(Numbers 29:1-6) The regular monthly offering was thus repeated, with the exception of the young bullock. He had been in captivity in a dungeon for two full years (Genesis 41:1). This will be a very full month of celebrations, filled with meaning, rejoicing, and reflecting. But there's more to fall than just back-to-school shopping and pumpkin patches. Her dream is to spend her time writing and sharing the love of Christ with all she meets. The Feast of Trumpets was a beautiful day that is celebrated even today. Staff Members This feast is also a beautiful picture of the second coming of Christ, and Jews around the world continue to celebrate the Feast of Trumpets today. The feast begins the Jewish High Holy Days and Ten Days of Repentance (or Days of Awe) with the blowing of the ram's horn, the shofar, calling God's people to repent from their sins. Jewish tradition teaches that God blew one of the ram's horns at Mount Sinai at the first Pentecost (1), On the third day in the morning there was thunder and lightning and a dense cloud on the mountain, and the sound of a very loud horn [shofar]; all the people who were in the camp trembled. Second, preparing for the Feast of Trumpets reminds us to be ready for the Lords return. Are you living like one? No daily work was completed on this day. Many were gathered at Jerusalem. But it also points us to the joyous time when Christians, living or dead, will receive God's gift of eternal life in the first resurrection. It is also possible that the patriarch Joseph of Egypt, who is a type of Christ in the Old Testament, rose to kingship on this new moon day, which began the month of Tishri. And all the people answered, Amen, Amen! while lifting up their hands; then they bowed low and worshiped the Lord with their faces to the ground. Today, Christians should consider this celebration in their own walk with the Lord. Throughout the Old Testament there are many feasts mentioned. The shofar, a trumpet made from a ram's horn, is traditionally sounded on Rosh ha-Shanah, the Day of Judgment, also known as the Feast of the Trumpets. In Revelation, beginning in chapter eight, we read about trumpets in the hands of angels. The Feast of Trumpets, we examine the potential for it to begin the final 7 years, Daniel's 70th week. This feast does not point us to the past, but rather to the future. Other rabbinical traditions teach the blowing of trumpets is a reminder of the shofarot (or rams horns) blown by Joshua and the Israelites at Jericho (Joshua 6); and also, the Feast of Trumpets is a reminder of the ram that Abraham sacrificed in place of his son Isaac (Gen. 22). //aquinas/summa theologica/whether sufficient reason can be.htm, In the Last, the Great Day of the Feast' of worshippers, who on the last, the Great Day of the Feast,' are leaving willow-branches, with which, amidst the blasts of the Priests' trumpets, they adorned //edersheim/the life and times of jesus the messiah/chapter vii in the last.htm, Lots, Feast of Purim: The: Began Fourteenth of Twelfth Month, Lots, Feast of Purim: The: Confirmed by Royal Authority, Lots, Feast of Purim: The: Instituted by Mordecai, Lots, Feast of Purim: The: Lasted Two Days, Lots, Feast of Purim: The: Mode of Celebrating, Lots, Feast of Purim: The: The Jews Bound Themselves to Keep, Lots, Feast of Purim: The: To Commemorate the Defeat of Haman's Wicked Design, The Feast of Dedication: Held in the Winter Month, Chisleu, The Feast of Dedication: To Commemorate the Cleansing of the Temple After Its, The Feast of Jubilee: Began Upon the Day of Atonement, The Feast of Jubilee: Called The: Acceptable Year, The Feast of Jubilee: Called The: Year of Liberty, The Feast of Jubilee: Called The: Year of the Redeemed, The Feast of Jubilee: Enactments Respecting: Cessation of all Field Labour, The Feast of Jubilee: Enactments Respecting: Redemption of Sold Property, The Feast of Jubilee: Enactments Respecting: Release of Hebrew Servants, The Feast of Jubilee: Enactments Respecting: Restoration of all Inheritances, The Feast of Jubilee: Enactments Respecting: The Fruits of the Earth to be Common Property, The Feast of Jubilee: Held Every Fiftieth Year, The Feast of Jubilee: Houses in Walled Cities not Redeemed Within a Year, Exempted, The Feast of Jubilee: Illustrative of the Gospel, The Feast of Jubilee: Proclaimed by Trumpets, The Feast of Jubilee: Sale of Property Calculated From, The Feast of Jubilee: Value of Devoted Property Calculated From, The Feast of Pentecost: A Holy Convocation, The Feast of Pentecost: A Time of Holy Rejoicing, The Feast of Pentecost: All Males to Attend, The Feast of Pentecost: Called The: Day of Pentecost, The Feast of Pentecost: Called The: Day of the First Fruits, The Feast of Pentecost: Called The: Feast of Harvest, The Feast of Pentecost: Called The: Feast of Weeks, The Feast of Pentecost: Held Fiftieth Day After offering First Sheaf of Barley, The Feast of Pentecost: Observed by the Church, The Feast of Pentecost: The First Fruits of Bread Presented At, The Feast of Pentecost: The Holy Spirit Given to Apostles At, The Feast of Pentecost: The Law Given from Mount Sinai Upon, The Feast of Pentecost: To be Perpetually Observed, The Feast of Sabbatical Year: A Sabbath for the Land, The Feast of Sabbatical Year: Enactments Respecting: Cessation of all Field Labour, The Feast of Sabbatical Year: Enactments Respecting: No Release to Strangers During, The Feast of Sabbatical Year: Enactments Respecting: Public Reading of the Law at Feast of Tabernacles, The Feast of Sabbatical Year: Enactments Respecting: Release of all Hebrew Servants, The Feast of Sabbatical Year: Enactments Respecting: Remission of Debts, The Feast of Sabbatical Year: Enactments Respecting: The Fruits of the Earth to be Common Property, The Feast of Sabbatical Year: Jews Threatened for Neglecting, The Feast of Sabbatical Year: Kept Every Seventh Year, The Feast of Sabbatical Year: Release of, not to Hinder the Exercise of Benevolence, The Feast of Sabbatical Year: Restored After the Captivity, The Feast of Sabbatical Year: Surplus of Sixth Year to Provide For, The Feast of Sabbatical Year: The Seventy Years Captivity a Punishment for Neglecting, The Feast of Tabernacles: All Males Obliged to Appear At, The Feast of Tabernacles: Began Fifteenth of Seventh Month, The Feast of Tabernacles: Called the Feast of Ingathering, The Feast of Tabernacles: Customs Observed At: Bearing Branches of Palms, The Feast of Tabernacles: Customs Observed At: Drawing Water from the Pool of Siloam, The Feast of Tabernacles: Customs Observed At: Singing Hosannas, The Feast of Tabernacles: First and Last Days of, Holy Convocations, The Feast of Tabernacles: Held After Harvest and Vintage, The Feast of Tabernacles: Lasted Seven Days, The Feast of Tabernacles: Remarkable Celebrations of After the Captivity, The Feast of Tabernacles: Remarkable Celebrations of At the Dedication of Solomon's Temple, The Feast of Tabernacles: Sacrifices During, The Feast of Tabernacles: The Law Publicly Read Every Seventh Year At, The Feast of Tabernacles: The People Dwelt in Booths During, The Feast of Tabernacles: To be Observed with Rejoicing, The Feast of Tabernacles: To be Observed: Perpetually, The Feast of Tabernacles: To Commemorate the Sojourn of Israel in the Desert, The Feast of the New Moon: A Season For: Entertainments, The Feast of the New Moon: A Season For: Inquiring of God's Messengers, The Feast of the New Moon: A Season For: Worship in God's House, The Feast of the New Moon: Celebrated With Blowing of Trumpets, The Feast of the New Moon: Disliked by the Ungodly, The Feast of the New Moon: Held First Day of the Month, The Feast of the New Moon: Mere Outward Observance of, Hateful to God, The Feast of the New Moon: Observance of, by Christians, Condemned, The Feast of the New Moon: Observed With Great Solemnity, The Feast of the New Moon: Restored After Captivity, The Feast of the New Moon: The Jews Deprived of, for Sin, The Feast of the Passover: All Males to Appear At, The Feast of the Passover: Called The: Days of Unleavened Bread, The Feast of the Passover: Called The: Feast of Unleavened Bread, The Feast of the Passover: Called The: Jew's Passover, The Feast of the Passover: Called The: Lord's Passover, The Feast of the Passover: Called The: Passover, The Feast of the Passover: Children to be Taught the Nature and Design of, The Feast of the Passover: Christ Always Observed, The Feast of the Passover: Commenced the Fourteenth of the First Month at Even, The Feast of the Passover: Custom of Releasing a Prisoner At, The Feast of the Passover: First and Last Days of, Holy Convocations, The Feast of the Passover: Illustrative of Redemption Through Christ, The Feast of the Passover: Improper Keeping of, Punished, The Feast of the Passover: Lasted Seven Days, The Feast of the Passover: Leaven: Not to be in Any of Their Quarters, The Feast of the Passover: Leaven: Not to be in Their Houses During, The Feast of the Passover: Leaven: Nothing With, to be Eaten, The Feast of the Passover: Leaven: Punishment for Eating, The Feast of the Passover: Might be Kept in the Second Month by Those Who Were Unclean, The Feast of the Passover: Moses Kept Through Faith, The Feast of the Passover: Neglect of, Punished With Death, The Feast of the Passover: No Uncircumcised Person to Keep, The Feast of the Passover: Ordained by God, The Feast of the Passover: Paschal Lamb Eaten First Day of, The Feast of the Passover: Purification Necessary to the Due Observance of, The Feast of the Passover: Remarkable Celebrations of After the Captivity, The Feast of the Passover: Remarkable Celebrations of Before the Death of Christ, The Feast of the Passover: Remarkable Celebrations of in Hezekiah's Reign, The Feast of the Passover: Remarkable Celebrations of in Josiah's Reign, The Feast of the Passover: Remarkable Celebrations of in the Wilderness of Sinai, The Feast of the Passover: Remarkable Celebrations of On Entering the Land of Promise, The Feast of the Passover: Remarkable Celebrations of On Leaving Egypt, The Feast of the Passover: Sacrifices During, The Feast of the Passover: Strangers and Servants when Circumcised Might Keep, The Feast of the Passover: The Day Before the Sabbath In, Called the Preparation, The Feast of the Passover: The First Sheaf of Barley Harvest offered the Day After The, The Feast of the Passover: The Lord's Supper Instituted At, The Feast of the Passover: The People of Jerusalem Lent Their Rooms to Strangers For, The Feast of the Passover: The Sabbath In, a High Day, The Feast of the Passover: To be Perpetually Observed During the Mosaic Age, The Feast of the Passover: To Commemorate The: Deliverance of Israel from Bondage of Egypt, The Feast of the Passover: To Commemorate The: Passing Over the First-Born, The Feast of the Passover: Unleavened Bread Eaten At, Appendix xv. Last Great Day: October 8th*. Accordingly, Rosh Hashanah is considered to be a day of freedom. . The Feast of Trumpets. But Christ the Lamb of God has come and by His death has inaug