Community Center, Youth: An 18,000 square foot or larger building where a nonprofit entity offers structured, comprehensive educational and personal development for persons under 18 years of age. Historic Preservation: Historic preservation as defined and regulated by Chapter 8 of this ordinance. A. Sign, Freeway: An on-premise or off-premise sign structure erected within 300 feet of the right-of-way, oriented to and intended to be read from, a freeway, parkway, expressway, and similar traffic corridors. Portico: A porch or walkway with a roof supported by columns, often leading to the entrance of a building. The tenant leasable area also excludes mechanical and utility areas which typically are 5% of the building area. Patio: A level, landscaped, and/or surfaced area, also referred to as terrace, directly adjacent to a principal building or within three feet of the finished grade and not covered by a permanent roof. For purposes of signage, maintenance shall mean the replacing, repairing, or repainting of a portion of a sign structure; periodic changing of bulletin board panels; or renewing copy which has been made unusable by ordinary wear and tear, weather, or accident. No. To view this site, Code Publishing Company recommends using one of the following browsers: Google Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. Professionally drafted and regularly updated online templates. G-3461, 1991; Ord. Wireless Communication Facility, Support Structure: A structure that supports a Wireless Communication Facility including, but not limited to, monopoles, towers, utility poles and other freestanding self-supporting structures. Occupiable Space: An indoor or outdoor enclosed space designed for human interactions, such as but not limited to: lobbies, patios, rooftop decks and gardens, or areas for assembly, or other similar purposes. Pedestrian-Oriented Design: The design of communities, neighborhoods, streets, streetscapes, sites, and buildings that emphasizes pedestrian access, comfort, and visual interest. This shall not include breeding or raising of household pets or animals. Sign, Double-Faced: A sign composed of two parallel faces, back to back and not more than five feet apart. 3590 # Listed Homes. %PDF-1.6 % emp attack probability 2022; mende tribe food; eau claire memorial high school Bulk Retail Use or Bulk Sales: A retail or wholesale facility that serves the general public, selling primarily institutional-sized, or multi-pack products in bulk quantities. G-6304, 2017; Ord. No. Driveway: A private, vehicular access connecting a house, carport, parking area, garage, or other buildings with the street. Manufacturing and assembly uses are conducted either fully or partially within an enclosed building with limited off-site impacts. No. Group Home: A residential home or building(s) for six or more unrelated individuals providing living facilities and sleeping rooms; and which also provides limited services, such as, but not limited to, meals, services to promote emotional support, life skills development and/or employment training. Direct Access to Off-Street Parking: The provisions of direct access, without the necessity of using the public sidewalk, between the building and an off-street parking facility either within the building or adjacent to it. Motor Vehicle Service and Repair (Minor): An establishment engaged in the retail sale of gas or diesel fuel, lubricants, parts, and/or accessories, including quick-service oil; tune-up; brake and muffler shops; and tire sales and installation, where repairs are made, or service provided in enclosed bays, and vehicles are not typically stored overnight. Transit Platform: A designated transit loading and waiting area as assigned by the Public Transit Agency. Adaptive Reuse: Adaptive reuse is the practice of adapting existing buildings for new purposes when the original use of a building changes or becomes obsolete. Preservation Area: See "Conservation Area". General Office: An establishment where commercial activities take place but where goods are not produced, sold, or repaired. No. G-5746, 2012; Ord. This term does not include a park-and-ride lot. Sign, Wayfinding: A pedestrian or vehicle-oriented sign that indicates the route to, direction of or location of an on-site or off-site destination. Religious Assembly: An establishment where persons regularly assemble for religious purposes and related social events. Transit Access Facility: The design of the curb and sidewalk to provide a bus turnout approved by the Street Transportation Department, together with an approved shelter with bench for waiting passengers. Alley, Buffer: An alley that is adjacent to a single-family residential use as identified on Map 1202.F, and in Sections 1207.O and P. Ammunition, Commercial Loading: The assembly of component parts consisting of a tubular case, a bullet or shotgun pellets, propellant powder and a primer or percussion cap for use as a cartridge in rifles and handguns or in shotguns. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. Accessory Dwelling: A subordinate dwelling situated on the same lot with the main dwelling and used as an accessory use. 1. Perimeter: The boundaries or boundary of a lot, tract, or parcel of land. Interim Vacant Land Uses: Neighborhood pocket park, demonstration garden, public playground, meditation garden, public art display and similar uses are allowed uses for vacant property. Most localities will require a permit for these home projects: Permit Might Be Required Permit Often Not Required As time goes by, more non-permitted actions become permit-required. This includes any display consisting solely of the goods, wares, merchandise or food being peddled, sold, served, displayed or offered for sale. Open Space, Passive: Common open space with passive elements, such as gardens, benches, fountains or the preservation natural vegetation. Relief, Architectural: The avoidance of a single continuous plane on a building facade by the incorporation of inset forms such as windows or doors and/or the incorporation of forms which project from the primary building surface such as wainscot, cornice or the projection of organic or geometric ornamentation. No. Sign, Special Event: Any sign advertising or announcing a special promotional event. G-5453, 2009; Ord. Which is clearly associated or related to the use of the main building, other structure, or use of land, and, 2. The intent is to promote "eyes on the street" and passive supervision of the public space. cereal boxes); polystyrene; metal (e.g. SHAPE PHX officially launched on June 6, 2022 with Release 1. Minors (age 18 and younger) accompanied by a parent or guardian shall not be counted in the number of unrelated persons. Sign, Warning: Any sign displaying warnings or other messages necessary for the safety of persons or protection of property, and which has no advertising copy. Dwelling, Multifamily: A building or buildings attached to each other and containing two or more dwelling units. No. Tobacco Oriented Retailer: An establishment engaged in the sale and/or display of tobacco related products, including, but not limited to: cigarettes, chewing and dipping tobacco, cigarette papers, electronic nicotine delivery system, or any other instrument or paraphernalia for the smoking or ingestion of tobacco and products prepared from tobacco. Pet Day Care Facility: An establishment in which household pets are kept for a limited time for the benefit of persons who do not reside on the premises. Such structures and devices include, but are not limited to, directional antennas, such as panel antennas, microwave dishes and satellite dishes, and omni-directional (WHIP) antennas. Dwelling, Single-Family, Detached: A building containing only one dwelling unit entirely separated by open space from buildings on adjoining lots or building sites. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. This shall not include breeding or raising of household pets or animals. G-3829, 1995; Ord. No. sector correlation matrix 2021; hamilton, ohio police department; german name generator fantasy. Recreational Vehicle: A vehicular type unit thirty-two (32) feet or less in length and eight (8) feet or less in width, primarily designed as a temporary living quarters for recreational, camping, or travel use, which either has its own motive power or is mounted on or drawn by another vehicle. Includes intermediate care facilities, medical clinics, and home health agencies, all of which are licensed by the State. G-5330, 2009; Ord. Appliance Repair Services: An establishment providing appliance repair or office machine repair. The modified washes are designed with irregular banks, typically in a curvilinear fashion which simulates washes as they occur in a natural undisturbed condition. G-3663, 1993; Ord. Lot, Corner: A lot abutting on two or more intersecting streets where the interior angle of intersection does not exceed one hundred thirty-five (135) degrees. Accessory sales of products cultivated on site are permissible within ten days of harvesting subject to approval of a use permit pursuant to Section 307. All customer service shall be confined to the physical limits of the snack bar. Release 1 includes Residential single-family and duplex units for building plan review . G-4255, 2000; Ord. No. If the front and rear lines are parallel, the shortest distance between these lines. 1. Complaints related to noise issues that do not meet the above criteria should be directed to the Phoenix Police Department non-emergency line at 602-262-6151. G-4817, 2006; Ord. Show more Gold Award 2006-2018 BEST Legal Forms Company 11 Year Winner in all Categories: Forms, Features, Customer Service and Ease of Use. Chiropractors, chiropodists, and naturopaths. Stadium: A place designed primarily for the playing of sports such as baseball, football and soccer but also suitable for use for concerts, meetings and gatherings of large groups. No. No. Block Face: One side of the properties along a street that are uninterrupted by a street, fully dedicated alley, or open space/common area tract 50 feet or greater in width. Build-To: The distance that a building must be constructed from the property line. G-4264, 2000; Ord. G-5243, 2008; Ord. No. G-3731, 1994; Ord. G-4256, 2000; Ord. No. Setback, Landscaped, Average: The averaging of a required setback to encourage variation along a single continuous plane of a building, perimeter wall or street frontage. Local streets connect to collector and arterial streets and have one lane in each direction. Sign, Identification: Any sign identifying by name, message, or symbol a business, activity, institution, establishment, operation, merchandise, product, or service available at the property on which the sign is displayed. w ktG2NqJ(!3 Disposal in Kitchen, Non-laminate Counter, Pantry in Kitchen, Range/Oven Electric, Refrigerator in Kitchen; Kitchen Fully Updated; . Contact the Criminal Defense Lawyers at Orent Law Offices In Phoenix To Get Legal Assistance Today. The requested information could not be loaded. Wireless Communication Facility, Monopole: A single, freestanding and unguyed pole-type structure erected on the ground that supports one or more antenna. endstream endobj startxref For purposes of a guest house, a structure shall be deemed to be "designed to house guests or servants of the occupants or the primary dwelling unit" if it contains the following; 4. G-4686, 2005; Ord. G-4347, 2001; Ord. Loggia: A space within the body of a building but open to the air on one side, serving as an open-air room or as an entrance porch. Use: The purpose for which a building, lot, sign, or other structure is arranged, intended, designed, occupied or maintained. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. MLS# 4871646. No. Lot Length: The length (or depth) of a lot shall be: 1. The following are nuisances affecting the public health: A. Privies. Fine Arts: Limited to painting, drawing, sculpturing, poetry, music, dancing, and dramatic art. The automatic changing of all or any part of the facing of a sign or any sign or part of a sign set in motion by the movement of the atmosphere shall be considered to be animation with the exception of banners as defined herein and regulated by Section 705. Assembly Hall: A building or portion of a building that is used on a continuing basis for dances, parties, receptions, and other gatherings which may provide all or some of the following: live or amplified music, live or amplified entertainment, serve alcoholic beverages, or serve catered meals. Last summer, a plan for the house to be donated to the School of Architecture at Taliesin fell through. G-4078, 1998; Ord. On lots that have been disturbed previously, the natural grade is the pre-existing grade if it can be determined; otherwise it shall be determined by an average of off-site elevations at points taken around the boundary of the site. The presence of cooking facilities conclusively establishes the intent to use for residential purposes. The term "multifamily dwelling" is intended to apply to dwelling types as triplex, fourplex, and apartments where any dwellings have their primary access to a common hallway or corridor. Non-Commercial Message: A message that does not promote a commercial transaction. G-3480, 1991; Ord. G-4840, 2006; Ord. Facilities may provide shelter, feeding, grooming and retail sales. Street, Private Accessway: A private right-of-way for vehicles which provides a principal means of access to two or more lots which meets all minimum City of Phoenix design standards, and is covered by an ingress/egress easement for emergency and service vehicles and for the exclusive use by the residents and their guests of the lots which it serves. No. No. P:\Non-Permitted Construction, Enforcement Procedures TRT/DOC/00203 . Automated Collection Center: A self-contained machine to collect and weigh recyclable consumer materials, to reimburse mechanically the depositor of said materials, and to store temporarily said materials before shipment to a recycling center. Microwave Antenna: A device consisting of an antenna and reflector, having any dimension of more than 1.5 meters, and is a solid, open mesh, or bar configured structure in the shape of a shallow dish, cone, horn, or cornucopia. G-6810, 1, 2021). Enclosed by straight lines drawn closest to the figures extremities and entirely encompassing individual words of symbols; or. No. Embellishment, Architectural: Vertical relief from a continuous plane, ornamentation - geometric or organic, cornice, wainscot, change of construction materials or similar superimposed treatment of the architectural facade of a structure. Posted Jan 28 2018, 20:23. Sign, Construction Project: Any temporary sign erected on the premises of an existing construction project and designating the architect, contractor, designer or builder, or developer or the name and nature of the project. Wireless Communications Facility, Cell On Wheels (COW): A portable self-contained cell site that can be moved to a location and set up to provide personal wireless services on a temporary or emergency basis. No. Sign, Portable: Any sign not permanently attached to the ground, a building, or other structure, and not including vehicle mounted signs. G-5573, 2010; Ord. No. Motor Vehicle Sales (New) and Leasing: Sales or leasing of new automobiles, motorcycles, and trucks, including storage, and incidental maintenance. Section 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the general public, that the City of Phoenix will hold an open house on the STORMWATER POST-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT open to the public located on February 2, 2023 at 6:00 PM. Motel: A building or group of buildings containing apartments, and/or rooming units, each of which maintains a separate outside entrance. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. )p"BblAr)z Sample 1. Regularly excludes all minors from the premises or a section thereof because of the sexually explicit nature of the items sold, rented, or displayed therein. Sign, Center Identification: Any sign which identifies a shopping center, industrial center, or office center, or a group of three or more uses or businesses by name, address, or symbol. permit is required by this code before first obtaining the required permits as set forth in Section G-3628, 1993; Ord. Street, Pedestrian: Sidewalk, landscape, driveway and buildings are designed to create a safe, pleasant and enjoyable experience for pedestrians. Please wait while your form is submitted. Commercial C-2 DistrictIntermediate Commercial. Open Space, Common: Land within or related to a development, not individually owned or dedicated for public use, that is designated and intended for the common use or enjoyment of the residents and their guests of the development and may include such complementary structures and improvements as are necessary and appropriate. In any residential district, any dwelling shall be deemed to be the main building of the lot on which the same is situated. This includes advancing of money on the security of pledged goods or engaging in the business of purchasing tangible personal property on the condition that it may be redeemed or repurchased by the seller for a fixed or variable price within a fixed or variable period of time. . You may submit a complaint regarding possible violations of City codes via this page. Free fillable forms: City of Phoenix Non-Federal Agency (AZ) Free sign up, no payment required. Critical infrastructure can include, but is not limited to, facilities such as water treatment plants, pump stations, lift stations, water reservoirs, power generating plants and power substations. Disclaimer: The City Clerks Office has the official version of the Phoenix Zoning Ordinance. Zero Lot Line Development: A residential development, according to the provisions of Chapter 6, wherein a building envelope may extend to side lot lines. An arena shall provide seating for at least fifteen thousand people. H;!6;*4J=]6qhum#6#'cr5 Jo]g#)ywF(211j7[p?&ew;#H(Kdzv/4Zzh&2/OmJ5g)eIaZ)OiGd6DyCfz.R]f{_K;n4W/6dF9.9XnY!s+&`-UG=_1itWhw8/h~_ 6O9 G-4039, 1997; Ord. No. Plant Nursery: An enterprise that conducts the retail and/or wholesale of plants grown on the premises, as well as accessory items (but not power equipment, such as gas or electric lawn mowers and farm implements) directly related to their care and maintenance. No. Design Continuity: A unifying or connecting theme or physical feature for a particular setting or place, provided by one or more elements of the natural or created environment. G-3731, 1994; Ord. Collectors may have one to two through lanes in each direction. Motor Vehicle Rental: Rental of automobiles, including storage, and incidental maintenance of the rental vehicles. A hotel shall contain rooming units and shall customarily provide housekeeping, bellhop, laundry, and on site recreation services. No. No. No. 3. No. Shade/Shading: A shadow cast by structure or vegetation to provide shelter from the heat and glare of sunlight. Primary Entrance: A ground floor entrance to a commercial lobby or suite that is open to the public during business hours or an entrance to a residential courtyard, unit or lobby. No. Dedicated open space must be offered to and accepted by the City of Phoenix. This includes uses such as, but not limited to, a cigar store, head shop, hookah lounge, or vape lounge. Veterinary Office: An office maintained by a licensed doctor of veterinary medicine for the treatment and care of small animals, namely the usual household pets and other animals of a similar size and nature but not livestock. If you prefer an alternative to this form, you may report non-permitted construction activity by telephone at this number: 602-262-7884. G-5744, 2012; Ord. Lot, Through: A lot abutting two parallel or approximately parallel streets. Hardscape: Decorative pavement or other similar decorative walking surfaces, including defined natural surfaces, intended primarily for pedestrian use. Street, Front: A street identified by an area plan towards which the front of buildings are oriented to minimize driveway cuts. Commercial Construction Residential Construction Open Inner Court: A court bounded on all sides by building walls or other structures. RESIDENTIAL PERMIT CUSTOMERS - The city of Phoenix Planning & Development Department is excited to share SHAPE PHX, the new Land Management Information System, with you. The length of the connecting structure shall be the shortest possible straight line distance from the outside surface of the primary dwelling unit to the most distant outside surface of the connecting structure. Sign, Temporary: Any sign or advertising display intended to be displayed for a period of less than six months or for such period as may be established in a use permit, except that construction project signs may remain for the duration of construction. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday (excluding holidays). Guestroom: A single room within a dwelling unit which may be occupied by no more than two persons and which are not members of a family. Sign, Supergraphic: A type of sign that consists of an image printed on vinyl, mesh, window film, or other material supported or attached to a wall, window or freestanding structure. Sign, Window: Any sign affixed to the interior or exterior of a window, or any sign located inside a building within six feet or the interior side of a window and displayed so as to attract the attention of persons outside the building. Mixed Use Building: A building in which a minimum of 50 percent of the ground floor building frontage includes an active use that is in a different land use category from the floor above. Such a lot over two hundred (200) feet deep shall be considered, for the purpose of this definition, as two lots, each with its own frontage. Panhandle Lot: A lot, which contains an appendage that provides private or shared access to a public right-of-way or private accessway. No. No. Street: Arterial, collector, or local - a dedicated public right-of-way which dedication shall be in accordance with standards of the adopted street classification map. Public AssemblySpectator: Venues where patrons gather for large scale events, but where the assemblage does not follow a regular pattern. These include: general and professional offices, insurance offices, real estate offices, and taxi-cab offices. One Hundred-Year Flood: A flood having a one percent chance of being equaled or exceeded during any given year. No. Average Lot Development: A residential development option, according to the provisions of Chapter 6 wherein there is no restriction on lot size so long as total number of units in a development does not exceed the allowable density. No. No. Minor collectors primarily function to collect and distribute traffic between local streets and arterial streets. G-4457, 2002; Ord. Lot: A parcel of land shown in the records of the Maricopa County Assessors Office, or any piece of property divided to be used separately from other pieces or parcels of property by description, as in a subdivision or on a recorded survey map, or by metes and bounds, for purposes of sale, lease, or separate use in a legal manner pursuant to all state, county, and city requirements for the development and proposed use or that property. Wholesale: The business of selling goods or merchandise to retailers or jobbers for resale to the ultimate consumer. City of Phoenix > Residents > Residential Building and Permits Residential Building and Permits The city's permitting process is designed to be hassle-free. Sign Height: The distance measured from natural grade or the nearest public sidewalk or street curb when such are adjoining the site to the maximum height of the sign face. Lot Side - The side lot lines of a lot are those lot lines connecting the front and rear lot lines of the lot. No. Interior Suite with Accessory Cooking Facilities: A room or group of rooms located within a single dwelling unit designed or arranged to allow for semi-private residential use and includes accessory cooking facilities. School: A place of general instruction including public and parochial schools, charter schools operating under a valid contract issued by the state or a state sponsored organization, institutions of higher education and private educational institutions offering a curriculum of general instruction comparable to public schools, but not including business schools or colleges, nursery schools, dancing schools, riding academies, or specialized trade, technical or vocational schools. No. For multi-frontage lots, the street with the most pedestrian activity is the front street. No. PosterA sign of from 76 to 300 square feet plus 20% embellishments for a total not to exceed 350 square feet. 2. Copying and Reproduction Center: An establishment which copies, binds, reproduces, typesets and designs business papers and other printed matters. Which is located on the same zoned lot with the main building, other structure, or use of land. The zoning is in order, separate meters, good neighborhood. A sign structure shall be presumed to be abandoned if it has not been used to display or support a sign or message during any continuous one year period. Gross Building Area: The sum of the gross floor area of all buildings located on the premises, including the thickness of walls separating the interior from the exterior of all such buildings. Queue(ing) Lane: A lane on a lot for the exclusive use of vehicles accessing a service window or parking structure. Sign (Electronic Message Display): A sign capable of displaying words, symbols, images, or figures that can be electronically or mechanically changed by remote or automatic means. Modular Subdivision Sales Office: A factory built building used for temporary sales of residential subdivision lots or homes. Dwelling, Single-Family Attached: A building containing dwelling units each of which has primary ground floor access to the outside and which are attached to each other. No. 1. Sign, Internally Illuminated: Any sign which has the source of light entirely enclosed within the sign and not visible to the eye. Community Center: A building to be used as a place of meeting, recreation, or social activity and not operated for profit and in which neither alcoholic beverages nor meals are normally dispensed or consumed. Open Space, Active: Common open space with active recreational facilities, such as swimming pools, play equipment, ball fields, game courts, and picnic tables. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 17 0 R 18 0 R 19 0 R 20 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> When the property abuts a dedicated right-of-way, the distance shall be measured from the dedicated right-of-way line or future right-of-way line as shown on the street classification map. It includes, but is not limited to assembly halls, exhibition halls, auditoriums, theaters, sports arenas, stadiums, race tracks, and spectator gymnasiums. The mall or plaza shall be at a minimum, not less than 30' x 30'. The subject could be in violation of Phoenix City Code Noise Ordinance 23-12 if construction work is creating unreasonably loud, disturbing and unnecessary noise as described by Phoenix City Code 23-14(h): Building construction. An adult day care home shall be licensed by the State of Arizona, if required by the appropriate State agency. Livestock Fence: A fence in which at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the area between grade level and the top cross member (wire, wood or other material) is open. Adult Day Care Center: A facility providing care for 11 or more adult persons for less than 24 hours per day and for compensation. No. G-5581, 2011; Ord. The first three feet of roof overhang or projection shall not be included in the lot coverage. endobj Bus Depot: Any premises for the storage, maintenance, and service of buses, including repair and washing facilities. The owner or operator must hold all other appropriate licenses and permits. Adult Theater: An open-air drive-in theatre or an enclosed building open to the public, not including private guest quarters of hotels and motels: 1. 1]Lj:N:Yn68':[.7OD2RG!U p|fTM2)q,']Ed?. G-3629, 1993; Ord. One Hundred-Year Floodplain: The area adjoining a river, stream, or watercourse covered by water during the occurrence of a one hundred-year flood. Elevation, Structure: The exterior design of a structure showing features such as windows, doors, and relationship of grade to floor level. 2 0 obj G-4815, 2006; Ord. Wireless Communications Facility, Co-Location: The act of siting multiple wireless communications providers in the same location and on the same support structure. A commercial establishment may have other principal business purposes that do not involve the offering for sale or rental of the above-listed items and still be categorized as an adult novelty store. Such other business purposes will not serve to exempt such commercial establishment from being categorized as an adult novelty store so long as one of its principal business purposes is offering for sale or rental for consideration the above listed items; or. G-4553, 2003; Ord. No. w|.62IT ( No. Canopy: A structure attached to a building or other rigid structure in a fixed position with a flexible or rigid covering, including such structures which are internally illuminated by fluorescent or other light sources. CITY OF PHOENIX STORMWATER POST-CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT OPEN HOUSE . Erect: To build, construct, attach, hang, place, inscribe, suspend, or affix, and the painting of wall signs. 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