User blog:Chromastonex34/New Guys In Town, User blog:Chromastonex34/Stage Plight My Version, User blog:Conect11/lana and lola's stupid and dumb adventure episode 1, User blog:CourtlyHades296/Crossover: Mega Loud (Prolouge), User blog:Crimsontuba1069/Fanfiction: The Loud House Tower of Terror, User blog:DandyAndy1989/Fanfiction - Gettin' Jiggly With It, User blog:DandyAndy1989/Fanfiction - Hugh's and Kisses, User blog:DandyAndy1989/Fanfiction - Right Away, User blog:DandyAndy1989/Fanfiction - Teacher's Lunch, User blog:DandyAndy1989/Fanfiction - The Multiple Choice Episode, User blog:Dingodingo43/Lincoln and Clyde are Friends: The Cookies, User blog:Dinoco95/The Loudra Lair - Good Multipetkeeping, User blog:Dinoco95/The Loudra Lair - Night watchhead. Her was down and she walked towards the house slowly. As que tome asiento y disfrute su trago [Alguno de estos pueden ser bastante fuertes, as como no tener sentido]. ", "Yes", Rita said, "and you ten are going to suffer the same thing he went through.". You promised to help me out with my homework! "That was the best vacation ever", they said. Lynn Sr.: You know son, I never knew you wanted to go camping. User blog:Asylum117/Family Fued (Sound of Silence Sequel) | The Loud Lincoln: Gee Dad, I had no idea. Lynn: C'mon Dad! Lucy: Sigh. Haven lives in an abusive home and is an outcast who hates her life. Whether you like the Sin Kids or not, you might find something that tickles your fancy. (Lincoln goes into the tent, and tries to lift the radio player), (Lynn Sr. takes the radio player from Lincoln, and puts it on the table). Or will it all be Rita: He just needs to blow off some steam, that's all. After having enough of his sisters, Lincoln felt rage at his family, but eventually, that rage, will turn him into a Monster, literally. Lynn Sr. understood, that Luna doesnt like seeing her brother like this and she doesnt want Lincoln to think of her less. too much for her and give it all up? She was shaking in anger and looked at Lola with gritted teeth. (Lincoln and Lynn Sr. put the masks on the back of their heads, which makes the puma confused and feel unable to attack from behind. (A few days pass, and Lincoln and Lynn Sr. were in the woods setting up their camping equipment). "Well what do you know", Lana said, "dad was kind enough to give us some flint and steel. User blog:BatSam247/The Loud House- JUST EXPLAIN! (Later, when Luan and Lynn Sr. left for the comedy show, Lincoln sat down on the couch in depression). Lucy: Sigh. Its Lincolns fault in the 1st place. Lynn Sr. on the other hand noticed the sisters glaring at their brother. ", "Tell me about it", Lincoln said, "I got attacked by some maniac forest people. Losing Him (Fanfic) - TV Tropes She might be six, but her attitude even scare ghosts and ghouls away. Leni: Good morning Lori. Lynn Sr.: (speaks to himself) Y'know, if he was more athletic like Lynn, he'd have no problem with this. (laughs) Get it? Eventually, the puma runs past them to find some prey, as Lincoln and Lynn Sr. take their masks off). But you fear to show her and your family your werewolf side. "Well", Lori said, "Scratchy Bottom Campgrounds here we come.". Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! "I can't believe you", Lynn Sr. said, "I didn't think you could treat Lincoln any worse, but congratulations, you've won the gold medal.". I shouldn't have favored one child over the other, and I should love you guys equally. Lincoln looks down in sorrow). "Do you like it", Luan said, "I call it the fur diaper.". Vanzilla pulled up at the house, and the sisters got out. Rita (mad): Well I dont blame Luna for being this angry at you. marcy polly adventure +8 more # 10 the loud house:error lincoln by Charles Jacobo 21.4K 264 20 "That was the worst vacation ever", Lincoln said, "I should've just told them it was their fault.". A few days later, Lincoln had gotten better, and was eating a taco in the delux family pool, while the girls stood next to it dressed as butlers. Lynn Sr.: It was great! Chandler: So how about that restaurant where all the famous rich people go? Lola saw Luna glaring at her with anger and that made her scared and run away to her room. Thats his stalker, friend and obsessed admirer, all in one package! User blog:AustinDR/Fanfiction: Who Wants Chowder? You shouldnt be scared to be against someone, especially when that someone is doing something wrong. User blog:Dinoco95/The Loudra Lair stories, User blog:Discofurby/Anger Unmanagement, Part 1, User blog:Discofurby/Anger Unmanagement, Part 3, User blog:Discofurby/Anger Unmanagement, Part 4, User blog:Discofurby/Anger Unmanagement, Part 5, User blog:Discofurby/Cliff's Christmas Chaos, This category contains articles about Fanfictions from users based on. Some good old fashion soccer! Lincoln: Shh! Will they accept you? Luna smiled. I didn't work on this story by myself I got help fro We need more things about Lynn loud, tell me if u have any good story's or anything about Lynn And for reasons HE couldn't understand, he felt an instant bond with the girl. Enjoy! Lincoln took a sip out of a glass of red fruit punch, and Lori turned to the audience. Lincoln: OH, I'M NOT BAD LUCK, Lisa come in here. Each having two older sisters to take care of a younger. Meanwhile, a small-town boy with a large family 3 stories go 3 different ways, but somehow these three stories are all connected. ", "Hey guys", Lana said, "let's go swimming!". The Loud family finally arrived at home, everyone got out of the van and entered the house. Lori and Luna were growling at each other with fury and they looked like they were about to kill each other. Lincoln: Hey Dad, did you wanna play some chess with me? A different twist to 'Brawl in the Family'. When circumstances allow for some of the family to visit Loch Loud once more, Lincoln reveals some unsettling, previously unmentioned ties to the Loud's ancestral home that could end up changing everything. this is a direct sequel that starts 8 months after Part 1 ends, however there are multiple scenes that shed more light on things from part 1. The Macho Man with the Plan; The Manager with the Planager; The Banana Split Decision; The Princess and the Everlasting Emerald: A Royal Woods Fairytale Lemy tem se sentido cada vez mais estranho desde que completou 13 anos, as mudanas no seu corpo e sua libido desenfreada era um claro sinal de sua puberdade, ele s no esperava oque essa puberdade significava para um Loud. Not All Parents Deserve Children He sees Haven the first day at the new school and everything changes from then on. The two began dating five years prior, a move that surprised them both given how adamant Stella was about not wanting to date yet. He saw Lynn Sr. playing a saxaphone, with Luna playing her guitar). Luan (mad): Yeah, Lola. ", "You're apologizing for the wrong thing", Lincoln said, "you should be apologizing about blaming me for the fight you girls had. You are a werewolf and your family are nekos and werewolves. Now she is 18 has an abusive father, is poor, and is in an arranged marriage with a snoooby rich guy but what happens when he falls in love with her? I gotta warn you though, this may take a while. Everything seemed to be going well for the young girl as she skated on the ice, until she got into an almost fatal accident hitting her head on the ice during a fall. They roasted meat over the fire for sandwiches. Loud in Amphibia (Book 1) by Dark-user12 1K 24 5 Lincoln Loud, a boy who was told he was back luck and it ended badly as he was kicked out by his family, hated and bullied by some of his classmates. ", "Ha", Lynn Sr. said, "I told you they existed!". Lori knocked on the window and Lynn Sr. rolled it down. Lynn Sr.: Uhh, good job son. The Loud parents and Sisters gain powers from one of Lisa's experiments blowing up, Lincoln was away on a trip with Clyde, so while his family became heroes like many ot omfggggg ok so ive seen so fucking many of wack ass fanfics abt the loud house like gurl- Clyde: I agree. Category:Fanfiction | The Loud House Encyclopedia | Fandom Join Lincoln while he defend Lincoln Loud, A boy who is mistreated by his family and friends because his 'BAD LUCK' thanks to his sister Lynn jr who blamed him for loosing a baseball game (stupid ri During the events of NSL Lincoln decides to run away and takes a bus to NewTech city. Luna was furious and jumped towards Lori and a fight cloud between started. Lynn Sr: LINCOLN, WHERE IS YOUR SUIT, GET BACK OUTSIDE! Habr homenajes/Au de otros fics, tanto de Fanfiction como de Wattpad. The Princess and the Everlasting Emerald: A Royal Woods Fairytale, I hid 2 references in here, comment if you find them all. "Too bad Lincoln isn't here", Leni said, "he could pitch them for us.". (As Lincoln was walking down the footpath, he saw Liam and his Dad playing basketball at the park), (Liam and his Dad hugged each other. .. (I apologize for the half-assed title) When you and the one and only Lincoln Loud have to do a project together, you realize you aren't as tough as you tell yourself to be. Maria wasn't in her usual nurse clothes on because she was gonna take the rest of the day off, but when she heard about the school fire and saw her daughter being taken into the hospital, she stayed for a bit longer . ", "I don't believe I've had this s'more you speak of", Lisa said, "what's it like? Or will they deny you? Revenge | The Loud House Fanon Wikia | Fandom Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! "What are we going to do", Lana asked, "we're all out of clean diapers.". Luna had some small blood coming from her nose, and also bruises everhwere. Lincoln runs down the stairs, but trips on the first stair and has a horrific fall and lands all the way on the bottom stair, Mrs. Johnson and Clyde rushes to him while Mrs. Johnson calls 911. Luna (furious): Lincoln isnt in the mood right now and so am I. Syngenesophobia Chapter 1: An Angry House, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction Later that night, Lynn and Luan had collected wood for a campfire. That actually worked! User blog:Bobbybooboobear/Joke Fanfiction - Buenos Dias, Lori! Lori quickly ran towards her room and was screaming fear. leniloud theloudhouse lisaloud +14 more # 2 Lincoln: Loud Ace Of Crime by Alex Debi 28.6K 358 53 What does she think she is? Well, that makes me feel better. The Loud House's Sonic the Hedgehog: The Fastest Thing Alive. "That's actually pretty good", Lisa said. She then was walking towards where her and Luans room is, but she was holding a baseball bat in her hand. Lincoln Loud, a boy who was told he was back luck and it ended badly as he was kicked out by his family, hated and bullied by some of his classmates. ", "Maybe we were a little demanding to him", Lori said, "we should apologize.". Lynn Sr.: Camping? The girls then turned around and saw Lynn Sr. and Rita staring at them. However, Lincoln in this story is the dubbed "Quiet Kid". It was like to this family he was the target, the lightning rod for their chaos, and he was sick of it. After years of abuse from his family Lincoln finally snapped and goes on a crime spree. I heard a footsteps behind me as a dark voice spoke "I'm sure he didn't mean it", Lynn Sr. said. Lynn Sr.: It's not? Lynn Sr.: Great job son. Y'know, I remember when I used to just play a cowbell. Abusive Parents: The father of Lincoln's biological mother Lyla and her twin brother Logan was this, due to a combination of being The Alcoholic and their mother dying in childbirth. They looked inside and found something weird. Lynn Sr.: Maybe it was because I never had any compliments from my Dad Look son, I really did want to spend time with you, it's just that we never had the same interests. Join Rudy Loud the Bastard Son of Lincoln as he and his Siblings (Loan, Leina, Lyra, Liby, Lyle, Lacy, Lupa, Lizy, Leia and Lulu) take you all across their Crazy Lives along with their parents. Would you mind repeating that again? ", "And where are you going", Lori asked, "Aloha Beach or Dairyland? Lincoln: (nervously smiles) Yeah, sure does. Ruby Hathaway has been on the streets ever since she was twelve. View source. "While woods pooper over here is doing her thing, let's pitch a tent", Lori said. Would it be justified to feel jealous of her? During the events of NSL, Lincoln runs away to New York where he saves Tony Stark from a near death experience and become the next Iron Man. Or will it all be too much for her and give it all up? User blog:TMarioD/Fanfiction- Loud Redemption | The Loud House Luan used the hide to dry off Lola's shoe. The Radiation emitted that night ex During the events of nsl Lincoln is raped by his family as this causes his mind to shatter into 9 other parts each with their own personality and some with powers. Luna gasped in shock and said: Lincoln! I stared blankly at the single mirror in the room. , , g. "But what about the forest people", Lori asked. (Lincoln tries to reach for his bag, and pulls out two 'puma' masks). "Now remember", Rita said, "we'll pick you up Thursday morning. but little did he know Lincoln was put into a coma during the nsl incident where he meets kamen rider diend and is given his powers afterwards he takes Lily and runs away to canterlot where he Disfruta de esta seria de One-Shot sobre accin , comedia , Aventura , Romance , Etc. Lana was also going to be in this fanfic as one of the sisters Lynn Sr. hangs out with a lot, but I couldn't find a good place to fit her in, so I cut her out of the story. "Mad doesn't cover it this time", Lynn Sr. said, "because of you, Lincoln had to spend his entire camping trip as your servant. Hope things get better sooner. Tiago Segades Porta, the creator of Loud World with Tiago Loud (a remake of The Loud House with Tiago Loud, Segades Porta's Loud House OC) invites you to an all-new remake with the cat and mouse duo, and a boy, named Tiago! Lynn: We don't want your bad luck in here. I looked at myself in horror of the new me. She has no one left, her brother left her when he turned 20 and her Nene refused to look after her, Sage is shifted to a foster home Serena has a abusive father, her mother died and since then she has nightmares.
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