On the morning of May 29, 1979, Judge Wood, 63, was slain in the driveway of his town house in San Antonio, struck in the back by a bullet from a high-powered rifle. Harrelson claimed that he was set up. Jo Ann Starr Harrelson: conspiracy to obstruct justice. 'The hearing will continue when I hear further from the government or the witness (Mrs. - Steve Spain, Executive Director, Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity. Crimes Charged: First-degree murder an, Murder
UNITED STATES v. HARRELSO | 705 F.2d 733 (1983) - Leagle A portrait of Federal Judge John H. Wood, Jr. hangs at the Federal Courthouse, Monday, August 7, 2017. Refer to each styles convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates. Federal authorities claimed that attorney-client privileges did not protect conversations between Joseph and Jamiel Chagra, because Joseph (the attorney) was himself a suspect in the conspiracy to conceal the crime. But unknown to Harrelson, the trial had been postponed, Ray Jahn said. Harrelson was sentenced to two consecutive life terms plus five years, while Jo Ann Harrelson got a combined 25 years for obstruction of justice. Chagra also was a prime suspect in the attempted murder of Assistant U.S. Attorney James Kerr of San Antonio. Joseph Chagra, 50, Lawyer Linked to Assassination, Dies, https://www.nytimes.com/1996/12/15/us/joseph-chagra-50-lawyer-linked-to-assassination-dies.html. Jimmy Chagras separate trial moved to Jacksonville, Florida. ." The Harrelson Center has provided us with affordable rent, a safe and comfortable space to host volunteers, board meetings and support groups, and a wonderful event space to host larger events. Florida woman runs ultra-marathon distances for 23 consecutive days. The trial is separate because Joseph Chagra, in exchange for a lighter sentence, made a deal with the Government to testify against all the defendants except his brother. 'Mrs. The 5th U.S. "It's a safe wonderful environment for all those charities to be located in. To preserve these articles as they originally appeared, The Times does not alter, edit or update them. Joes testimony put Harrelson in prison for life; ironically, in his separate trial, Jimmy was acquitted, thanks largely to Joes unwillingness to testify against him. It was a once-in-a-lifetime moment, the kind of drama that usually took place only in an episode of Perry Mason, John L. Smith wrote. Joe Chagra testified that the first mention of having Wood murdered came in the judges courtroom in April 1979, after Jimmy Chagra lost a motion to remove Wood from his drug case. Charles got double life sentences. He also agreed to testify against all co-defendants except his brother. Jo Ann Harrelson: guilty of conspiracy to obstruct justice, perjury. ." She said she had not believed him. But do note that it is not possible to be certain of a person's genealogy without a family's cooperation (and/or DNA testing). TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. Elizabeth Chagra: 30 years for conspiracy to murder, two concurrent five year sentences for obstruction of justice and tax evasion. March 2 (UPI) -- A Minnesota police officer came to the rescue of a raccoon he spotted running around with a jar stuck over its head. But they would have had leaves on them at the time of the murder, rendering the witness testimony not credible. Harrelson's jury found him guilty of murder of a federal employee, and he was also convicted on the charges of conspiracy to commit murder and conspiracy to obstruct justice.
Woody Harrelsons father is arrested for murder - HISTORY I told him he should.. After Joe was killed, the bad publicity inevitably returned, so Patty took their daughter, Samantha, a seventeen-year-old high school honor student, to all the television stations in El Pasojust so they could see her face and know what they had put her through. After that, Patty told me, the flavor of the stories softened. I testified at the hearing to determine if his law license should be restored, telling the same story Ive told here, yet the prosecution never offered any assistance and the judge ruled that restoring the license would not meet the ends of justice. Joe had to support himself by writing briefs for other lawyers.
"Three Are Found Guilty of Assassination of Federal Judge." Joe Chagra ended Less than a year before Judge Wood was slain, Lee Chagra, Joseph's older brother, who had defended numerous narcotics suspects in Judge Wood's court, was killed in his office by armed robbers. The seven-woman, five-man federal jury returned guilty verdicts on five counts of perjury after deliberating 2 hours.
Jo Ann Harrelson Family Tree & History, Ancestry & Genealogy Mrs. Harrelson, 42, a small, blond woman who was once a known 'card counter' at Las Vegas blackjack tables, collapsed moments after hearing the verdict Monday. Though he and his wife, Patty, divorced, they remained close. Chagra told Sheehan that he offered to plead guilty to having Judge Wood murdered, if theyd release my wife. But the Partner benefit with the greatest impact to us and our families is being within arms reach of so many other amazing nonprofits and the Harrelson Center team. Jamiel Chagra: guilty of conspiracy to obstruct justice, drug charges, and tax evasion. He was sentenced to life in prison. The $450,000 they took from the office safe was money Jimmy owed to mob boss Joe Bonanno, Sr., for a busted drug deal. March 4 (UPI) -- At least 15 people were killed and searchers combed a section ofthe Indonesian capital of Jakartafor survivors Saturday after a massive fire engulfed a fuel storage depot.
Lee considered Joe his property and took what he wanted, including Joes first serious girlfriend. March 4 (UPI) -- Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu made a rare visit to frontline troops in Ukraine on Saturday as Kyiv's grip on the embattled city of Bakhmut appeared to be slipping. At a subsequent trial, held in Florida because of the publicity in Texas, Jimmy Chagra was acquitted of murder and conspiracy to commit murder but convicted of conspiracy to obstruct justice and conspiracy to possess more than half a ton of marijuana with intent to sell. 'She has reached a point where the evidence is up to her ears and she's floundering in it. circular of wanted people as a ''carpet salesman, professional gambler and narcotics trafficker.''. Judge Wood denied any impropriety and refused to remove himself from the case. January 2023 Reader Quiz: What Did You Learn? Anyone can read what you share. H-E-Bs True Texas BBQ Restaurant Is Slipping, West Texans Are Learning What It Means to Live in Bear Country. Jimmy Chagra broached the matter again in early May 1979 as the brothers walked on the lawn of Jimmys Las Vegas home, Joe Chagra testified. Eventually, the evidence pointed to Harrelson, in particular a taped conversation Chagra had with another brother who was a lawyer, Joe Chagra, in Leavenworth federal prison about the assassination. Daniel Vaughn is the countrys first barbecue editor, and he has eaten more barbecue than you have. -- Jo Ann Harrelson, a former Las Vegas gambler and wife of the hitman convicted of killing a federal judge, was found guilty of perjury -- the latest in a string of convictions in the case. On Feb. 26, 1979, he was indicted on five counts of trafficking in marijuana and cocaine. Chagra was a prolific marijuana smuggler and spent his ill-gotten fortune on casinos in Las Vegas, where he moved in 1978. In 1979, a federal grand jury in Midland, Texas, indicted Chagra on drug smuggling charges. Elizabeth Chagra was convicted of conspiracy to A short time later, Joe was arrested and held without bail, as were Jo Ann
Good Fella Texas Monthly Great American Trials. Jo Ann Harrelson: 25 years for obstruction of justice and perjury. Thats how one former friend described the convicted killer. Jimmy Chagra, the high-stakes gambler who faced sentencing by Wood in a drug case shortly before the judge was killed, was cleared of conspiracy. Judge Woods 1979 slaying by Charles Harrelson was crime of the century, San Antonio Zoo has a long but spotty history with giraffes. killed Judge Wood in exchange for a promised $250,000 payment by Jamiel Chagra. It was the day after (Memorial) Day, the day Chagras trial was to start, Ray Jahn said. When Chagras former drug-smuggling partner Henry Wallace turned and became a witness, the charges against Chagra were increased and he faced the prospect of life in prison without parole. In the 1970s, Jimmy Chagra was the marijuana kingpin of the Western world. It was the crime of the century, in San Antonio for sure, said local defense lawyer Alan Brown, who represented people who were rounded up during the investigation but never charged in the murder.
Jo Ann Harrelson and Elizabeth Chagra Arriving at Court - Getty And, indeed, Joe found out who shot Judge Woodand who hired himduring an attorney-client interview he conducted with Harrelson after his arrest at the Harris County jail. Instead, that day he was shot as he was leaving for court. ", "We value the Harrelson Center for the resources that they give us every day for our community, "Since Voyage moved into The Harrelson Center in January, our partnership and combined programming has only strengthened. Jo Ann got a 25-year sentence. Meanwhile, the drug trial was held before Woods replacement, U.S. District Judge William Sessions. The officer didnt recognize Chagra, but Chagra revealed himself by saying, I give up., CHAGRA: FROM THE COURTROOM TO PRISON TO NOT GUILTY TO DEATH. . SIGNIFICANCE: Charles Harrelson was convicted for a hit-man killing of Judge John H. Wood, the only federal judge to be assassinated in the twentieth century. Time (October 25, 1982). If he didnt concoct a lie about how he was really part of the conspiracy, thus allowing him to testify against Harrelson, he believed he would face a total of thirty-five to forty years on drug charges. ", Missy Bennett, Executive Director, Operation Pretty Things, "The Harrelson Center really provides a unique opportunity to serve people holistically. Judge Wood, known as ''Maximum John'' because of the sentences he had given drug dealers, set May 29, 1979, as the day the trial was to begin. In 1995, he appeared as himself in the movie, Casino.. 'I have ordered the hearing continued and you can logically assume what that means,' Sessions said. Jo Ann Harrelson was convicted of conspiracy to obstruct justice and later convicted of five counts of perjury. Joe was a genuinely nice guy who was congenitally unable to say no. After 18 hours of deliberation, a Federal jury, several members in tears, found three defendants guilty today on six counts of planning, carrying out and trying to cover up the assassination of Federal District Judge John H. Wood Jr. After the collective verdicts were announced, each of the nine women and three men on the jury, which began deliberating Saturday, was polled individually on all six counts. Chagra was once held by Colombian authorities after his drug-smuggling plane crashed there. Thursday, May 28: Oscar's "Case of the Century": The Life The Center recognizes the critical needs of others and encourages, uplifts and assists them in rebuilding their lives through the services provided in the center.
A convicted hit man's wife Monday won a first - UPI She recovered quickly and later said she was fine. Support is It was the huge stepping stone we needed to be able to increase our impact on the community and really do right by our clients. March 2 (UPI) -- A Maryland woman scored a $100,000 prize from a scratch-off lottery ticket less than 12 hours after she scored an $11,000 jackpot at a casino. But Mr. Jahn, the Federal prosecutor, said in his final argument Saturday, ''Charles Harrelson had three talents. After Monday's conviction, Sessions said he would be forced to postpone the March 18 sentencing in San Antonio of Mrs. Harrelson, her husband Charles and Mrs. Chagra for the earlier convictions. Assistant U.S. Attorney James Kerr, who had prosecuted several drug cases before Judge Wood, had barely escaped an assassination attempt some six months before Wood was killed. "The Judge Wood Murder Case." Former mayor of Las Vegas, Oscar Goodman is credited with the revitalization of downtown Las Vegas including The Smith Center for the Performing Arts and our very own The Mob Museum. The real shock, however, was yet to come: The FBI was bugging Harrelsons celland also the visitors room at Leavenworth, where Joe was routinely subjected to Jimmys abuse. I got to know Joe well in the two years I was writing my book on the Wood assassination, Dirty Dealing, and I watched the sordid story unfold through his eyes. '', The fear, the Government asserted, was that of Jamiel Chagra, once described on an F.B.I. The FBI hauled in just about anyone if agents believed that they had information, and the agency threw the book at them to make them talk. Jo Ann Harrelson, whose daughter has been imprisoned more than three months for refusing to testify before a federal grand jury, walked away from the federal People with hearts to serve and love to give.thats what you will find at the Harrelson Center. Midland was in the jurisdiction of U.S. District Judge John Wood, known as Maximum John for his tough prison sentences in drug cases. Chagra asked Harrelson if Wood could be bribed. '', It was at a pretrial hearing on April 2, 1979, as he listened to Judge Wood deny a score of defense motions, that Jamiel Chagra turned to Joseph Salim Chagra, his brother and attorney, and said, according to Joseph Chagra's testimony later, ''that he was never going to have a fair trial and if I thought he should have Judge Wood killed.''. This is a carousel. To those of us who knew the situation, Jimmys assertion that Joe made him do it was ludicrous, but it fit neatly into the governments scenario. March 2 (UPI) -- A Florida woman earned a Guinness World Record when she completed 23 ultra-marathon runs -- 31.1 miles -- in a 23-day period. Harrelson thought that was the day he had to kill the judge.. Chagra and his wife, Liz, and young daughter relocated to Las Vegas in 1978 and moved into a house across the street from attorney Oscar Goodman. Woody Harrelson, the actor who played the part of the affable bartender in the television series Cheers, and also the lead in The People vs. Larmy Flynt, mounted an appeal in 1998, hiring famed criminal attorney Alan Dershowitz. He believed in the law. Charles and Jo Ann Harrelson and Liz Chagra were convicted at trial. U.S. District Judge William Sessions did not schedule sentencing for Mrs. Harrelson, who was to be returned today to the Federal Correctional Institute in Fort Worth, Texas. Within the Cite this article tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. March 3 (UPI) -- A 7-year-old Louisiana boy with a firm grasp of baseball rules is seeking a Guinness World Record as the world's youngest umpire. In a plea agreement, Joe Chagra got a 10-year sentence. Charles Campion, the attorney for Mrs. Harrelson, did not say whether she would appeal. Click here to Start FameChaining. Another juror collapsed in her chair after the verdict was read and had to be helped from the courtroom. March 3 (UPI) -- A sheep spotted wandering loose on a British highway was given a lift back to its owner by a concerned bus driver on her first day on the job. Jimmy was upset about that because he thought it put him under suspicion right away, Ray Jahn said. February 2023 Reader Quiz: What Did You Learn? Without Joe Chagras testimony, Jimmy Chagra was acquitted of murder and conspiracy to murder but convicted of lesser obstruction of justice and drug charges. Tapes of Jerry Ray James' extensive conversations with Jamiel spelled out details of the plot to kill the judge. In a recent interview with the San Antonio Express-News, Joe Chagras widow, now known as Patty Chagra Russell, defended her husband, saying the prison recording showed that Jimmy Chagra was a bully toward her husband. Harrelson is drowning in a sea of evidence and she realizes it,' assistant U.S. Attorney Ray Jahn told jurors before the verdict Monday. Since much of the wiretapping was inadmissible in court, the government had a major problem with its case: The only witness who could connect Jimmy with Harrelson was Joe. The Jo Ann Carter Harrelson Center Inc. is a North Charles Harrelson arrives at Federal Court 11-8-82 for his trial in the slaying of federal judge Wood. Mr. Harrelson's wife, Jo Ann, was found guilty of conspiracy to obstruct justice, the only charge against her in this case. Bill Thompson, HP staff / Houston Chronicle, S.A.-area rancher catches the hearts of American Idol judges, Take a look inside this $3.5 million 'mystery' mansion, USAA wants some remote employees in the office three days a week, Boy, 11, shoots self in head with gun he found in apartment, 10 things to do this weekend in San Antonio, New food truck park opens at The CO-OP SA, Heres why it hailed through the Alamodome last night, Chicken Salad Chick to open second S.A. location, Judge Sarah Garrahan-Moulder, who helped prosecute hit man Charles Harrelson in San Antonio, dies at 84, Look inside historic $2.3 million King William home. Jo Ann Harrelson tried for perjury, and Jamiel and Elizabeth Chagra tried for tax evasion in Shreveport, Louisiana.Dates of Trials: October 7, 1982-December 14, 1982 (Charles Harrelson, Jo Ann Harrelson, Elizabeth Chagra); January 10, 1983-February 7, 1983 (Jamiel Chagra); March 1983 (Chagra trials for tax evasion and Jo Ann Harrelson trial for perjury)Verdicts: Charles Harrelson: guilty of murder of federal judge, conspiracy to murder, conspiracy to obstruct justice. Jamiel Chagra: 15 years and $120,000 fine. The UK's supply crisis puts extra pressure on Prime Minister Boris. If I'm not the expert in one area, I know already that somebody is within the Harrelson Center. On This Day: Frances Perkins sworn in as first female Cabinet member. From start to finish, I was treated with kindness and dignity. Joseph Chagra pled guilty to the charge of conspiracy to commit murder and received a sentence of ten years. ", Anne Best, Executive Director, Family Promise, The truest measure of love is revealed by how we respond to the needs of others. It was then, the Government asserted, that ''the fear began. The trial of Jamiel Chagra was set for May 29, 1979, but Judge Wood was shot as he left his apartment in Alamo Heights for court. He set up his family on a farm in Kansas. Joseph Chagra refused to testify against his own brother Jamiel (Jimmy), however. Years later, the trial of Charles V. Harrelson revealed that Bill Bannister was a pseudonym Harrelson used to help track the judge, who was shot in the back outside his Alamo Heights townhome less than 2 miles from the motel as he was leaving for work. In effect, he was being tried for murder, when he claimed that his only involvement was in a con-game to get the murder pay-off money for a killing performed by someone else. The defendants were charged under Federal statutes governing the killing of a Federal employee. Charles Harrelson was the last of the classic American hitman. 3 children killed, 2 hospitalized in North Texas domestic incident. 'Justice Did Not Die'. Jo Ann Harrelson was found guilty of conspiracy to obstruct justice. People walk by the Judge John H. Wood Jr. Federal Courthouse in 2017. Sessions, who ordered a majority of the contempt hearing closed to the public, said during an interview with the news media in his chambers that Mrs. Harrelson's claim of marital privilege was the reason forpartial dismissal of the government's request.
Joseph Chagra, 50, Lawyer Linked to Assassination, Dies In addition to the testimony of Joseph Chagra, the government had evidence drawn from more than 1,000 recorded telephone and face-to-face conversations, most of them involving Jamiel Chagra in various prisons. In 2006, he did some videotaped interviews with Las Vegas journalist Jack Sheehan. -- Jo Ann Harrelson, a former Las Vegas gambler and wife of the hitman convicted of killing a federal judge, was found guilty of perjury -- the Kathryn Wood, the widow of the slain judge, provided a five-page handwritten letter from Elizabeth Chagra, apologizing for her involvement in the murder. But as his lawyer, Harrelson reasoned, anything Joe discovered about Woods murder would have to be kept confidential because of attorney-client privilege. The reward was eventually paid out to a handful of people who included a horrible creton bankrobber who shared a jail cell with Charles Harrelson, a woman who delivered the $250,000 payout for the hit to Harrelson, and a kid who found a piece of the murder rifle in a creek bed, said Sam Millsap, who chaired the reward committee. They tortured her for no (reason). Sessions will preside over the March 14 trial in Shreveport of Chagra, Mrs. Chagra, and Mrs. Chagra's father, Leon Nichols, on tax evasion charges. We report on vital issues from politics to education and are the indispensable authority on the Texas scene, covering everything from music to cultural events with insightful recommendations. According to newspaper stories citing trial testimony, a drug trafficker and flamboyant gambler originally from El Paso, Jamiel Jimmy Chagra, paid Harrelson $250,000 to kill Wood because Chagra feared a trial and sentencing by Maximum John. Wood earned the moniker for his reputation of giving tough sentences to drug traffickers. New York Times (December 15, 1982). Noah Harrelson{ "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "Person", "name": "Noah Harrelson", "gender": "Male" }, Beckie Harrelson{ "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "Person", "name": "Beckie Harrelson", "gender": "Female" }, Joel Sparks{ "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "Person", "name": "Joel Sparks", "gender": "Male" }, Lemma Sparks{ "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "Person", "name": "Lemma Sparks", "gender": "Female" }, Voyde Harrelson{ "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "Person", "name": "Voyde Harrelson", "gender": "Male" }, Alma Glover{ "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "Person", "name": "Alma Glover", "gender": "Female" }, Daisy Harrelson{ "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "Person", "name": "Daisy Harrelson", "gender": "Female" }, Leonard Humphrey Harrelson{ "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "Person", "name": "Leonard Humphrey Harrelson", "gender": "Male" }, Claude Elegan Harrelson{ "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "Person", "name": "Claude Elegan Harrelson", "gender": "Male" }, Sybil Nunley{ "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "Person", "name": "Sybil Nunley", "gender": "Female" }, Edward Leon Harrelson{ "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "Person", "name": "Edward Leon Harrelson", "gender": "Male" }, Woody Harrelson{ "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "Person", "name": "Woody Harrelson", "gender": "Male" }, with Diane Harrelson{ "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "Person", "name": "Diane Harrelson", "gender": "Female" }, Jordan Harrelson{ "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "Person", "name": "Jordan Harrelson", "gender": "Male" }, Brett Harrelson{ "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "Person", "name": "Brett Harrelson", "gender": "Male" }, born 1963, age 55
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