Presentations and videos about the Curriculum and Areas of Learning and Experience. This guidance covers key processes needed for effective learner progression, namely: This guidance has been developed to take the needs of all learners into account and recognises that their identity, language, ability, background and prior learning, as well as the support they may need, will differ according to their particular circumstances. with practitioners in other schools beyond their cluster(s) to help ensure equity across the education system. been dismissed. When designing their curriculum, schools and settings should consider what information that flows from assessing learner progress needs to be gathered and recorded in order to illustrate and record progress in learning, along with when this should take place and in what level of detail. Two Saints offers housing & support services in Berkshire, Hampshire (85%) and on the Isle of Wight. Supporting materials on curriculum design, progression and assessment can be found on Hwb. It is for schools and settings to decide the nature of the arrangements they wish to put in place, ensuring that they are appropriate to their context. Progression Steps | Important Information for Teachers - Twinkl A school or setting must put in place a plan which: School/setting leaders may wish to consider including information such as the following in their plan. The Curriculum for Wales 2022 (CfW) is a purpose-led curriculum due to start teaching in 2022. Formative assessment* will have priority under the new arrangements with the focus on ensuring that learners understand how they are progressing and what they need to do next. As schools and settings continue to develop their curriculum and assessment arrangements, they may wish to use these professional dialogue arrangements to share their thinking, approaches and examples. This should be an ongoing process that recognises the diverse needs of all learners and supports each individual in their learning journey. The purpose of the descriptions of learning is to provide guidance on the direction and pace of progression in order to support practitioners and inform their curriculum design and learning and teaching. Estyn also have a duty to inspect in accordance with the legislation. How each individual learner's progression will be supported as they . An indication of how these discussions can support learner transition from year to year within a school/setting as well as between schools and settings), Identification of how internal discussions will inform wider discussions with other schools/settings as appropriate and vice versa, To discuss their understanding and experience of developing progression, schools and settings can use the. Getty The new curriculum for Wales Six areas of learning and experience 1 Maths and numeracy 2. The descriptions of learning provide further guidance for schools and settings in relation to the pace of progression across the 3-16 continuum of learning. Working within the Curriculum for Wales framework, overall assessment arrangements at a school or setting level are a matter for individual schools and settings to determine as they design their own curriculum. Progression Steps and Achievement Outcomes . How to use the curriculum planning support document is available as a pdf. Enterprising, creative contributors who are ready to play a full part in life and work. These cookies are: We would also like to save some cookies to help: You have accepted additional cookies. However, when coming together to develop their understanding of progression, we envisage primary and secondary school practitioners will consider not only progression at Year 6 and Year 7 but the 3-16 continuum as a whole. This is important to help them: spot any issues or extra support they need. As such, assessment for qualifications is separate to this guidance. 2 Mar 2023. Local authorities and regional consortia have an important role in ensuring that all practitioners have an opportunity to participate in meaningful professional dialogue for the purposes of developing a shared understanding of progression. At whatever point a learner enters a school or setting, practitioners should ensure they understand where they are in their learning and the progression they have made to date. This guidance outlines the key principles and purpose of assessment, designed to support learner progression. NEWS: Increase in Scarlet Fever in Wales / Cynnydd yn nifer yr achosion Includes strategy, reports, projects and assessments. Curriculum for Wales: Mastering Mathematics for 11-14 years: Book 2. The guidance document will be published in January 2020. Curriculum for Wales Blog | A curriculum for life | Page 4 A useful article on this blog in June 2018 outlined the principles underpinning progression, and in September an animation on progression was also published to explain the approach. There has been a lot of focus on work experience over recent years, with two of the Gatsby Benchmarks in England directly related (5. The New Curriculum for Wales progression steps will be implemented in September 2022. The new continuum has progression steps, reference points that relate broadly to expectations at 5, 8, 11, 14 and 16 years of age. They also have a role in establishing processes which support the engagement and involvement of EOTAS settings with primary and secondary schools or PRUs with whom they have relationships due to the movement of learners between them. They will be the starting point for all decisions on the content and experiences developed as part of the curriculum to support our children and young people to be: The curriculum will be organised into 6 Areas of Learning and Experience: This area incorporates art, dance, drama, film and digitalmedia and music. Explains what the Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Act will do. Cookies are used to help distinguish between humans and bots on contact forms on this A timetable for various meetings/engagement opportunities. coherence Curriculum for Wales provides schools and settings with flexibility within a national framework. This should be provided alongside the history of any additional challenge or support provided. In addition, there is a Literacy and Numeracy Framework and a Digital Competency Framework which will embed literacy, numeracy and digital skills throughout all curriculum areas. If they choose to research an influential Welsh woman (Task 1) they can choose from a list of names including: Rose Mary Crawshay - suffragist who backed education and marriage reform Betty Campbell - Wales' first . This understanding should be supported by the on-entry assessment arrangements. The way children learn in primary schools will be different. *Formative assessment is mainly undertaken with learners during the learning process to explore how they are progressing and to identify achievements, as well as to identify areas where their learning may need to develop further. However, Estyn and Governing Bodies, as well as local authorities and regional consortia, should not use assessment information as a proxy for standards in school, or to rank and compare schools. Mathematics and Numeracy: Principles of progression - Hwb The new Curriculum for Wales will be organised in 6 Areas of Learning and Experience (AoLE) (replacing the current 13 National Curriculum subjects), underpinned by the Cross Curricular Responsibilities of Literacy, Numeracy, Digital Competence and the Wider Skills. Preparing students for interviews. The interim report focuses on learning resources. Much work has been done to identify key areas for development in light of local & national priorities. In later years it will focus on working both independently and collaboratively. Contributeur: Laszlo Fedor (Contributions by), Jonathan Agar (Contributions by). Progression step 3. As the new curriculum is built on progression, supporting learner progression is at the heart of the proposals. Published: 28/02/2023, 10:00am. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Smoking and Vaping Enquiry-Based Learning Activity - Twinkl This incorporates Welsh,English andinternational languages as wellasin literature. The new curriculum will be introduced in all publicly funded nursery settings and primary schools this September. More information can be found online. Progression Step 1 - Wales - Twinkl Resources - Twinkl The role of leaders is to establish a strong learning culture that supports and challenges practitioners to enable learners to make appropriate progress. The foundation for this engagement and partnership is establishing: Schools and settings must design and/or adopt a curriculum that enables learners to realise the four purposes, providing for appropriate progression for all learners. Progression Steps will take the form of a range of Achievement . Non-essential cookies are also used to tailor and improve services. An overview of the 2023 Ofsted science report | Cornerstones Education The new curriculum will include: 6 Areas of Learning and Experience from 3 to 16 3 cross curriculum responsibilities: literacy, numeracy and digital competence progression reference points at ages 5, 8, 11, 14 and 16 achievement outcomes which describe expected achievements at each progression reference point. Progression in learning is a process of increasing depth, sophistication, engagement and learner control, rather than of covering a body of content. Ensuring the well-being of all learners should be an important and integral part of the process, recognising the needs of individuals, while also supporting both continuity and progression in their learning. engage with the providers of funded non-maintained nursery education whereby learners transition from a setting to their school, inviting them to participate in ongoing professional dialogue, engage with PRUs to which, or from which, they have learners transitioning and/or dual registered learners, inviting them to participate in ongoing professional dialogue. They must be appropriate for the needs of all their learners and should be made and implemented in accordance with the following. Following a feedback period which ended in July 2019, the refined version will be available in January 2020, which will be used throughout Wales from 2022. This professional dialogue is important to: To support this ongoing professional dialogue, all those participating in discussions should do so on an equal basis with practitioners sharing and reflecting on their own experiences of the learning process and of supporting learners to progress. Explore the pedagogy required to prepare for and implement the new curriculum and compare this to current practice. The group will review learning resources and professional training in relation to the teaching of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) history, Welsh history and cynefin. Supporting learners to make progress is a fundamental driver of Curriculum for Wales and is the overarching purpose of assessment. Curriculum Wales 2022 | Trealaw Primary School By continuing to use this site, you agree to our use of cookies. iBSL is no longer a CCEA Regulation recognised awarding organisation. For ease, links to the relevant sections of this guidance will be provided in the Welsh Ministers assessment arrangements guidance for funded non-maintained nursery settings. VENDRE! The focus of discussions regarding progression will naturally evolve over time as schools and settings move through the phases of curriculum design into first teaching and then ongoing review and improvement. Latest updates on School Self-evaluation, Accountability and Progression Active engagement between the learner and practitioner on a regular basis is at the heart of supporting learner progression. The Institute of British Sign Language (iBSL) surrenders CCEA Is your school or setting involved in relevant, If your school/setting would benefit from further support when accessing the Camau AFTF workshops, your. Wales' new curriculum and assessment arrangements are being built on Ofsted research review | PACEY At each progression step, schools and settings should not undertake specific assessment activities that are designed to make a judgement. Twinkl Curriculum for Wales / Cwricwlwm i Gymru Curriculum for Wales - English Medium Progression Steps Progression Step 3 Mathematics and Numeracy. Curriculum for Wales - Hwb . smooth transitions a shared understanding across a school cluster ensures the best possible transitions within and between nursery schools and primary schools and primary and secondary school for learners, as institutions will understand what and how learners have been learning and will be learning and what their next steps in learning should be to support their education and well-being. Practitioners developing a shared understanding of progression at a school, setting or cluster level helps ensure learners experiences are joined-up, authentic and relevant, and also helps identify how to sequence learning effectively. This includes developing an understanding of how a learner has learned, as well as what they have learned and are able to demonstrate. Assessment should support practitioners in identifying the progress being made by an individual learner, and recording this, where appropriate, to understand the learners journey over different periods of time and in a variety of ways. Curriculum for Wales 2022 - A thorough exploration of CfW 2022 Information on any support, interventions or additional needs required for the learners development should also be shared. How we are progressing towards all schools becoming learning organisations. You can change your cookie settings at any time. St Pauls Place, Norfolk Street, Sheffield, S1 2JE. Assessment proposals will be part of the draft Curriculum for Wales 2022, to be published on 30 April 2019. The learner should be at the centre of the transition process. However, information that flows from assessing learner progress can contribute to the evidence of learner progress in a school, both its extent and pace, and will be used to support the professional dialogue needed to underpin self-evaluation processes. These are as follows. In doing so, they should build on structures and relationships that are already in place. Qualifications Wales is working with stakeholders to co-construct a coherent and inclusive choice of bilingual qualifications for schools that aligns to Curriculum for Wales and meets the needs of all learners. The national approach to professional learning (NAPL), Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Bill: Overview, Teaching about the multiethnic nature of Wales: teachers prompt sheet, Preparing learners for a new Curriculum: guidance for governors, Successful futures: report on responses to the great debate, Cwricwlwm Cymreig review group: final report, Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities, Contributions and Cynefin in the New Curriculum Working Group: interim report, Relationships and sexuality education (RSE) pilot in schools: final report, The Curriculum Requirements (Amendment of paragraph 7(5) of Schedule 17 to the Coronavirus Act 2020) (Wales) Regulations 2020, Scoping study for the evaluation of the curriculum and assessment reforms in Wales: government response, Notice to disapply curriculum requirements, Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities, Contributions and Cynefin in the New Curriculum Working Group: final report, The Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Bill: impact assessments, Mandatory status of English in the Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Bill: summary of responses, The Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Act: explanatory memorandum, Curriculum for Wales: Statements of What Matters Code, Modification of Curriculum Requirements in Wales Notice 2021, Curriculum for Wales: Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) Code, Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities (BAME), Contributions and Cynefin in the New Curriculum Working Group, Audit Wales report on the new Curriculum for Wales: government response, Teaching about the multiethnic nature of Wales: vision statement, Annual report on implementation of the recommendations from the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities, Contributions and Cynefin in the New Curriculum Working Group report, Direction relating to developing and maintaining a shared understanding of progression.
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