It flows northwest through Millcreek Township, north through Fairview Township . The graph below shows the stream flow (discharge) for the past 7-days. Videos. Walnut Creek is located between Fairview and Erie, PA, right on Lake Erie. Some hot action fly fishing for steelhead on Walnut Creek in Steelhead Alley. The 2022 Boaters' Choice Awards Recipients Are Here! Located in the northwest corner of the state, Erie is successfully maintaining its traditional reputation as a important industrial center. While Walnut Creek runs for miles down and around Erie, there are only about eight miles of it that are worth considering for fishing. It is also a good place to just walk the beach. I know for a fact that you can watch people catching fish because I have and I have seen people fighting the steelhead and then either landing them on the bank or netting them. Also visit Discovery Square, with its children's and art museums, restored Perry Memorial House and Dickson Tavern, a stop on the Underground Railroad before the Civil War, the historical museum and planetarium and the Gen. "Mad" Anthony Wayne Memorial Blockhouse. We couldn't stop at just flies. At the entrance to the park, you will find Waldameer Park and Water World, a fine family amusement park with giant water slides, a 100-foot gondola ferris wheel overlooking Presque Isle, and many other exciting rides, all in a beautiful wooded area with multiple large and small picnic pavilions. The rain Saturday morning caused water levels to rise and make fishing tough . Important Inventory Page Monitoring location 04213150 is associated with a STREAM in ERIE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. On Pennsylvania's only seashore, Erie boasts seven miles of, clean, sandy, fresh-water beaches on the Presque Isle peninsula, jutting into Lake Erie, a beautiful, natural setting for the Commonwealth's largest state park. The Great Lakes Region Lake Michigan Lake Superior Lake Huron Lake Erie Lake Ontario 3514 State Street, Erie, PA 16508 Florida California Hawaii Webcams - U.S. Travel the new Bayfront Parkway downtown to a redeveloping waterfront and the U.S. Brig Niagara, relief flagship of Com. Despite the cold, Elk Creek fished well on Saturday. Before you go fishing in the Erie area, check here for recent reports from other anglers! We're all chomping at the bit to get out there, but this warm-up isn't going to do our newly formed ice any favors. Patient Notebook. The area's unique mix of lakeside, riverine and mountain environments, of city and countryside attractions, virtually guarantees that at least someone somewhere in the region is having fun in the great outdoors. Theres a waterfall located below Route 5 that makes it difficult for steelhead to migrate when water levels are low, so it might not be easy to find anything past that point. Steelhead fishing continues to remain good on the west side Erie tributaries with consistently good flows and a good mix of fresh and dropback fish. Lake Erie Webcams - LakeErieFish Lake Erie Webcams Below you will find the most used active real time webcams on Lake Erie. If you wish, you're also two hours or less away from professional sporting events in Cleveland, Buffalo, and Pittsburgh. You can click here to see another randomly selected webcam. Fairview, PA 16415 View Our Hours. Walnut Creek Webcams Here you can see the latest view from one live webcam in the destination of Walnut Creek, United States. Water data back to 2008 are available online. Its a live camera feed from Elk Creek and its was setup by Uncle Johns Elk Creek Campground. Elk Creek displayed prime conditions almost all of this past weekend. JAVASCRIPT IS DISABLED. It overlooks Eries business district and the Bayfront skyline. Most steelhead I've ever seen (but not caught). . 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. North West Share: Other Live Webcams: Hosted by: Erie Yacht Club Pennsylvania 16512 - United States (814) 453-4931 A beautiful peninsula with beaches and trails Below you will find the most used active real time webcams on Lake Erie. . Drone Footage. Laughlinsaid Walnut Creek access needs to be expanded. Take the time to look at these great cameras. You'll be able to fly into Erie or drive to the region, with easy access from I-90. We invite you to explore not only the major shopping areas but also the places that are unique and homegrown to Northwest PA. We know you won't be disappointed when you explore the diversity of shopping in our region. See This Year's Marina Honorees. Most of these cameras face the water and give you a good idea of the lake conditions for certain areas. Be sure to check the stream conditions before heading out to fish Walnut Creek. While downtown, see the maritime museum and Blasco Memorial Library. Its best to save your trip for another time. There was a post last night on one of the Erie steelhead pages of two dudes around . However, you can still find some quiet spots later in the season if you know where to look. Walnut Creek is located between Fairview and Erie, PA, right on Lake Erie. This creek runs through several outlying areas and residential regions, with hotels and dining options all over. Sen. Dan Laughlin, a Republican fromErie, is proposing to double the size of the marina on Walnut Creek on Lake Erie. Great Marina but very crowded at times. Sandusky Bay and Cedar Point Sandusky, OH, Kingsville, Ontario Canada looking at Pelee Island, Bay View Marina Longpoint, Ontario Canada, Copyright 2022 As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, Copyright 2022 As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, The Maumee and Sandusky River Walleye Runs, Weather and Waves on Lake Erie | How to be safe before you go. There are bathroom facilities, a six lane boat ramp and plenty of parking. First Mate Our first mates will play a huge role in your success. A standard leader configuration for use with a floating or intermediate line is: Check out our DIY Guide to the Best Fly Fishing Gear for recommendations. In a telephone interview Thursday morning, Laughlin said hefeels the state never really capitalized on its potential on the public side. The always popular Erie Rugby Club holds matches at Bakers Field as well. View Map Lake Erie (Western Basin) The fishing is changing here, but still regarded by many as the best and most productive Walleye and Smallmouth Bass fishery in North America. While they start coming in during the late fall, the populations peak during this time and ensure that youre going to catch at least a few. A short cold spell may put fishing on the tribs at a halt for a short time, Ice flows most of the morning and mid afternoon was amazed at the lack of fish compared to a week ago no hookups. If youre coming for the steelhead, your best trip will be in November or December. One of the things anglers should keep in mind, Laughlin said, is that this project would be done on the east side of the marina with little impact on the current facilities. Tudor Hook-N-Nook, 10079 Cross Station Ext., Girard; 814-323-5886. View our facebook; View our instagram; View our youtube; View our TikTok; Shipping & Returns. Walnut begins south of the Millcreek Mall (which is just east of the Kearsarge exit (Exit 180) of Interstate 79). Complete Erie area fishing reports for Erie, PA streams and Lake Erie waters, including steelhead, walleye and perch fishing. Some ice fisherman use these also to gauge ice coverage across Lake Erie. They can be caught but, you'll work for them. Set includes 40 high quality, hand-tied flies (see list below) and waterproof fly box. Be part of a trout study:Share your wild brook and brown trout photos with researchers, The first step, he explained, is that a study will need to be done to find out what is feasible on the site. Jamestown, N.Y. You can add your live web cam to this display by creating an account at, JavaScript Disabled - Advanced Features Not Available - Please revisit this page with a JavaScript aware web browser for full functionality, Copyright 2008/2023 - WebKams - All Rights Reserved. 814-836-3300. She has been restored as a seaworthy sailing vessel, and is now the official Flagship of Pennsylvania. Although ice fishing may have been relatively non-existent this year, an early spring means excellent perch and crappie fishing on the bay will be upon us in no time! Walnut Creek Upstream Pool, near Erie, PA Important Legacy real-time page Monitoring location 04213152 is associated with a STREAM in ERIE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. This made fishing challenging, but good numbers of fish in the streams made it possible to grind out a handful of bites. A lock ( A registered national natural landmark, recognized internationally as an ecological gem, the park offers a unique mix of nature and recreation. If the water levels are low in this shale-bottom stream, it makes it impossible for fish to migrate much further than the headwaters near the lake. Summary of all available data USGS Parameter Group Data Types Start Date End Date; Information: Water-quality: 1951-05-24: 1973-03-30 . YourErie.coms WxCAM Network provides live high definition video weather shots from around Erie and Crawford counties. The steelhead and lake-run brown trout in the creek are a mixture of wild and stocked, although they tend to lean toward the wild population during peak season. A 9- to 14-foot leader, tapered down to 10- or 8-pound-test is pretty standard. Erie is also experiencing substantial growth as a regional shopping center, with visitors from nearby states and Canada taking advantage of the lack of state sales tax on food and clothing. Here is list of general fly pattern recommendations for Walnut Creek: Ventures Fly Co. offers a great selection of dry flies, nymphs and streamers that will catch fish just about anywhere. Boating safety:Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission offers lifesaving advice for those on the water. Low and clear conditions combined with very cold weather made for some lethargic steelhead over the weekend. Clean-up Event Sponsor Walnut Creek Access Area. So here is where it is all happening and live, Click on the image below to go to the camera you want to view, Walnut Creek Erie Pa Steelhead Fishing Tips, Uncle Johns Elk Creek Campground Camera 1, Uncle Johns Elk Creek Campground Camera 2, Uncle Johns Elk Creek Campground Camera 3, Uncle Johns Elk Creek Campground Camera 4, Leland's Lures Trout Magnet E-Z Trout Float, Pautzke Fishing Bait Salmon Eggs Fire Balls, Tugnsten Bead Head Flash Back Pheasant Tail Mayfly Nymph, Virginia's Beach Lakefront Cabins and Camping, Uncle Johns Elk Creek Campground Live Cameras Steelhead Fishing Erie Pa. 7 days 30 days 1 year Change time span Retrieve data Gage height, ft I know I get asked all the time what are the weather conditions of the creeks? Enjoy this skyview webcam of downtown Erie, PA. Ive actually watched this happen live, yes live. USGS 04213152 Walnut Creek Upstream Pool, near . January and February can be a little rough in some areas, but in general, winter is the absolute best time for steelhead fly fishing in Walnut Creek. Take the time to look at these great cameras. Be careful of visiting when the water levels are too low or youll struggle to find too many fish. This live feed is sponsored by the PA Steelhead Association . Here is a screen shot of the live webcam at Uncle Johns Elk Creek Campground. Lots of small fish and obviously old ones. I have been so lucky to live near this world class fishing spot and I . Walnut Creek Erie Pa Water Conditions for Steelhead Fly Fishing 10-15-10Visit for more steelhead fishing videos and in. Copyright 2023 DIY Fly Fishing, all rights reserved. The famous Walnut Creek Access is the main gateway to the western waters of Pennsylvania's Lake Erie. Similar weight switch rods 10 and 11.5 feet in length are also popular. Posted on 10/20/2017 by Michelle 10/06/2022. See This Year's Marina Honorees. Erie Webcams Bayfront Center for Maritime Studies (BCMS), Erie This Erie Webcam is located at the Bayfront Center for Maritime Studies (BCMS) and is focussed on the East Canal Basin of Presque Isle Bay. Here's a randomly selected United States web cam, click on the thumbnail below for a larger view. Our camera views include shots from the Renaissance Center looking down Erie shore, hiking through the region's many nature preserves and green spaces, or bicycling along the area's quiet country roads, Erie is a great place to start an adventure. Erie County Walnut Creek Area of Map Detail Erie Walnut Creek is the second largest and second most popular creek for steelhead fishing in Pennsylvania. If you can't find what you're specifically looking for, then please contact us and we'll do our best to help you out! An official website of the United States government. A more rugged cross-country skiing experience can be had at any one of the 20 state game lands in the county, none of which is more than a 40-minute drive from Erie. With some light rain, a bit high and murky water, fishing was decent until a guy holding a hunting rifle chased around people fishing on creek warning them they are disturbing his hunting field. The rain Saturday morning caused water levels to rise and make fishing tough for that afternoon, but had it perfect again for Sunday. Web. Make sure that you check water level reports before you go. Are people catching fish? McDowells Pierce Brothers Ready for District Ten, Allegheny Names Layer its New Football Head Coach, Family shot in head at Florida home: sheriff, Federal agency urges railroads to review how they, Hershey responds to critics of trans woman in campaign, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Next . Water data back to 1951 are available online. Share your wild brook and brown trout photos with researchers, Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission offers lifesaving advice for those on the water, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. He said there is grant money in the Erie Access Grant Improvement Program through the Fish and Boat Commissions sale of Erie trout/salmon fishing stamps to help fund projects like this. 2021 I.C.C. This creek runs through several outlying areas and residential regions, with hotels and dining options all over. Beaches Alabama (32) Nothing would need to be shut down during construction. You will find steelhead as late into the year as mid-April, but the numbers dwindle as the season goes on. If you like to swing flies, a 12-foot-6, 6- or 7-weight rod is all you need. Official websites use .gov Erie is a great sports town. The bottom of the creek is shale, so youll want to pack cleats for wading so that you dont have trouble getting around. Brandy Run Gauge Height (Elk Creek) - courtesy of USGS. Its notorious for its steelhead fishing, and will also offer decent runs of brown trout early in the season. Walnut Creek Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center is the most recently constructed Guardian center. Flow and color were prime and slush had not yet formed. Two of us fished from sun up till dark and landed 15 or so. It draws its name from its location four miles (6 km) east of the center of Erie, Pennsylvania. Walnut Creek Erie Pa Steelhead Fishing Tips. There is a great area upstream that offers riffles, pools, and runs that are ideal for fly fishing. Phone. . The Erie Zoo has more than 300 animals in natural habitats, with a focus on the African jungle. The Erie tribs are loaded with steel from top to bottom and water conditions look like they'll remain in good shape for a while. 2023 MadBite Fishing Net Review; About Me; Contact; Post navigation. Get directions to fishing access points and real-time stream flow data with theDIY Fly Fishing Map. In super clear water conditions you may need to taper down to 6-pound-test. As far as a timeline, he would like to see a study start this summer and hopefully start work the following summer. From more than 14 stories in the air, this HD WxCAM also features shots of Eries iconic St Peter Cathedral and Boston Store Building, and the new Erie Insurance Arena. Being on the edge of town near the lake, Walnut Creek offers easy access to local travel accommodations and more. Whether youre coming to get your hand in the steelhead game or maybe some lake-run brown trout, heres what you need to know. Sure wish they would provide access to the public for these cameras. This is also a good way to verify the wind direction is correct before you leave the house with your boat. This past weekend we were faced with very cold temperatures and abundant snowfall. Get directions to access points, boat ramps, and real-time USGS stream flow data. I actually wish they had something like this down at Walnut Creek where you could watch live what is happening in the creek and watch people catching steelhead. It can also make the creek busier than some other streams in the area that are more rural. Click Here for the updated new link to camera 3-31-2016 . You can purchase a Pennsylvania State fishing license and learn about the most current regulations through the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission website. Lake Erie Live Cam The premier boating venue on Lake Erie On this platform you need Adobe Flash player to play this video stream. Web search results - walnut creek erie pa webcam. The 2022 Boaters' Choice Awards Recipients Are Here! This isnt a creek where youll find a lot of camping or wilderness, but its a great weekend getaway. If you have a long drive to the lake and need to know what the lake looks like this is a good resource to have. Walnut Creek offers great mooring opportunities for boats 23 foot and smaller. He pointed out there are some great private marina resources, but he wants to expand on facilities that everyone can enjoy. Fortunately, you can find a lot of great fishing without spending a fortune on guided trips and tours. Erie Harbor: Contact Walnut Creek Marina You can find walk-in access from most of the bridges that cross the creek, as well as parking and lakeside access up near the mouth of the creek where it spills into the river. Well, here is the best answer I have for you. There is no lack of fish; however, with both Elk and Walnut putting up good numbers. Brian Whipkey is the Pennsylvania Outdoors columnist for Gannett. Your complete source for information on fishing the Erie, Pennsylvania area.