Fish Statue Rotate until all statues are facing the circular disc in the middle. Head to the location of the first part of the puzzle - Solve the puzzle by paying respect at the statue, a third seelie will appear on top 2. (Picture: miHoYo) Click here to see the complete walkthrough to get the Luxurious chest here. I have numbered the cubes as shown below for easy understanding. Summon Electrogranum and use it to go inside the Thunder Barrier and switch it off. One of the probes is inside a Thunder Barrier. Start the puzzle by stand on the initial tile and walk towards the floating statue. Click here to see how to completely drain out the water from the Suigetsu pool. To act as a relay you need to electro-charge yourself (summon electrogranum or touch the purple-colored electro crystal). After activating the plant, head back to the Hilichurl hut and deactivate the barrier. In the next area, you'll find a few platforms with three fish statues on them. June 4, 2021; architecture help for students; vodka tequila cocktail Common Chest: Lisha: Ground floor. All three probes are sealed. 105.Jump from the Statue of Seven to the roof of Sangonomiya castle. . Talk to Kumi 2. This puzzle is one part of the two-part puzzle that gives you a Luxurious chest in the Mouun Shrine. Yashiori Island. After obtaining the Sakura Blooms, return to Kumi to continue the quest. 0 / 1: x5: 2.1 Spawns an Electro, a Cryo and a Dendro slime when approached. 3 Lightning Strike Probe compass and a electro seelie Pu.. All 6 Watatsumi Island Electro Totem Monument Puzzles Genshin Impact. Amakumo Peak Electro Seelie08:57 8. Watatsumi Island 0 / 112. On the north side of Mouun Shrine, you will find a Rotating Cube Puzzle and on the south side, you will find a Lightning Strike Probe Puzzle. This article shows the locations of all the Seelies in Watatsumi Island and how to solve the Seelie Puzzles. Seirai Island Electro Seelie12:33 11. (The ledge will be blocked off with an Electro barrier, though our screenshot doesnt have it.). Click here to see how to drain out the water from the Suigetsu pool. A password reset link will be e-mailed to you. The images below will show you the spots the Electro-Seelie will move to while youre chasing it. You might have also noticed this same mark while completing the puzzle quest in the Seiraimaru Ship while on Seirai Island. Electro Seelie will keep changing position from one probe to another. There are two moving Electro Seelies near the probes. The clue is the "highest point in Watatsumi Island, in an ancient place dedicated to the gods," which means the Mouun Shrine, so you must return to that place and look for your fortune. Chase the Seelie to its court and a common chest will spawn. However, if players step on the same tile twice, they will immediately fail the puzzle. Our Genshin Impact guide will walk you through completing the arrow puzzle, unlocking the Tutelage: Umigozens Mansion domain, and solving the relay stone puzzle. Please help, Thank you in advance. Enlarge. Get electro-charged from the moving Electro Seelie and activate probe numbers 2 & 3. Genshin Impact. Genshin Impact 2.1. In addition, using Beidou's Elemental Skill will let you position the needle to where you are standing!. To solve the Puzzle of the Watatsumi Statue in Genshin Impact, the first step is to activate it. In front of each probe, you will see a sealed electro pillar. You need to find the statue with the blue orb and interact with it to pay respects. When the three probes are activated, two thunder spheres will appear in the area. Get the electro charge and activate all four probes by standing in front of its protruding edge. Walk in the direction of the floating statue. Finding Star-Shaped Gem 3. It requires the completion of the "Divine Plant of the Depths" World Quest and is time-gated over 5 real-time days (4 server resets). Electro Seelie in Yashiori Island are scattered in its rainy and thunderstruck areas. Tsurumi Island 0 / 160. In Genshin Impact, the 9 cube puzzle is in the Bourou Village region of Watatsumi Island. A electro Seelie pops up then flys into a wall. Watatsumi Island is an island of Inazuma and is on the opposite end of Narukami Island. The. When you pay respects near a statue, you must beat an electro lawachurl to reach Electro Field. The Stranding Explore Watatsumi Find all five Researcher's Exploration 2. Our guide gives the solution to all three Watatsumi cube puzzles. Our Genshin Impact guide will walk you through completing the arrow puzzle,. Drain the pool, find the Electroculus, and complete the Relay Stone puzzle. North of the southeast Teleport Waypoint of Watatsumi Island On a broken pillar beside the Electro Cube puzzle. Unlike Seelie from Mondstadt and Liyue, the Electro Seelie moves at a high speed. Common Chest: Brightcrown Mountains: This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast Mysterious Pillars, also referred to as Watatsumi Statues, are ancient stone statues found on Watatsumi Island, Inazuma. This will reveal an additional tile that should now create a path for the player to reach the end-tile of the puzzle. The Puzzle of the Watatsumi Statue is one of the quests and you will have to go through some stages to complete it. To get the treasure in Mouun Shrine, you will have to solve a puzzle that involves Electro Seelies. Use the Thunder Spears in the center to quickly jump from statue to statue, as running around the circle will cause the arrows to point at you, forcing them out of position. Place two of the Relay Stones to connect the one by the hole to the center one, like in the screenshot below. Apply electro status to yourself then stand on the left lightning strike probe 3. Youll find an Electro-Eeelie underneath a tree at the location shown below. You will find two Lightning Strike Probes in the underground area of Suigetsu Pool. Located in the Inazuma Region. Probe number 3 in the below picture is behind the mountain and not visible here. When all the three probes are activated simultaneously, the puzzle will be solved and the Electro Seelie above the statue will start moving. The Suigetsu Pool location requires the player to drain the water before attempting it. Charged with electro, youll be acting as a relay here. Keep your eye on the Electro Seelie as it will start moving very fast from this point. Jump down and swim through the small entrance left in the water. Many objects and places of significance are spread throughout the map. Watatsumi Island was introduced during Genshin Impact 2.1 update, released on 1st September 2021. There will be a Discharge Stone (DS) and a Cumulation Stone (CS). Completing these world quests allows Genshin Impact players to earn many Primogems while exploring the newly added islands. Copyright 2012-2020 miHoYo ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThe copyrights of videos of games used in our content and other intellectual property rights belong to the provider of the game.The contents we provide on this site were created personally by members of the Game8 editorial department.We refuse the right to reuse or repost content taken without our permission such as data or images to other sites. Once youre up here, the Electroculus will be floating in midair, and you can climb up yet another ledge to grab the Luxurious Chest. This will unseal all 4 electro pillars. Seirai Island Electro Seelie11:09 10. On solving the puzzle, the Electro Seelie at the center of the cubes will start moving. suigetsu pool domain walkthrough2008 olympic softball team roster suigetsu pool domain walkthrough suigetsu pool domain walkthrough There are three Lightning Strike Probes on the south side of Mouun Shrine. Hitting cube 1 rotates cubes 1 & 2. You can do it by hitting the middle cube two times and the other two, three times. To learn how to solve this intricate puzzle, check out our guide below! This will unlock the lightning probe. As you drained the pool, you unlocked two Relay Stones, but you still need a third one to complete the puzzle, as well as an Electro Seelie that will plant itself to help relay the Electro current. 3.5 Tier List and the Best Characters as of March 2023, Chapter 1: Act 4 - Prelude Story Walkthrough, Interlude Chapter: Act 1 Story Walkthrough, Interlude Chapter: Act 2 Story Walkthrough, Interlude Chapter: Act 3 Story Walkthrough, How to Get the Best Artifact Stats and Substats, How to Get More Acquaint Fate and Intertwined Fate. You will find 4 Lightning Strike Probes east of Sangonomiya Shrine as shown in the picture below. Diona Genshin Impact Complete Guide: Character Profile, Gameplay And Best Builds, Genshin Impact Fuhua, Yelan & Rumored Characters To Arrive In 2021, Genshin Impact Seirai Island Rotating Cube Puzzles: Full Solutions To All Puzzles, 4. To access the blocked totem, proceed behind the Hilichurl hut and activate the Electrogranum plant. The path is long and you will have to solve a few puzzles in between, but the reward is definitely worth it. Plants and trees grow densely over Watatsumi Island. Explore Watatsumi Island, following in the footsteps of an unknown researcher. Chase this Electro-Seelie until it reaches the relay puzzle area. newsletter, How to upgrade your characters Constellations, Where to find Spectral Husks, Hearts, and Nucleus, Where to find the Perpetual Mechanical Array Teleport Waypoint and Domain, The Chi of Guyun quest walkthrough and solution, Treasure Lost, Treasure Found quest solution, Hidden Palace of Guizang Formula puzzle solution, Dimming Mushrooms Call for Help world quest walkthrough, The Millennial Mountains world quest walkthrough, How to open up the Tatarasuna barrier in Inazuma, How to unlock the Shakkei Pavilion domain, Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual world quest walkthrough, A Strange Story in Konda world quest walkthrough, Sacrificial Offering world quest walkthrough, Cleansing Defilement world quest walkthrough, Yougou Cleansing world quest walkthrough, Relics of Seirai world quest walkthrough, The Farmers Treasure world quest walkthrough, Collection of Dragon and Snakes world quest book locations, Dates Challenge world quest puzzle solution, Enkanomiya Teleport Waypoints world quest, Hyperions Dirge world quest, Divine Bridle location, The Phaethons Syrtos world quest walkthrough, How to unlock the Fragment of Childhood Dreams domain, How to unlock The Coordinates of Sun and Rain domain, How to unlock the Garden of Endless Pillars domain, How to unlock the Red Desert Threshold domain, How to unlock the City of the Deceased domain, How to unlock the Altar of Mirages domain, Children of the Forest world quest walkthrough, Aranyaka Mysterious Clipboard buried chest locations, How to break Sudas Flow in Afratus Dilemma. Once you light them up, the arrow statue will unlock. they are required to solve the relay stone puzzle in the Suigetsu Pool. watatsumi island pay respects at the statue electro seelie. You will find the Electro Seelie on the west side of Bourou Village of Watatsumi Island at the location as shown in the picture below. You will find a 4-Probe puzzle at the top of the Suigetsu pool. Witness the fate of the Samurai. Near the barrier, you will find a statue. Take a look at our guide for other Inazuma puzzles and features: Electro Seelie in Narukami Island are scattered amongst its plains, mountainsides, and in secluded islets. Pay attention to air traffic conditions and only . Simply chase the Seelie to its court and a common chest will spawn. 1) Suigetsu Pool Lightning Strike Probe Puzzle You will find a 4-Probe puzzle at the top of the Suigetsu pool. Then use the nearby Electrogranum to charge yourself and stand between the Relay Stone you just placed and the center stone. Near the barrier, you will find five rotating cubes. 104.Summon Electrograna from above and break through the barrier. By submitting your email, you agree to our, Genshin Impact guide: Suigetsu Pool puzzle solution, Mondstadt puzzles and quests walkthroughs, Enkanomiya puzzles and quests walkthroughs, Sign up for the Third Thunder Barrier Follow the Electro Seelie and it will go inside a Thunder Barrier at the northeast portion of Sangonimiya Shrine. Start the puzzle by stand on the initial tile and walk towards the floating statue. Watatsumi Island has seven Relay Stone puzzle locations in Genshin Impact. Some of them are near the Mikage Furnace, so it is recommended that the barrier around it be dispelled first. Heres how to solve the puzzle! People gathered around the towering statue, a bard playing in the back for a group, and in the front a nun prayed with fellow followers to their god of freedom. The next step in solving The Puzzle of the Watatsumi Statue is to unlock the Puzzle itself. Pay respects to it, and then activate all of the Electro . Simply chase the Seelie to its destination and get a common chest. Seirai Island 2 Electro Seelie02:15 3. Categories . If a player's Electrogranum level is insufficient to pass through the barrier, players should still be able to activate the blocked totem by shooting it with Fischel's bow or using Lisa's charged attack. Watatsumi Island was introduced in Genshin Impact 2.1 update, which was released on 1st September 2021. This is important, but just keep it . Get charged from the Electro Seelie and stand in front of one of the three probes protruding edge to activate it. How to get All 16 Electro Seelie on Watatsumi Island and Seirai Island Genshin Im. Follow the Electro Seelie and it will go inside a Thunder Barrier at the north portion of Sangonimiya Shrine. watatsumi island pay respects at the statue electro seelie. Unlock the puzzle 4. Follow the Seelie around the small bits of land to the tip of a buried boat until it hovers . 0 / 1: x5: 1.2 . Southwest of the Suigetsu Pool region players will find a 4-cube puzzle on top of a plateau. Pay respect to the statue to unseal the Lightning Strike Probes. How to solve Watatsumi Island Statue Electro Totem Monument Puzzle in Genshin Impact. Watatsumi Island was introduced in Genshin Impact 2.1 update, which was released on 1st September 2021. Once reached the statue, "Pay Respects at the Statue" to unveil additional tiles. You can tell theyre pointed correctly because the circle around them will glow purple. Sangonomiya Shrine Relay Stone Puzzle 2 Solution Jump down the cliff and find the Electro Seelie under a tree. The below images shows the path as you chase the Electro-Seelie. Once these are all set, the barriers on the Electro pillars will break. . Go near it and it will go down. Electro Seelie Help (Watasumi Island) Ikagura 1 year ago #1. 2021/12/18. During this puzzle, players must successfully reach the glowing tile platform by activating all the additional tiles along the way. Above the Seelie statue. Once players complete the puzzle, they will receive an exquisite chest as a reward. Then, rush towards the large house near the statue. Copyright 2023, All Rights Reserved. Now that you have completed this puzzle, you will be able to get an exquisite chest. Come into contact with the Statue of the Omnipresent God, the symbol of Eternity. It is recommended that this barrier be dispelled first by doing the Seirai Stormchasers Main World Quest. You can do so by hitting cube 1 twice, cube 2 thrice, and cube 3 once. Watatsumi Island 3 compass and a electro seelie Puzzle Genshin Impact (Electroculus Bourou Village). Seirai Island Electro Seelie03:24 4. Click here to see the complete Relay Stone Puzzle. Here you will find 4 rotating cubes. This article shows how to solve all the Lightning Strike Probe puzzles in Watatsumi island. This electro Seelie will lead you to a hidden Luxurious Chest and two Exquisite chests. Location 1: Head over to the north side of the Sangonomiya Shrine for the first ancient altar. Once the blocked totem has been activated, players must then activate the two remaining totems with an Electro-Spec and Hydro-spec character. All you need to do is summon an electrogranum and position yourself between the DS and Electro-Seelie to complete the circuit. Hit each cube until it faces north. Watatsumi island was introduced in Genshin Impact 2.1 update on 1st September 2021. Among these islands, it is located the farthest and on the opposite end of Narukami Island. Doing these quests will give you a lot of Primogems and a chance to explore this new island. In case the players Electrogranum level is not enough to pass the barrier, they can still activate the totem by shooting it with Lisas charged attack or Fischls bow. Step 2 Go back to the domain waypoint and grab an Electrogana and follow the path as shown in the gif to complete Compass Puzzle #1. Chase the Electro Seelie to its home to complete this part. Jump through the window and get to the other side. September 1, 2021. (You may have already done this passively in previous steps.). Witness the fate of the Samurai. Position yourself so that you're also a conduit . In the puzzle region, you will also find two moving Electro Seelie. Solving the Puzzle here will help you to get to an electroculus that is high up in the air. After you have submitted the blooms, the NPC will ask you to check in on a researcher last seen close to a Hilichurl camp on the islands west coast. . Electro Seelie will keep changing position from one probe to another. Click here to see the complete walkthrough to get the Luxurious chest here. Common Chest: Qiongji Estuary: Behind house. Some dishes regenerate characters' health, while others boost attack or defensive abilities. Genshin Impact is a free-to-play action role-playing game developed by miHoYo. This article shows the complete guide to get the hidden luxurious chest in Mouun SHrine. All three probes are sealed. watatsumi island pay respects at the statue electro seelie Posted on June 14, 2022 by This causes an Electro ball to appear on top of the shrine. The Electro Seelie will lead you to a Thunder barrier. Finding and solving Electro Seelies in Watatsumi Island is straight-forward, with Phase Gates to help you traverse around the Island. Also vaguely similar to the pose of the seelie statues as well as Venti's statue. This time follow the Seelie and take note where it pauses. Sometimes Electro Seelies can also help you point the needles, although sometimes they also need precise timing as some of them go around Lightning Strike Probes. Pay respect to the statue and an enemy will appear. However, the problem is figuring out the rules that you have to use in order to figure out the correct orientation of every block. This causes an Electro ball to appear on top of the shrine. The Domain is underwater! Now start following the Electro Seelie again. Inazuma Genshin Impact 2.1 patch (Seirai Island and Watatsumi Island) is a free-to-play action role-playing game developed and published by miHoYo. Channel for different game guides. Use any Electro characters skills to activate them quickly. Watatsumi Island. Watatsumi Island Statue Electro Totem Puzzle Genshin Impact. Chase the Seelie to the Seelie Court, which is on the beach at the west side of Bourou Village as shown in the picture below. On Watatsumi Island, players of Genshin Impact will come across multiple NPCs who need help from the Traveler. The first 2 pylons are in the room in front of the statue. There are a total of six Lightning Strike probe puzzles in the Watatsumi island of the Inazuma region. Watatsumi Island Relay Stone Electro Seelie 18:29 15. First, youll need to pick up the Electrogranum right outside of the circle. 51. . At the highlighted location you will find three Lightning Strike Probes. Once players reach the statue, "Pay Respects at the Statue" to reveal additional tiles. First Part 1. This will summon an Electro Lawachurl that you will have to beat to clear the Electro Field. A password reset link will be e-mailed to you. How to get All 16 Electro Seelie on Watatsumi Island and Seirai Island Genshin Impact Naku Weed Whacker (II) achievement. Watatsumi Island, Inazuma The Mouun Shrine ( Japanese: Mou'un Jinja, "Dark Cloud Shrine") is a subarea in Watatsumi Island, Inazuma .