That way I can lend-lease their guns to Spain and later China to increase army XP. Positive Heroism8. Furthermore, you must make sure you have artillery units in your divisions (or support artillery at the very least). It controls almost the entire northern third of Asia as well as the eastern edges of Europe.
Once the purge is completed, you will suffer some penalties such as longer research time, due to purged officers, but once that runs out you can capitalise on the military might of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Less micro than 1 division per tile and helps prevent encirclement. Support artilleries don't hurt, if you went SF.
Hearts of Iron IV Soviet Union Guide World Conquest R56 You need to sign in or create an account to do that. My 4 tanks can't do crap against infantry nor other tanks even attrition. Variants: For the mot/mech question I'd recommend motorized. Yes, this game is just brilliant, offering countess opportunities to create an alternative history. The tanks don't fight. But generally you'll want to do guns over anything else. War Heroes18. I will not list every single one, but the ones I feel you should go for first. Uses: The debate over heavy vs. medium tanks is still strong and it's definitely a matter of personal preference. If you can make their troops suffer, you can push easily.-----. Modding guide for the new decisions & missions system in patch 1.5. I can't even contain Germany anymore, not even with forts. 3 years ago 0 59:36. Variants: Medium tanks only have to care about armor if your enemy is using AT, which makes things easier (I guess). The numbers are all with full 1945 tech but no doctrines. Today in Hearts of Iron IV La Resistance we're showing off my latest MP guide made for La Resistance/Man the Guns specifically designed for competitive. Amtracs are very useful for the Axis for river crossings, especially since your tanks won't necessarily be able to survive after force attacking across a river in the way that heavies would. Comprehensive guide, HOW TO STYLE SLOUCHY TROUSERS | A Comprehensive Guide, Overview of Third-Party Movements ETA- Miyota- Seiko - More -A Comprehensive Guide 2021, AION 5.0 - Arkhal's hidden space - comprehensive guide, How to build a GMA : Gordon Murrays nerds guide to his , 650bhp hypercar | Top Gear, Getting Started with Color Grading In Davinci Resolve 15 Comprehensive Guide, How To Be Funny - Comprehensive Guide To Developing A Sense of Humor, HOW TO STYLE DIFFERENT JEANS | A Comprehensive Denim Guide, Illustrator's Paintbrush Tool and Brush Panel | A Comprehensive Guide, Nature Tourism in Odisha - A Comprehensive Guide for Tourist & Nature Enthusiast, Czinger 21C: the worlds first 3D printed hypercar | Top Gear, How to Optimize Windows 10 for Gaming and Productivity! Anti-Air upgrade on SPAA is 15% per level instead of 5% like gun. If you know your divisions can be pierced despite upgrades, invest in engine instead of armor. 13-7 heavy tank-mech, that's the baseline template. This is a vanilla (1.10.x), multiplayer-oriented guide, but naturally applies to singleplayer as well. But, not the picture of course. Youll need just 10K MArmor for 200 infantry divisions, and this will give your infantry a massive Armor stat boost, to 30-something. Wdym build al 60% zones? In addition, it is very important to note that you cannot leave the Great Purge to late, or else it will ignite a civil war, which allows you to bring Leon Trotsky back, which I will try and explain in a future guide. Your current template is 8-1- inf-arty-AT with support engineers, recon, arty, AT, field hospitals. Begginers to the game will struggle with capitulating Germany by 1938 but should be able to pick up a lot of advanced techniques from this video.
Steam Community :: Video :: OP Soviet Union Guide [1]- HOI4 No Step Guide - Steam Community Please see the. Now lets have a look at our government and cabinet. Get a license for the A-32 to get a 70% bonus. 2017-12-20 17: . Spain was capped at 5 last patch because of the amount of territory. First off, the tanks: Now the probably most important variant, Fighter II: If you still have air XP left, upgrade your CAS: The Great Purge is National Focus that you have to pick in order to avoid a Civil War. Just research the second Light Armor in 1936, then start researching 1st Medium Armor in 1937 just before signing the treaty, then youll have your 2 MArmor bonuses from the treaty, and the last one, for T54, from the Great Purge tree. And secondly, what division templates are you using? This means they should be applied as you'd expect - attack on as many fronts at once as you can to quickly overwhelm your enemy. And most importantly, 1944 Air Technology is completely disallowed! You need to send in the tanks whenever you see red bubbles. If you're really on top of things you could even disable them from getting new tanks at all, especially if it's early in the war. In terms of the order you should do your national focus tree, here is what I have found works best for me. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. They suck at attacking though, with a measly 100-200 breakthrough depending on your ratio. I will look to add this information on the guide as soon as possible. Combat width is precious if you're grinding during an actual war (for volunteers, you want all divisions fighting but for real war you can afford to fill frontline combat width). When reach the year 42-43 and the Axis have pushed you to the Stalinline or even further and you are still stalling them, trying to avoid encirclements and didnt lose too much and stabilized, you can wait for the time to strike back. Seems to follow a lot of the principles I see happen in vods and stuff of mp games. Im always looking to add to my HOI4 guides, so Ill be sure to review your feedback and add anything useful to the guide. Can upgrade reliability and armor if you have extra XP. Here is an example of what is known as the Romanian Death Zone. Then Armament Effort when China starts, Railway Network when youve built all 60% slots on dispersed 2, No focus until Great Purge, Purge in May 1938, Top row War eco, civ construction, free trade, stability in order, Middle row Heavy tank design, industry design, generic military theorist, infantry design in order, Bottom row Army training time, tanks, concealment, recovery rate in order, Use infrastructure, mil->civ conversion, and research juggling to build large industry, 200+ owned civs in 1939 (after Finland and Baltics), prioritize high infra states behind Stalin Line, 230+ mils by Jun 1941, prioritize 40-50% infra states behind Stalin Line, Exceed German factory output by summer 1942, Liberal use of research juggling, electronics, industry, construction 2x, Heavy tank 3 in 1940, Moderns by 1943 with heavy tank designer, HSPG and ModSPG by 1943 with medium tank designer, Land doctrine complete by 1942 (SF right-left), 2 panzer experts, as many terrain traits and amubushers as possible. Fighters to tell Germany's planes to back off and let you continuing on being a nuisance, Focus fully on supply as if your divisions lack some supply it wont show as giving them attrition but will reduce their combat efficiency. Japan cant go to war with you, Sweden is usually banned, and raiding convoys in certain vital areas is not allowed on some servers. Because no matter how many 2w I train the number of volunteers allowed never goes over 7 or 8 divisions. Fewer than 7 infantry is not recommended unless you are quite good at micro and will use them very sparsely as "shock units" which can't be pierced and will take key positions. The Zinovyevite Terroist Center9.
Soviet national focus tree - Hearts of Iron 4 Wiki - Paradox Wikis What to Expect Changes and New Meta in No Step Back No Step Back DLC overhauled combat width and other things which permanently changed the current meta. The heavy tanks came later than I like because AI Germany doesn't do Tank Treaty 3rd focus and tank production ramped up about a year later than it would have to in multiplayer.
Developer diaries - Hearts of Iron 4 Wiki - Paradox Wikis Sorry for the necro. Humans would definitely have better tanks, more planes, and a larger economy overall as the Axis. Honestly, they should just force AI Soviet to go war economy and not rush service by requirement. Also you can use cas to bomb supplies and this will cripple the germans.
Hearts of Iron 4's next DLC will let you split Soviet - PCGamesN Easy to Learn: Tracer - A Comprehensive Guide! Ive also released France Guide, Communist China Guide, The Netherlands Guide, and German Reich Guide. GE sounds great, show us the Kaiserine, and the HRE) Japan was always a bit too much micromanagement for me though, as with all island nations/ US, with all these naval invasions. As soon as the Civil War breaks out send this to Republican Spain together with 5 mountaineer divisions (which I will show you how to make) and some air volunteers: First lets look at your main infantry division: For the later stages of the war, we are using tanks. Training 40widths are just for the future heavies, you should not convert volunteers into 40w motorized. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. I got the part of using 5-9 divisions to train only terrain traits and over 10 to also train panzer. Tanks is 1 or 2 divisions with light tanks. Additionally, you should never build level ten land forts, as the AI will not attack them. Clicking on the branches leads to the appropriate section. The-Greatest-British-Union-Of United-States-Under-The-Empire. The complaint is mostly that AI Soviet cannot hold AI Germany. Every focus Ive completed in this screenshot is needed and justified. The first option is easy.
Hearts of Iron 4 Soviet Union MP Guide - 2021 - YouTube Expand the Agitprop7. Then you quadrupled down and decided to waste time building nukes. Only build civilian factories until Around the end of 1937. Comprehensive Spell guide to Magicka 2 AGAIN! ScumpyDawg 18.9K subscribers 172K views 2 years ago Hello and welcome back to another Hoi4! Generally, for heavies, you don't want to use motorized if you can avoid it, since it negates a lot of their biggest advantages. This Hearts of Iron IV Soviet guide will help provide you with some essential guidance and tips to help secure world domination under a communist sphere of influence. I'm not trying to do the same strategy, but using some parts to improve my game. As no-air Russia, you'll also need some SPAA in the division, 2 will do to defeat most planes. These rules will help your game run smoother and increase your chances onto securing world domination. Same goes for increasing the SPG:tank ratio.
I have a surplus on trains and massive amount on trucks, and I'm using trucks as a prioritization for supply. Support Companies: Same as all the other tanks. Hope this was helpful, as always! I usually use them in separate divisions, though, like you'll see in template 4.3. The Comprehensive Division Template Guide, Part 4/5: Tank Templates - Intro- Welcome to the fourth installment of my division template guide!
A Guide to The Great Purge - Paradox Interactive Forums I have also been trying to do a historical approach in game ( although not as strict as yours ) but I have been encountering an immense amount of difficulty. Well, the tips will provide you with the basic knowledge as to how the Soviet Union works, and some strategies that I have found effective, which you can attempt to apply during your games. But in general, heavy tanks will do better at defending chokepoints and winning tank-on-tank battles. As previously stated, I highly recommend that you go down the Positive Heroism side of the national focus tree, as you get access to Konstantin Rokossovsky, and lesser research times. Ive given you the order in which you should pick them for the first couple ones. In addition, this is one of the key reasons I recommend going down the Positive Heroism root, as you get access to the tank genius Konstantin Rokossovsky, which allows you to make better use of your tanks; by accepting the German-Soviet Research Treaty, you get access to research bonuses on medium tanks, which you must research as soon as possible! I don't quite know how to rush tanks as the Soviets, haven't played them a lot, Just research heavy 1 when you see Germany doing army innovations 1. Here is the three choices I recommend choosing during the Great Purge: By having an advanced military, this will give you an upper hand over the enemy. Hi, I saw that you got Heavy 3s by 1940 and I was wondering how you did that? OP Soviet Union Guide [1]- HOI4 No Step Back- Focus Tree/ PP Order/ Army Composition.
Hoi4 How to WIN As The Soviet Union, Race For Germany Achievement Guide 19 mils after conversion, 23 after Armament effort 4 support, 1 AA, 5 arty, 1 mot, 3 LT, 5-9 guns 1 15K guns to Spain, 20K guns to China + grinding divs, 70%+ equipped troops + fully trained 20widths by mid 1941, fully equipped Infra troops, Transition to mils sooner in MP where the Allies boost the Soviets, can go as low as 170 owned mils if you have 50+ exports, 230+ mils by end of 1941, 50+ on tanks, rest finishing infantry equipment 100-120 guns2, 15 arty2, 20 support, 25 AA2. Hey comrade Ulyatt, what a great Soviet strategy works just fine against Axis in 1941! To summarise, the Soviet Union inHearts of Iron IV is one of the easiest, but most enjoyable countries to play as. 13/7 is usually solid - it forces your enemy to care about piercing but has decent HP:IC ratios. Support Companies: ALWAYS engineers on your marines. In theory, they will automatically retreat to more defensible terrain as they are pushed back. In this case, you want every division you send to be fighting. Building early mils hurts your consumer goods too much to justify and forts and nukes are a total waste imo. (support,medic,reckon,engineer,radio as support.). I guess just pretend they're marines - again, assuming you went SF, which for any marine-producing country I'd recommend. Support Companies: If armor matters then limit these as much as possible. The individual tanks have 200 armor and 100+ piercing, and I . Contents 1 Geography 2 Events The Path of Marxism/ Leninism2. This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. "In this video I will show you the most broken guide to playing the Soviet Union in the Hearts of Iron IV No Step Back DLC. Cheers!00:00 - Intro00:28 - Starting Set Up05:45 - Airforce Set Up07:22 - Focus Tree Order08:11 - Front Line Set Up12:00 - Delete The NKVD12:40 - Line Up War Goals13:45 - Collab Govs/ Intel Agency Set Up15:45 - Officer Corps Set Up16:40 - Spanish Civil War19:22 - Stability PP Buy20:19 - Events and Decisions20:39 - Intel Agency Finished22:15 - Setting Up Collaboration Governments24:29 - Field Marshal Upgrade27:10 - Tank Design29:39 - Tank Genius PP Buy31:25 - Division Templates32:58 - OutroOP Focus Tree Order:1.
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