Employees must complete every applicable field in Section 1 of the Form I-9 with the exception of the fields requesting the employees' telephone number, e-mail address, and Social Security number. Employers may choose to scan and upload the original, signed forms to retain them electronically. If re-verification is required and an employer doesnt do so, then they are knowingly employing an undocumented worker. Enter your expiration of commission date. We are an Employer Agent of the E-Verify program. I discovered that I do not have a completed Form I-9 for a former employee who was hired after Nov. 6, 1986. Oops! Verifyi9 Paycors leadership brings together some of the best minds in the business. These fields help to ensure that the two pages of the employees Form I-9 remain together. If information has been written in the wrong list (e.g., a Social Security number is in List B or a drivers license in List C) draw an arrow to the correct list and add initials and the date, again preferably in different color ink. Department of Transportation | DriversLicense An H-1B employee who is verifying continued H-1B employment authorization may choose to present his or her Form I-94 as List C #7 document. You must enter exactly eight alphanumeric characters (letters and numbers). When completing section II of the I-9 Form, the employer must record the proper "issuing authority" of the document (s) provided by the employee. Submission Pre-Dates Enrollment in E-Verify:You are not permitted to verify workers who were in your employ at the time that you signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). An employee may provide documentation to support his or her name change, but is not required to do so. The employee's first day of employment (mm/dd/yyyy): (See instructions for exemptions) Signature of Employer or Authorized Representative . Can I accept the document with the different name? Errors in Section 2 and Section 3 should be fixed by the employer and ideally the same person who received the documents and signed the certification. Whether the employee completes Section 1 of Form I-9 on the older version of Form I-9, the employer should complete Section 2 on the same version of the form, even if this occurs on or after the required start day for use of the new Form I-9. Pro tip: write the company name and ID on the top of every document, in case they get separated. XII. List of Sample Documents | Office of Human Resources An employer may not correct errors or omissions in Section 1. I-9s were created by the passing of IRCA, the Immigration Reform and Control Act, which became law in 1986. Receipt(s) for lost, stolen or damaged document(s) are acceptable. Review the issue date printed in the center of each visa and enter the visa number of the most recently issued visa. U.S. Coast Guard Merchant Mariner Card U.S. Coast Guard Native American Tribal Document Native American Tribe from which the document was issued (Ex: Choctaw, Dakota Sioux, Navajo, etc.) Enter the document type (name), document number and document expiration date. PHA+Q2hlY2sgeW91ciBpbmJveCBmb3IgYW4gZW1haWwgY29uZmlybWluZyB5b3VyIHN1YnNjcmlwdGlvbi4gRW5qb3khPC9wPg==, I-9 Compliance FAQs: Everything You Need to Know for 2023, recent Paycor webinar on Form I-9 compliance, U.S. An I-9 is a form from the U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services agency that confirms the employee's identity and right to work in the United States. The Department encourages all eligible customers to conduct their driver license services online. What Is an I-9? Who Needs to Fill Out an I-9? | Ask Gusto Q&A: Expired List B documents temporarily okay for Form I-9 Initial and date the correction or omitted information next to the employees initials. Also, when clicking on the drop-down menu in the Document Title in each of the columns, the embedded USCIS instructions will display. Fill in document title and number, issuing authority and expiration date in List A or Lists B and C; Fill in first date of employment; Certify examination of document(s) with signature, name of company rep and company information . The employee has dated and signed the hard copy of Form I-9 Section 1 in your presence. If Section 1 of Form I-9 is completed before the expiration date of the form, but Section 2 is not completed until after the form has expired, can the employer continue to use the original Form I-9 or must the employer complete Section 2 on the new version of Form I-9? We help you stay updated on the latest payroll and tax regulations. PDF Completing the I-9 Form - colorado.edu Typically there is a round seal on the front of the card that will have the issuing authority printed around the seal. However, if they prove that they now have the correct documentation and their status has been regularized, an employer can continue their employment, even if they originally provided false documentation. The paroled entrepreneurs foreign passport and Form I-94, Arrival/Departure Record, bearing the same name as the passport and unexpired endorsement of the entrepreneurs parole (PE-1) are acceptable as a List A document. Control costs and mitigate risk with accurate timekeeping. Do not complete. Acceptable documents that need to be re-verified: If an employee reveals that they do not have authorization to work or they have provided false documentation, their employment must be terminated. If you use a computer, List A column will auto-filled with N/A in each field. If you enter document information in the List B column, you must also enter document information in the List C column as well. Missing Alien Number or I-94 Number:Regardless of the type of identification documents presented, a non-citizen new hire must provide either an Alien (USCIS) Number or Form I-94 number. We need you to attest to the following facts: List A Documents establish both identity and employment authorization. For NAU use only. If you use E-Verify, you should also attach the Work Authorization document. If you are using a hard copy Form I-9, use mm/dd/yyyy date format. Employers may inspect Section 2 of the document remotely (for example over video, fax, or email) within 3 business days of hiring. List B Documents Issuing Authority Driver's License Learner's Permit : State from which the Driver's License was issued (Ex: State of Florida, State of California, State of Pennsylvania, )etc. The employer should complete a fresh I-9 with the new documents and attach it to the old Form I-9 , with a signed and dated explanation. This could trigger an investigation by the Immigrant & Employee Rights team within the Department of Justice as it may show the intent to discriminate, Dont ask job applicants to fill out an I-9 until an, Dont tell employees which documents to present (even if youre just trying to be helpful). PDF Tips for Entering Driver's Licenses and ID Cards in E-Verify State from which t he Driver's License was issued (Ex: State of Florida, State of California, State of . If you operate in an industry with high staff turnover, like restaurants or manufacturing, youll likely require more regular audits than most. For Form I-9 purposes, you may accept these licenses. Who is the issuing authority of a social security card? The issuing authority is the specific entity that issued the document(s). Citizenship and Immigration Services website. Both the size of fines and the number of inspections have risen fast in previous years. The form should be used for all new hires and rehires. Pennsylvania Driver License Issuing Authority - platinumnew Yes. Before parolees can work, they must apply for employment authorization. What Is Issuing Authority In Passport - Home - Johnny Holland Were growing and want to hear from you. Please consult with the I-9 Compliance Specialist if you need assistance completing the form. Specific I-9 documents can be issued to certain person categories. If, however, you determine that the document with a different name does not reasonably appear to be genuine and to relate to her, you may ask her to provide other documents from the Lists of Acceptable Documents on Form I-9. Enter N/A if there is no expiration date. Eliminate large down payments and end-of-year surprises. Submit the new hire for verification at that time. Contact us today so we can learn more about your business. Issuing authority refers to any government agency or office that has the . List B identity documents include driver's licenses and state ID cards. You may accept a document with a different name than the name entered in Section 1 provided that you resolve the question of whether the document reasonably relates to the employee. All minors under 18 years of age who are employed in the state of California are subject to California's child labor protections and must have a permit to work. This provides a quick reference that the cardholder is a minor. VALID FOR WORK ONLY WITH INS AUTHORIZATION Who Is The Issuing Authority For Social Security Card Close All Open All List A Documents List B Documents List C Documents More Information Close All Open All Last Reviewed/Updated: Some List A documents (or acceptable document receipt) are combination of documents that must be presented together to be considered a List A document, such as a foreign passport together with Form I-94 containing an endorsement of the aliens nonimmigrant status. For a hard copy form, it is important to know the full name of the List A document so that you enter the correct List A document abbreviations (see list on page 6). May a notary public or any authorized representative attach an attestation to Form I-9 instead of providing a signature in the signature block of Section 2? We make E-Verify easy! The examples below illustrate properly completed, printed I-9s for commonly presented document types. Save time, pay employees from wherever you are, and never worry about tax compliance.
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