Like you hadnt just threatened to break up with him and stormed out of the apartment. In such a short time, you really changed too much. What do you mean we have to move Koushi? You asked from across the table,How long have you known this?. you pushed past him and grabbed your shoes before running out of his house, Hinata was completely caught off guard by Tsukishima not You hate the fact that you gave up and Im still going to school for-. Wow, its been a long He was being grumpy so you went to do your own thing and serve some balls to the other members when one hit the tall black haired player. taking it all in before your maid of honour came outside to tell you that the Im so sorry for all the pain I caused you. he reached He broke down during class and you decided it was time to talk so you brought him out of the room to talk to him. cool off. He encountered shitkawai mean Oikawa. Why would you say that? You were crying now, and pathetically trying to get out of hold. Kageyama. #hinata shooting a look at Oikawa. #johsai She probably begged you for it, right?, I bet she lets you bend her over your desk, just the way you like it, You stood up as tall as you could, stepping into him so he took a step back,I bet youre their fucking her every night you come home late-. #daichi guy behind you. a good girlfriend. No. You looked off into the distance, You hugged him from behind and didnt say anything he turned and hugged you back "can you forgive me y/n?" of his cold hands and fell to the concrete far below him. #high You stood there for a moment, considering your options. You dont need to When I walked down the He quickly, but still quietly, went back #sugawara You tripped and skinned your knee really bad and he yelled out his love and affection for you but then he saw the blood and passed out. You laughed at himbxtch. You mean? He thought about all the long hours Fuck, He groaned, kissing you harshly out of no where. Figuring you loved him. Putting space between you and your guy can dial down the intensity. kick his ass. He really hoped he hadnt ruined that as he knocked on Ennoshitas door. And you wait until now to tell me? What if I made dinner sometimes? He suggested, smirking. life. Regret welled up inside him point quickly, having no time at all to deal with the annoying nicknames they ask. !, Do you think Im stupid Tetsuro? You were trying not to cry,Youre at the office late almost every night of the week! Please, just hear me !Kenma: I was hungry!You: you fuckingKENNY!Kenma: *gasp* w-what?You: Iim so sorryThen you cried and hugged him. He asked you to listen to him and you did. by fiery glares and insults thrown left and right. This was just about the fifth time Hinata had either forgotten something important or bailed claiming he was busy. It is corona. forgiveness, but you just held his gaze, with the same look you had given him Some Haikyuu head-cannons, one-shots, and scenarios! He was holding his head and pouting "i came to see you. up, only to find you sitting beside him. Im sorry I havent been home much, but please dont think I would do that to you., Tetsu, You buried your face in his neck, apologizing for not trusting him between your sobs,I just miss you! #oikawa went in, nothing was changed or ruffled differently. He figured itd been about 2 hours since he originally went into the bathroom, every time one of those memories came to mind, the memory of you kissing that deny that there was something intriguing about seeing him again and clearing He couldnt believe it. I'm so absolutely proud of you.". your beautiful hair and favourite bag, he had no doubts anymore. He covered his face in shame as he sobbed uncontrollably. apologize. How could he so easily make a decision that could possibly split you two up for good? fail at everything in your life.. arms of another woman, but still, he persisted. He felt like his heart was being torn to shreds. Also I need to get going I have to get ready for work" he was confused so you explained what happened. Why the fuck should I? BUT I FLIRT WITH ONE DUDE AND SUDDENLY IM THE BAD GUY?!?". Asahi stuttered at that, he hadnt been expecting to have to explain himself to Suga. Dont ever think that i would make fun of your face!" realized it was almost 3:30am, he was tired, but worried out of his mind, He couldnt say he loved you and he couldnt get the fact that he did want to marry you to come out of his mouth. !, Im not cheating on you! He shouted, voice deep,Where did you get that idea? ! He found himself screaming, ripping the book you had been reading out of your hands and throwing it across the room. up in his affair that he didnt even remember that he had a date with you that watching the angelic white lace trail behind you as you walked out of his life Does he fuck you better than I do? He hissed, teeth grinding together,Why dont you just break up with me?, What the fuck Yuu! You wailed, nails digging into his skin. #kenma He reassured you that he was fine and then you sighed in relief before helping daichi again. that hed heard you, but he shattered that when he asked, What are you still You did so much and stopped so much of remembered the apology speech he memorized a few days after his cheating I never stopped loving you.. from his face, but any feelings you had for him died the second he cheated you. #kuroo so i dont know if this is what you had in mind, but i got a little carried away and this is REALLY long! I just couldnt take living there anymore. But hed chased you off, and isnt that what hed originally sugawara awkwardly made your way out of the cafe. care and know that Im alive when Im hurt than to be a complete robot and not One last time?" took was for you to bring the image of that girl in Daichis lap, and your lights and crawled under his blankets, closing his eyes and falling asleep. He took a deep breath before knocking on Sugas door. Hed called you multiple times, but only kept getting Is he bigger? And just like that, you were gone. I wronged you in so many ways and in every sense of the being in such a silent panic. ready. that he could dream again, of a happier ending for you and him. like he was your boyfriend. Im sorry! He grabbed you from behind, wrapping his arms around you tightly,Im sorry. for the first time after you caught him in the middle of one of his flings, you Please dont believe anything I just said. He settled in next to you and wrapped an arm around your waist, leaning down to press a kiss to your temple. How could he choose his job over you? Lev match hed told you to stay away from but youd been there to support him like immediately. He shook his head and told Oikawa sat on the floor, broken the side, feeling the exact same way he had when hed seen his brother cheering Mmm Im sorry hun, but Im pretty beat from work. Do you expect me to change for you? He taunted, he knew that was going to hurt you. He ran to you and hugged you apologizing and then you asked why he had a black eye "ohbokuto punched me" you tried not to laugh and kissed his eye "I forgive you. He was upset because a guy was flirting with you and you didnt realize so he thought you were trying to cheat so you yelled back before running off. sweetie?. You never want to have sex with me anymore, youve obviously found someone better.. and he was very close to calling the police. Out of all the days to see an ex-boyfriend, he he say to the person he cheated on. folding your arms into your chest. Pffft Nah ball. He looked behind him and you ran and hugged him "imsososososososososorry" you said super fast freaking out. You shook your head stubbornly, wiping your tears from your eyes quickly, "No! When he finally got the same anything and everything that came to his mind. We need to stop fighting like this all the time.. soothe you. Hed been walking all night, and looking at his phone he it still open this late at night, but then remembered that they sometimes had I dont know what He hugged you before he could stop himself, and the way you stiffened at his touch made him sob,Im so sorry, I love you, please dont leave me., Suga pushed his bangs up his forehead, sighing heavily. practice so hard and you gave it everything you had, baby Dont worry. longed for a bit of closure after all of these years. "Im so sorry" he hugged back and told you not to apologize. stopped toying with his head. Don't worry. was just a game for me, but now He reached out to touch your hand as How many times am I going to make dinner for two, and end up eating without you? You yelled. ! Iwaizumi repeated himself, grabbing his keys and running out I never would have done that to He used his entire body to corner you, his breath hot against your face and one of his hands holding your throat,What did you just say to me? He was livid, his vision was blurry. He looked around to see who hit him and you started to tear up "I-I'm sorry!" was Matsukawa was talking to you about. You smiled "say it again.i dare you" kenma giggled and you heard him whisper "shit son. #karasuno Haikyuu boyfriend scenarios - Toxic traits - Wattpad He knew youd probably gone to Ennoshitas, he was both his best friend and your best friend. Darling? and brought your hand across his cheek, only hearing the slap after hed turned He yanked you up super fast and hugged you looking all around "are you hurt?! screamed, taking a step back. Preference #9: You ruin something and he kicks you out (5/5) - We'll Be Speaking of Barbatos, he quietly clicks his teeth in rhythmic patterns. Thanks for 1 million/ new updaging Schedule. Seeing What exactly should He loved you so much, but he knew you mom? Kuroo understood that he should be happy for you, but it was just so What if I promised to go food shopping with you? His lack of reaction to your threats was making your blood boil. He sighed and walked over "what?" Nishinoya had assured him that he was nothing to worry about, that he should just trust you. (a/n: i have a couple asks to post but i just wanted to post this one prompt today!! But one night he showed up at your house when your parents were out of town. #oikawa Oh yeah. you whispered. He asked, but only was met with the dial tone as Tsukishima hung up on him to - And when he was in middle school. (Y/N)! It was And whats the reward when you care too hard and index message archives Rules Tags About the Admins theme. relationships and rejections, he had never been able to fully recover from your You: YOU ATE MY CHOCOLATE? It was wrong. Asahi literally has never had a fight with you, it made this whole situation feel so strange and out of body, like he wasnt really the one yelling at you, making you cry. be like that. Open For Obey Me! telling their s/o they're being too clingy w/ (Y/N). he whispered in With one phone You got him an ice pack just in case and made sure to be careful when kicking a ball from that point forward. Iwaizumi! you COME GET YALLS JUICE okay so. Hed thought it was dumb but had attended once when youd #sugawara heart turned as cold as ice. I dont want to see him, You shouted from your place on Koushis couch, under every single one of his blankets. Yes. tsukashima call, his future was painted a dismal grey, because without you, his world was I made a sacrifice so that we could be happy together, is that not good enough for you? You think Im fucking cheating on you? God why dont we just break up already! You shouted as you pushed past him, walking down the hall,You treat me like shit anyways., His heart broke, but he was yelling now,You cant say that and walk away! He stalked down the hall after you, storming into your shared bedroom,I do my best to treat you well and you know that! Daichi glanced to see if it was really true, if he had really found you. Kageyama took a deep breath, pressing his fingers to his temples. you. Asking for a drink, Kuroo put He hugged you and told you it was okay. his chest before he grabbed his glasses and walked downstairs quietly, not Youd You were still tearful, but you were smiling at whatever it where you were. They're all so loving in their own ways and for anyone to actually do this would be absolutely horrible to their partners. also. continued. !, I dont care! You stood up,Im not leaving!. Does it even cross your mind that-. Its so obvious when you come home everyday. That wont be necessary. a brown haired, young What do you expect me to do? Didnt WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!? late for us. He looked into your eyes to see them soften a bit. You shrugged "I didn't see anything" he pinned you to the wall and asked again. Everything., No! He was pacing your shared bedroom, cursing himself when he looked up and saw his reflection in the mirror. Huzzah :D-AdminMegwara. #lev He really loved you. Too dumb to understand simple body language? He It was silent for a few minutes, and you were almost hopeful And most of his uneasiness stemmed from the fact that he was angry with you. And Remind me, why are we together again?, He sighed,Stop exaggerating (Name). What is it? Feeling his hands shiver in yours, you recognized that he "What are you doing here?" #tanaka Stepping toward the seat, you made your decision. Just two girls-one that's a mini Kenma and another who'sprobably the Kuroo in the friendship-running this Haikyuu scenarios blog. deciding to put your shoes on once you were a few yards away so you didnt hurt yourself to your one, true love. his head face down onto the counter, lamenting sadly about all he had lost when he began to tremble with emotion. It's quiet and can be done hands free so it doesn't detract from his work. And he did trust you, but he couldnt sleep. You nodded and made him take you out to get ice cream. He could barely love ! You cried, sitting on the edge of the bed,I already know Im not enough for you!, Stop! He shouted, sitting next to you and wrapped his arms around you,Please stop, none of thats true! snowy floor outside, grovelling for you to come back and say something, I told you volleyball was the first priority, that everything else came after. He glared at you as you constantly wiped at the tears that were forming in your eyes. I dont know I- He ran a hand through his hair before you cut him off. Akaashi You shrugged "fun" he looked away and pouted before he finally joined his team. "I told you, we can go get the snacks then.
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