In a chilling discovery, 90 photos had been snapped on the camera deep in the jungle in the dead of night on April 8 between 1am and 4am - raising questions about who took the pictures. Also I wish we new more details on the phones. Where is the Ping for that time? Several of the relatives and friends of those visitors to the Quintana Roo who went missing formed a group named "Truth, Memory, and Justice" in an attempt to . Panama International Travel Information Fortunately, I have that ability. The first thing that strikes me as very odd in this photograph and I think I havent seen anyone pointing that out yet -, is a specific number. And the black mark on her face. The government intentionally did not investigate key pieces of information: fingerprints, phone records, locals in the area, other forms of DNA. It holds a bad energy. The Lost Girls of Panama: The Full Story. The phones showed that just hours after the beginning of their hike, someone dialed 112 and then 911. What confuses this is that after Kriss phone dies then on the 5th during the afternoon SOS attempt a wrong pin is input on Lisannes phone and indeed continues to be input until the end. The authors told The Daily Beast: "It actually came as a surprise to us too, but our conclusion had to be that it was an accident. Hi Marie, Theres no evidence that points to the dog being with them. I think someone followed the girls, caught them, killed them and brought them somewhere, hid them, so they were never found. I dont think there was actual foul play. It only makes the image look more detailed, but the detail is artificial and can be very misleading. The 2020 cristian massacre was committed by a couple of men who were definitively altered in their state and heard voices etc. They would have shared all the info with the private investigators whom they have hired. Over 60% of the missing person cases involving foreigners in the Cancun area have not been solved according to a new report. Two years later, a 23 year old American woman is strangled to death while walking the trails. If the dog went with them, its likely that the girls would have taken a photo of the dog, even if the dog was in a photo accidentally. Keep in mind, these are my observations Ive made since moving from the USA. It would be like a marker for anyone to see. Only returning them in hopes of getting the reward. Disturbing evidence also showed there were a number of failed attempts to unlock Kris' phone - sparking another theory that Kris had died and Lisanne was frantically trying to access her phone to get help. Therefore we cannot conclude that a dog was even with them. The jungle knows how to keep its secrets. After the alarm was raised on April 2, a search party was sent to look for them but nothing was found until ten weeks later when a local woman who found Froons blue backpack turned it in to authorities. & the way the local police handled it seems so botched making it stranger, & why keep some pictures hidden from the public still, especially if the case is closed now? The dog ran away and they followed it into the woods to try to get it back? The gangs in Panama are much smaller, usually consisting of between 5 and 30 people. My sole concern is for the young women who lost their lives for absolutely no reason. I think they knew too much and someone wanted them to be silenced forever. Hi Tom, I believe you intended to comment above, on @SwordOfGods comment. Do mobile phones store the number entered? This case really creeps me out, specially the findings and the pictures. The simplest is for them to disappear. I think Juantarctica made a compelling case on YouTube for this theory. Im not sure if people can really talk with animals but i sure would try and see by calling on a few and get their opinion. No dog. Hi Louie, Unfortunately no. Photo #509 was permanently deleted which takes advanced technical knowledge, plus a computer. As for the night pics Im going to also throw this one out there and say the photos were heavily darkened to take away what was really there in view and then the spotty weather areas were added over including the rain drops. Keep the ideas flowing guys. And one of the images chillingly showed the back of Kris' head with what some sleuthes believe is blood leaking from her temple. The timeline could have been enhanced with this info. The camera and photos were tampered with with photos removed and other photos cropped and reduced in size. I would prefer to stay anonymous and off the website, so you have permission to use my email. Im very impressed. In the Americas, more than 6,200 people have been reported dead or missing during migration since 2014. Right hand is on her hip/slightly behind back, the left is hanging down on her side or in her pocket I cant tell. Its not a very long trail and I think when they got to the end of the trail they made their really big mistake. In reality, I dont think someone would go to this extent. Sheer incompetence. 4. I see the nose and mouth and possibly and eye, like they were trying to hide from the girls or camera and peaking behind branches creepy. Fact. This observation of yours is amazing, the girls could have stumbled upon something and been victims. The Canon Powershot SX270 HS, has two methods of numbering images. She decided to attempt to reach her friend, or help via phone. I find it really creepy, but maybe Im looking at it wrong due to shadows and light. 90% take place right here in the US in state parks. Both were never seen again, The Sun reports. Theres so much conflicting information regardless of which theory is chosen. But then Im immediately confronted with conflicting evidence to suggest otherwise. Bu that he meant an outcome which had no human input to the consequences. The night time photos are not relevant but the result of someone playing with the camera. There is so much to see and Juan is amazing. I was visiting Panama and Boquette July 2014, thats when I first heard about this case and was following it ever since. The plane was located with the help of Bruce's Legacy, as well as a local family whose boats were used in the mission, Lewitinn said. It looks as though she has a mouse under her right eye. A priest of sorts. Also right inside the cave looks like a fox or something similar is painted on the rock. If you are sending an SOS message then they are received 24 hours a day. Depending on how many mobile towers there are the police should have information. Yup, I toot checked and her video came only after this post. Alex Humphrey: British tourist missing in Panama - The Guardian I dont know what Chris means by this, but at first I thought it was a wooden post sticking up from the ground and painted white at the top. Hi Chris, and thank you for your nice comments! They keep trying to call emergency. I wanted to share this article from a big newspaper in Panama. The roof or cover is not substantial enough to keep out rain but it could work as camouflage from the air. Thats what I see as well. Do u know if this particular spot was apart of the trail they went on? I never received a response. For a time, manysuspected Froon and Kremers never got lost on the mountain, but wereinstead victims of a crime in town; this later proved false. I really hope the girls rest in peace and that nobody goes through this ever. play. She cant be shielding her eyes from the sun, as no shadow is falling over her eyes. JW, I agree with you totally, thanks for your intelligent remarks! Gangs usually just compete against each other and sometimes tourists are victims of opportunism or caught in the cross-fire. There are plenty of reasonable explanations for why someone would have returned the phones and the backpack. Everyone is already aware that there are many unfortunate possibilities of what could have happened to Kris and Lisanne. Bright sunlight is coming in from the left side of the photo, so Kris holds her flattened right hand up to her face to shield her eyes, similar to a salute. Why did he leave them? It took us quite some time to get there.". Sorry to send so many messages Chris, but as a policewoman I have never liked to give up on a case.. Hello Its at the very top of the post. Aside from the various graffiti markings, the one thing that looks potentially creepy is the circular, hanging object. Thats why Kris stops in photos once in a while as if to say this way, right?. Ive found that there are in fact two native type people visible in the night photos. Do they know more than we do? Theres no evidence that animals scavenged the Holandesas., Panamanian IMELCF Forensic Anthropologist, This is from the Daily Beast interview with Jeremy Kryt titled: The Lost Girls, the Bones, and the Man in the Panama Morgue. So many questions and there is no clear starting place like a police report to read. And look at it from this point of view. As you mention, she is blocking the sun with her hand and keeping her head down. Froon had a Canon Powershot SX270 HS which contained numerous photos, many of which were of the period of time leading up to the day of the girls disappearance. I have seen comment to suggest that they could have made the trip to the divide returned and then gone to another place but then why no more fotos on either phone or camera? She looks as if her hands are above her head in a way someone would have them if a police officer were to tell them to put their hands above their head. So sad what happened to them today is the first Ive heard of the story and its wildly upsetting. Not in the third world. Where did you hear this? Remains of 2 American women missing after Panama plane crash recovered Terrible for the parents. The commenters here are speculating wildly about this particular picture. Perhaps the truth will come out someday. Ive kept comments on this article open for civil and respectful discussion. They talk as if it would be difficult to branch off the trail, but maybe they did not notice other paths that could have been taken? The black and red object above is clearly a decayed plant leaf. Hi Chris, great work by you on this. Happy reading! He believes he is working for God. If you are in the middle of the jungle, lost, and desperately trying to find service, why waste your battery by logging into your phone., Her hands are not tied behind her back! On April 1, 2014, two students from the Netherlands namedLisanneFroon and Kris Kremers went on a hike in Panama with a dog. NOT A SINGLE ONE? Debbie, I agree. I HAVE BEEN TALKING ABOUT THE PIT PICTURE FOR YEARS, YOU CLEARLY SEE A GATELIKE STRUCTURE OVER THE PIT. This tells me that they had a time in their minds of what time to leave to get back to their host home in Boquette. After investigating further, I discovered this article from the LA Times:, The LA Times article states The sect arose after a villager returned to the community several months ago following a stint abroad, bringing back unusual religious beliefs with him.. He walked the trail with Ks parents, a sweet friendly lovely dog companion with big wise blue eyes, he is prominent in the video made by Ks parents as they walked the trail. I become very confused and not starting from Go and not knowing what is fact and what is anecdotal I just do not know. The picture just before this one appears to be higher in elevation, meaning that from the direction they were coming, a pit trap being place around this area could/would be ideal. Kris was not happy with the situation and was just going along and not looking too cheerful in the pictures. Theyre also exceptionally rugged and dangerous, especially during the April-to-October wet season. L&K photographed every part of the walk from the farm up to the summit; dog appears in none of their photos. In the end, maybe this photo has more information that was originally thought. Do they deal in weapons, drugs, porn? Water bottle photo: The rich pay for their own security and the poor resort to vigilantism. The black twigs can be seen growing up, as all vegetation/trees do to harness the sun, but the ones above her are clearly bent in a horizontal and parallel formation. For the next three days she keeps moving, weakened by exposure to the elements and at the edge of starvation. There is much speculation about the night time fotos made using the Cannon. They place the evidence where it can be found, brining the matter to a close. Regarding the photos, I have no idea why they would be taking these, deleted some later and left this one, especially since the ribbed roofing structure is somewhat obvious. What I DO see is a very definite path. The families are now working on having the womens' remains brought back to the U.S., he said. The mystery remains unsolved to this day, and there is still little certainty around the tragic deaths of the two Dutch students. Take care. Heres more info: Impact of the Pandemic on Tourism - IMF F&D Search shoe with foot in it found. The remains of both women were found soon after that. There appears to be a blue pieces of trash on the ground. There was one person that said that the dog left with them when they set out on their hike. The bones of Lisannes foot were fractured in an unusual way (from the top down). I would think they had to be pretty far into the jungle to have come across that slat roof structure. I think shes frightened, Not only does it look like her hands are tied behind her back,but if you zoom in on just her,her expression does not look happy at all,and she is looking off to somewhere beside the camera,she isnt even looking at the camera,and there appears to be blood in her hair on both sides of her head and her hair is clearly a mess.maybe this photo was taken after their captured, possibly by whoever captured them. Also mobile signals are better at night yet no calls were attempted. Tony and Debra Velleman are pictured in an undated image. Sometimes I refer back to the Story of Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon, the two girls that made international headlines in 2014 when they disappeared in the northwest region of Panama. Who would do this, and why?
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