Interviewees reveal thatRivera received a phone call fromStansberry & Associates on the evening in question, and the location of hisbody suggests that a suicide jump would've required a running start. This content is imported from poll. You still wouldnt want to stand under a bridge he designed. By James RickardsPosted February 28, 2023, By Greg GuenthnerPosted February 28, 2023. Rivera had just got married to a woman named Allison, and worked for his childhood friend Porter Stansberry in Baltimore, Maryland at his research company. Rey Rivera was 32 when he abruptly left his home after receiving a phone call on May 16, 2006. On the first, we see Japanese 10-year government bond yields between 1988 and 2004 overlaid with U.S. government bond yields from 1996. To Have and to Hold - The Daily Reckoning Stansberrys conduct undoubtedly involved deliberate fraud, making statements [about a stock] that he knew to be false; Pirate acted in reckless disregard for regulations when it published Stansberrys unbelievable claims without a shred of confirmation, the judge wrote in the ruling, according to The Sun, which quoted a lawyer for Stansberry as saying he maintained he did nothing wrong. According to the SEC, Stansberry told email subscribers that if they paid $1,000, he would provide a hot investment tip based on inside information from a senior executive inside the company. He encouraged customers to purchase stock, promising they would make a fortune.. Agora, a global publishing company headquartered in Baltimore, has several subsidiary companies, including Stanberrys, and at the time all calls routed through a main switchboard. The show painstakingly explains how the dimensions are off, making it unlikely, in the minds of some, that Rivera jumped from the hotels rooftop. His page says of him: Porter Stansberry founded Stansberry Research in 1999 with the firms flagship publication, Stansberrys Investment Advisory. My theory is that Porter was an IC asset running a controlled opposition project with his conspiracy newsletters as just one of his assignments. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition." We often venture out to the far ends of the, By Addison Wiggin Posted September 11, 2021, Today marks a grisly anniversary. Its horrific, Stansberry said. Rivera wrote reports about companies whose stocks were believed to be set to rebound in price, but many did not. Sydnor did not return a call seeking comment Tuesday, but Stansberrys attorney Charles Curlett said he had spoken with him recently. The French have created a special institution, called a PAC, to accommodate "gay" couples. After over a week with no sign of life, phone communication, or bank activity, Allison and her parents spotted Reys car in a downtown parking lot on May 26. According to the Baltimore Sun, Stansberry offered a $1,000 reward for information about Rivera when he first disappeared, and it was increased to $5,000. Chaplain Forgy joined in on the difficult, backbreaking effort of moving big bullets to topside. "Marriage is a sacred union," explained the presiding minister. *** "In reference to the letter from a minister who thought you should have more faith and stop being so negativewell, what else would you expect from him? The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that it would take an act of willful blindness to ignore the fact that Appellants profited from the false statements.. As for what happened to Stansberry himselfalthough his LinkedIn account shows that hes still working for the company he founded, he seems to have kept a private profile since Riveras case, and tracks with his not participating in interviews surrounding Rivera's death. The 'super committee' circus: Much ado about nothing? But chances are we wont know any more details unless he breaks that silence. Advertisement Almost six months after the couple married in 2006, Rey Rivera plummeted from the rooftop of the Belvedere Hotel in Baltimore. Its horrific. Stansberry says the show is wrong that Rivera worked for him at the time of his death and that Rivera had left the job six months earlier on his own accord. Hough is a senior writer at Screen Rant. This is the conclusion reached in Financial Reckoning Day last year, and this, as Bill reminded readers earlier this week, is exactly what appears to be taking place: "Of course, we mistrust all predictionsespecially those we make ourselves. One of the products subscribers receive is a report titled The 4 Investment Assets You Do NOT Have to Report to the U.S. Government. A description of the report promises information vital to getting rich in the coming currency crisis. Other reports encourage investment in gold and silver. Today, Porter is well-known for doing some of the most important and often controversial work in the financial advisory business. WebIf you're unaware of what happened, the gist is this: Rey Rivera was happily married to Alison Jones in November 2005. 1 trending on Netflix, leading to discussion and speculation on social media. The first episode of Netflix's Unsolved Mysteries, a remake of the classic series, covers cold cases and paranormal mysteries, with each episode traversing a different unsolved tale. "If one believes that the 30-year parallels shown in these charts will continue to hold," says the report, "then one believes, 1. Hoppmann, Rey Riveras childhood friend, said not long before his death Rey repeatedly asked him about being a member of the Freemasons and discussing the film Eyes Wide Shut.. As the economy weakens, inflation rates could drop towards 0%and deflation remains a potent threat.4. No ones going to be going through all your old books and storage unit looking for gold bullion.. Though you may avoid the financial pitfalls that recklessness and stupidity will bring, the end result will differ little for those who are enslaved by greed. WebPorter L. Stansberry (1923-1988) - Find a Grave Memorial Married first to Georgia Featherston in 1954. The YouTube page describes Stansberry Research as a subscription-based publisher of financial information and software, serving millions of investors around the world. "But every day, we still strive to prove it." Thats why people are generally bullish on stocks but bearish on bonds. Rivera went missing on May 16, 2006, and a guest at his North Baltimore home said he darted out and never returned. Instead of getting rich by saving, we are told to spend money in order to "help the economy." 4. Even more suspicious is the sudden and complete shut down from Riveras supposed best friend Porter Stansberry, who barred company employees from talking to the police or media and refused to cooperate with the investigation himself. Porter Stansberry Would love your thoughts, please comment. A "marriage" between two men turns the whole event into an exercise as shabby and corrupt as a joint session of Congress. Porter Stansberry Heres Bill Bonner on why the issue of Civil War statues goes, By James Rickards Posted February 28, 2023, By James Rickards Posted February 27, 2023, By James Rickards Posted February 22, 2023, The coronavirus could take a big chunk out of first-quarter U.S. GDP, The optimistic case for the stock market In the short term, the stock market is a voting machine. Stansberry, for his part, vehemently denied wrongdoing. At the reception, a young lady asked Bill if he was gay "But man, proud man, Drest in a little brief authority Plays Porter Stansberry is the friend of Rey Rivera who features prominently in an Unsolved Mysteries Netflix episode on Rivera's death. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. September 17, 2004. Stansberry, for his part, vehemently denied wrongdoing. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. There are already laws on the books that will go into effect in 2013 that will make it much more difficult for Americans to open overseas bank accounts so my advice is to get some money out of the country and to get it into a foreign currency and to get it into a foreign bank as quickly as you can because banks will be pulling away from American customers and the governments going to make it difficult for you to move money overseas as well, Stansberry said. To this day, the case remains open. "Today we received a great piece of validation for our Japanese theoryit came via email from a portfolio manager at Smith Barney", The thesis, of course, is that the U.S. economy is sinking into a slow, soft slump a la Japan. Rivera, 32, was missing for a week before his body was found in a room at the base of the Belvedere Hotel, having apparently crashed through the roof after a fall. From there, circumstances get even more mysterious: a cryptic note was found taped to the back of Riveras computer from the day he went missing. In general and in the long run nations rise and fall because they deserve to. Theres never been a better reason, says Addison, to distrust our predictions. porter stansberry He was acting really, really weird, Hoppmann said. The judge ruled that his actions undoubtedly involved deliberate fraud and making statements that he knew to be false., In 2009 an appeal by Stansberry was denied. "Well, maybe this was the first time you were saying something that mattered," we replied. The first episode, Mystery on the Rooftop, centres around the 2006 death of 32-year-old Rey Rivera. Rivera had just got married to a woman named Allison, and worked for his childhood friend Porter Stansberry in Baltimore, Maryland at his research company. The Suspicious Case of Rey Rivera and Why He Matters, Part 1 You cant even imagine what its like to tell people I had nothing to do with my friends death., Stansberry and Rivera went to high school together in California and were water polo teammates. Stansberry Research also runs the websiteAmerican Consequences, which focuses on"the worlds biggest absurdities." "Marriage is a sacred union," explained the presiding minister. Rivera had rushed out of his home after receiving a call traced back to the switchboard at Stansberrys firm. ", "Yes, you did, but I thought it was a gay marriage.". Still, speaking of "faith," I am reminded of the story of a Navy chaplain named Lieutenant Howell Forgy, of the cruiser USS New Orleans (CA-32). You can see government documents on that case here. "America at the moment, with its faith-based currency. For the first time his friend and former boss, Porter Stansberry, is speaking out to defend himself against what he calls the program's lies and innuendo designed to make him look guilty. WebPorter Stansberry (if he didnt do it himself). Edit 4: Quote from Reys note: That was a well-played game. Since founding Agora Inc. in 1979, Bill Bonner has found success in numerous industries. Allison recalls sensing fear in Rey, which she notes, in the show, was out of character for him. You can find the companys website here. He's also the founding editor at Vague Visages, and has contributed to and Fandor. Unsolved Mysteries | Official Clip | Impossible Hotel | Netflix. "From time to time, we arent sure the thesis in our book is correct," admitted Addison, as he paced about the office, stretching the telephones cord. It opens: Brothers and sisters, around the world right now volcanoes are erupting, what an awesome sight.. As Stansberry isn't interviewed for the episode and the producers paint him as something of a person of interest, viewers might be wondering whats happened to him since Riveras disappearance and whether he knows any more information. The bull market in the United States follows the Japanese pattern, with a 10-year lag. With a strong dollar, the politicians actually think that they and their nation are immune to flaw or failure. Today, Porter is well-known for doing some of the most important and often controversial work in the financial advisory business. Simple ideas are turned over and pressed into a new shape the exact opposite of what they used to be. is Porter Stansberry Faith is a ministers currency its his job to keep believing despite a lack of evidence, and even to believe in the face of evidence that contradicts his position. faith-based economy and faith-based government, might be a heaven for those who love faith, but its a hell for those of us that respect evidence. (Stansberry also refused to talk to the Unsolved Mysteries creators.). Porter Stansberry, by Malcolm Berko | Creators Syndicate To have and to hold from this day forward" the minister continued. Common institutions, such as marriage, money and war, are bent into grotesque new forms. In 2006, Rey Rivera was found dead amid extremely bizarre circumstances. Within five years of missing its first earnings forecast (in January 2000), Lucent shares had fallen from more than $80 to around $2. I suppose that it is a rare politician who is willing to risk getting his bow blown off. By submitting your email to receive this newsletter, you agree to our. *** And our own correspondent from Pittsburg, Byron King: When you talk about "faith" in the context of modern American society, I certainly understand your point. There is a theory that Rivera was killed, and then positioned to make it look like suicide. Many television viewers encounter strange, disjointed ads promoting The first episode of Netflixs reboot of .css-16acfp5{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;text-decoration-thickness:0.125rem;text-decoration-color:#d2232e;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:inherit;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;}.css-16acfp5:hover{color:#000;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;background-color:yellow;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;}Unsolved Mysteries, titled Mystery On the Rooftop, looks into the unsolved 2006 death of Rey Rivera, who went missing for a week and whose body was found in a Baltimore hotel. Everything Unsolved Mysteries Leaves Out About Frank Porter Rivera Wiki: Facts and Whereabouts of Rey Rivera The firm is still in business, and it also has its own podcast titled Stansberry Investment Hour. In "Unsolved Mysteries" episode "Mystery on the Rooftop," Netflix examines the mysterious death of Rey Rivera (top right), who was once a water polo star at Winter Park High School in Florida. Lower interest rates have not helped Japanese real estate from sustaining a 13-year downtrend.5. The company has a YouTube page, which you can see here. Prior to launching S&A, Porter was the first American editor of the Fleet Street Letter, the worlds oldest English-language financial newsletter. "The consensus view is that the economy is on the mend, profits are climbing, and Alan Greenspan has finished his financial rescue," says our anonymous portfolio manager from Smith Barney. Rey Rivera's long-time friend still has major ties to the financial industry. Approximately 1,217 individuals took the bait and purchased the report with fraudulent information after reading an email solicitation signed by Stansberrys pseudonym Jay McDaniel. The solicitation was sent to at least 800,000 people, and netted a total of $1,005,000. The two parties may love each other, and cheat on one another, too. And they think any two people or more for all we know can "marry" each other, even two people of the same sex! Chairman of Porter & Co. This is a real conversation the world can have about mental illness and it turned into a murder mystery where theyre accusing people of being involved.. Quotes With a strong dollar, the politicians actually think that they and their nation are immune to flaw or failure. But who will win in 2024?, Uh-oh CNBC says the economic expansion is alive and well, By Nilus Mattive Posted November 16, 2019, There are a ton of resources available online to help you sell products through Amazons FBA program. This is a long-term position. The union of two men or women may be similar to a real marriage in every respect except the essential one. In addition, his cell phone and glasses werent damaged, and some of the trauma to his body seemed inconsistent with the fall theory, according to the show. Stansberry Research In the "Unsolved Mysteries" episode "Mystery on the Rooftop," Netflix examines the mysterious death of Rey Rivera, who once called Winter Park home. Hes my best friend.. Were no angels. But in the long, Today, Zach Scheidt explains how to play the most recent rally in oil prices, and uses a real-life story to explain his, Today, Zach Scheidt explains the strong trends emerging in todays hotel industry, and gives his top three stocks to buy, Why the marijuana market is about to get a major shot in the arm, Were on the ground floor of a momentous trend thats only beginning to get traction and the profit opportunities from investing, Plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven. You still wouldnt want to stand under a bridge he designed. Ive got to find my friend. He said hes even been questioned by friends and potential business partners. "Theres no inflation," they say. They believe the rest of the world will gladly support them in the style to which theyve become accustomed forever, and without ever having to pay back the money. At the time of his death, Rivera had been working for his longtime friend, Stansberry, the founder ofStansberry & Associates Investment Research (now known as Stansberry Research). The more you learn about, Clipping coupons can be a fun hobby, but there are far more efficient ways for you to save money while shopping with, By Nilus Mattive Posted September 21, 2019, Just about everyone nowadays has a cell phone. Porter Stansberry and Rey Rivera Nevertheless, on May 16, 2006, Rey disappeared - porter stansberry. Savings should become more important. But you never know. He said only that employees were told to refer media inquiries to a spokesperson. From my perspective, you guys face the harsh economic realities daily and point out the evidence accurately for whoever has the sense to listen. To this day, they continue to stand by their reporting on the company and their view of the stock at the time, the lawyer told The Sun. Two days after "Mystery on the Rooftop" premiered, The Baltimore Sun published an article with quotesfrom Stansberry that aren't cited in Unsolved Mysteries. Porter Stansberry While the technology packed into one of these pocket sized marvels is amazing the, The world is in a three-handed poker game. It is as if the nations strength, its historically "strong dollar," has also been its long-term curse. A tear forms in the corner of our eye; before us is something that no man jiggled or jivedsomething that no one twisted or spunsomething that, for once, we cant laugh at. The SEC alleged: Defendants engaged in an ongoing scheme to defraud public investors by disseminating false information in several Internet newsletters published by Agora or its wholly owned subsidiaries such as Pirate. READ NEXT: Remembering Summer Taylor, the Seattle Protester Struck by a Car. Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. Yes, things will work out, and thats why we need the warnings you provide. The stock market is near a high for the next 10 years. That is the work of men and womendoing what comes naturally. The only way they cant be united is by marriage. Rivera and his wife Allison had recently moved to Baltimore so he could take a job writing financial newsletters for his good friend Porter Stansberrys financial company. Any suggestion to the contrary is untrue.. Instead, both measures limped to a 0.1% rise. "Lying rides upon debts back," said Ben Franklin. Then, his body was later found under a hole in a rooftop positioned near the iconic Belvedere Hotel. In general and in the long run only diligence and hard work lead to wealth. Yahoo Finance screenshot Short-listed for a prize in European economics! 1. But the evidence is that faith works best as long as you continue to break your back and pass the ammunition. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Instead, it is so real and so serious, it takes our breath away. Finance Hack. By Bill Bonner We read it in the paper. The chaplain looked at the sailor and said, "Yes, kid. I think if theyd included my interviews it would have closed down a lot of speculation because it would have been obvious that a lot of avenues and angles had already been explored at length, Brottman wrote on Reddit. His most recent project isThe Bill Bonner Letter. In general, what is true for individuals is also true for nations. To no availwe couldnt hear ourselves think. But yesterday, bond traders pushed yields to a new five-month low. He A new Netflix series, "Unsolved Mysteries," digs into the 2006 death of Baltimore resident Rey Rivera at the Belvedere Hotel. Married second to Bernice (Ogle) Porter in 1966. We enjoy the noisy goofiness of it all. But all of Rivera's family and friends were adamant he was not suicidal. While the police determined his death to be a suicide, some theories and facts discussed in the episode made viewers question what may have really happened. But as the weight of debt builds up, the whole nation is crushed by sham. A year before Rivera joined the company, the company was accused of violating Securities and Exchange Commission regulations by essentially selling false, baseless financial advice to investors. By James Rickards Posted September 8, 2017, Jim Rickards open letter to President Trump on the threat of new world money, known as special drawing rights. Things may work out for the wicked in the short term, but in the long run things work out for the righteous. The episode also digs into the happenings at Stansberry & Associates, Rivera's friend Frank Porter Stansberry's financial firm at which he worked. Rey Rivera and his wife Allison originally moved to Baltimore so that Rey could accept a job writing newsletters at Reys longtime friend Porter Stansberrys financial publishing company. Rey Riveras friend, former Baltimore employer pushes back on *** Our letter from a member of the clergy brought an outpouring of correspondence. And finally, heres the conclusive piece of evidenceFinancial Reckoning Day has been nominated for the Prix Europen du Livre dEconomie. If you are the type of person who likes to shop in store, this, By Nilus Mattive Posted November 21, 2019. "*** EDITORS CONFESSION. Through various publications, defendants claimed to have inside information about certain public companies.
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