Rush in, kind of. SERVE One of the six basic skills; used to put the ball into play. Slang for the art of passing an attacked ball close to the floor. MB Middle Back The position on the court that is the center of the back row. BLOCK A defensive play by one or more players meant to deflect a spiked ball back to the hitters court. Learn all about the referees here. FLOATER A serve which does not spin or rotate and therefore moves in an erratic path. UNDERHAND SERVE a serve in which the ball is given a slight under-hand toss from about waist high and then struck with the opposite closed fist in an underhand pitching motion. Floater This is a type of overhand serve. Whether the player made contact or not, if the ball is not kept in play, then its considered a reception error. Hitters faced with a block usually have the choice to try to hit down the sideline or a cross-court. This serve looks very similar to a back-row attack. Quick set image by K.M. Line Judge Line judges are part of the officiating crew during a volleyball game. RECEPTION ERROR A serve that a player should have been able to return, but results in an ace (and only in the case of an ace). In todays volleyball, it either crosses the net and is a live ball, or it fails to cross the net and is dead. All games are played with a win-by-2 rule, meaning you have to be leading by 2 points for the game to finish. See more. Annual Premium Equivalent (APE): An annual premium equivalent (APE) is a common sales measure calculation used by insurance companies in the United Kingdom, where the sales of a given insurance . VEBT Volleyball England Beach Tour. First, there can be a successful kill. The result of a red card may be a player is disqualified, the team loses the serve, or the team loses a point. Example sentence: "He signed his deal and bought an AP, they're made in Switzerland." AP in songs: "Going to the jeweler, bust the AP" - Offset, Ric Flair Drip. Now, let's talk in details about an ace in volleyball. This is for placing the ball over the block somewhere deeper on the court. Players and coaches may adjust their positioning on the court based on very specific rules of the game. This statistic is a column in the box score sheet. Receive This is when you are being served the ball by the other team. Players may use a closed fist or the heel of their hand. Second, theres whats called a zero attack the attack was made, but the defense dug the ball and kept the play going. READY POSITION The flexed, yet comfortable, posture a player assumes before moving to contact the ball. 2. slang To become extremely excited or enthusiastic (about something). Boom A ball spiked straight down into the sand. All images on this site are either owned outright by Lacroix Digital LLC, used with license by, or are documented with credit and license at the bottom of the post. Environment APE abbreviation meaning defined here. Zone A designated area of the court or the net. Screening A violation where a player or players on a team try to block the view of the server or the ball during the serve so that the opposition cant see. Can also be used for stonks. Originated through the 'apes together strong' meme which came about through CryptoMessiah. They release updated rules about once every four years to keep the game current and evolving. They should be heavily involved in the blocking defense, combining with the other hitters when possible. Description: APE is computed as: APE = Annualized regular premium + 10 % of single premium . KILL An attack that results in an immediate point or side out. This means that the server serves the ball and aims it in such a way that the opposing team cannot react to it in time. The ape insult is actually about the way Europeans have differentiated themselves, biologically and culturally, in an effort to maintain superiority over other people. CVL Chinese Volleyball League also called the Chinese Volleyball Super League. Any contact by a player with the ball. Apes are part of the superfamily of primates, the Hominoidea. The servers position is the When a player jumps above the height of the net and blocks the ball it is? Using an overhand swing, the attacker hits or spikes the ball to try to end the rally with a point for their team. They pass, set, and hit to each other and are able to do so because they are directly trying to make it playable for each other. WallStreetBets is the force behind the GameStop stock rally. Humans are more closely related to modern apes than to monkeys, but we didn't evolve from apes, either. This is the national governing body for volleyball in England. The rally goes until one team cant keep the ball in flight, the ball is sent out of bounds, or the referee calls some other violation of the rules and awards a point. They play on the right side of the court and may be the backup setter on some teams because of their proximity to the setter target position. Weve compiled the best information available and created the most thorough volleyball terms list on the internet. Once this gear is loaded, everyone in the server will see a GUI saying "Would you like to play Volleyball?" with a 'Yes' or 'No' button. ATK Attack The attack hit is usually the third contact for your team. It's when a player jumps up and smacks the ball with all their might, making it plummet to the ground on the other side of the net like a 10 Dynamic Volleyball Passing Drills to Improve Your Game. Only $47.88/year. Typically players call, MINE or GOT IT.. BACKCOURT The area from the endline to the attack line. While volleyball terms can be tough to grasp for new coaches, some of the most difficult to handle are when someone asks you if you're going to run a "5-1 . Inside This is when the ball is close to the middle of the court. Seam The space between two defenders. Get ready for the longest volleyball rally of all time! TURNING IN the act of an outside blocker turning his/her body into the court so as to ensure the blocked ball is deflected into the court and lands in-bounds. CEV Confederation Europenne de Volleyball. Sprawl The action of getting on the floor in an attempt to play or save the ball. Rainbow A shot made deep over the defender to the open court. In your base plan, this is usually going to be played by a libero or defensive specialist. Dump Also often called the setters dump, this is when the setter chooses to make the attack on the second contact instead of setting one of their teammates for a kill. Youll notice that many of these are slang terms, the beach game is filled with these. For every ace there will be a reception error accounted to someone. This group movement art is also known as "The Alpha Stroll" and possibly other names. RH Right Side Hitter This is the position on the team that typically plays the front right position or position #2 on the court. OH Outside Hitter This is the position on the team that typically plays the left front or position 4 on the court. Hitters faced with a block usually have the choice to try to hit down the sideline or on an angle. DIG Passing a spiked or rapidly hit ball. These are designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by linking to their products and services. To learn all about the libero position, read our article called Master Guide To Liberos In Volleyball: Rules, Rotation, And Tips. Greece to change famous volleyball court into a court of a different kind. Pass The first contact with the ball after it crosses the net. When used by WallStreetBets, the apes are . KE Kill Error When a kill is attempted, there are only 3 possible outcomes. ROTATION The clockwise movement of players around the court and through the serving position following a side out. POINT OF SERVICE A serve that results in a point (an ace by NCAA standards) as the serve is not returnable due to a bad pass by the receiver, this number includes aces. They are also referred to as the right-side hitter. This wins a point for the server's team, which can be referred to as an ace or service ace. Mintonette This is actually the original name for volleyball when it was invented by William Morgan. This is an attack that is kept in play and the rally continues. Bump Set This is a set using your platform pass. As a team, you must start each rally in a specific rotation in the game of volleyball, meaning you must stand in the appropriate . MP Matches played When listed in the box score, this simply tallies the number of matches a player has played in. You may jump into the court as long as you jump from behind the end line and you hit the ball in the air before you land. So if your team attacks the ball and the other team blocks it, the player who passes it to keep it in play is said to have covered.. Now, don't go ape or anything, but I've decided to move to Canada. The name was created by William Morgan. This can be for a net violation, reaching across and interfering with the opponent being able to make a play on the ball, lifting or carrying the ball, or crossing the centerline. Many of the expressions used have multiple meanings and some may be regional meanings or variations in a particular geographic area. If someone chooses "Yes", then the GUI . This is an American organization that works to create uniformity and standards in all sports at the amateur level. K/S Kills Per Set This is the same as KPG, how many kills does the player get per set? CVC Continental Volleyball Conference an intercollegiate mens volleyball conference associated with the NCAAs Division III. Assist Attempts This would be the total of all assists, assist errors and assist zeros. Trap When the set is too close to the net and the hitter can easily be stuffed. At the instant after the ball hits the floor, it appears as if the players are encircling and staring at a campfire. This is when the ball is sent to a specific target, usually the setter. The ace is one of the most exciting moments in a volleyball match. PAVO Professional Association of Volleyball Officials. JUMP SERVE A serve that is started by the server tossing the ball into the air and jumping into and hitting the ball in its downward motion. A match against another team is played to either the best of 3 or best of 5 sets. If a gorilla appears in your dream you may find that you have been repressing your physical instincts and desires. Centerline The line that divides the two halves of the court. The defensive player jumps up, raising both open hands above the net and reaching out toward the ball, to try to contact it on the opponents side to keep it from crossing the net. So (K-E)/TA=PCT. This line runs under the net. Troops also include several other young males, some females, and their offspring. The front zone is meant for attacking with the players in the front row rotation positions. Every team plays the other members in their pool and then will be ranked according to their results for the next stage of the tournament. This is often the best option for liberos if they have to set from the front zone. NFSHSA National Federation of State High School Associations. Quick Set This is a set that is purposely set very close to the top of the net. This can also be called hitting angle. This is instead of driving the ball with a hit, the tip uses the fingertips and is a controlled, softer contact. Cross-court Cross-court refers to attacking the ball at an angle that goes across the net toward the far sideline. Lift This is a violation that is called when a player misplays the ball. This term is interchangeable with attack or spike.. To avoid this you can hit with a closed fist or your forearms. Apes are not only much larger than the monkey but are more reflective of human traits than monkeys. Let This is when the ball hits the net on a serve. Right back. The four main skills used in volleyball. what does ape mean in volleyball. Learn all about the difference between arm sleeves and elbow pads in this post. Learn about the difference between arm sleeves and elbow pads by clicking here. OUTSIDE HITTER a left-front or right-front attacker normally taking an approach which starts from outside the court. Off This describes when the ball is far away from the net. Learn about the referees in volleyball here. There is a maximum of 15 substitutions per game. When the setter chooses a hitter to set, they must envision a target in the air that would be the ideal location for the hitter to strike the ball and then deliver the ball to that space. HE Hitting Error this is the same as Attack Error, when the hitter makes an error that automatically loses the rally, hitting into the net or out of bounds.