The ambulance pulls away with Jessica in critical condition, to the fire station located on Carver Road, where the medical helicopter picks her up and takes her to an Atlanta hospital. The baby's muffled cry echoes, getting louder as the officers sweep their guns back and forth, searching for the shooter. "Recently she did confirm that the second baby is not mine," Matthew tells the GBI investigator. After you got on the radio and you were outside communicating on the radio, you never went back in to actually check, check on the kids, the agent questioned Matthew about once he removed himself from the apartment. Matthew loved being part of the brotherhood. A message to Matthew's phone is received and marked as read, from his mistress. "Police department!" Im not sure if it was slightly before or slightly after. Jessica advised me that around 4.15.2016, when she and her ex-husband, Matthew Boynton, separated, he took several things that belongs to her without her permission, McCune reported. If the phone was found by the GBI in the kitchenif the phone is on police body camera footage sitting on the counter by the microwave, and he was outside never returning insidehow is it possible for Matthew to text his girlfriend, while he's calling in shots fired while outside of the apartment? "He believes that her injuries were consistent with blunt-force trauma," said Sheila Mathews. But it was used after Matthew had said he left the apartment in fear of his life, and did not return. But long hours on the force took its toll on his marriage. After just six months of marriage, the Boyntons' one-time neighbor says she saw their young love grow toxic. I didn't know if I was dealing with a possible active active scenario where she still had the gun and she had shot Tyler, he replies. Example video title will go here for this video. Or was it? Womens clothing items and an orthodontic retainer turned in to the Griffin Police Department by Will Sanders has been established to have belonged to Jessica Lester, the former wife of Matthew Boynton. If I just would have left my f**king duty belt in the car.. (South Florida Sun Sentinel/TNS) That piece of evidence was a photo showing Matthew's cell phone next to the microwave inside the apartment. "She suspected Matthew was cheating on her and so she dug for information, and we found it," the neighbor said. Then he drops a shocker, claiming he wasn't the only one cheating, "She finally told me, she said 'Yeah, I had an affair,'" Matthew Boynton says in the GBI interview. It doesn't sound like anything I would say. The quiet is broken when the baby begins to mumble from the other room. Matthew's fellow officers try to shield him from the sight of his gravely injured wife. It's one of their owna police-issued .40-caliber Glock. Meet at the Visitor Center. And he said 'Yeah, we did.'". ! his girlfriend texts him. They're saying it was self-inflicted, she said. And based on the totality of circumstances, all the facts and circumstances, all the forensics, and the conclusion of the case, as well as the GBI's and the district attorney's recommendation, is no, he did not cause her injuries, Yates concluded. "The second shot that was fired, it entered the back wall of the closet approximately a foot, no more than a foot off the ground. It was retrieved from the kitchen counter in front of the microwave oven," she probed further. At the time of the shooting Jessica was looking to make a new start for herself and two young sons. The doctor said the second most striking observation while assessing Jessica was that neither of her hands had any evidence of gunpowder. The neighbor claims she had been with Jessica just hours beforehand, and says her friend would never have tried to take her own life. Dr. Vernon Henderson, chief of Trauma and Critical Care at Atlanta Medical Center was on-call the morning Jessica came in and treated her for the next month while she was in the hospital. In turn Jessica begins keeping a so-called "dirty divorce diary," a red notebook she kept carefully hidden in a closet. The agent who told Mathews, Were gonna have a problem, apologized to the reporter and told her that he was answering questions about a case file that he had not reviewed for months. The police department should be ashamed of themselves for trying to cover this up!!!
Woman shot in head says cop husband staged her 'suicide' I didn't, I didn't, I didn't try to brush off anything. Reliving his steps inside the apartment after he heard gunshots fired, he says, My whole upper body went numb. Get him downstairs, one of the officers whispers to another. He grabs his police radio, stationed and charging on top of the white microwave in the kitchen, and leaves his phone on the counter. A lot of times, what happens, especially if theyre involved in something very serious, they throw in the towel before it can go through the citys process of termination.. It can be inferred that approximately half or more cops are abusive husbands/wifebeaters. He bangs on the locked closet door. This case stinks to hi-heaven of a cover-up..if not, its a group of the most incompetent people ever to wear a Law enforcement uniform. I f***ing love her.
Did Someone Try to Kill Jessica Boynton? - Active Fugitives This stinks, and the fact remains, it appears he tried to kill his wife, so what are you guys going to do?? A request is made to notify the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. He was going to clean his gun and he asked me to go get it for him. It's back in the headlines with the "Mystery in the Closet" story on the HLN network s well as "The Officer's Wife" podcast from Vault Studios.. Did investigators look for a blunt object? She made a full recovery, but doesnt remember a thing. Jessica Boynton was just 19 years old when she was found inside a locked closet with a gunshot wound to her head. Terms of Use | OR OTHER GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS. 'We're not going to do this in Georgia anymore' | Prosecutor fighting to stop animal abuse, NASCAR star Chase Elliott hurts leg in snowboarding accident, Forecast | Cooler air moving in for the weekend, Metro Atlanta, north Georgia hit with widespread damage after storms produce powerful winds, Who shot the officer's wife? No. If I could have been there 10 minutes earlier I could have jumped in front of the gun and try to get it from her man., Where did she shoot herself at? "He tried to kill her.". That stuff apparently, from what we were able to discover through our investigation, went through several different peoples hands, which taints our chain of custody, Yates said. Matthew makes it back to the apartment before help arrives and hears baby Tyler crying -- and then heartbreak. Yancy also requested that Boynton write a statement pertaining to the allegation.
Body cam shows moment cop's wife was found shot in head After Jessica was shot, Matthew, then-20, was back on duty with his gun on his hip, before key interviews were conducted and the GBI director wrote an official letter about the cases conclusion, stating that the shooting was ruled a suicide.. "I left the location, I'm back en route, I'm on Carver Road right now. There's no way I could have shot myself in the top of the head and not kill myself. Stay out, Matt, one the officers advises his fellow officer. But what started as a mutual, friendly divorce soon turned nasty. I just came up the stairs, two rounds be advised I smell gun smoke, and I can't get an answer at the door, he says out of breath and panicked. The glowing yellow and black, blocked-letter Waffle House sign illuminates his truck as he drives by, turning around to head back home. Once the investigation was closed, reporter and publisher, Sheila Mathews, investigated the shooting for her newspaper, The Grip. It's just one piece of the brand new beginning the young mother and wife has been putting together for her and her sons. A text messages is sent to his phone from Jessica's phone. I told him, 'You're going to have to go get it, because I can't get it out of the case.
Who shot Jessica Boynton? A new podcast investigates - WCSH On something like this, does it usually take a while?, Right now it depends on what happens with Jessica, too. "Matthew. Griffin Police Officer Matthew Boynton tells dispatch he has no idea what's happened to his wife or their two young sons. He tells Trammel he left Walmart without Jessica. she asked. There's little if any visible blood spatter inside the closet.
Jessica Boynton | GBI changes information about evidence | It's locked. They discover two shell casings and two bullet holes in the closet wall. The glowing yellow and black, blocked letter sign illuminates his truck driving past. "I believe I just heard a shot fired coming from my residence.
Who shot Jessica Boynton? A new podcast investigates | Here's where things get blurry. But what about that 911 call Matthew made just minutes before the shooting, claiming he got a text from Jessica saying she was going to kill herself? We're going to be doing that to do touch DNA on the gun, and um, and why we're doing that is obviously one to corroborate everything that's what believed happened, and that way it also, it also eliminates the possibility of her family saying, you had something involved in this, or whatever, the GBI agent said to him. GRIFFIN, Ga. Standing inside her closet, wearing tan slippers adorned with fur, black yoga pants and a red T-shirt, Jessica Boynton contemplates what to wear. Trammel records the 10:53 p.m., incident report from April 14. The officer says he left it in the kitchen and ran outside. She's like a sister to me, Browning says, her voice quivering. We had to establish a timeline for when that property was possessed before the marriage or after it. | Examine the evidence yourself. As part of that case, Lt. Karen Yancy, who leads the GPD Criminal Investigation Division, spoke with Boynton and on Jan. 5, reported, On Dec. 19, 2016, I spoke with Matthew Boynton about these items. Her marriage had been crumbling, and she and her husband of six months Matthew Boynton, 20 . How did his phone get in there and how was there activity on his phone if he was not in the kitchen with his phone?" But someone else did.
Who shot Jessica Boynton? A new podcast investigates - KSDK Just one minute later, Matthewcalls 911, reaching Spalding County dispatch. That bullet ends up toward the top left of the closet. Im not sure about that. When facts are wrong, evidence altered to fit theories and threats made, how does theGBI remain the last word on the Jessica Boynton case? Like, how hours after the shooting, the phone was put into an evidence bag, sealed and logged into GBI evidence, it was still calling Matthew's girlfriend. We asked retired homicide detective Tim Miley to review Jessica's entire case file and every crime scene photo. Listen. Clearly we touched a nerve in Griffin, but we're not about to be scared off. "No they did not because they assumed I was shot, because that's what Matthew said," Jessica said. "It was determined that he knowingly provided a false statement relating to the property in question and his possession of (it)," Natale said in a release .l Center. After getting Matthew's phone records, Sanders discovers during that same time Matthew was making calls to 911, he was texting his mistress. A Griffin cop finally arrives to take Matthew's formal domestic violence complaint. Two shots have been fired from her husbands service weapon. Ad Choices, Griffin police Lt. Michael Natale said in a statement. Especially because of my children. Donald Britt, Lt. Darrell Dix, Lt. Keys and Beam are also present. Ultimately, it came down to orthodontia Lesters retainer. If America is really a first-world country, it will enact legislation that takes this issue seriously, and fund more studies and programs to preventing domestic violence and identifying and protecting victims. In 2016, something terrible happened to Jessica Boynton, a 19-year-old mother of two. In April 2016, the wife of a Griffin, Ga. police officer is found inside a locked closet. In any case GPD/GBI are an absolute embarrassment to the state of GA! It could, but it wont necessarily do it, Yates said. A key piece of evidence was photographed inside the kitchen after officers arrived on the scene. That phone never got back into the officer's hand. giving him custody, and granting Jessica once-weekly. Sanders wants to know how Matthew was texting his mistress from this very phone if he never reentered the apartment.
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