The United States Army Intelligence Support Activity ( USAISA ), frequently shortened to Intelligence Support Activity or ISA, and nicknamed The Activity is a United States Army Special Operations unit originally subordinated to the US Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM). This page was last edited on 1 April 2008, at 06:57. "During the 1983 American invasion of Grenada, special forces units were plagued by lack of useful and up-to-date intelligence. They were so adept that observers commented they could literally pluck information from the air, speaking not only to the revolutionary use of SIGINT but also the skill of the ISA. As such, the activities and specifics of Gray Fox are not widely made available. (Source). October 16, 2020 They are known by many names: Task Force Orange; the Intelligence Support Activity; The Activity; the Army of Northern Virginia; the Field Operations Group (FOG); the United States Army Intelligence Support Activity, or just shortened to Intelligence Support Activity (USISA). US intelligence gathering methods centre around the US intelligence process, composed of the phases Plan, Prepare, Collect, Process, and Produce. Prior to Saddams capture, over 40 members of his family were captured and interrogated to determine his whereabouts with little success. It has since changed names several times to avoid media publicity, having been alternately known as the Tactical Concept Activity, the Tactical Coordination Detachment, the Tactical Support Team, and the Studies and Analysis Activity (SAA), among other designations. Reconnaissance overflights revealed a possible location where POWs, still believed to be held by the Vietnamese early in the year. LTG Odom acquiesced but took every opportunity to oppose actions engaging his traditional intelligence elements. (Source), The failure of Operation Eagle Claw was a turning point for US special operations. ISA was allegedly co-operating with Task Force Ranger, and was responsible for tracking down Somali warlord Mohammed Farah Adid, through electronic surveillance and Somalian informants. "Today, the ISA operates under the code name Gray Fox. Delta's deployment was stalled by bureaucratic dealings, so ISA mobilized its most compartmentalized unit, the direct action element, the shooters. I could tell by her skunk-eye that she had a dagger in the pipe ready to launch, so I lightened up. The ISA also has likely integrated other new intelligence fields into its scope. Featuring 931 new and updated case-based questions, organized into seven core areas of process design, this Self-Assessment will help you identify areas in which . 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The ISAs HUMINT collectors gather information from human sources via coercion and interrogation depending on the asset. He would be given instructions and equipment along the way, and was required to perform certain assignments, for example, setting up a SATCOM system. ISA was close to making the exchange, but the deal fell through at the last minute. FORT SHAFTER, Hawaii -- Leaders from the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) G-6/Ground Intelligence Support Activity (GISA) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACoE) Honolulu . When conducting more integrated operations with other parts of the military, the skill of intelligence support comes into play. The whole force drove north as planned, putting Kay and me upfront to clear ahead and report back to the assault force. Marine Corps Force Reconnaissance, otherwise known as Force Recon, are a company-sized (about 200) recon and direct-action element that falls directly under the Marine Expeditionary Force. Check, chief! and she yanked the gat our of my hand. This Intelligence Support Activity All-Inclusive Self-Assessment enables You to be that person. Secret Warriors: Inside the Covert Military Operations of the Reagan Era by Steven Emerson (Source), Under the operational codename Centra Spike, the Intelligence Support Activity operated alongside CIA and local police elements to track down Escobar. ISA operators were said to be so skilled that they could tell whether a tank needed a tune-up from background noise of transmissions. Samuel is a King's College graduate with an MA in War Studies. The United States realized that insufficient intelligence gathering was the critical point of failure in our attempt to rescue the American hostages and that there was a gap between the Intelligence and Special Operations communities. It was settled, and Majestic Eagle withdrew from the operation. The Invasion of Iraq was an extremely complex time for the US military with units scattered across the country conducting a wide variety of missions. In sum, Uniforms do Clandestine, Civvies do Covert. Authors cartoon depicting the mandarins installing the soon-to-be compromised surveillance camera. As an ancillary, but crucial action during this period, LTC Bruce Mauldin and I, with the CSAs concurrence and support, visited the Hill and had several closed-door sessions with appropriate committee Chairs and Ranking Members regarding the unit's establishment, roles and missions, and funding lines. Originally referred to as Task Force Orange, other names have included Centra Spike, Torn Victor and Gray Fox. The ISA agent was ordered to stop the recording, an order to which he complied. Once inside, Centra Spike agents would plug in laptops into the airplane's power and could simultaneously track four frequencies. The Cantor sent me out as usual to throw the lock, wait for our operational vehicle to pass, then shut it again. ISA operatives are highly skilled in the various arts of HUMINT gathering including: (Source). Unit Profile. Though its freelance tendencies were curbed, the ISA continued to operate under different guises through the ill-starred U.S. involvement in Somalia in 1992 and was reportedly active in the hunt for Bosnian Serbs suspected of war crimes. Both the CSA and the Director understood that each offered something the other did not and that together, a much better response capability could be generateda point that POTUS emphasized through the National Security Council to both. At one point during the Global War on Terror, ISA along with a component from the Airforce and Delta began to build a fleet of ISR aircraft. However, through OSINT collection we know that there are three primary squadrons: Sometimes referred to as HUMINT or Ground squadron, Operations Squadron functions as ISAs HUMINT collection squadron. The team put together a detailed critique and proposed changes to the organization of the forces, but the document was ignored by the higher officials insisting that security was adequate. Does the army's intelligence support activity also do direct action? His elements were being heavily tasked, and a directed intelligence pipeline was established to FOG. The unit was raised in 1979 as the Foreign Operating Group (FOG), who was created to overthrow the Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza. The ACSI, LTG Odom, strongly objected to the authority lines for FOG and asked Meyer to switch the Army portion from DCSOPS to the ACSI. After a massive effort, including remote viewers from the United States, turned up nothing, a team of ISA signals intelligence specialists was also sent over to Italy to provide any assistance they could, along with sophisticated equipment and specially outfitted helicopters. Good enough, I thought. With it, they had a unit of military spies able to covertly infiltrate a country and provide hands-on, critical intelligence, as well as to raise logistical support for counter-terrorist commandos in case of a crisis. As they soundly slept in the reverie of their grand plan, the Sandman and the Tooth Fairy happened by and found the car unlocked. The ISA differs from its brother and sister task forces in that it is not primarily a combat-oriented team, excelling in HUMINT and SIGINT operations that allow it to provide extremely valuable intelligence to other military elements. By the time though, the situation had begun to subside. Centra Spike was known to operate under several cover names, including Torn Victor, Cemetery Wind, Capacity Gear and Robin Court, and closely matched ISA's description. Additionally, ISA gathers SIGINT primarily by intercepting enemy communications or sending an agent to physically bug a target. ". (Source) At the time, the Salvadoran Army was facing attacks from leftist groups and more lethal right-wing death squads. This has been more visible in their operations in Afghanistan, Operation Winter Harvest and Operation Queens Hunter. During the period leading up to the engagement, as well as potentially during the infamous Battle of Takur Ghar (aka the Battle of Roberts Ridge), ISA operators conducted aggressive SIGINT operations, intercepting enemy communications and feeding them to allied forces. But what if I dont need signal intercept and intelligence gathering support for my mission?, Look, Geo theyre here, theyre queer, and theyd like so say hello just deal with it because theyre not going away. Originally the ISA operated as a tactical arm of the National Security Agency. The FOG was able to clandestinely enter Tehran and gather the required intelligence. It is known that the unit has changed its codename over the years. (. This includes Clandestine operations, but not those which are Covert. geo sends. Since 2003, t. Most ISA trainees are from Army Special Forces, meaning many have skills in CQC, sniping, counter-sniping and general tactical engagements. The amount of accurate and up-to-date information about the ISA is very small, due to the extremely high secrecy surrounding the unit, but over the years, various books and reports have gleamed some information about the ISA. For instance, while US Army Special Forces were originally created for unconventional warfare (UW) missions and gradually added other capabilities, the US Navy SEALs, and the UK Special Air Service (SAS) and Special Boat Service (SBS) continue to perform a primary DA role with special reconnaissance (SR) as original missions. Nowadays the ISA focuses on the preparation of the battlespace for military operations across the globe. Meyer was determined that no future SOF OP with Army forces would be conducted absent credible quality CIA/DOD/NSA and Army intelligence. Now, shes a third-term Virginia congresswoman. The cover of these operatives is typically much harder to develop since it requires a reason to be in and out of the target country on a frequent basis, and to have inauspicious ties to the target country. The ISA team left Beirut in January 1984. These deployments include Operation Winter Harvest, Operation Queens Hunter and their role in Operation Anaconda. According to The Secret War by William M. Arkin, published in the Los Angeles Times on October 27, 2002, "The Army created a highly compartmentalized organization that could collect clandestine intelligence independent of the rest of the U.S. intelligence community and follow through with covert military action. It was the type of mission ISA was designed for, but no agents were sent in. Along with Queens Hunter, ISA was involved in many operations across Central America, in Panama, Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. "The ISA's origins are in the Foreign Operating Group (FOG), whose origin in turn is in the 1979 overthrow of Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza. For a Tier 1 group dedicated primarily to intelligence collection and support, the equipment of the ISA cannot be completely verified, nor can any weapons or equipments continued use be verified. The unit conducts close survelliance with cameras, even going as far as covertly entering terrorists safe houses and planting hidden cameras. The mission criteria were pretty simple: we would fail our mission if we missed reporting the generals car, or if we allowed someone to get around our blocking position and into the ambush site. Hostages were dispersed around Beirut and those with Jewish sounding names were being isolated. Additionally, ISA recruits from other branches of the US military and potentially elsewhere in the intelligence community. Upon return to the Pentagon, he re-assigned the ACSI POC out of FOG-related issues. It later took on other roles like SIGINT as battlefield requirements changed over time. Killing Pablo by Mark Bowden (Source). "On December 17, 1981, Colonel James Dozier, the highest ranking American army officer in the NATO southern European Command was kidnapped by members of the Red Brigade terrorist faction. The Intelligence Support Activity (ISA), the 1st Capabilities Integration Group (Airborne), or simply The Activity is a component of the US Army and acts as a dedicated intelligence group for SOCOM. And with that our boss, the Cantor, doled out a mission for a two-man team of mandarins. 2e Rgiment tranger de Parachutistes | With dramatis personae that include the CIA, Delta Force, DEVGRU, the Intelligence Support Activity, Pakistani Commandos, the Taliban, and spies from Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence Agency (ISI), this story has the makings of a future Brad Thor bestseller.
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