Christian set out for a 30-day hitch on Feb. 22, 2014. Whats in the dark will come to the light. 8534 Lakewood Cir, Lauderdale. Afternoon:Dylan returns to the apartment. The Plaintiffs, Todd and Rae Andreacchio ("Plaintiffs"), are the parents of. The group then watches another movie before Christian and Whitley leave the apartment, "to take a little ride", according to Dylan. According to Dylan, Christian had asked him to run by the bank to withdraw all of his money from his account. Afternoon:Christian asks Dylan to run a few errands. Andreacchio was found dead in his bathroom apartment in Meridian on Feb. 26, 2014. - (601) 693 . Listen | Culpable Podcast. Justin would later explain in an episode of the Culpable podcast that within a few minutes of Christian's call, as he was preparing to leave his home to pick him up, Christian called him back and told him that he had someone else coming to pick him up. Details. 5:40pm:Gunshot residue tests are performed. Complaint by Todd Andreacchio and Rae Andreacchio vs. Meridian Chief Administrative Officer Richie McAlister on Dec. 3, 2019, in the Circuit Court of Lauderdale County, Mississippi. Troubling clues fuel a family's quest for justice, New developments revealed in the suspicious death of Christian Andreacchio, District Attorney Coleman releases statement regarding Andreacchio case, District Attorney Kassie Coleman offers to reopen Christian Andreacchio case only if new evidence is presented, Murder or suicide? The filing status is listed as Dissolved. January 8, 2021 CBS's '48 Hours: The Suspicious Death of Christian Andreacchio,' as the title suggests, examines the 2014 death of 21-year-old Christian Andreacchio, which shook the town of Meridian, Mississippi, to its core. Copyright 2023 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. Whitley and Dylan are cold blooded murderers. Todd's contact number is (601) 483-0672 (Bellsouth Telecommunications, LLC) Main Address 1378 Long Creek Rd, Meridian, MS 39301 Single Family Three bedrooms, One bathroom Lot Size - 0.8 acres, Floor Size - 2,117 sqft Parcel ID# 087360000000005400 County: Lauderdale County FIPS: 280750106003091 We have been met with dishonesty and pushback from all agencies. Dylan SwearingenFriend / Acquaintance of Victim, Whitley GoodmanFormer Significant Other Of Victim, Matt MillerPerson With Information / Witness, Jett MillerPerson With Information / Witness, Justin BurnsFriend / Acquaintance of Victim, Mike SimsPerson With Information / Witness, Hayes MitchellPerson With Information / Witness, 5:00am:Christian boards his tugboat for work. These particles are consistent with particles present in gunshot residue". According to Christian's bank account records, there is a purchase at a Meridian Chick-Fil-A at 1:06 pm on February 26th. Photos. A grand jury heard the case in 2017 and did not indict Goodman and Swearingen. This request stems from the public release of several documents, which were obtained by the city of Meridian, through this anonymous Facebook account. Sonny's current address is 2602 43rd Avnue, Meridian, MS 39307-4269. Christians friend Dylan Swearingen called the Meridian police, but investigators who arrived to assess the scene reported were interrupted by an order from then-police chief James Lee to stop investigating and rule the death a suicide. There simply aren't enough words to describe the type of man Christian was or the type of person Christian could've become one day if only he had the opportunity. This lawsuit alleged that the Andreacchios, private investigator, and the podcast continuously made false allegations and repeatedly used defamatory statements about the pair on several social media platforms, as well as on podcast appearances. Christians family says authorities refused to allow them to have an outside forensic lab analyze the DNA sample on the trigger of Christians gun. Andreacchio et al v. Mcallister 3:2020cv00002 | US District Court for ANDREACCHIO v. COLEMAN (2021) | FindLaw '48 Hours' Episode Includes New Information in Mysterious Death, 'Culpable' dives deep into a Mississippi mystery, Mississippi representatives introduce legislation in honor of Christian Andreacchio, Meridian City Council approves request to open DOJ investigation into Christian Andreacchio case, Parents sue Mississippi official over shared autopsy photos, Christian Andreacchio's family files residency suit against District Attorney, The producers of hit true-crime podcast Culpable are offering a $100,000 reward and say their investigation is 'not stopping' after the finale, Justice for Christian Andreacchio? On February 26, 2014, police from the Meridian Police Department discovered Christian Andreacchio, 21, slumped over his bathtub in the bathroom of his apartment upstairs. He was the 2nd child (out of 4) to Rae and Todd Andreacchio. Todd R Andreacchio, (601) 632-9339, Lauderdale Public Records Instantly Once the sky turns dark, everyone moves outside. Darren Hogan. Andreacchio has 1 job listed on their profile. 22CC-2020-CV-18 Larry J. Wallace, Judge . Plaintiffs argue that Defendant exceeded the bounds of constitutionally protected speech by distributing their sons autopsy photographs online. ", Goodman said, reciting verses that she says reflect her life after Andreacchio's death, "I miss who I was, the person I once was allowed to be, before the anxiety, the pain and the notoriety. Between the time frame of 5:16 pm on the evening of February 25th and 12:50 am on February 26th, Christian calls Whitley 5 times. Christian Andreacchio may have hailed from landlocked Meridian, Mississippi, but according to family members he dreamed of a life spent on the water. The Andreacchios never were able to determine whether Christian took out a policy, and Chief Dubose said police never confirmed there was such a policy. Manner of Death: Suicide. If the death was definitively a suicide, why did the coroner rule it as undetermined?. "After a mere 45-minute investigation, local police ruled his death a suicide,. (601) 482-7808is Todd's phone number. Prior to that, she was a reporter for the Clarion-Ledger covering education and state government. He had suffered a gunshot wound to the head. LOW HIGH. ANDROK, INC. in Meridian, MS | Company Information & Reviews Obituary | Joseph Richard Andreacchio | Robert Barham Family Funeral Home Andreacchio v. Coleman :: 2021 :: Supreme Court of Mississippi Christian is further described on the website by his friends as "a friend you would want to have your back. We need to get married, she tells him. Rae said she and her husband never heard anything further regarding the DNA testing. A young man's death is ruled a suicide; family and friends believe otherwise. Goodman's mother, Christie Chatterton, said, "I just want them to know that she did not kill him. Christian's neighbor, Mike, would later report to police that he noticed a gold Chevrolet or GMC truck parked next to Whitley's silver BMW at Christian's apartment at approximately 4:15 pm. Todd Andreacchio et al. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. Russell W Andreacchio Jr, Meridian, MS (39301) - Spokeo Rae Andreacchio says she is hopeful that if a grand jury is reconvened, they will one day find justice for Christian. ", After reading the poem, Goodman, whom the Andreacchio family says has not answered key questions about her involvement in Christian's death, said, "I was so confused whenever I started being blamed. Christian Andreacchio - Part 2, Conversations: Aaron fr. In the years since Christian's death, Goodman has struggled to hold a job and changed her appearance to avoid the glare of social media, according to her mother. The parents of Christian Andreacchio filed a lawsuit Tuesday against Meridian's chief administrative officer accusing him of publically displaying their son's autopsy photos. Published: Apr. Andreacchio Rae - Director of RTC - UHS | LinkedIn Authorities. On February 26, 2014 in Meridian, Mississippi, 21-year old Christian Andreacchio was found dead inside his apartment from a single gunshot wound to the head in an apparent suicide. Episode 2 | Culpable Podcast The photographs were public records released by the Mississippi Attorney Generals Office. His reasons for these extreme efforts are unknown to the Andreacchios, but they now must endure daily the knowledge that the graphic evidence of their most private and personal grief has simply become Ritchie McAllisters (sic) public water cooler, the lawsuit states. Share your thoughts and memories of Christian. And then, of course, from there there'll be a trial. Christian and Whitley's relationship was very rocky from the beginning, as his family describes. Defendant has argued publicly in favor of the Meridian Police Departments conclusion. Stacy Andreacchio is 55 years old and was born on 05/18/1967.Stacy Andreacchio lives in Lauderdale, MS; previous city include Meridian MS. Stacy also answers to Stacy R Andreacchio, Stacy Thompson, S R Andreacchio, Rea Andreacchio and Rae Todd Andreacchio, and perhaps a couple of other names.We know that Stacy is married at this point. ", Afternoon:Christian is found dead in the bathroom, The following includes the following events from Dylan's police statements: After Justin agrees and starts to get ready to leave his home, Christian calls him back and informs him that someone else would be picking him up, another friend of Christian's named Dylan.Dylan arrives to pick Christian up around 8:00 am the following day, February 26, 2014, before the pair make the long drive back to Meridian, Mississippi. | Ft. John Lordan, Gunshot Residue Analysis Information Form, Death Investigation: Christian Andreacchio, Affidavit for Search and Seizure Warrant - Christian's Phone Records, Summary of Security and Investigative Support Services, Mississippi Bureau of Investigation Report. He was in a good mood, Stanley told Mississippi Today about Christians demeanor that night. . During the grand jury trial, the jury determined that there is not enough evidence to indict anyone for Christian's death. Dylan later tells police that when he woke up, Whitley was sleeping, and Christian was on the couch smoking a cigarette. Christian and Whitley begin to argue shortly after their arrival back at his apartment, about where Whitley was the previous night because both Christian and Whitley had tracking apps on their cell phones at the time. After Christian and Whitley begin arguing shortly after their arrival, the trio watches a movie before Christian asks Dylan to run go to a local bank to withdraw all of the money out of his account and pick up some lunch for the group. To learn more about Christian's case, listen to the Culpable podcast, which is dedicated to sharing Christian's story. Although arrest warrants for murder have been issued for Goodman and Swearingen, they have not been arrested. A host of police detectives, three police chiefs, the Mississippi Bureau of Investigation, private investigators, crime scene re-constructionists, a forensic pathologist and several attorneys have tried to figure out how and why Christian died. According to Christian's cell phone records, three calls were placed from his phone between 4:48 pm and 4:55 pm. Now that the case had been handed off to the state Attorney Generals office, Christians family is hopeful they finally will get some answers. Dr. John C. Halbrook is a Oncologist in Meridian, MS. Find Dr. Halbrook's phone number, address, insurance information, hospital affiliations and more. Phone records from early January 2014 show Goodman texted Christian about the possibility of being pregnant, the family says. We center readers in everything we do, informingand engagingMississippians through reporting, podcasts, events and online communities. In 2017, a Lauderdale County grand jury decided not to indict two people in connection withAndreacchio'sdeath. by Kate Royals, Mississippi Today March 17, 2017, This article first appeared on Mississippi Today and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.. Suspicious Death: Christian Andreacchio | Meridian, MS | Uncovered Suspicious Death Christian Andreacchio Follow Christian's Case A young man's death is ruled a suicide; family and friends believe otherwise. If you share our stories on social media, please tag us in your posts using. We prefer Author Name, Mississippi Today in the byline. Founded in 2016 as the states first nonprofit, nonpartisan newsroom, Mississippi Todays roots in Capitol coverage have grown to encompass a myriad of beats beyond politics and policy, including education, public health, justice, environment, equity, and, yes, sports. I yelled Whitley, Christian is dead we have to call 911 and she screamed and ran upstairs and began holding him. Results from Whitley's GSR test are returned. Christian and Dylan share multiple phone calls during this time. Another call is placed from Christian's phone to Matt Miller at 5:11 pm, nearly 2 hours after Christian's estimated time of death. Location), 12:50am:Christian calls his friend, Justin. Please enter valid email address to continue. Christian reached out to his boss to see if he could find a substitute in order to go home for a day, indicating it was due to a family conflict. Winner Announced For The Christian Andreacchio Memorial Scholarship - Tv Its too obvious to everyone I would hope that this definitely wasnt a suicide. Meridian CAO denies allegations in response to Andreacchio family Todd also advised against it. Dylan had hidden Christian's gun previously because of an incident where Christian had reportedly held the gun up to his head.While Dylan is out of the apartment, everything seems to take a turn for the worst. After Whitley, Christian, and Dylan spend some time at the apartment and watch a movie, Dylan offers to go pick up food, to which Christian agrees, and asks him to run a couple of errands while he's out. The lawsuit . They each declined to be interviewed, but their mothers say they are innocent. Mary L Andreacchio, Russell W Andreacchio, and five other persons spent some time in this place. Then he was supposed to have been back to the boat for crew change at 5:30 that evening.. By 11:30, the pair arrive back at Christian's apartment, where his girlfriend, Whitley, is waiting. Murder or Suicide? Christian Andreacchio - Part 1 - Killer Queens Podcast a proud member of the Meridian, MS - thIn an effort to respond clearly and concisely to any remaining inquires, the 10 Judicial . Arden believes Andreacchio's body was moved after he was killed. Help keep the momentum going by rejoining our member community today. Christian's Boat Docks (Approx. (WTOK) - Rae Andreacchio addressed the Meridian City Council Tuesday with a request regarding the death of her son Christian Andreacchio . Demand DOJ investigate corruption involved in Christian Andreacchio's