6 0 obj
The panel consists of one Captain (O-6) to serve as panel president, six members, and one . Editors Note: A technical issue is preventing General Messages from autopopulating on public websitessuch as MyCG.
JavaScript required - United States Coast Guard CG Retirees NW - R 131919Z DEC 21 ALCGPSC 127/21 SUBJ: AY - Facebook Youll get specialized training in fields like law enforcement, environmental science, engineering, healthcare, and moreplus benefits like tuition assistance, 30 days of paid vacation annually, and medical, dental, and vision care.
Gun Buying Restrictions on Base Are Needed to Reduce Suicides, Pentagon Internal Coast Guard users can locate these at: ALCGPSC 022/23 - RESERVE OFFICER EXTENSION RESULTS ALCGPSC 021/23 - PY23 DECEMBER REGULAR TO RESERVE PANEL RESULTS ALCGPSC 020/23 - AY 2023 ADPL COMMANDER . The following officers listed categorically and alphabetically have been found tobe best qualified among those eligible for assignment to O6 command positions in AY22:A. CAPT Acquisitions (05 Selected for 01 Command):CAPT Carroll, Kevin M.CAPT(s) Maccumbee, Scott M.CAPT(s) Payne, Jeffrey L.CAPT(s) Rozzi-Ochs, Jessica A.CAPT(s) Tharp, Emily L. B. CAPT Activities (12 Selected for 01 Command):CAPT Bailey, Gretchen M.CAPT Phillips, Tracy O. CAPT Russell, Jerrel W. CAPT Stockwell, Jennifer A.CAPT(s) Bender, Andrew R. CAPT(s) Dooris, Matthew D.CAPT(s) Mattern, Heather R. CAPT(s) Neeland, Mark R. CAPT(s) OBrien, Loan T. CAPT(s) Rodriguez, Nicole D. CAPT(s) Suffern, James B. CAPT(s) Vaughan, Nicolette A.C. CAPT Afloat WMSL (15 Selected for 03 Commands):CAPT Brandt, MarcCAPT Culver, Patrick A.CAPT Diaz, Jose E.CAPT Ropella, Keith M.CAPT(s) Chong, Matthew M.CAPT(s) Chong, Randall T.CAPT(s) Deisher, Rula F.CAPT(s) Helgen, Eric A.CAPT(s) Johnson, Eric D.CAPT(s) Mctamney IV, John M.P.CAPT(s) Mohr, Robert S.CAPT(s) Oconnell, Anne E.CAPT(s) Payne, Jeffrey L.CAPT(s) Sommella, Timothy C.CAPT(s) Terkanian Jr, Donald M.D. <>
Official websites use .gov Select Self Service and navigate to e-Resume (PCS) Procedure Guide (PDF). All Coast Guard unit commanders, commanding officers, C. MILITARY SEPARATIONS, COMDTINST M1000.4. Assignments to staff are as Chief of the office, Division, or Branch unless otherwise indicated. RC 6NCu:.x4m+I,q=)%oA;>!UP)Q-|
D-xd7MbaaV_;,AX7/J:Xy^~mg% Coast Guard Reserve Awards Panel, COMDTINST 1650.12 (series) 1 . For e-resume guidance refer to the CG PPC DA II website at: http://www.dcms.uscg.mil/Portals/10/CG-1/PPC/GUIDES/GP/SelfService/Member/Self%20Service%20-%20eResume.pdf. Wg6YxN4d\i3*f% {v
T]6| Their primary missions are domestic ice breaking, port security, search and rescue, and law enforcement operations on rivers and inland areas.
RPM-2 sentguidance for Reserve shopping list validation to the ReserveForce Readiness System (RFRS) staffs. You'll get specialized training in fields like law enforcement, environmental science, engineering, healthcare, and moreplus benefits like tuition assistance, 30 days of paid vacation annually, and medical, dental, and vision care. Contact District (DX) for information on potential duties. 1. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
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}lT(r>-;F{p PCPzA?#i+r*DZ4w['Hdkb{bS~k~%1N$zy^LdI Officers selected for but not promoted to the next higher grade must specifically decline promotion in their RILO request. r Q Q !Q ! z&. The proceedings of a screening panel, including its deliberationsand criteria for selection, cannot be disclosed to any person who was not a member of the panel. e. 08 Nov - 12 Dec 21: AOs available for assignment counseling.f. He is responsible for conducting full-spectrum cyberspace operations in support of Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security, and Department of Defense mission objectives. As always, the needs of the Service will guide actual assignments and officers screened may rotate into otherimportant non-command billets where their experience will best servethe Coast Guard. <>>>
coast guard officer promotion timeline - stmatthewsbc.org PSC-RPM will track additions and deletions to candidate pools created by promotions, screening panels, separations, position reprogramming and other actions.b.
PDF 2021 Broadening Opportunity Program Catalog - United States Army 2.
Ceremonial Advancement > United States Coast Guard > Coast Guard Pay CDR Andrew Younkle: Commander assignments, (202) 795-6501, Andrew.R.Younkle@uscg.mil.10. The 2021 ADPL Commander Assignment Panel convened on 26 January 2021 and the following slate has been approved. Internet release authorized. Explore the aircraft, cutters and boats used by the Coast Guard to conduct various missions throughout the world.
ALCGPSC 028/22: AY 2022 ADPL Captain assignment panel results update Per Ref B, RILO requests must be received by PSC OPM NLT 1700R, 21 January 2022. Assignments to units are as Commanding Officer/Commander unless otherwise indicated. Officers who do not have connectivity to the intranet may contact LCDR Daniel Cloonan (Daniel.P.Cloonan@uscg.mil) or LCDR Michael Novak (Michael.J.Novak@uscg.mil) to receive this information via email.5. 4. UNCLAS, ALCGPSC 010/22
SUBSCRIBER SERVICES: Manage Preferences|Unsubscribe|Help.
However, early rotations are sometimes necessary to meet Service needs.Selection for promotion or existing position rank mismatchesautomatically trigger new assignment consideration regardlessof tour completion date.4. Army National Guard Fellows will be assigned to the National Guard Bureau . <>
Congress Rips Into OMB Over Coast Guard Budget And Unfunded - Forbes 01 Sep 21: Potential shopping lists were posted in DA for unit validation per 2.A of this message. xkoF{~;\r*l'N&(n?0cNUJ3RE\=f~?!af_>~97pn>uMG8e)y (]=vG_>~("Ns;,? This list supersedes the AY21 O6 SCSP results. The 32-foot transportable port security boat provides for defense readiness operations in United States and sometime overseas. kauai hotels kama'aina rate 2021; mary katherine backstrom net worth 2020; blackstone managing director salary. 'Ux?MNKMC?+NZvE\vIv yuPS >i8e
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^K{Fi^N?I Members who do not successfully compete for an AY22 assignment will be transferred to the IRR and may compete for an AY23 assignment. Submit discrepancies or comments to the appropriatePSC-RPM Assignment Officer (AO) via Command Concerns by 29 Oct 21. b. CAPT Air Station (17 Selected for 05 Commands):CAPT Dill, Patrick C.CAPT Frawley, Michael E.CAPT Furlong, Matthew S.CAPT Gaillard, Lawrence D.CAPT Graham, Jeffrey R. CAPT Hester, Wesley H.CAPT Huberty, Christopher M.CAPT Krywanczyk, Jerry J.CAPT Mcguinness, Eugene D.CAPT Obrien, Craig M.CAPT Phy, Scott S.CAPT Smith, Eric A.CAPT Spitler, James W.CAPT Warren, Daniel R.CAPT(s) Lugo, Scott E. CAPT(s) Tucker, Robert C.CAPT(s) Walker, William R.G. endobj
Potential multi-encumber would report to CG-R.
On billet night, some cadets learn they're bound for Coast Guard ALCGRSV 056/21SUBJ: RESERVE CAPTAIN AND COMMANDER ASSIGNMENT YEAR 2022 (AY22) KICKOFF ANNOUNCEMENT A. These positions reflect the current state of the Personnel Allowance List (PAL). Internal Coast Guard users can locate these at: The 2021 ADPL Captain Assignment Panel convened on 14 December 2020 and the following slate has been approved. Assignment officers:a. CAPT Mike "Batch" Batchelder: Captain assignments,(202) 795-6499, Michael.W.Batchelder@uscg.mil.b. Contact AREA Reserve SRO for details. stream
A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. 9'l!.l_
Flag Officer Announcements | Homeland Security - DHS An official website of the United States government, Assistant Commandant for Human Resources (CG-1), Civilian Human Resources, Diversity and Leadership Directorate (CG-12), Assistant Commandant for Engineering & Logistics (CG-4), Shore Infrastructure Logistic Center (SILC), Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation, The Office of Information Management (CG-61), Assistant Commandant for Acquisitions (CG-9), Surface Acquisitions Logistics Center (SALC), Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Submission of Reserve "A" School Requests, ALCGRSV 041/20 -Assignment Year 2021 (AY21) Reserve Component Manager Officer Assignments Kick Off - Timelines, Communication, and Outreach, ALCGRSV 048/20 -Reserve Captain and Commander Assignment Year 2021 (AY21) Kickoff Announcement, ALCGRSV 049/20 -Reserve Lieutenant Commander to Ensign Assignment Year 2021 (AY21) Kickoff Announcement, ALCGRSV 050/20 -Reserve Chief Warrant Officer and Senior Enlisted (E7-E9) Assignment Year 2021 (AY21) Kickoff Announcement, ALCGRSV 051/20 -Reserve Junior Enlisted (E6 and Below) Assignment Year 2021 (AY21) Kickoff Announcement, ALCGRSV 052/20 -AY21 and AY22 Reserve Personnel Management Roadshow Solicitation, Reserve Junior Enlisted (E4-E6) Assignment Guide, ALCGPSC 089/20 -Transfer of Responsibility for Reserve Program Administrator (RPA) Assignments, ALCGRSV 042/20 -Assignment Year 2021 (AY21) Reserve Component Manager Officer Shopping Lists, ALCGRSV 047/20 -Assignment Year 2021 (AY21) Reserve Component Manager Officer Shopping Lists Update - 1, ALCGRSV 054/20 -Reserve Captain Off-Season Assignment Solicitation, ALCGRSV 061/20 -Reserve Commander Off-Season Assignment Solicitation, ALCGRSV 063/20 -Reserve Assignment Year 2021 (AY21) Captain and Commander Shopping Lists, ALCGRSV 068/20 -Assignment Year 2021 (AY21) Reserve component Manager Officer Shopping Lists Update - 2, ALCGRSV 069/20 -Reserve Assignment Year 2021 (AY21) Captain and Commander Shopping ListsUpdate - 1, ALCGRSV 016/21 -ReserveCommanderOff-SeasonAssignment Solicitations, ALCGRSV 017/21 -Assignment Year 2022 (AY22) Reserve Component Manager Officer Assignments Kick Off Timelines, Communications and Outreach, ALCGRSV 018/21 -Reserve Lieutenant Commander Off-Season Assignment Solicitation, ALCGRSV 037/21 -Assignment Year 2021 (AY21) Off-Season Reserve Assignment Opportunities for Junior Officers, Chief Warrant Officers, and Senior Enlisted Personnel, ALCGRSV 042/21 -Off-Season Assignment Solicitation for Multiple Positions at Port Security Unit (PSU) 305, Fort Eustis, VA, ALCGRSV 046/21 -Coast GuardPort Security Unit (PSU) ReserveMaintenance Augmentation Team (RMAT) PilotProgram Extension andOff -Season Assignment Solicitation, ALCGRSV 051/21 -Reserve Commander Off-Season Assignment Solicitations, ALCGRSV 061/21 -Reserve Commander Off-Season Assignment Solicitations, AY21 Off-Season Junior Officer Shopping List, AY21 Off-Season Senior Enlisted Shopping List, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. M1000.3A
An official website of the United States government.
Alcgpsc 080/21 - Ay22 Senior Command Screening Panel (Scsp) Results The inland buoy tender also provides a Federal presence for the inland waterways and western rivers, conducting ports, waterways and coastal security; search and rescue; marine environmental protection; and marine safety missions. RDML Mary M. Dean (CG-092). Search criteria may include state, job code, position number, etc. Sign in with Smart Card. or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website.
Report to Congress on Coast Guard Cutter Procurement Reasonable Commuting Distance (RCD): REF A, Article 5.Cdescribes policy regarding RCD.
="J~KYIC{Osg]J >&. Mr. Jeremy R. Gauthier Director, Coast Guard Investigative Service. CAPT Sector (38 Selected for 13 Commands):CAPT Bailey, Gretchen M. CAPT Bernstein, Kristi L. CAPT Callaghan, Gregory A. CAPT Cederholm, Christopher R. CAPT Delrosso, Francis J. CAPT Denning, Kelly K. CAPT Diaz, Jose E. CAPT Donohue, Keith M. CAPT Espinoyoung, Janet D. CAPT Gunning, Jason B. CAPT Hannah, Lushan A. CAPT Kistner, Robert R. CAPT Kuperman, Mark I. CAPT Manning, Ryan D. CAPT Mullins, Ulysses S. CAPT Negron, Raymond CAPT Russell, Jerrel W. CAPT Stockwell, Jennifer A. CAPT(s) Aleksak, Jason C. CAPT(s) Bender, Andrew R. CAPT(s) Berry, Robert J. CAPT(s) Britton, Peggy M. CAPT(s) Dooris, Matthew D. CAPT(s) Douglas, Christopher CAPT(s) Garrity, Elisa M. CAPT(s) Ingram, Jason D. CAPT(s) Kahle, Michael P. CAPT(s) Kirksey, Aja L. CAPT(s) Mattern, Heather R. CAPT(s) Neeland, Mark R. CAPT(s) Noggle, Justin W. CAPT(s) OBrien, Loan T. CAPT(s) Parker, Joseph B. CAPT(s) Rodriguez, Nicole D. CAPT(s) Saunders, Kevin B. CAPT(s) Suffern, James B. CAPT(s) Vaughan, Nicolette A. CAPT(s) Wirth, Tracy L. S. CAPT Sector/Air Station (10 Selected for 02 Commands):CAPT Frawley, Michael E.CAPT Furlong, Matthew S.CAPT Gaillard, Lawrence D.CAPT Hester, Wesley H.CAPT Huberty, Christopher M.CAPT Mcguinness, Eugene D.CAPT Obrien, Craig M.CAPT Smith, Eric A.CAPT Spitler, James W.CAPT Warren, Daniel R.T. CAPT SMTC (14 Selected for 01 Command):CAPT Arritt, William L.CAPT Benson, Scott D.CAPT Culver, Patrick A.CAPT Moyer, Matthew A.CAPT(s) Aleksak, Jason C.CAPT(s) Berry, Robert J.CAPT(s) Bertsch, Fred S.CAPT(s) Britton, Peggy M.CAPT(s) Casper, Eric M.CAPT(s) Chong, Matthew M.CAPT(s) Chong, Randall T.CAPT(s) Ingram, Jason D.CAPT(s) Noggle, Justin W.CAPT(s) Payne, Jeffrey L.U. Internet release authorized. 29 Oct 21: Command Concerns and shopping list validations due to PSC-RPM.c. 3 0 obj
PSC-RPM will adhere to tour completion dates when considering assignments. NOTE 2 Potential multi-encumber.
BEARS COMMAND: just saw - Coast Guard Academy Lacrosse | Facebook CAPT Base (18 Selected for 03 Commands):CAPT Batchelder, Michael WCAPT Carroll, Kevin MCAPT Gaillard, Lawrence D.CAPT Judge, Warren D.CAPT Scott, Anita M.CAPT Sinclair, Jennifer L.CAPT Sundland, Joseph J.CAPT Wright, Andrew J.CAPT(s) Arles, Melissa J.CAPT(s) Bosma, Peter F.CAPT(s) Gomez, Robert H.CAPT(s) Hall, Jeremy M.CAPT(s) Lentine, John-David A.CAPT(s) Maccumbee, Scott M.CAPT(s) Omenhiser, Roger E.CAPT(s) Payne, Jeffrey L.CAPT(s) Tharp, Emily L.CAPT(s) Winburn, William B. J. CAPT C4IT (06 Selected for 01 Command):CAPT Campen, Andrew T.CAPT Carroll, Kevin M.CAPT Forgy, James G.CAPT Judge, Warren D.CAPT Sundland, Joseph J.CAPT(s) Chien, Michael P. C.K. The panel recessed for the duration of the RILO period. Fields such as Job Code and Job Family will narrow the search results based on rank and component (officer, enlisted, etc.). These positions reflect the current state of the Personnel Allowance List (PAL). The Coast Guard Reserve has new captain and commander positions for Assignment Year 2021 (AY21) open for e-Resume submission in Direct Access. Vice Admiral Peter W. Gautier Deputy Commandant for Operations. 8 0 obj
Citizenship And Immigration Services Ombudsman, This page was not helpful because the content. ALCGRSV 037/21 - Assignment Year 2021 (AY21) Off-Season Reserve Assignment Opportunities for Junior Officers, Chief Warrant Officers, and Senior Enlisted Personnel ALCGRSV 042/21 - Off-Season Assignment Solicitation for Multiple Positions at Port Security Unit (PSU) 305, Fort Eustis, VA CAPT Afloat WIX (03 Selected for 01 Command):CAPT Brandt, MarcCAPT Sundland, JosephCAPT(s) Rozzi-Ochs, Jessica A.F. Were here to help. For more Coast Guard news,visit our online newsroom here. Assignments to staff are as Chief of the Office, Division, Section or Branch unless otherwise indicated. Looking for U.S. government information and services? 8_.x <>
18 Mar 22: Deadline for requests to retire or separate in lieu of orders due to PSC-RPM.i. authorized. If you have any questions or feedback, please email us at MyCG@uscg.mil.
US Coast Guard Commissions - Admissions - Maine Maritime Academy FM COMCOGARD PSC WASHINGTON DC
The primary candidate pool consists of Captains and Commanders reported in DA as tour complete in 2022, Commanders selected for Captain, Lieutenant Commanders selected for Commander, members who will change Reserve Component Category (RCC) to Selected Reserve (SELRES), 5. stream
Officers must check into their new positions, even if fleeting up or moving to a different billet at the same unit to ensure the job data information is accurate. . Rear Admiral John "Jay" Vann assumed duties as Commander, Coast Guard Cyber Command located in Washington, DC. x\[o8~@`_A.i1lKlQJ"\KNgCNjJR-PG)}!fUvT_*OGq8k^&wYTY^+4~#oN=F cAf_HfwxILcC{1I(((" 4; The 26-foot over-the-horizon cutter boat supports multiple assets to include the national security cutters, medium endurance cutters and the fast response cutters. The 100-foot inland buoy tenders primary missions are to ensure the safety of mariners by establishing and maintaining essential navigation aids along established waterways. ely funeral home neptune, nj; longest nfl game weather delay; cari laque bio; Online Forms Rear Admiral Mark J. Fedor JIATF South. <>>>
Have any questions about how to join? This ALCGPSC constitutes notification for requesting voluntary retirement in lieu of orders (RILO) per Ref B, including officers extended in their current billets. The Class of 2021 found out its post-graduation assignments Thursday night during the academy's annual billet. The Coast Guard Reserve has new captain and commander positions for Assignment Year 2021 (AY21) open for e-Resume submission in Direct Access. Some Rights Reserved. Once the issue is resolved, MyCG will go back to our normal practice of publishing modern, plain-language news articles on the homepage,withpersonnel messages autopopulating on the appropriate audience pages. Rear Admiral Charles E. Fosse Joint Interagency Task Force (JIATF) West.
ALCGPSC 028/22: AY 2022 ADPL Captain assignment panel results update > United States Coast Guard > My Coast Guard News Feb. 22, 2022 ALCGPSC 028/22: AY 2022 ADPL Captain assignment panel results update Please click here for full message. d. 15-19 Nov 21: Reserve Senior Command Screening Panel. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 15 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
Fellowship Tenure/Location: A. endstream
If unsure of the specific criteria, click on the magnifying glass to the right of the.
AY21 Kickoff Messages - United States Coast Guard endobj
Every day, you'll work on exciting missions. CAPT APO Aviation (05 Selected for 01 Command):CAPT Huberty, Christopher M.CAPT Krywanczyk, Jerry J.CAPT Mcguinness, Eugene D.CAPT Spitler, James W.CAPT(s) Behera, Jessica B.H. 11 0 obj
AY 2021 ADPL CAPTAIN ASSIGNMENT PANEL RESULTS - U.S. Coast Guard FIRST DISTRICT D1 PREVENTION DIV (DP) FIFTH DISTRICT Ceremonial Advancement policy announced in ACN 024/21. The results of the O6 Command portion of SCSP have been approved. broward health medical center human resources phone number; steve watson obituary poplar bluff mo; new york state standard deduction 2022; Sign Up. <>
The Coast Guard saves those in peril and protects the Nation from all maritime threats. 01-05 Nov 21: Shopping lists released and available in DA. The Precept which convened this panel and charged the members with their duties, along with other pertinent SCSP info is available on the PSC-OPM Portal site, found at https://cg.portal.uscg.mil/units/psc/psc-opm/SitePages/SCSP.aspx. The 2022 ADPL Captain Assignment Panel reconvened on 21 December 2021 and the following modifications to Ref A, have been approved. 4 0 obj
The application deadline to be considered to serve on the FY22 Reserve Awards Panel is: 30 September 2021. Shopping lists: PSC-RPM is developing and validating AY22 shopping lists, which will identify anticipated billet vacancies. T)O2WdQ):&!y.K5[uys\&$T80tpC-c)T{5^b$Kx[+JJ>o3PB(1[w2#qKe7vH\QQ;1v`Vz@p#u@ti(A:nALz*[` s^%RK6IC_6g3msl=(_ ;-(bP0n7epz,"I1oome3w[I.stDlpx)[(}f SbWN/lIg'{&cLh(
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h? CAPT Michael Batchelder, Chief PSC-RPM, sends.11. <>
PAL changes and any updates to the shopping lists will be advertised via future All Coast Guard Reserve (ALCGRSV) messages. Senior officers selected for promotion to Captain or Commander will only be considered for positions of the promoted grade.d. ?('"J+#z*oPW/F#Rr@$E+V*v9Og p~y]_8I*3Gu@9Ogq1}y)dE>B5e`\Y7?Kg/(I3]_a~}=AflPfX^k~V/'&Y}I"` 3. For more Coast Guard news,visit our online newsroom here. The Coast Guard offers you the chance to learn, lead, and launch a great career. SHARE ALCPSC PSC CG-1 Privacy Policy | GovDelivery is providing this information on behalf of U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and may not use the information for any other purposes. Members serving on long-term ADOS orders that terminate at any time during 2022 are highly encouraged to apply for assignment.
Home Page | United States Coast Guard ALCGPSC 080/21 - AY22 SENIOR COMMAND SCREENING PANEL (SCSP) RESULTS, PART 1 OF 2 U.S. Coast Guard sent this bulletin at 08/30/2021 12:28 PM EDT ALCGPSC 080/21 SUBJ: AY22 SENIOR COMMAND SCREENING PANEL (SCSP) RESULTS, PART 1 OF 2 1. If a member wants to continue to serve in a SELRES status, the member should consider assignments beyond RCD. 2. Privacy Policy | GovDelivery is providing this information on behalf of U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and may not use the information for any other purposes. <>
7 0 obj
10 0 obj
The 2022 ADPL Captain Assignment Panel convened on 07 December 2021 and approved the following slate.
Alcgrsv 056/21 - Reserve Captain and Commander Assignment Year 2022 The biography requirements and template are available in the Reserve Captain Assignment Guide.8.
AY 2021 ADPL COMMANDER ASSIGNMENT PANEL RESULTS - U.S. Coast Guard This Officer Endorsement is most appropriate for operating small passenger vessels that hold a United States Coast Guard . The 65-foot small harbor tugs are multi-mission cutters. The Command Concerns Process Guide is located onthe PSC-RPM website denoted in paragraph 1. endobj
SUBSCRIBER SERVICES: Manage Preferences|Unsubscribe|Help. LANT AFRICOM-STUTTGART DEU CAPT Jon Trent Warner COMMANDANT (CG-128) TBD The boats conduct search and rescue, drug interdiction, alien migrant interdiction operations, living marine resources, defense readiness, and ports, waterway and coastal security, 35-foot long range interceptor II cutter boat. U.S. Coast Guard sent this bulletin at 09/17/2021 02:35 PM EDT. CAPT Intel (07 Selected for 3 Commands):CAPT Cederholm, Christopher R. CAPT Culotta, Charles C. CAPT Koch, Shawn S. CAPT Obrien, Craig M. CAPT(s) Dietrich, Joyce M. CAPT(s) Hilleary, Brendan J.CAPT(s) Lewis, Rachel L. N. CAPT MSRT (05 Selected for 01 Command):CAPT Arritt, William L. CAPT Fredie, Michael S. CAPT(s) Berry, Robert J. CAPT(s) Casper, Eric M. CAPT(s) Garrity, Elisa M.O. <>
5 0 obj
Also deadline for Reserve Captainsto submit one page biography to RPM as per the Reserve Captain Assignment Guide.g.
PDF Reserve Info Bulletin - United States Coast Guard Reserve 1 0 obj
2023 United States Coast Guard. Our core valueshonor, respect, and devotion to duty, are the guiding principles used to defend and preserve the United States of America. . Request widest dissemination of this message.2. The 65-foot inland buoy tender services fixed and floating short range aids to navigation along the coastal and inland waterways. These boats assist in maintaining the nearly 50,000 navigation aids on the marine transportation system. Supplemental information on the assignment process, including The Reserve Captain Assignment Guide and the Reserve Commander Assignment Guide, are available on the PSC-RPM website: https://www.dcms.uscg.mil/Our-Organization/Assistant-Commandant-for-Human-Resources-CG-1/Personnel-Service-Center-PSC/Reserve-Personnel-Management-PSC-RPM/RPM-2/AY22/. Please subscribe to receive email updates here: Only the most recent 25 messages will be displayed for each topic on the CG Public Web LANT AFRICOM-STUTTGART DEU CAPT Jon Trent Warner
Admiral Linda L. Fagan Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard. To ensure that an e-resume endorsement is completed on time, members should notify their command when an e-resume requiring command endorsement has been submitted. An official website of the United States government, U.S. Coast Guard Personnel Service Center, Emblem for the U.S. Coast Guard Personnel Service Center, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. Actual assignments will be made during the Captain Assignment Panel. 2. %PDF-1.5
During the academic and fellowship portions of the program, Active Component and US Army Reserve Fellows will be assigned to the U.S. Army Student Detachment, Fort Jackson, SC. The Coast Guard plans to award the Stage 2 contract in the second quarter of FY2022. Reserve Policy Manual, COMDTINST M1001.28 (series)1. RDML S. L. Gilreath, Commander, Personnel Service Center, sends. The primary candidate pool consists of Captains and Commanders reported in DA as tour complete in 2022, Commanders selected for Captain, Lieutenant Commanders selected for Commander, members who will change Reserve Component Category (RCC) to Selected Reserve (SELRES), members filling positions in which a paygrade mismatch exists between member and billet, members in reprogrammed positions, and members projected to be released from active duty. The General Message Archive is located on an internal agency website and provides the links to archived General Messagesranging back to 1998.
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