Follow these steps to request an . For archived School Board meeting information March 6, 2017 or after, select one of the documents below or visit the School Board Meeting dashboard to view.2005-2006 School Board Meetings Archive2006-2007 School Board Meetings Archive2007-2008 School Board Meetings Archive2008-2009 School Board Meetings Archive2009-2010 School Board Meetings Archive2010-2011 School Board Meetings Archive2011-2012 School Board Meetings Archive2012-2013 School Board Meetings Archive2013-2014 School Board Meetings Archive2014-2015 School Board Meetings Archive2015-2016 School Board Meetings Archive2016-2017 School Board Meetings Archive2017-2018 School Board Meetings Archive2018-2019 School Board Meetings Archive2019-2020 School Board Meetings Archive2020-2021 School Board Meetings Archive2021-2022 School Board Meetings Archive. Minutes. © var currentTime = new Date();var year = currentTime.getFullYear();document.write(year); Williamson County Schools All rights reserved.|(615) 472-4000. A PTSO Board officer, including President, at Centennial High School, she further demonstrated her passion for public education as a strong parent voice for District 12 while participating in public comment and engaging with her representatives to advocate for WCS students and schools. If parents have particular concerns about activities at their childs school, they are encouraged to seek a solution at the school first by contacting the teacher and then the principal if necessary. Parents/guardians will be notified by the bus driver of the approximate pickup and drop off times. College, Career & Technical Education (CCTE), Entrepreneurship & Innovation Center (EIC), Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Elections were held for odd numbered districts in 2020 and for even numbered districts in 2022. I do believe that in certain rare occasions our school leadership, our teachers, and our librarians have to make tough decisions and that may include removing certain materials that are vulgar or inappropriate.". The School Board Policy Committee meets on the first Monday of the month at 6:00 PM in the Training Center on the 1st Floor at the Williamson County Administrative Buildingunless otherwise noted. Pick-up and drop-off times are approximate and can vary due to factors outside our bus drivers control, such as traffic and weather. Nominate your bus driver to be Sonic Drive-In's Bus Driver of the Month. Profile and Map for Williamson County School District Tennessee . |nJb~fp`s9cB3/>6CudIucFm?6_MKLyL ;S.AM`mp?Nl.f~ M3fvchcebl&05r5-o;n)SvfAn_zomY7kqe&M#` Here's who Williamson Families recommends for county offices: Board. /Filter /FlateDecode
As of Thursday at noon, even district. The district is rapidly growing, adding over 1000 new students each year. The Administrative Building is located on the first floor at 1320 West Main Street, Franklin, TN 37064. Around This Home. Online Interactive Maps are available through the County's GIS mapping system. Stopfinder willalso allow communicationdirectly with the WCS Transportation Department. To be considered to speak we will need the following items: Your First and Last NameComplete AddressYour Topic of CommentAny Organization You Represent. After the district receives your email request to speak and the items listed below, you will receive a confirmation email. Williamson County Historical Society Map of Williamson County Middle School Attendance Zone Boundaries, Map of Williamson County High School Attendance Zone Boundaries, Map of Williamson County Elementary School Free/Reduced Lunch Program Participation, Map of Williamson County Middle School Free/Reduced Lunch Program Participation, Map of Williamson County High School Free/Reduced Lunch Program Participation, Map of Williamson County Elementary Schools Race/Ethnicity, Map of Williamson County Middle Schools Race/Ethnicity, Map of Williamson County High Schools Race/Ethnicity, Map of Williamson County Elementary Schools Title 1 Status, Map of Williamson County Middle Schools Title 1 Status, Map of Williamson County High Schools Title 1 Status, Williamson County Elementary School Attendance Zones. The Williamson County Board of Education consists of one member elected from each of the 12 voting districts to serve a four-year term of office. If parents have particular concerns about activities at their childs school, they are encouraged to seek a solution at the school first by contacting the teacher and then the principal if necessary. Families can now apply for the district's early learning programs! . The School Board Policy Committee meets on the first Monday of the month at 6:00 PM in the Training Center on the 1st Floor at the Williamson County Administrative Building unless otherwise noted. /Length 2 0 R
Ravenwood High is located at 1724 Wilson Pike in Brentwood. While School Board members are elected by voting districts, they strive to serve every child in the school system. The mission of Williamson County Schools is to build a culture of exceptional support by maintaining competitive standards through strategic partnerships, collaboration, recruitment, retention, and development of our diverse workforce. Franklin, TN 37064 [ map it] Agenda. Services are requested through teachers, school administration, and the Student Support Services department. School start and end times are for the 2022 2023 school year. Williamson County Schools recognizes that the transportation of students is an essential part of our public education system, which requires the cooperation, and devoted efforts of many individuals. These units drive approximately 16,500 miles each day or over 2.9 million miles yearly just taking students to and from school. Effective with the October 18, 2021 School Board Meeting, sign up to speak during public comment will be done by These meetings focus on various topics, including funding and budgets, policies and projects within the district. She served on the Tennessee School Board Association Board (TSBA) of Directors as an At Large Member and is currently on the state nominating committee. © var currentTime = new Date();var year = currentTime.getFullYear();document.write(year); Williamson County Schools All rights reserved.|(615) 472-4000. The Williamson County Board of Education consists of one member elected from each of the 12 voting districts to serve a four-year term of office. School nurses serve students in all Williamson County Schools. We know our schools will be in the best hands possible with her in the District 12 seat for another four years to come. This home is within the Williamson County School District. Visit the Careers page for information on our positions. Transportation for students requiring special services is available for eligible students. ", is critical that all of this material and teaching be age appropriate. Elections were held for odd numbered districts in 2020 and for even numbered districts in 2022. ", Moms for Liberty's Williamson Families PAC, Appointed to the Board by the County Commission, Williamson Inc. Meet the Candidates Interview, hosted the Moms for Liberty "Let's Talk Wit & Wisdom" event. From Nancy's website - this is exactly what you would expect from a public education advocate:, Current WCS engagement:Father of 3 WCS students, Professional:Director of the Williamson County Juvenile Detention Center. Special services is determined at the students IEP meeting when the student cannot use regular bus service due to physical, health or behavioral needs. "Our Board members do so much to ensure students get that high-quality education parents are looking for in Williamson County Schools," said WCS Superintendent Jason Golden. Land Use Zoning Map Official Voting District Map Approved 11/08/2021 Zipcode Map Proposed Floodmap . Williamson County, TN Joined July 2010. I do believe that in certain rare occasions our school leadership, our teachers, and our librarians have to make tough decisions and that may include removing certain materials that are vulgar or inappropriate. District Calendar Albany Pointe, Cedarmont Farms, Forrest Crossing, Maplewood, Ladd Park, part of McKay's Mill, Ashton Brook. Direct links for upcoming meetings are listedwithin the calendar events below as they become available. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Please note: A child entering kindergarten shall be no less thanfive (5) years of age on or before August 15 of the current year. It is the goal of Williamson County Schools to provide eligible students the safest and most efficient transportation service in the country. Her leadership as School Board Chair has been nothing short of outstanding during a time when very few people could have so deftly handled the challenges of the pandemic, including leading our community through extremely contentious Board meetings that required nerves of steel. WCS is now hiring! Details regarding upcoming and past meeting agendas back to March 17, 2016 can be viewed on ourSchool Board meeting dashboard. Official Twitter site of Williamson County Schools, Franklin TN. Williamson County Schools District Tennessee Districts Tennessee High Schools Education Home 10 high schools Sort by: I'm looking for Private Schools Public K-8 Schools Public. Schools Details: WebFor the 2022-23 school year, WCS will serve more than 42,000 P - K-12 students at 50 schools.There are 11 high schools, 11 middle schools, 27 elementary schools, and williamson county school board members Families will receive an email invitation from Stopfinderto the email address currently on file with the district. I further do not believe we should be teaching our kids that any one race is superior to or inferior to another. 1320 West Main Suite 202. Click here to View the Online Maps updated 12/03/2020 Occasionally this link gets updated, if you bookmark or favorite a link other than this page you may not have the most current link. They bridge the gap between healthcare and education. Car-Dependent . That email must be brought with you to the meeting. College, Career & Technical Education (CCTE), Entrepreneurship & Innovation Center (EIC), Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). . Media. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. 1761 West Main Street. RegularSchool Board meetingsare open to the public and offer a chance for community members to address the Board directly. For Sale: 4 beds, 3.5 baths 4130 sq. These units drive approximately 16,500 miles each day or over 2.9 million miles yearly just taking students to and from school. These emails are not private and may be reviewed by media and other members of the general public. Families registering their child for Kindergarten need to visit the Student Enrollment/Registration pagefor necessary documents and instructions for online enrollment. Get the latest WCS Newsletter InFocus delivered to your inbox. There are 11 high schools, 11 middle schools, 27 elementary schools, and one K-8 schools. Students will be charged for meals for the 2022 - 2023 school year. Prior to that time, you can view meeting information on our School Board Meeting Archives at the bottom of this page. The Williamson County School Board establishes school zones for the district. To see vacant positions, visit the WCS Careers page. WCS ranks first in Tennessee among districts with more than one high school. By Marta W. Aldrich. College, Career & Technical Education (CCTE), Entrepreneurship & Innovation Center (EIC), Find Your Zoned School & Bus Stop Information, Community Transportation Association of America, National Association for Pupil Transportation, National Association of State Directors for Pupil Transportation Services, National Education Association (NEA) School Buses, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Safety Tips, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) School Bus Safety, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, National Safety Council (NSC) Safety Serve, National Safety Council (NSC) School Bus Safety, Tennessee Association for Pupil Transportation, Tennessee Department of Childrens Services, Tennessee Department of Pupil Transportation, Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). *nF!jLZXOr(ml1Y~xnGwo/k_|##\#l+&bG~mdogd.9:g}"5hO@4ZGVC=Irf[u8O#ps2N,cVy4;j`XCXL3b}Qow?$WX(-z#R`[#h4H+G!cq].ud^m[-H[cF'n?&b+*bs|u)vlu4o?FA3}6hf;=!] R}_?6>A? 8 7 6 11 12 4 10 3 5 2 9 1 VoteH Center 07 Page High School Vote Center 18 Brenthaven Church Vote Center 06 Legacy Middle School Vote Center 16 The OBrentwood Library The Administrative Building is located on the first floor at 1320 West Main Street, Franklin, TN 37064. Transportation in 37067. Candidate Profiles & Interviews: Williamson Herald, Williamson Inc. Meet the Candidates Interview, Current WCS engagement: WCSB Board Chair and District 12 representative, Professional: Senior Knowledge Leader at Deloitte, Local history: Lifelong Williamson County resident. 1 0 obj
Provide exceptional support to all district employees. Newly partisan Williamson County Schools board of education elections have drawn a whopping 20 candidates ahead of the May 3 primary election. Tweets & replies. Featured Review: Junior says I am a high school student in Williamson county schools, The academics and Teachers have found to be excellent!The teacher work hard to help and get to know their students. Professional:Owns the Cool Springs Harley-Davidson store [hosted the Moms for Liberty "Let's Talk Wit & Wisdom" event], Endorsements: Moms for Liberty's Williamson Families PAC, Says children should have a curriculum that teaches "American Patriotism" (Williamson Families' 2022 Election Kickoff speech), Historical Information for those wanting a District 12 deep dive. Groups:Recommended by "Back to School" parent group run by Mary Kate Brown (Josh Brown's wife). The Williamson County Schools Board of Education meets on a monthly basis with additionalpolicy meetingsandwork sessions. The time period to sign up for the March 27, 2023, meeting will be Thursday, March 23, 2023, beginning at 12 p.m. through noon on Monday, March 27, 2023. The week of January 24 is Tennessee School Board Appreciation Week and a time to show our thanks to the 12 members of the Williamson County Board of Education. Williamson County Schoolsuses the bus app, Stopfinder. "it is critical that all of this material and teaching be age appropriate. Elections were held for odd numbered districts in 2020 and for even numbered districts in 2022. Red flags are flying with Beasley as a school board candidate. ~G{~ Gr?|ltqoeoUw%goJ2@]{Y.0wMpo,{K`5{_gG5BRv/k_}lH]HKro-&VmdMN#[$CtG|Zn3LcTy_j{{O:b^o*
w8SK\MuqhP`cJ.y=fwLY&_7>?_|U{{Y}sNx9k NT/3w4J?VGsZI'|^:mKPG&2_mM]sA. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. The mission of Williamson County Schools is to build a culture of exceptional support by maintaining competitive standards through strategic partnerships, collaboration, recruitment, retention, and development of our diverse workforce. Get the latest WCS Newsletter InFocus delivered to your inbox. Feel free to communicate with them through their designated email, which can be found by clicking on their picture. ft. 600 German Ln, Franklin, TN 37067 $995,000 MLS# 2474349 Kick-out Clause in effect! Support Services Building - Professional Development Room. ]>||5oVI)5?8 L.o Board members are interested in the views and opinions of parents about our schools and welcome those comments. 48 / 100. Appointed to the Board by the County Commission after . Williamson County Schools (WCS) is a school district in Williamson County, Tennessee, United States.The district is currently made up of over 40,000 students attending 50 schools, including three new schools that opened as scheduled for the 2018-2019 school year. Nashville-Davidson--Murfreesboro--Franklin, TN, List of Schools in Williamson County School District, Williamson County School District Elementary School Attendance Area Map, Williamson County School District Middle School Attendance Area Map, Williamson County School District High School Attendance Area Map, Williamson County School District Elementary School Free/Reduced Lunch Program Map, Williamson County School District Elementary School Race/Ethnicity Map, Williamson County School District Elementary School Title I Status Map, Williamson County School District Middle School Free/Reduced Lunch Program Map, Williamson County School District Middle School Race/Ethnicity Map, Williamson County School District Middle School Title I Status Map, Williamson County School District High School Free/Reduced Lunch Program Map, Williamson County School District High School Race/Ethnicity Map, Williamson County School District High School Title I Status Map. It is the school board's responsibility to see that this happens. For the 2022-23 school year, WCS will serve more than 42,000 P - K-12 students at 50 schools. The Williamson County Board of Education consists of one member elected from each of the 12 voting districts to serve a four-year term of office. Source: CCD Public school district data for the 2020-2021, 2021-2022 school years A PTSO Board officer, including President, at Centennial High School, she further demonstrated her passion for public education as a strong parent voice for District 12 while participating in public comment and engaging with her representatives to advocate for WCS students and schools. The Williamson County Board of Education consists of one member elected from each of the 12 voting districts to serve a four-year term of office. Completed our Williamson Strong candidate questionnaire: Yes - click to read. Other Maps: Civil District Map Index Map Traffic Shed Map. FRANKLIN, TN,. I don't support censorship and I'm a strong believer in the First Amendment. Thirty (30) minutes is placed on the agenda for the Chair to recognize individuals to make comments. n6nJ[v/$sV\70WQa4_Qj(Q(rW! contact the school district directly. I don't support censorship and I'm a strong believer in the First Amendment. © var currentTime = new Date();var year = currentTime.getFullYear();document.write(year); Williamson County Schools All rights reserved.|(615) 472-4000. Candidates in six of Williamson County's evenly numbered districts were up for election in the general election on Aug. 4, including four incumbents and 10 newcomers. BHS Student Gets Research Paper Published, WCS Students Learn About Black History Month. The Franklin Special School District is hiring for open positions in this school year and the next (2023-2024). There is a hiring bonus for hard-to-fill positions, and contracts may be offered during the event. 352 Following. The PD Center building is located at 1761 West Main Street, Franklin, TN 37064. There are 11 high schools, 11 middle schools, 27 elementary schools, and one K-8 schools. Click maps to view PDF - Districts 4-1, 4-2, 4-3, Her leadership as School Board Chair has been nothing short of outstanding during a time when v. Completed our Williamson Strong candidate questionnaire: parents need to be more involved in their children's schools. Get the latest WCS Newsletter InFocus delivered to your inbox. These meetings focus on various topics, including funding and budgets, policies and projects within the district. She has acted with the utmost professionalism and respect for educators and the school community at every turn, and Williamson County residents may never fully realize how lucky they were to have such a strong and steady Board leader in place during this tumultuous time. Visit InFocus, Williamson County Schools weekly electronic newsletter. Blog; About; ZIP Code Data. His agenda does not appear to differ greatly from that of Moms for Liberty candidates. Williamson County Schools currently has the eighth largest transportation fleet in the state of Tennessee. Canada Postal Codes. The Board also approved 27 Late Start Days for middle and high schools and 11 Early Release Days for elementary schools. A citizens voting district is listed on the voter registration card. The Williamson County Schools Board of Education meets on a monthly basis with additionalpolicy meetingsandwork sessions. Completed our Williamson Strong candidate questionnaire: No. College Grove Elementary School: Williamson County School District: College Grove: 527: Creekside Elementary School: Williamson County School District: Franklin: 680: Use tab to navigate through the menu items. The Williamson County Schools board on Thursday approved an expansion of its current mask mandate to middle and high school students. © var currentTime = new Date();var year = currentTime.getFullYear();document.write(year); Williamson County Schools All rights reserved.|(615) 472-4000. There will be no policy committee meeting in November. I further do not believe we should be teaching our kids that any one race is superior to or inferior to another. Available jobs in Williamson County Schools, For references of potential WCS employees, For references of potential certified WCS employees, For references of potential classified WCS employees, Discover the benefit opportunities with WCS, Contact:Human Resources Department(615) 472-4050. Schools / Homepage - Williamson County Schools. If this is your first child in WCS, please select the top box and follow those instructions. <<
WCS . School Board Work Sessions are held on the Thursday prior to the Board meeting at 6:00 PM inthe Professional Development Center unless otherwise noted. . It is the school board's responsibility to see that this happens. TransportationPhone Number:615-472-4950. Simply select thename of the event to open its event details and links. Williamson County Schools has denied that the civil rights material violates state law. College, Career & Technical Education (CCTE), Entrepreneurship & Innovation Center (EIC), Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Williamson County Schools Home Schools Homepage Overview of Our Schools For the 2022-23 school year, WCS will serve more than 42,000 P - K-12 students at 50 schools. ", school curriculum is a top concern. RegularSchool Board meetingsare open to the public and offer a chance for community members to address the Board directly. The District Wide Career Fair on March 4 is the perfect opportunity to find your fit. 8 7 6 11 12 4 10 3 5 2 9 1 VoteH Center 07 Page High School Vote Center 18 Brenthaven Church Vote Center 06 Legacy Middle School Vote Center 16 The OBrentwood Library The Transportation Department is responsible for daily bus operations, dispatching buses, fleet maintenance, safety, and driver training. Williamson County 1320 West Main Street Franklin, TN 37064 Quick Links.