I base a lot on what I see and hear from her in her own words in footage of a 28 yr old woman. Moreover, he apparently told her that he did not want children and this statement alone would seal Dianes fate. When she resisted, he shot her kids and struggled with her. He was instead a result of an affair Diane had with a married man. I refer you to this section of the blog: They claimed to have found two lead cartridges in Dianes rifle at home that supposedly matched the ones used during the crime. The two mental disorders that cause excessive talking are Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia. And if she did it, she has served her time without displaying any violent tendencies whatsoever. He knows as he was in court and must have photos. rudy francisco rifle analysis / ford employee profit sharing 2022 / why didn't steve downs get custody. No matter how horrible people think she is. Years later, seven witnesses signed affidavits telling of a man named Jim Haynes continuing confessionthat he wasthe shooter, and his appearance boresimilarities to the sketch. As an adoptive parent I cant even imagine trying to justify to my daughter our adopting her if we had in any way been a part of the case to terminate her from her bio family. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It is beyond belief that the State of Oregon allowed the prosecutor to adopt those children. Robert and Diane even decided toget matching rose tattoos, but as soon as the ink on her tattoo was dry, he refused to get his done. It is not because a defendant is found guilty or disliked that it is acceptable to bend the rules. That is the reason effective trial counsel challenges the competency of a nine-year-old child to testify in a court of law. During a trial, we have to go with evidence only. You are wondering about the question why didn t steve downs get custody but currently there is no answer, so let kienthuctudonghoa.com summarize and list the top articles with the question. The inconsistencies and obvious lack of evidence in this case should have called for a wider investigation instead of solely focusing on their prime suspect. No OTHER reason. Also, aside from her original mental state, which may or may not excuse her aloofness (doesnt prove shes a killer by the way! Anyways, I was 10 years old when this happened, I stayed with my aunt and uncle a lot in those years, in which they watched A LOT of nightly news programs.lol most of it was like white noise to me, as I would play with my barbies on their living room floorbut I do remember this story. They were not truth seekers and enjoyed a nice burning at the stake instead. Fred Hugi looks nothing like Jim Jagger. I wish she could get a new look. Her trial was speculative and based on so many fallacies. http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v09/n364/a03.html // Prison-happy U.S. must reconsider use of mercy; Carol S. Steiker, professor at Harvard Law School, Sep. 10, 2008 , http://www.philly.com/inquirer/opinion/20080910_Prison-happy_U_S__must_reconsider_use_of_mercy.html // US Prison Population Soars to 2.3Mln People at Annual Cost of $7Bln The US prison population has soared to 2.3 million people costing the government more than $7 billion per year. I would say so. I also grew up in as time of the most infamous case in Australias judicial history: Lindy Chamberlain and the dingo stole my baby. Diane, of her own admission, had plenty of affairs while she worked at the Post Office. It seems like Steve and Diane were meant to be together. But in this case, she had no blood on her body or her clothing. you quoted what diane said as to what happened When she resisted, he shot her kids and struggled with her. That same gun turned up at a police raid years later in Perris, California, and it did not match the ballistics from the shooting site. Plus, Diane could have never cleaned her clothes and her hair to remove blood and gun powder. Charlene would call Diane at all hours of the day and night to threaten violence if Diane continued on with her husband. They would have tried to reopen the case. It seems that everyone commenting just knows shes guilty, like you say. Why on earth would anyone recommend leaving the kids with the grandparents? But you dont mention that she again has changed her story.. That was the extent of her investigation of Dianes side. According to The Cinemaholic, Steve was found to not be a good fit to care for his kids who would need specialized care and had been through a very traumatic event. Mr. Jagger said it wasnt t enough to know a witness had lied, but she would have to prove it. In fact, what investigator Tracy had written in his notes is that the heart monitor jumped because of excitement or intense fear. I tried to contact you by email but my email wouldnt acknowledge you email address. I agree that the phone call from Angel was totally inappropriate. ), years in solitary confinment Whats wrong with us?! The forensic evidence alone is absolutely weak. Become TUKO.co.ke ambassador get a branded T-shirt, hoodie or water bottle at our TUKO Shop! Her lover and former husband testified against her but it did not represent evidence but character assassination. I dont know either if she is guilty or not, but I believe there is a reasonable doubt surrounding the circumstances. Diane was known for her love of all animals whichshe treated with great care, and for her independent and wild streak. Right after the shooting, little Danny would ask the nurses, , Even Ann Rule in her book, keeps mentioning that, Every time, she said she did not know, they told her to think again and made suggestions. I personally disagree with that practice but it is common. And she should be allowed parole! They hated her attitude and thought she was promiscuous and showed no sorrow or remorse. Instead of blaming societal problems and working at finding solutions, prison always seem to be their option. And her mental health should definitely have been a factor to release her with follow up care. Completely unethical, and not in the best interest of those children. Glamour reported that Danny was paralyzed from the chest down as a result of the shooting and Cheryl suffered a major stroke as a result of the attack that left her with a lifelong speech impediment. After divorcing her wife, Diane Downs, in 1980, Steve was hardly part of their life. Jump through the States hoops, or find a noose around your neck. I think that you are right about certain things not being ignored. This case certainly had its share of circumstantial evidence. The judge instructed them to continue on to force a verdict. If you read the blog, you will see many examples of media hype and character assassination. Ive been to London to Fly the Queen ~ and Back to Collect Artifacts, Haleigh Cummings Was Once Lost but Now She Is Found, Meet Rene Acoby: In-House Female Dangerous Offender, Kelli Stapleton- A Mothers Wuthering Woes. tell someone else. I think it posible she brought the kids there to be shot by someone else. Sometimes it takes until late in life for connections to be made again. Cheryl was shot twice in the back and one of the bullets ended up on the floorboard. Steve knew Danny was not his biological child and left Downs. If appropriate family members could not be found to take placement of the children then family friends are the next step. What followed was a tragedy subject to many interpretations. In one of them, he knew her name and in another one, she had answered a call and been told to meet someone. Also, she became pregnant without Steve Downs' permission. Growing up, Diane had felt like an outsider and kids had been cruel towards her because of her real or imagined ugly duckling looks and demeanor. Hardly circumstantial or coincidental what are the chances that a bushy haired stranger, masked men, or someone that knew her (take your pick from Dianes ever shifting account) would have the exact same bullets matching to bullets from a gun owned by Diane ? In Rules book, Diane is portrayed as a horrible selfish mother but her family and friends saw another version; she lovedher childrendearly and worked hard to be a good provider. I would like to believe this is the truth. I have plans to go hunting with the husband of one of the alternates.. Their goal was to make Dian look crazy, because sane people dont shoot their children. Page 6 of Case History. While that makes her technically eligible for parole at some point (in her case 2009) it does not actually mean she has an end date or a release date. why didn't steve downs get custody. Not our place to decide. In 1984, Diane Downs was convicted of shooting her three children, 3-year-old Danny, 7-year-old Cheryl, and 8-year-old Christie. She has been denied parole 2x and is up again in 2020. So should I put an addendum saying that Diane contradicted herself or was not satisfied with the sketch? Bear in mind, that arm consisted of two SHARP bones, cutting at nerves and muscle (1 of bone had been blown out of the arm when the bullet shattered it, leaving three jagged holes in the flesh, out of which bulged torn muscle, and two wedge shaped bones facing each other like dueling swords). You do not refute any of the points I made in the blogs. In a perfect world this would always be the case. But I would not know what her state of mind is because I did not witness it. Until the end of the trial. Also, I agree he does look a little like the actor who played Fred Hugi but I think it might be a coincidence. Mr. Foote refused 30 to 50 reports by detectives of sightings or leads about the shooter but admitted reports from people in Arizona willing to badmouth Diane. I agree on many points with your comment. What I believe doesnt matter at all. Makes major decisions easier because only one parent is legally responsible. 2.Diane herself has stated that the shooter was outside the car and shot THROUGH the window, no blood spatter. Tis why at 10 years old I was hearing about this case in Ohio, and family members talked about it around me.it hit with great force that way. While these are all good questions, (and were maybe all asked in the jury room during deliberations) I doubt the answers even matter anymore. A steel plate had to be attached and some lead fragments were removed. She knew that Knickerbocker hated trouble of any kind, and thathe would have never come back to her after an ugly shooting where she had been wounded and her kids damaged. This whole case is flawed. She unwillingly followed the cops in spite of being in pain and not wanting to leave the premises. I enjoyed your take, and agree their are several reasons with this, and lets be honestevery other case ever prosecuted, to take pause and question but Diane continues to lie, make up brand new stories about people after her, and has made no moves to better herself in any way shape or form while shes been in prison, by her own admission. He asked her for the car keys and she pretended to throw them away to distract him. A. I believe Charlene and I had a big blowout around Thanksgiving and I left, called Diane. They said so and were told to go back to deliberate. So I did not post your comment about his answer to your inquiry. Christie's first child is a boy. Why? Golden State Killer: Where Is the Prolific Rapist and Murderer Today? It seems that the Downs were totally ignored. However, he had no interest in taking care of Dianes children. In 1984, Diane was convicted of the death and injuries of her children, and she was sentenced to life in prison. The prosecutor would gently shake his head and the good judge would follow with a ruling. She was a first time offender who has shown no violent tendencies and is afflicted with a mental illness. Usually it isnt there but every once in awhile, it comes out. In reality,the whole caseturned out to beno small sacrifice for Diane Downs, but it was a huge victory for the State, the media anda very lucrative deal for theQueen of crime fiction herself; Ann Rule. Or why the fact that he was a con artist made him such a credible guy in this case. It was kind of interesting to hear Mossimo Giannullis lawyer pleading to have his client sent home or put in general population because his mental health suffered drastically in solitary confinement because of covid after 56 consecutive days in solitary. People can have a certain vibe and act out of the norms, but it does not make them necessarily guilty. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPLkIcSzftE&ab_channel=DianeDownsArchives. I think that Van Houten was recommended for parole by a system that assessed that after 40 years, she was not a threat to society and a reformed woman. The grandparents were babysitting the children often and had several children who were well adjusted. Most get through it fine, maybe some complications or pain, maybe even some post pardum. Diane Downs is guilty beyond any doubt and I do not believe that her daughter was coached. Diane had siblings and parents. Two jurors had voted that Diane was not guilty of attempted murder or first-degree assault, but endedup voting to convict her of murder. Maybe she wanted to buy drugs. I asked her brother James an answer to your question. This case had many similarities to the Alice Crimminsstory. She had been isolated from her whole family and being unethically interrogated. In 1984, the lead prosecutor in the Danie case, Fred Hugi and his wife, Joanne, chose to adopt the children (Christie and Danny). Do you remember probably about four or five days after Considering that the marks on the lethal bullets did not fit the bullet fingerprinting found in the rifle, this gun switcheroo was a good save for the state, but did not support the theory presented at trial either. Instead of shooting the little kids, why didnt the carjacker/killer (CK) simply shoot DD dead and take her car? Are you still taking comments by email? Steve Downes has voiced the Master Chief in the Halo games since his 2001 debut, and his voice has become synonymous with the character.However, despite Jen Taylor being asked to reprise her role as the . It is normally done (in fact in many jurisdictions, can ONLY be done) by going through the process in a different state or county then the one the applicant works with. Gregory Foote who had denied access to the children by all blood relatives and given their care over to the State, was promoted from juvenile to senior judge to preside over the trial of Diane Downs.. It would never happen todaynever. Diane was sentenced to life plus 50 years. she chose to stay with Manson and his misfits. Wasnt he the stranger? I will change it. Diane found a full-time job with the U.S. Post Office in 1981, and was stationed in Chandler. statement regarding the effects of the childrens medications while in hospital should acknowledge where the blogger obtained information about the side effects.). Inflammatory and speculative The whole case is crazy. The ballistics, gun, speed at which she drove the car, her demeanor, etc. Its a dangerous proposition when a lack of due process becomes acceptable because they know she is guilty. Around 1 in 20 residents in Arkansas and Tennessee were missed during the 2020 census, and four other U.S. states had significant undercounts of their populations which could shortchange them Most people negotiate the ups and downs of . I am interested in the truth. They should have looked for a possible accomplice and checked all the leads. Of course buying drugs with three kids in the middle of the night from a guy like that is not the mindful thing to do, but would be more consistent as an explanation for her actions. Without her daughters testimony and the lies about the gun, they could not have found her guilty in a fair trial. Clearly the social workers were working with the DAs office and taking advice on best interest of the children from them. If thats what you want then dont pretend its anything but. You were not there and one thing I have learned about high profile cases, is that you cannot always believe what the media, biased detectives and Ann Rule have to say. Having recently done research on the Liysa Northons case which was the subject of a book written by Ann Rule titled Heart Full of Lies,I came across some very interesting information about the Diane Downs case because Rule attended the trial and also wrote a book about the case called Small Sacrifices. I hope this would never fly these days to separate wounded children from the only family members they have. It is not a plus, but it is not a crime either. Inside, outside, top to bottom. If it was not such a high profile case, Diane Downs would have been paroled a long time ago, considering her good behavior and lack of priors. This is a conflict of interest. On May 30, 1983, the McKenzie-Willamette Hospital Chaplain told Dianes father to hire an attorney because the State was going to take his grandchildren away. It is in the blog. Two wrongs do not make a right but illustrates that she should have never been coerced before, during or after the trial. Late Tom Billings had been the first who openly questioned Diane Downs guilt. It was not unlike brainwashing. And she clearly remembered the April 1983, rape that Mr. Downs would later refer to as love making. Danny downs did indeed say a man shot him he also blamed a cartoon character. Conflicting reports say Downs also acted as a surrogate during her fourth pregnancy, giving birth to a daughter after her trial in 1984. 4. I personally dont think she is innocent but that isnt the point. The woman shot her children. 4. It should be removed from the blog. Since he was in possession of a similar gun, he was a suspect as well, but, when the ballistics did not match, Diane Downs quickly became the prime suspect. So how she behaved at the time, should not have been a factor influencing the authorities. And the fatal shooting of her children by her wife in 1983 didn't do much to put him in the limelight. The fact that the Hugis did so successfully is arguably proof of this. Ive not seen the movie or read the book. She learnedat a young age to keep her emotions in check and to always present a strong and brave front. The jury verdict was guilty on all counts, but there was a mixture of votes. Strange how Jagger is pretty absent too except for the few photos where he is wrongly identified as Hugi. And even when confronted by the wrongful practices used at trial to get her convicted, are ok with her being locked up for life. I feel sorry for Diane too. She talked to Diane for 15 minutes, there was thebizarre and partialOprah interview that was basically a lets bash Diane event and she wrote to Diane in jail to ask her what she thought of Hugi adopting her children. Diane changed her story about the stranger on the road. That disinformation was alleged by Mr. Hugi the third day into Jim Jaggers defense and it was never objected to by Mr. Jagger . Whats next? The harm done to families by unscrupulous district attorneys who bully children into falsely testifying against their parents has been recorded in a documentary called Witch Hunt by Sean Penn about Kern County (CA) District Attorney Ed Jagels. By the way, this not a Diane Downs is innocent blog. It is a lets examine the facts of the case with hindsight and try to explain some of the inconsistencies and the role of the media and crime writers. And lets wonder why the US think that letting people die in prison is the answer when most civilized countries have reached other conclusions. If you read the blog, it is because of the lie told by prosecutor Hugi that ignored the assessment of her therapist Dr. Jamison and was condemned by the psychiatrist that they were convinced to find her guilty. Litigating at the Supreme Court in . We could say that it was suggestive on his part, but considering how this trial was conducted, I tend to believe it happened. As she walked away, Detective Welch called after her, If you dont testify against Steve, youre going to lose everything. Diane turned back to say, Show me proof, and walked away. Like I said, the 2 years make it a bit more of a gray area. Knick never signed the premarital agreement and Diane never married him. This is also a faster route to give the children permanency, and is far cheaper for the child welfare system that is always strained by the budget. Diane said that Cheryl was laying down on the front floorboard with the passenger seat pushed back. You cant possibly shake off all the gun powder residue and avoid all the blood. Her father also insisted shetry to help catch the shooter. Speculative. Anne Rule made a big deal of a brass unicorn engraved with the childrens names that Diane had purchased. Only the people who present ongoing threats to the safety of the public in general are the ones this sentence is reserved for. I removed the dumb and crass part of your comment. The next day, on June 16, 1983, CSD terminated Dianes visitations with her children altogether. Page 10 of Case History. Guilty or not, we should know better than to use the justice system as a psychic tool when theres not enough evidence. He still shouldnt have been allowed to adopt them while the appeals process was ongoing, if he had any role in those cases. Mr. Downs must have had a bad feeling about Jagger because before trial: speculation more on crime HEARTBREAKING FIND The Office star's sister-in-law found dead 11 days after going missing 'DISGUSTING' I know people who know or knew people is not a valid argument. Dianes daughter started saying that she did not know who shot them right when she got adopted. They believed the testimony of her former boyfriends who were far from stellar individuals. John Kitzhaber, Governor of Oregon However, in 1980, the couple divorced. Instead of grieving, Alice went partying and had sex. I am not one sided. Lise lasalle you mention THIS When she (Diane) resisted, he shot her kids and struggled with her. And of course, she added her own brand of paranoia, which is to be expected considering her personality disorder and what she went through. On her way to the hospital,she was followed by someone who said she was going slow, but Diane said she was driving fairly fast. I felt there was something that should be done, but I was at a loss in how to cope with the Court that had given the children to the prosecutor and allowed false testimony to seal her fate. She said no mother would stop at 10 at night, in the dark, with three young children, to help a Bush haired stranger. I guess he did not want too many people to know about the improprieties that happened in his courtroom. It is not a run of the mill case. Also, he has never given television interviews about his family or ex-wife, who is now serving time in prison. Ruger #14-76187; described as the gun used by Diane and belonging to Steve Downs, was not the murder weapon. In my blog, I was referring to the case of Liysa Northon whose suit was dismissed, but when Ann Rule tried to sue the Seattle Magazine, its editor and Northons husband for their article on her shoddy work, she lost and had to pay restitution. The Lifetime channel constantly makes movies based loosely on the truth; this approach is an effective weapon aimed at swaying public opinion about high-profile cases. The blogger continues, I am not one sided. Ann Rule has always been sensationalist, and her books were almost unreadable at the end of her publishing days. As for how to answer this question,,, seems like he is assuming guilt and because of this my parents or me or my brothers and sister, our uncles and aunts were not considered because of an unproven allegation Does he truly believe this is ok??? Not even the gun. How about dads side of the family? There have been behaviors that in the general course of events one may expect from a single parent that in a way have been falsely interpreted as being some form of evil.. I guess Diane forgot to have that part engraved on the Unicorn. Some would say that Diane Downs was condemned because of her lies and inconsistencies, but I think that it was mostly because of her disturbing demeanor and brash personality. In the nurses notes, she is described as in shock and unable to grasp the situation. So the hell with no gun, no GSR, no blood and no witnesses except a sick child who denied knowing who shot them until she could not anymore and happened to be adopted by the prosecutor; making it look like she could never change her mind and reveal that she has no memory of the shooting and maybe have the case reversed. You mention that her attorney should have raised objections. It was a harrowing, shameful miscarriage of justice. If Oregonians were not all convinced at first, the media and the crown made sure they would be. They came up with an explanation as to why this was the wrong gun but the jig was up. The case NEVER made sense to me. Her attorney, James Jagger, did a poor job for Diane. Reduces conflict because communication is limited.