Sycoa 2 yr. ago. These settings control how often dinos lay eggs, how often they can mate, how long mating takes, and how long it takes for the egg to hatch. Depends on what you want to breed and how fast you want to breed it. Between stats and mutations the process gets a bit complicated, but we're here to offer an introduction to the art of love. It's pretty useful, since usually I would just use a notepad. BabyCuddleLoseImprintQualitySpeedMultiplier. This is second part that will change your ark imprinting settings.-Baby imprint stat scale multiplier. Powered by Invision Community. By Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. This step by step turtorial I will be showing you the best boosted ark single player breeding settings that will absolutly change the way you are breeding on. Table of Breeding - ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki Advertisement ARK: Survival Evolved Fandom 10,596 pages Explore Navigation Useful pages Technical lists Games in: Pages to include in other pages, Tables English Table of Breeding View source This page is designed to be included in other pages using { {:Table of Breeding}}. It's just a bit of a pain having all the people in the tribe using it / uploading the database file., That is why I said earlier that it is important to read the instructions and information. Mature Mult. Changes how quickly dinos want imprinting. ARK Smart Breeding Application setup | Supreme Gaming Forums If someone makes an application based on this, that will be great. Let me know in the comments below how these ark single player breeding rates work out for you. It's not super easy or intuitive to use, but it's the best thing we've found so far. As far as I know its his base dmg x his melee %, so he does less when tamed i think because they end up at below 100% if their level is low enuogh. Once you get your stats combined I don't really use a spreadsheet. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. A lower value causes dinos to lay eggs more often. I want something that take long but not official long. I incorporated your suggestion into the spreadsheet. This might be a little bit longer than you want. Because ya know, we need to pay attention to that kind of thing for all the breeding aspects. 8 comments. Yeah it's a great app and I should have just set it up from the beginning. Just add some room to the cuddling interval so you can get 100% I remember caculating similar to this formula before I started using nanny. ARK Breeding & Mutations Guide - Dododex Help This site uses cookies. Make sure you have saved the changes to the Game.ini file and closed it. Copyright 2022 Studio Wildcard. Unfortunately there's no way to just sort of say "Imprint 5x faster" in Ark. When I was doing Rex mutations, I set it as follows. So I thought I had it set to where everything will end up with 100% imprint if non were missed but apparently its not. This is a Google Sheet, and to access it you need a Google account. you can get 100% giga if you dont miss any imprints and you dont take any longer than 30 secs between each imprinting when it needs attention again. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Use our custom tool to configure the game and server settings for the various aspects of breeding, egg laying, mating and imprinting in Ark. You can see what other settings are changed here: Example: This is part one to change the rate of your ark imprint settings.-Baby food consumption speed. This guide will help Ark server admins understand how these settings work together and find just the right values for each. Ark Survival Evolved Game & Server Customization Use our custom tool to configure the game and server settings for the various aspects of breeding, egg laying, mating and imprinting in Ark. Yeah I already do this. TheFallenWill, August 1, 2020 in General Discussion. We had the same problem until we found this spreadsheet: Simple Dino Breeding Spreadsheet through Google Docs : playark It lets you determine the best settings for whatever creature you're currently breeding. I ignore most features and just use the stat extractor and sometimes breeding plan. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, SURVIVING ON ARK OFFICIAL (XBOX) SINCE DEC '15 - 6,800 hrs. On 8/2/2020 at 11:53 AM, TheFallenWill said: You might want to try 4which would take a giga 114 minutes (1h 54m), a dodo about 3minutes and a Rex 38minutes. Do you have any suggestion on where we can host the database file that everyone can easily access automated? Subscribe and join this awesome ark community!#arktutorial #arkmutations #arkps4 #arkxbox Videos I suggest NEXT Need help enabling creative mode settings , or need any commands check out the videos belowArk Admin Commands Ps4 Top 5 Ark Commands Ps4 | Easy \u0026 Useful Commands You Need to Know Dino Settings Explained out the discord for extra bonus contact and to connect with other members of the community! Ark Breeding Calculator - Ark Dino I know about the smart breeding app but we're looking for something like a spreadsheet or arkmanager which doesn't seem up to date anymore. To find your Game.ini file, look in your server's directory for one of the following directories, depending on which OS your server box is running: ShooterGame\Saved\Config\Windows\ ShooterGame\Saved\Config\Linux\. Press "OK" to save the settings. BabyCuddleGracePeriodMultiplier controls how late you can be for a cuddle before imprinting decreases. Lover numbers decrease this. Ark Survival Evolved Breeding Settings You Need for - YouTube Example: And last but not least, the player is able to see the times for the maturation and cuddle interval. At least not the last I heard. Here is an example of when I was breeding procoptodons. All rights reserved. Simple Dino Breeding Spreadsheet through Google Docs : playark. Ark Single Player Breeding Settings - YouTube No need for any extra app. Each creature is affected differently by the multipliers. Screenshot Basically before we start breeding, we figure out the best setting for that particular creature, update the multipliers, restart the server, and then breed. By If the first line you see in our code box does not exist in your Game.ini file, then you can simply copy and paste all of the code and put it at the end of the file. There is also the matter of singleplayer settings. Data. Default is 1 to each setting so what you can do is x20 one and 1/24 the other, x50 and 1/55, something like that and try it out until it fits your needs. Btw would it be recommended to disable SP settings to have things like 45x maturation time without it growing up instantly. One of the most effective ways to do that is through breeding. It is possible to adjust the values for MatingInterval, EggHatchSpeed, BabyMatureSpeed, BabyCuddleInterval and BabyImprintAmount. It would be interesting to see what other animals are in the same category as those two. All rights reserved. Its big help for those that cant use Ark Smart Breeder program. Best boosted breeding settings? - General Discussion - ARK - Official Thanks for your feedback. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Choose a multiplier and divide the time by that. This video includes what ark single player breeding settings you need to change and what amount you will be changing these setting to as well. Dododecks actually gives the breakdown of the rates used for breeding, and other things, when you click the single player option. A setting that works for one creature may not work for a different creature. This is the sheet I used to keep track of my X-Rex breeding. If anyone has experience in this matter Id greatly appreciate it! Very helpful! Copyright 2022 Studio Wildcard. I've setup Dropbox that everyone can access for now and we're using ARK Smart Breeding. I do not believe that it is reasonably possible to create a proper formula to calculate the stat values. Anyone on the Internet can find and access. As a final note, if you have already tried to setup these settings, then you must remove all of that code and replace it all with the code from this tool. Ark Breeding Spreadsheet. Leave a comment below if you have any questions! Copyright 2022 Studio Wildcard. This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. SAVE THE DINO'S STATS WITH FOLDERS ON THEM. This is with imprint settings so they fully imprint in a couple interactions: Mating multiplier .0009 Hatch speed multiplier 46 Mature speed 80 Cuddle Interval 0.003 Imprint Amount Modifier 20 Grace period 10 Food consumption .25 Lose imprint 0.015, Edit sorry about the bad formatting mobile is tough lol. Dinos names keep track of the info I need, so all my 0 mutation females are named CLEAN and mutations are named with the stat and mutation count. This is because of how different dinos gain stats based on sources, (e.g. This spreadsheet will help any private servers to tweak their mature and cuddle interval multipliers. BabyImprintingStatScaleMultiplier controls how much imprinting will affect the final stats of the baby. Breed all the baby dinos All the different dinos are on different pages/sheets, and I added a few extra categories like 'Final Level' (know when leveling ends at a glance) and a 'Perfect 120 Tame' so you can keep track of your 'perfect . This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies. I go over everything in a easy to under beginning to end Format.Intro 0:00 Taming 0:28Stat Stacking. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America),,, If the server likes the code, it will all still be there. LayEggIntervalMultiplier controls the time between eggs. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts.
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