J.E.B. Read more, Celebrate the 159th Anniversary of the Battle of Antietam/Sharpsburg with Battle Reenactments, Artillery and Cavalry Demonstrations, Living History Programs, Tours of the Restored House & Barn, and more! Photography We strive for historical accuracy with our drill and appearance. We are in formation in the Burlington area and looking for some eager Cornfeds to fill the ranks. Count on accurate, real-time location information. Association, Sanitary TransMississippi Civil War Roundtable Co F. in August of 1862. Welcome. "There were probably about three or four hundred spectators yesterday, so there were a good bit of people," Pugh said. 8th & 9th July 2023 Stonham Barns are hosting an English Civil War period weekend over the 8/9 July 2023. We are a group of American Civil War reenactors who portray both Company G of the 28th Georgia Volunteer Infantry, C.S.A., and Company D of the 123rd New York Volunteer Infantry, U.S.A. Our website is always under construction, so check back often, as we will be adding more things as we progress. Blue and Gray Education No Artillery experience necessary. Are you? Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Association We have some rules like no drinking or swearing. Since 1997, The Armies of Tennessee has been a re-enactment organization dedicated to the preservation of American History. We are a family orientated group that is looking for members who are interested in positively and publicly portraying and recreating the lives of Virginia Soldiers and Civilians during the period of American Civil War. The Federal Generals Corps is a non-political, family oriented organization. Its a trip to the moon, a ticket to Mars, a bird's eye view of the Earth. Explore walking trails for scenic river views, and take a self-guided or cell-phone tour of the fort. Our members currently reside in Georgia, Tennessee, and North Carolina. Chattanooga Civil War Round Table The Cascade Civil War Society (CCWS) is a non-profit living history organization located in Southwest Oregon. Puget Civil war artillery reeactment group, family oriented. Pensacola CWRT (FL) Boyd Chapter OCR, Shreveport, LA Our unit potrays Stanford's Mississippi Battery, which was an actual Confederate Artillery battery named for it's original Captain, Thomas J. Stanford. Civil War Round Table of N.W. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page..
Civil War Reenacting - Essential Civil War Curriculum Read more, Visit the annual event that reenacts the battle of Pleasant Hill on April 9, 1864. Table (NC) Rider Memorial Civil War Round Table (PA), Israel B. Richardson Civil War Roundtable We are also known as the "Fremont Hussars". Contact us. Johnston, SCV Camp #146, Major Along with the individual battle sites, Middleton Place Plantation in Charleston stages re-enactments of military actions, as well as the role of women and slaves in the war. The First Colorado Volunteer Infantry is an American Civil War living history group.
Civil War Reenactors | The Civil War Museum - Kenosha The American Civil War is one of the most fascinating and defining moments in our history. The first major public reenactment was held in 1911 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg. We are do mostly reenactments and living histories. We are a new legion just forming looking for anyone intersted in becoming a part of a independent legion and doing events together. OAK Call to Arms The majority of our members hail from the Greater Boston, South Shore and Cape Cod areas. Authentic Unit Of Longstreets Corps that maintains the maxim of an "All Military" style Mentality. A family-friendly unit with members from all parts of Virginia that participates in battle reenactments, living histories, parades, ceremonies, school programs, and National Park Service events. History. Read more, Battle of Round Mountain Reenactment is one of the best Civil War winter reenactments around and is followed up on Saturday night with a formal ball. We also do alot of school programs for children. Dismounted Cavalry commanded by Captain Matthew Joe Mallory. They wanted to be able to keep slaves and be their own country. We offer a wide variety of services to the public including: Living History programs for Classroom or Public Festivities, Ceremonial Services for Patriotic days of observance,and Battle Reenactment and Civil War themed events to educate the public. We have 243 members from various units all across the Country. See Calendar > The 6th U.S. Infantry Read more, Visit Spring of '64 Civil War reenactment and experience the same trials and tribulations that the men of these armies experienced. A group of Arkansas Reenactors that portray a Civil War unit from 1861-1865. We ride grey and blue, mostly grey. The 13th Kansas is a non-profit Federal Civil War Reenactment Regiment located in NE Kansas and NW Missouri. Campfire Tripod Constructed of forged iron, this will hold Cast Iron Dutch Ovens. Kentucky Reenactment Groups. We have some progressive members also. We accurately portray the 37th Virginia Volunteer Infantry for reenactments and Living History Events. of the Civil War We are family oriented reenacting group located in North East Ohio with member throughout the U.S.. We attended both local and national events and do several presentations for schools and living histories. So if interested in giving us a look or joining, five us a yell. We recreate this unit over actual terrain and operational area in California. Indianapolis CWRT (IN) Federal Artillery Battery originally a militia unit based out of the armory in Chicago, IL. Non-political group that is family oriented. from the New York Historical Society Do something different! Seminary Ridge Historic Preservation The event has become a popular . Raleigh Civil War Round Table (NC) We attend events all over the UK and live, sleep and fight as they did during the American Civil War 1861-1865. The First Texas company B is one of the best Civil War reenacting organizations comprised in the hobby of living history and Civil War reenacting. Lincoln Group of New York The 20th SCVI/13th US is the oldest continuiously active unit in SC. Below you will find the Websites of different Civil War reenactment groups in Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. Each year NCWV hosts and participates in several historical re-enactments, living history events, parades and ceremonies across Nevada and California. See y'all in the field! Our goal is to do our 1st event next Spring. Northwestern Pa. Reenactment group. Civil War battle reenactments have been taking place across the South since the 1960s. Lynchburg Civil War Read more, History comes to life at the Russian River Valley in Northern California. Find nearby civil war reenactment groups. Civil War Reenactment Groups The American Civil War, fought between 1861 and 1865, continues to live on in the form of living history reenactments. It was a Confederate victory; Union forces retreated to Jacksonville. Civil War Round Table (OR), Greater Pittsburgh Civil King CWRT (WI) Bedford Forrest, SCV Camp #219, John B. Ingram We represent a unit of the Stonewall Brigade. Our focus is to host, co-host and support local, regional and national events in the Western Theatre. of Northern New Jersey Include "Reenactment Listing" on the subject line. These reenactments are the most popular in the United States, but events are held all over the world. Now we have members in Wyoming and Colorado. Read more, Relive the Battle of Blountville, September 22, 1863. Watch "The Ultimate Civil War Series" on Amazon Prime. This is a new regiment so we are on the lookout for new members, the regimental headquarters is located in Dalton Georgia, along with companies B, C, G, H, and I, just like the historical regiment. Civil War Uniforms, Insignia and Equipment for Reenactors. Civil War Round Table of Linden Societies, Maryland Confederate Heritage Trust, Inc. The unit is headquartered in Colorado and commanded by Capt. Recruits are always welcome in our ranks and by our fire. The 22nd Massachusetts is one of the largest Civil War reenactor groups in New England. See website for more details and membership. We are currently trying to get started. Confederate reenactors. Todays 69th N.Y.S.V. Table Community for Do attend at least one "national" event each season. Come join in on the fun. Come help us keep history alive! Read more, Reenactment of the skirmish between Confederate and Union forces in Lancaster, SC area. We are a family unit, open to all reenactors. We represent the 4th Alabama voulnter regiment. The 155th New York Volunteer Infantry: The Present : The present reenactment regiment was formed in 1989, and now numbers around 120 members, including: soldiers, musicians, surgeons and medical staff, nurses, "sanitary commission" members, and civilian women, men, and children. Charlottesville Civil War Round Table (VA) That can mean dressing, eating, camping and - in the case of soldiers - marching, drilling and fighting like people who lived in the Civil War era. If you are interested please contact me. Revisit the world around you in ways you've never seen before. Our unit is based out of Tulsa Oklahoma we drill at Fort Gibson and that is where we do most of our recruiting from. fidiral de France (France CWRT), Colonel Henry Ryerson Civil War Round of Columbia, Management and Preservation Organizations. Authentic re-enactors as confederate mountain men from middle tennessee. 2nd Bttn GA Sharpshooters, Co A and 64th Illinois,Yates Sharpshooters, Co A - This unit is an authentic minded family organization looking for those who wish to experience the tragic years of the War Between the States as a soldier or civilian while honoring the memory of those whose lives were torn apart across both North and South. Table (NJ)
155th New York Volunteer Infantry Reenactment Regiment Home Page We are Civil War Reenactors and Living Historians. Read more, see history come alive with hundreds of re-enactors depicting Confederate and Union Infantry, Cavalry, and Artillery units. MLACWS members are mainly from Southeast Lower Michigan, but members come from all over the Midwest and Southern Canada. We have Combantants, Civilians, and Medical Personal. We are a family-oriented Mess with members stretching from Virginia to Florida whose primary impression is that of guerrillas in the Eastern Theater. The National Regiment Civil War Round Table of West Family friendly unit. WWII Research & Preservation Society: West Coast WWII Reenacting. Civilian and military reenactors who prefer to demonstrate Living History presentations and first person impressions at events, Co.A,3rd Frontier District,33rd Battalion,Texas State Troops, Civil War Reenactments/Living History/Parades/Grave Dedications/Parades.Artillery,Dismounted Cavalry, Infantry, or combination. and the Civil War War Round Table of Toronto We strive to portray the U.S. Regulars the best way we can, while leaving room for others to join and learn as we have. Our time period is the 1850s through the 1860s. Greater Kingston, Ontario, Canada, Civil War Non-political org. North Country Civil War Roundtable (NY) E mail me for more details. Can loan new members equip. The program will be open to the public from 4 to 8 pm on Saturday and 11 am to 3pm on Sunday. The southerners needed their slaves because of their large-scale farms, even their whole economy depended on them. The 3rd NHV is an American Civil War Reenacting/Living History group based in South Carolina. We are a Civil War Reenactment Group looking for men, women and their families who want to get involved and perform authentic Living History Presentations on and off the battlefield. They're broken down into regiments, often named after a commanding officer who served during the original conflict. Irwin Each member has an equal say in the daily operations of the organization. Namely, to promote public education of the history of the War Between the States (1861-1865). The Northwest Civil War Council (NCWC) is a non-profit organization made up of people who share a strong interest in the American Civil War. 26th Texas Cav. Civil War reenactment in Florida ends after 40 years AP member exchange story from The Tampa Bay Times The Brooksville Raid was an incursion that Union troops launched into Hernando County,. Read more, Relive history at this three-day event with battle reenactments, an encampment and more Read more, Visit the largest Civil War reenactment in Florida. We also portray the 123rd New York Infantry. Fort Tejon Historical Association A member of 1ST DIVISION, ARMY OF NORTHERN VIRGINIA, A family orientated unit that does medical reenacting. Always looking for those interested in Artillery, well equipped and one of the oldest reenactment units in SC. Supported by a variety of programming venues, each Adventure Camp is customized to match the age, skills and knowledge level of your group. Norwich Civil War Round Table (NY) Baltimore CWRT (MD) To submit a show listing to be included in our calendar of events, send show date (s), location, and contact information to: Calendar-Military Trader, 5225 Joerns Drive, Suite 2, Stevens Point, WI 54481 or email to Military@aimmedia.com .
A new unit in Southern/Central Arizona that is looking for veterans and newcomers alike. A company that represents our state and. We believe in having fun as well as doing a true representation of the 5th Virginia Infantry and are will, Based out of West Virginia and Southern Ohio, the 36th Virginia Infantry is a non-profit living history organization who prides itself with a progressive impression. Iowa Reenactment Groups. Read more, The Civil War Remembrance is a celebration of the liberty that now defines America. C and the McClellan Rangers Fife & Drum Corps, 116th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry As a group, we travel thousands of miles each year participating in living history encampments, re-enactments, and giving informative lectures throughout the year both in Ontario and the United States. We do Navy, Army, and some Marine impressions as well as civilian impressions of all kinds. One being Confederate, and the other Union. Camp #1453 Major Fontaine R. Earle, SCV Camp #1655, Colonel We are a family oriented group of individuals that portray E. Tennessee Unionists. We feel drill, material culture as well as camp life are all very important to this portrayal. WW2 A.R. When you enter the location of civil war reenactment groups, we'll show you the best results with shortest distance, high score or maximum search volume. Artillery Battery does reenactments is the SE United States. SC Reg't Rifles and 16th. of the Geneva Convention of 1864, Salisbury Confederate Prison Round Table (VA), McClellan Society's On-Line Civil We are looking for members from: South-Eastern Minnesota, North-Eastern Iowa, Southern Wisconsin, and Northern Illinois. Indiana Historical Society We are known as the Old Dominion Rifle's mess here in New England. looking for recruits. Southern West Virginia Augusta - W. H. T. Walker Chapter #2253, American Association for State and Local History, Burlington County, NJ, Historical Society, Genealogical and Historical Societies in Louisiana, Louisiana Genealogical and Historical We are a family friendly group that portrays Company F 27th Regt New Jersey Volunteer Infantry "Bailey's Boys" Military and civilian impressions welcome, Progressive unit of soldiers and civilians that participate in both Campaign and some mainstream events. The purpose of the Federal Generals Corps is to educate the general public about the Civil War period of American History. We attempt to accurately portray the role of Sharpshooters, Skirmishers, & Flankers from 1860 to 1866, and welcome anyone interested in joining up with us in properly portraying these forgotten soldiers. The 26th NC served with distinction throughout the war from the coastal plains of North Carolina, to the defense of Richmond, to the invasion into Pennsylvania, throughout the siege of Petersburg, and finally at . Civil War Round Table of Orange Civil War Roundtables If you are interested in, or would like more information on becoming a Civil War reenactor, contact us! Officially the First Illinois Volunteer Light Artillery - Battery A.
24th Virginia Field Hospital (Pickett's Division). See website for contact information.
Civil war reenactment events 2023 - the complete list We are a Confederate Infantry unit of the Trans-Mississippi Theater. Crane Society Ohio) Civil War Round Table (OH), Michigan Regimental Civil War Round Company K of the 28th Georgia Volunteer Infantry Regiment is a Civil War Reenacting Unit located in Central Florida. In 2020, Google Maps was used by over 1 billion people every month. 118th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Regiment, a UK based civil war re-enactment group. Join the Signal Corps of The James, a living history unit with both Confederate and Union sections. Recreating the 4th U.S. Co. "A" Artillery made famous at the angle at Gettysburg. We are a field hospital that does local reenactments and living histories.
Civil War reenactment groups | Meetup Please write,and I will forward your address to our recruiter. WWII Historical Re-enactment Society. CWRT (WV)
Links to Civil War Organizations, Round Tables, Decendant Organizations Read more, Join us for the 19th Lincoln Days Civil War Reenactment at the 480 acres Lake Pittsfield in Pike County, IL. Based out of southern West Virginia. We live as our ancestors did in order to teach others the history of the past. Research Center We have no political ties and have no political agenda. Feel the weight of the rifles and packs that the soldiers carried. Foundation, Society for Women AR. Whether you're looking for Medieval events, the Napoleonic Wars, or WWII reenactments, which take place in the UK, we've got you covered. Page 3rd New Jersey Civil War Reenactors Follow us on Facebook Follow us on Instagram Annual Lincoln Dinner Feb. 19 Location: Old Franklin Schoolhouse, Metuchen, NJ Memorial Day Parade May 30 Location: Freehold, NJ Fort Mifflin June 10 and 11 (Friday, Saturday) Location: Fort Mifflin, PA Time: 9:30 http://www.fortmifflin.us/events/ Company Drill March 6 With members from the greater Connecticut area. Tickets may be purchased on-site (see admission details . Photos, info and more ! The 12th Georgia Co. F, is a family oriented, unit and is proud of its high authenticity standards. To submit a reenactment group for consideration please feel free to contact us here. War Round Table (CA) New Jersey Civil War Heritage Association Relive History at its best! Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved by Milsurpia. Reenactment organization locations are represented as having a "Headquarters". Round Table (GA) AUTHENTIC ** CIVIL WAR BRASS BREAST PLATE - EAGLE/LEAD BACK/BATTLEFIELD RECOVERD, https://www.facebook.com/groups/300837743779609/permalink/929884024208308, http://www.angelfire.com/rebellion2/dept_sc_ga_fl, https://sites.rootsweb.com/~scprnyz/MainPage.html, https://4thnorthcarolinacavalry.webstarts.com/, https://www.civilwarsignals.org/1st/home.html, https://www.unionvolunteersfifeanddrum.com/, http://yell-rifles.tripod.com/3rdarkansasvolunteerinfantrycompanyacivilwarreenactmentgroup/, https://sites.google.com/site/companyd7njvi/, https://www.27thnewjerseycompanyf.org/teams/?u=27thRegtNJVolsCoF&s=htosports, https://1stusvi.wixsite.com/1st-us-vol-reg-co-h, https://armyofthefrontier.wixsite.com/13thkansas, http://smcgath.tripod.com/12thilcav/index.html, https://www.facebook.com/lexingtonrifles/, https://www.facebook.com/Longstreets-Corps-1st-Kentucky-Volunteers-122326735832/, AUTHENTIC CIVIL WAR / INDIAN WAR KEPI WITH NAME INSIDE SUPER SALE PRICED. Idaho Reenactment Groups.
Reenactors - Florida Muzzleloaders Association Read more, Visit Ohio's largest civil war reenactment. We strive for excellence in bot our appearance and our portrayal. Our local event is Idlewild park in Ligonier Pa. Memorial day weekend. Knoxville CWRT (TN) We do living history and personal appearences(certain schools).We don't travel more than 3 hours from where most our people live. We look forward to seeing you on the field with us in the future. All this at the Cheney Civil War Reenactment near Cheney, WA, May 28th, 29th, & 30th, 2022. We are a newly organized unit of dismounted cav. Arms & Militaria Federation. Central Delaware Civil War Round Men of the Union enlist! 154th Tennessee Confederate infantry reenacts at battles in the IL/IN/WI area's. Call 1-731-983-5401 for unit information. Then advance with General Heth,next summer at 140th Gettysburg. Henry H. Crapo Camp Fairfield County (CT), Civil War Round Table of Greater Boston To carry a musket into battle, members must be at least 16 years of age and have one parent or guardian with them on the field of battle at all times. Civil War Bullet Collecting Community We also have an artillery branch led by one Lieutenant and one Sergeant. Galvanize as 5th Kansas Cav. History of the Grand Army of the Republic We are looking for people to join our unit. We are a military group in arizona and desperately search for events in the area, there are very few. Read more, Civil War Reenactors, and sutlers join us the weekend of June 17 2022.We hope you consider coming to participate and support the 160th Anniversary of the Smithville. The Regiment actively participates in Civil War re-enactments throughout Illinois and the United States as mounted troopers, dismounted troopers and civilian personnel. The 47th NCV is a family friendly unit located in central NC. Gulf State Guards 2nd FL Co F CSA Infantry, The Gulf State Guards, 2nd FL Co F, CSA Infantry, was originally recruited from Jackson County, Florida. War Round Table (NC)
All Michigan Civil War - Civil War Reenacting We are the color guard for the Tennessee Valley Battalion. One who has an itch and been thinking about becoming a part of a unit. War: An Exhibition, Treasures We are a family oriented reenactors group primarily from the North West Florida Panhandle. Looking for like minded individuals to join our unit, for info write 1st Lt. 4th SC INF 184 Honeybrook Circle Girard Pa. 16417. Our Co., has mounted and dismounted soldiers. Association War Round Table (IL) Currently we have 21 youth members with adult leaders in costume to assist. Fort Macon Civil War Round Table (NC) representing the common soldier of Company F with honor, accuracy and respect. Sutlers: You will often see information regarding sutlers on various websites and event listings. We are always looking for new recruits. 1st Ohio Light Artillery Battery L. Based in Portsmouth, Ohio. We have a 12 lb. We are family oriented and welcome all ages to take part in our unit. Read more, Visit the reenactment of the Battle of Olustee. Children of the Confederacy
U.S. Civil War groups | Meetup Read more, Feel the thunder of artillery, witness firsthand Civil War medicine and see Cavalry talk with civilians from the 1860s. Georgia Civil War Commission County Civil War Round Table, Panama City, FL, Baylor Collectors of Civil War Bullets We pride ourselves on portraying a typical trans-Mississippi federal regiment. The New River Rifles is based out of Southwest Virginia, but has members from all across the Eastern United States, from North Carolina to Ohio and New York. When we galvanize, we portray the 125th Ohio, Co. B. Continue with Recommended Cookies, The 1st U.S. Sharpshooters, Company F is an independent Civil War reenacting unit based out of the Tampa Bay area in West Central Florida, The 1st U.S. Sharpshooters, Company F is an independent Civil War reenacting unit based out of Central Florida portraying the Vermont Unit. We also demonstrate firefighting. Based in North East Ohio. Each unit has a different function and will provide a much different experience. Family orientated, We portray Co. "C" & Co. "K" Lincoln's Guards also 22nd Va. Co. "K" Fayetteville Rifles C.S.A. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Members of 1st MO Battalion. Clarksville Civil War Round Table (TN) Please contact us at:mcummings1863 "at" gmail.com(replace "at" with @ symbal-this is to reduce spam), To add your group to this page please click here, 8th Connecticut Volunteers Co. A. Civil War Round Table (CT) Most reenactments will also have the opportunity to view the daily life of a soldier in camp. Co.C. University (PA), Frederick County Civil War Read more, Come visit The Battle of Cedar Creeks 156th Anniversary Reenactment and experience a full period immersion. Battle of Boonville . (TN) General Meade Society of Philadelphia 6th Regiment South Carolina Volunteers - York County. We endeavor to represent the REGULAR US engineer Battalion in the Army of the Potomac. Tired of politics or lies?We are a family oriented unit that offers moumted,dismounted & civilion impressions.We are dedicated to portraying 1860s cavalry life. of the District of Columbia We strive for authenticity while having fun learning history. Confederacy, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of Outside this area occasionally and for large scale events. Civil War Antiques Civil War Round Tables The famous "Faugh a Ballagh" regiment of the Irish Brigade is actively recruiting new members to its ranks. Many reenactors enjoy immersing themselves in the period and there just weren't any spectators with smart phones in the 1860's.
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