Patients received timely pain relief. East London NHS Foundation Trust. Service changes and improvements took place as a result of these governance processes. 12 Kenworthy Road Staff were flexible and responsive to support patients to engage with their services. People with Complex Emotional Needs, are neurodivergent, or have a diagnosis of personality disorder are invited to a unique event taking place on 17 March. All rights reserved. Managers recognised the importance of consulting with staff in the development of services. There were good levels of staffing in all the services. Whilst service users have that right to confidentiality, we can still discuss some things with you and hear what you have to say. Staff took active steps to engage people who may have felt reluctant to use the service. MRCPsych OR MRCPsych equivalent approved by the Royal College of Psychiatrists. This could include anonymous information of how you got to the site, the pages you visit and how long you spend on each page. All rights reserved. the service is performing exceptionally well. There were many facilities available including use of fitness equipment, a sensory room, art room and other multi purpose rooms. The Trust has over 5,000 employees serving more than 100 sites. Care records were of a high quality and included input from young people and families. Forensic CAMHS (FCAMHS) is a free specialist community consultation service designed to provide consultation to professional networks regarding young people that cause them great concern, specifically in relation to risk and the a young person's extreme and criminal behaviour. Care plans focused on patients self-defined needs and objectives. We spoke with staff at all levels through the wards and departments we visited and the overwhelming positive feedback about the trust as an employer we received was exceptional. They were well supported with access to training, supervision and other opportunities to reflect and learn. Via Specialist Mental Health Service, Jubilee Road Visit the Career Advice Hub to see tips on interviewing and resume writing. Our security is based on the physical environment and procedures that we have in place, e.g. The range of topics is vast, some notable areas being on reducing aggression, improving physical health and working on systemic racism. East London NHS Foundation Trust Sign in to create your job alert for Consultant jobs in London, England, United Kingdom. They could also contribute ideas through a regular group to improve the service and these were being implemented. Staff safety was carefully considered. The trust sought feedback from people using the service and engaged them in work to improve services. These are the cookies that help certain non-essential functionalities on our website. We were inspired by the work being undertaken by the trust on race and privilege. There were some areas where there was limited psychology input which meant that recommended psychological therapies were not always available to all patients on the wards. The senior leaders including the non-executive directors were open, friendly and approachable. Staff could access interpreters and knew how to download patient information in different languages. In Newham North recovery team, staff record keeping in relation to medicines required improvement. There were procedures in place for managers to follow when demand for the service increased. Above all it is based on the relational understanding we have. There was scope for some improved recording of patient information, for example risk assessments and restraint, although the care practice was safe. They were going through changes in how their work was delivered. The team were also working with the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children to support these young people. To find out more about Examples of this included reductions in violence and aggression through the introduction of more activities and allowing patients to keep their own mobile phones. Published We provide assessments and diagnosis of autism spectrum conditions. A comprehensive psychological assessment leads on to formulation of the individuals risks and areas of need, which then leads on to strategies for future care planning with the service user. Find out more about the trust, what we do and how we do it. This meant that nursing staff may not always have a clear understanding of the risks or a patients health status when giving treatment. Patients received adequate assistance to eat and drink. For example, Lord Lamings report on the Victoria Climbie. You can unsubscribe from these emails at any time. The independent NHS feedback site on which we read and respond to all stories. Our values are: We Care, We Respect, We are Inclusive - so we are looking for people who live and breathe these qualities when supporting service users and carers, and in their relationships with colleagues in the . Click the link in the email we sent to to verify your email address and activate your job alert. The importance of partnership working was reflected in the addition of a new sub-committee of the board focusing on integrated care. The team was also running a pilot programme with a school to look at the issues relating to online bullying and with another school regarding child sexual exploitation as there had been an increase in these cases in the county. Prior to his arrival in East London, Bailey lived in southern California where he attained a bachelors degree in clinical psychology and masters degree in social work. The CMHT premises for some CMHTs in Bedfordshire were not suitable for patients and staff. On arriving in the UK and settling in Bristol, he trained as an Approved Social Worker. Newham parents, carers, teachers, GPs and other adults can sign up children to access this new innovative app for children ages 7 - 12. There was an inconsistency in the completion of healthcare records. The participation worker in Luton and Bedfordshire had worked with a young person to write a training package about discrimination and confidentiality. Get notified about new Clinical Pharmacist jobs in Luton, England, United Kingdom. Staff spoke very positively about their work and the support they received from colleagues. Dean has spent most of his career working in mental health. At the heart of service delivery is the patient's . All teams exceeded this target. His work has spanned both clinical and non-clinical areas, including quality and performance and leadership of a complex clinical system evaluation. We have electronic monitoring (tagging) available if needed. The trust provides the following mental health services, which we did not inspect this time: The trust also provides the following community health services, which we did not inspect at this time: The trust also provides GP services, which we did not inspect at this time. East London NHS Foundation Trust on LinkedIn: #mynamereallyis # Requires improvement The information supported the management of the services and was accurate and in an accessible format. East London NHS Foundation Trust. Wednesday 9am 5pm Travel Nursing - LTC CNA / Nurse Assistant - $1,526/week - $1,717/week, eine Referentin/einen Referenten fr den Bereich Projektmanagement (m/w/d). Forensic CAMHS (FCAMHS) at the Portman Clinic - Tavistock and Portman We rated East London NHS Foundation trusts child and adolescent mental health wards as outstanding because: We gave an overall rating for the specialist community mental health services for children and young people of outstanding because: Administrative staff in Luton and Bedfordshire CAMHS experienced low morale. This approach was being developed further to look at waiting lists for services especially as referrals were increasing. Processes for the safe administration of medication were in place. What are you looking for? Patients, carers, staff and external stakeholders were encouraged to give feedback through a range of mechanisms and these were used to make improvements. Assessments, physical health observations, care plans and risk assessments were not always completed and readily available to staff working in the services. Staff were providing a safe service. Staff did not record the fact that they had read patients their rights in a timely manner after admission or detention under the Mental Health Act nor that risk assessments had been updated before section 17 leave was granted. Psychological therapies were available and psychological approaches formed part of the daily professional practice of nurses. Visit the Career Advice Hub to see tips on interviewing and resume writing. Staff adopted a multi-disciplinary and collaborative approach to care and treatment. Patients told us they were treated with respect and involved in developing their support. Homerton View more Profession CBT Therapist / Other Grade Band 6 Contract Type Permanent Hours Full Time. By creating this job alert, you agree to the LinkedIn User Agreement and Privacy Policy. We chose these two core services as we knew there had been some challenges including serious incidents and we wanted to see how the trust had responded and if high quality care and treatment had been maintained. There was a governance structure that enabled managers and senior managers to appropriately monitor and review the quality of service provision. NHS sites; NHS . Jubilee Road Staff morale was very good. Staff worked hard to keep young people safe and to support them to improve their health, develop skills and progress towards discharge. Your job seeking activity is only visible to you. The people participation team had responded to COVID 19 with the development of a befriending service which had recruited volunteers and made over 7000 calls to people who were lonely and isolated. is run by There is also some working into Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust as part of the Provider Collaborative. Research, resources and information for GPs, nurses, social workers and other health professionals. The trust had taken over the provision of some GP practices and this was enhancing the opportunities to meet the needs of populations. Staff were also able to access key skills training appropriate to their role. WELCOME TO East London NHS Foundation Trust We provide a wide range of mental health, community health, primary care, wellbeing and inpatient services to young people, working age adults and older adults across the City of London, Hackney, Newham, Tower Hamlets, Bedfordshire and Luton. East London NHS Foundation Trust - Overview - Care Quality Commission - CQC In one team there were two bi-lingual support workers who spoke the primary community language. Get notified about new Forensic Psychologist jobs in London, England, United Kingdom. Dean Henderson joined the Trust from the Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust, where he was General Manager, Service Development. Wolfson House is our Low Secure Rehabilitation Unit for men based in north London. Staff on the wards had accurate and current information about incidents, complaints and feedback and information was shared between the wards, directorates and board. Staff were learning from this information and making improvements. Let us know you are interested by sending an email to this address, You can view our Family Welcome Pack here. Staff morale was positive and staff told us that they were involved in developing the service to improve outcomes for patients. The trust was implementing a mandatory training programme on the MCA. Referrals increase your chances of interviewing at East London NHS Foundation Trust by 2x. The staff were all very aware of the diverse needs of the patients and were able to meet each persons individual needs. the service isn't performing as well as it should and we have told the service how it must improve. Browse our A to Z of the different services we provide. You can unsubscribe from these emails at any time. We found that the trust had addressed all the areas where improvements were recommended at the previous well led review. Clients were very happy with the care and treatment provided. She took up the role of Director of Psychological Therapies in 2014 and became Director of Therapies in 2018 to facilitate integration with the expanding Allied Health Professions (AHPs) in the Trust and widen the contribution of the therapies to meet the emerging demands of the population health agenda. Evidence of achievement in education, research, audit and service improvement: awards, prizes, presentations and publications, Has led clinical audits leading to service change. Safeguarding processes enabled the identification of possible abuse and encouraged reporting. Information on how to complain was displayed in communal areas on both wards. There was a good culture for the timely reporting of incidents including all serious incidents and the trust were able to identify themes and trends across community inpatient services. the service isn't performing as well as it should and we have told the service how it must improve. Vacant shifts were filled by existing staff members or a small group of regular bank staff who were supervised and trained at the Coborn Centre, which ensured continuity of the delivery of care. The health centres where the CYP services held clinics were not always safe or child friendly. the service is performing badly and we've taken enforcement action against the provider of the service. This was connected to the Black Lives Matter movement and the work being done by the trust to improve staff well-being. Our clinical teams are led by Consultant Psychiatrists supported by junior doctors. Both wards had a staff member who was the designated carer lead. His most recent focus has been on the transformation of adult community mental health services across the three boroughs of inner north east London as a Programme Director. We may not always get things right in our communication with you. Details of latest vacancies, apprenticeships and how we look after our staff. Effective governance processes were in place. E1 4DG. The East London Community Forensic Service (ELCFS) is seeking a Senior Clinical/Counselling/Forensic Psychologist to join our multidisciplinary team. They meet with inpatients on a daily basis to explore their progress and support their recovery, often taking people out on leave into the community. East London NHS Foundation Trust | LinkedIn Medicines were stored safely and staff administered medicines as prescribed. There had also been an expansion to the leadership capacity of the trust and the associated governance, for example the development of a directorate to oversee primary care and the introduction of a chief digital officer to the executive leadership team. Adult Mental Health Management Offices (City & Hackney) Management team City & Hackney Centre for Mental Health. Our psychiatrists are registered medical practitioners and prescribe medications as well as overseeing care. NELFT NHS Foundation Trust's Post - There was a strong focus on recovery in all the care plans. and there is an emphasis on building relationships with community services to work collaboratively to address the needs of the population. Individual teams had undertaken work to ensure that diverse needs were met. There were really robust governance structures and systems in place for the review of performance and risk management information. Recent quality improvement work to reduce incidents of violence and aggression had started to lead to a reduction in use of restraint, though this work was ongoing. Good We have put together a pack for carers to help understand our service, which can be downloaded here [make this clickable]. We no longer support Internet Explorer 11. Consulting, Information Technology, and Sales, Assistant Store Manager - Lee Premium Outlets, Coordinator of Recreation and Wellness Services, Travel Nursing - CVICU RN - $2,340/week - $2,503/week, IT-Koordinatorinnen / IT-Koordinatoren bzw. We rated the wards for older people with mental health problems core service as good overall. At ELFT we take great pride in constantly striving to improve the quality of what we do. No rating/under appeal/rating suspended Day qualified as a Mental Health Nurse in 2003. Day is a qualified organizational consultant having been awarded a Masters in organisational consultation Psychoanalytic Perspectives, in 2010. Staff were mostly able to see patients in a timely manner and prioritised people who needed urgent support. CAMHS teams were aware of the diverse needs of people using the services. The psychology services in Luton and Bedfordshire were going through a period of change to improve access to the service. Staff went the extra mile to care for patients in a holistic and person centred way. Staff understood the importance of obtaining the patients consent to treatment. There were good protocols in place for lone working. Staff had a good understanding of the different cultural needs and backgrounds of patients. Examples of this work was the Bedfordshire Care Alliance where improved system working was enabling more people with long term conditions to receive the support needed to stay in their own homes. Bespoke training had been provided and staff had access to trust MCA advisors. . The East London Community Forensic Service (ELCFS) is seeking a Senior Clinical/Counselling/Forensic Psychologist to join our multidisciplinary team. Patients and relatives felt involved and included. For more details please go to Disability Confident . Forensic services - SWLSTG Fully registered with the GMC with a licence to practise at the time of appointment. There was genuine empathy and understanding of individual needs and wishes, which was reflected in the work undertaken with young people and their families. One patient described how staff went the extra mile when they were unwell. we have taken enforcement action. Home treatment teams were not meeting to share good practice. Training courses and accessible information was provided for patients and carers. We no longer support Internet Explorer 11. At least one standard in this area was not being met when we inspected the service and Staff really valued working for the trust and there were different ways in which the trust engaged with staff including their participation in focus groups. the service isn't performing as well as it should and we have told the service how it must improve. The quality improvement programme in the trust encouraged innovation and examples of this was seen across the services. Patients were offered a morning or afternoon appointment slot by the district nurses but would have preferred more information about the time of their appointment. This includes depositing mobile phones, cameras, etc. We also inspected the well-led key question for the trust overall. The target time for teams to respond to referrals was 24 hours in 80% of referrals. Incident thresholds were consistent across the service and all staff knew how to report them electronically. Our service users and former service users are uniquely well placed to improve what we do. IT-Anforderungsmanagerinnen / IT-Anforderungsmanager (m/w/d), Makati, National Capital Region, Philippines, Sr Process Engineer | Molding & Capital Tooling, Treasury Management Technical Coordinator, Responsable d'Essais en Emission Acoustique (EA) - H/F - Sucy-en-Brie (94), See who East London NHS Foundation Trust has hired for this role, Newport News Shipbuilding, A Division of HII, ProArch Consulting Services Private Limited.
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