This episode is by far his worst imo. Comment 1: So glad I'm not alone in feeling like there is something so off about his way of thinking and communicating. As a minimum first step, I wish we could at least revert the duration of copyright back to its original length of 14 years with the option of renewing it for an additional 14 years. It would endanger his social status too much. ", "MIT Directory - Massachusetts Institute of Technology", "Elon Musk's Neuralink wants to embed microchips in people's skulls and get robots to perform brain surgery", "Transcript of New Name: Lex Fridman Podcast from Lex Fridman Podcast podcast | Happy Scribe Public", "Council Post: 17 Tech Pros Share Their Favorite Industry-Focused Podcasts", "New Report Details Kanye West's Alleged 'Obsession' With Hitler, Wanted to Name Album After Him", "Lex Fridman Podcast: #332 Kanye 'Ye' West", "Impostor Syndrome Is a Professional Superpower", "Billionaire Ray Dalio's top advice for young people: Working together is 'the most effective way to achieve success', "Bill Gates and Jack Dorsey both recommend this bookit can help with anxiety and decision-making", "Who is Lex Fridman? Discussion of science, technology, engineering, philosophy, history, politics, music, art, etc. I stand together with the Jewish community and call on this terrible violence and hateful rhetoric towards them to come to an immediate end. Kanye West Snaps at Podcaster Calling Him On His 'Bulls**t' Lex is an AI researcher at MIT and beyond. Best mates with the Weinsteins, even had on Eric's teenage son his podcast lol. YouTube, Allison Ivers sur LinkedIn : This past weekend, I attended two days of Destiny has made a video recently about this, although I don't know why he should involve himself in this: What are you thoughts and feelings about this situation? 2.3M. Destiny spills controversial opinions about Joe Rogan fans on the Lex Fridman podcast, This is something that Destiny pointed out years later on the, I am a Joe Rogan fan, and I appreciate the vaccine,. Hiring: I'm hiring Teaching: Podcast: Lex Fridman Podcast Sample Conversations: . I used to suffer from insomnia until I found his podcast. Conversations about science, technology, history, philosophy and the nature of intelligence, consciousness, love, and power. West shouted back: "That's incorrect though! Fridman is of Ukrainian-Jewish descent but was born in Russia. Lex Fridman on Twitter: "I'll be interviewing Sam Harris on podcast [9], In 1994, at the age of 11, Fridman moved to the U.S. with his family. Lex Fridman - Wikipedia I think that a Lex Fridman character can replace that figure and leave us with a generation that cares more about the cool shinny headline instead of caring more about the process. Who is Lex Fridman? An In-Depth Profile of his Amazing Life Many of the topics that you bring up are important and merit discussion, I just wish people would approach them with great care and humility. Mar 02 2023 150 mins 48. #1. I'm just being a mess about it I guess. Lex Fridman on LinkedIn: Destiny: Politics, Free Speech, Controversy Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be. What might his opinion of "cancel culture" be, given that he's been banished from the mainstream media for decades? Destiny started by mocking the people who claimed to do their research, but, in reality, made their opinions based on one podcast. RSS feed Share Share Subscribe on Podcast Addict Episodes; Reviews; You may also like; Ginni Rometty: IBM CEO on Leadership, Power, and Adversity | Lex Fridman Podcast #362. [24] The podcast is structured as a long-form interview program. All in all he reminds me a little of Dave Rubin in a sense that there's nothing really there of any substance to critique so you couldn't really do an episode on him imo. An impressive book based on The Lord of the Rings. Lex Fridman's podcast on the Botez sisters. Fred Zimmerman no LinkedIn: Herb Block was the political cartoonist for (pronounced: Freedman) ), I used to listen to some of his podcasts but got tired of hearing him say stuff like "people who think deeply and carefully about things, such as Jordan Peterson. Last month, Destiny featured on the Lex Fridman podcast to talk about multiple things. Fridman's podcasts, research, and views have earned him a sizable following on social media. Lex Fridman Podcast - Podcast Instagram, His interviews with female scientists will ALWAYS have their top comments flooded with they have great chemistry her and Lex would make a good couple. Erik Torenberg, Dan Romero, and Antonio Garcia Martinez discuss what's happening in technology, business, politics, and beyond. Kanye West, "I grew up in the Soviet Union. What's really annoying though, is why did Destiny involve himself into this video? And while everyone thought this was the end of it, Lex Fridman stepped in. While I've never even watched a single podcast or stream by the Botez sisters, I saw Lex's latest podcast and thought others might be interested in it. [10] He then went on to obtain BS and MS degrees in computer science at Drexel University in 2010,[11] and completed his PhD in electrical and computer engineering at Drexel in 2014. he got inducted into a political cult, and . He emits massive poser vibes in my opinion. You are Love. He enjoys all kinds of games but thoroughly follows FPS games By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. He's willing to call this TechLead person a grifter, well, I get to call Destiny a Neo Nazi sympathizer. 284.4K. I've heard many of his more technical / less political guests, e.g. Elon Musk, Full version on my youtube. #jre #joerogan #podcast #guitar #music #thankyou, A post shared by Lex Fridman (@lexfridman) on Feb 1, 2020 at 12:14pm PST. 500. Sometimes he can be funny though. Lex Fridman The latest Tweets from Mihai Badea (@MihaiBadea777). 5 celebs supporting Joe Rogan, the white anti-vaxxer, and his - dailyO While everyone had their own set of beliefs, Joe Rogan stayed true, claiming that it played a vital role. Lex Fridman - Google Scholar Earlier this month, the rapper tweeted he was "going death con 3" on Jewish people and made other antisemitic comments, including that Diddy was controlled by Jewish people. This button displays the currently selected search type. Answer (1 of 11): Honestly, I think Rogan is of the same stripe as Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and any other dime-a-dozen conservative voice around today. The episodes with guests from the political-economical circle (Enjeti and especially Krugman) have been my least favourite so far, so inviting more similar guess will IMO deteriorate the quality of the show. The utopia jumps are happening on a more compressed timeline, We could experience a new utopia version of the world within our lifetime, Part of what makes it a utopia is that you do not have to be scared that the worst bad guy will do the worst damage because certain protections exist, We would be in the Stone Age right now if creating a nuclear bomb was as simple as microwaving sand because the 0.00001% of people that want to end it all could end it all, It takes a tiny number of people with enough power to do bad, Dystopias are real and they happen; we should not get cocky, The Romans never expected to find themselves in the dystopia they created, America may have peaked in the 1990s, according to Tim Urban, There could be another uptrend coming, but it is impossible to know, He does not feel especially confident in his own opinion of where America is at on its empire trajectory, We have god-like powers of technology that other civilizations at their peaks did not have, The greatest things about America are from the wisdom of previous Americans, A culture that fosters open, vigorous discussion can see into the future better than cultures that stifle discussion, The means to achieve the utopia is what people disagree on, Tim does not propose a way to get to the next utopia; he is more interested in giving ourselves the best chance of figuring out how to get there, Ideologues are too confident that they know the way to get to the next utopia, Tim created The Ladder framework to explain the two minds that exist within each of us, The primitive mind and higher mind are in a constant tug of war, which is represented by the spectrum on the left side of the graphic, The orange guy is the primitive mind that contains the software that was in a 50,000 BC persons head that was specifically optimized to help that person survive and pass their genes on in that world, The orange guy with the primitive mind is still running the show in our mind, The other character in the graphic is the higher mind, The higher mind helps override the instincts of the primitive mind, The primitive mind is low-rung thinking, The primitive mind wants to feel conviction in its sacred beliefs and agree with the people around it, The primitive mind identifies with its beliefs, It feels like any threat to its sacred beliefs is a threat to it personally, It has the desire to keep believing what it believes, which is fueled by confirmation bias, It has the desire to fit in with the beliefs of the people around it, Those beliefs are the boss of the person that is driven by the primitive mind, The higher mind can search for truth instead of resorting to dogmatism, The primitive mind is in control when a person reacts poorly to someone challenging their ideas, The higher mind likes it when someone challenges their ideas because it may help it get closer to the truth, Once in a while, conspiracy theories are true, Humans are pretty good at conspiring in secret. It also had the biggest wars in history, the biggest genocide in history, the biggest existential threat yet with nuclear weapons, the biggest economic crash in history, etc. The podcast has featured musician Kanye West,[25][26] chess grandmaster Magnus Carlsen,[27][28] and businessmen Ray Dalio,[29] Jack Dorsey,[30] Elon Musk,[31][32][33] and Mark Zuckerberg. The Grown Ups actor and comedian Kevin James commented his support for Joe Rogan on the podcaster's apology posted to Instagram. Richard Dawkins, I also disagree with his messaging surrounding COVID and vaccines. 821K followers. Ye said that his right-wing views have caused him to lose his wife (Kim Kardashian; their divorce was finalized in March 2022), kids, his "best friend in fashion" and the support of the Black community. Lex Fridman was born on August 15 in Moscow, Russia. Below, this window is highlighted with color in the following chart. Liv Boeree, Here's my conversation with Steven Bonnell aka Destiny, a progressive political commentator, video game streamer, and a pioneer of livestreamed political | 25 comments on LinkedIn [22][23] Fridman uses the podcast to discuss "AI, science, technology, history, philosophy and the nature of intelligence, consciousness, love, and power". Kanye West 2024 presidential campaign - Wikipedia "Did it resonate to y'all that y'all didn't do nothing about it? Outside of research and teaching, I enjoy: Omid Rad on LinkedIn: Rodney Brooks: Robotics | Lex Fridman Podcast #217 Quote Tweets. 658 posts. Most conspiracy theories crumble when sufficiently stress-tested by higher minds, A conspiracy that would not hold up to scrutiny sticks around when a community emerges around it that does not allow anyone to challenge it, Tim Urban believes it is healthy to exist somewhere in the middle of the gullible and skeptical spectrum, Having a bias toward something will pull you toward the gullible side of the spectrum, They jump back and forth between refusing to believe anything and believing everything, In an echo chamber, the coolest thing a person can do is talk about the greatness of their sacred ideas and the evils of the other teams ideas, Changing your mind is not cool in an echo chamber; it makes you appear to lack conviction, In a truth lab, arguing is considered a fun thing, and no one gets offended when their ideas are challenged, Individuals rigorously collaborating and challenging each other results in discoveries like relativity and quantum mechanics that no individual on their own could discover, It consists of a group paying fealty to a set of sacred beliefs that cannot be challenged, It neglects humanitys ability to collaborate and achieve superintelligence, Being an ideologue jerk on Twitter is one way to get a lot of followers, Primitive minds flock to ideologues on Twitter even if the person is being a jerk, High-rung disagreement is good and low-rung disagreement is bad, Politics pulls our psyches down the ladder, Politics was life or death for the 10,000 years we were evolving through human history, The default-mode network of the brain lights up when political beliefs are challenged, Our primitive mind comes pre-programmed to care a lot about politics, Right now, tribalism has coalesced around politics more than anything else in our society. His zodiac sign is Leo. "People should not doubt Ye. 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