Durkan said that she could either do her job or run for her job. Dbroussa(View Comment):The GOP is happy to have any grass roots conservative movement vote for them, but only as long as they know their place (in the back with their mouths shut). It is true at the same time that police unions have wrapped some police with protections that thwart wise administration and, in some instances, leave bad cops on the payroll. We need to pray for America, lest the riots in the streets become the new normal. It actually means tyranny of the majority. Overview. We need to pray for America, lest the riots in the streets become the new normal. Trump wasnt that, but the GOP knew it had to work with him if they wanted any power at allbut the first chance they got to cut ties they took it. Goodbye, Summer of Love - WSJ The council was composed of the Family Dog hippie commune, The Straight Theatre, The Diggers, The San Francisco Oracle, and approximately 25 other people, who sought to alleviate some of the problems anticipated from the influx of people expected during the summer. Seattles Q-13 News political reporter Brandi Kruse says Durkan was attacked from her left and right political flanks. STRAND Showcase Spotlight: In Conversation With Livia Rita, Brasserie Zdel, W1 La Vie En Rose And A Feast For 20, Coming As They Are: Breaking Down The Boygenius/Nirvana Rolling Stone Shoot and Interview, Strand Film Festival 2022: A Glimpse of Tomorrows Filmmakers, 'The Last of Us' (HBO) Review: The Last of Us TV Series Does Something Different. SEATTLE - Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan continues to be lambasted for a June 11 interview with CNNs Chris Cuomo, during which she suggested the occupied protest Let blue cities and their feckless leaders reckon with the destruction of the violence and looting. WebMadvillain Remixes by Abstract Orchestra, releases 08 April 2023 1. WebCaribbean Summer (SN) Heather Hemmens and SerDarius Blain: June 4, 2022: Hidden Gems (SN) Hunter King and Beau Mirchoff: Summer Nights Hallmark Movies 2021. Edited by Andriani Scordellis, Film Editor, Sassy, Sexy, and Revolutionary: Love Poetry Night at Gower Street Waterstones, STRAND Showcase Spotlight: In Conversation With Max Busin, Founder and CEO Of Gotobeat, STRAND Showcase Spotlight: In Conversation With Finn Doherty, Nooriyah at the Jazz Caf: Spotlighting Arabic Samples in the Way They Deserve, STRAND Showcase Spotlight: In Conversation With Good Future, We Say "YESSIE" To Jessie Reyez At The O2 Shepherds Bush Empire, Munroe Bergdorf Launches Her New Book At Southbank Centre. The Marxists in the streets have turned some parts of America into the wild, wild West. Summer Hippy culture embraced foreign travel as a means "[55], During the summer of 2017, San Francisco celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Summer of Love by holding numerous events and art exhibitions. God is not mocked. Must end this Seattle takeover now! We are not exciting a rebellion. At least 25 Americans were killed during protests and political Two wolves and a sheep deciding on what to have for dinner. SUMMER OF LOVE OVER: Seattle Mayor To Dismantle CHOP Let us not forget. Like many other West Coast cities that have not enforced laws on vagrancy, sleeping on the streets, and drug use, Seattle is overrun with people looking for no- or low-cost and responsibility-free housing where they can indulge their drug addictions. The summer 2020 riots resulted in some 15 times more injured police officers, 23 times as many arrests, and estimated damages in dollar terms up to 1,300 times more costly than those of the Capitol riot. In a written statement released Sunday, Mayor Durkan doubled down on her belief that the city can allow CHOP to exist safely.In the coming days, I believe together we can create a Capitol Hill environment that allows for peaceful demonstrations at Cal Anderson, quality of life for residents, and take concrete steps towards a new vision for policing in our City.. August Hundreds of people riotedand looted stores in Chicago between August 9 and August 10 after a man was reportedly shot by police. As is well demonstrated on this feed, some alleged conservatives parrot the rhetoric. Dow Jones Reprints at 1-800-843-0008 or visit www.djreprints.com. A new election could also bring out old candidates. There are reported to be at least 30 dead in violence---14 of them cops. In one of them, a 19-year-old kid who was trying to get Instead of working to make true change, Council member Sawant continues to choose political stunts. The former U.S. attorney-turned mayor appears to be all CHAZd out and announced she wont run for re-election in 2021. The lady doth protest too much, methinks. The panel affirmed the district courts dismissal for failure to state a claim of an action brought against the City of Seattle pursuant to 42 U.S.C. While it lasted, CHAZ/CHOP may well have been the murder capital (that is, per capita) of the whole country. All Rights Reserved. The long accepted meaning is committing violence to further a political goal. Summer Nights Hallmark Movies - mrDustBin This is why whenever someone says, vote for someone Trump-like but just not Trump I think, sure, but who else is there? Along with LSD, cannabis was also much used during this period. The data of two exhaustive studies, for instance, indicate police shootings are mostly the consequence of real endangerment with no evidence of racism. Every share makes a big difference. Goodbye, Summer of Love. Leary. The soundtrack is also noteworthy and helps bolster the emotions of the scenes especially Rod Stewart's _Sailing_. This is also another subject that Ozon handles effortlessly: his earlier film 'In The House' tells the story of a student who infiltrates his friends house and writes essays about his family life, submitting them to his teacher who in turn becomes obsessed with his stories. If the officer isnt injured, its only a misdemeanor, per The Daily Wire (8/28/20). Biden's First Official 2024 Primary Challenger Is a Meditating Hippy Who Preaches the Kamala Harris's Husband Has a Message For All the Super-Progressive, Woke, Liberal Men Business Tycoon Criticizes Democrat-Run States: 'They Are Punishing People Who Are Success Nancy Pelosi Criticizes Biden for Giving Republicans a Win Over DC Crime Bill, Biden Abruptly Walks Away After Refusing to Answer Questions on Covid Lab Leak. Seattle can and should peacefully demonstrate but should not put families and children at risk., As of 7:45 AM, officers have made 23 arrests in the #CHOP zone for failure to disperse, obstruction, resisting arrest, and assault. So much for addressing the problems of police brutality and excessive use of force. 2023 FOX Television Stations, from SAT 6:00 PM PST until SUN 12:00 PM PST, Wenatchee Area, shootings in and around CHOP this past weekend, VIDEO: Kent police search for man who stole car with 2 children inside; children later found unharmed, 'I've been really scared:' Survivor of home invasion sexual assault fighting to keep suspects in jail, Remains found tangled in a fishing line south of Marysville in 1979 identified through DNA, Puyallup police officer arrested for third-degree rape, Bryan Kohberger's Pennsylvania warrants: Experts break down key evidence, Bryan Kohberger lawyer blasts 'grotesquely twisted' media coverage of stabbing that killed 4 Idaho students, Philadelphia Eagles WR Zach Pascal robbed at gunpoint in Maryland, Thurston County man dead after being hit by car in his own driveway, suspect arrested, VIDEO: Distinct red van may have been used in multiple break-ins in Seattle, Edmonds, Investigators: Former Puyallup police officer accused of rape may be linked to other assault, Skin cancer removed from President Biden's chest, Roof collapses during vacant building fire in Lake City, Seattle Police search for suspect who shot someone in the leg in Belltown, Seattle Police search for hit-and-run driver, SPD: 3 kids arrested for threats, stealing a car, having guns. MOVE FAST! They were scared dont you know. Summer (as unprecedented as this one may appear) often calls for a celebratory tale of youthful love and freedom in the sun, where at once everything and anything seems possible but where one inevitably suffers at the hands of the inexplicable torture we call coming of age. our Subscriber Agreement and by copyright law. Our founders were classically educated in Greece and Rome and understood the evils of democracy. [12] This phrase helped shape the entire hippie counterculture, as it voiced the key ideas of 1960s rebellion. Upcoming Events at Gower Street Waterstones! Watch Summer of Love | Prime Video - amazon.com [23][24], "You only had to walk out your door to join the fun"Mike Lafavore[25], The media's coverage of hippie life in the Haight-Ashbury drew the attention of youth from all over America. American Communist Angela Davis, who spent time in jail for violent revolutionary activities, once said, Demonstrations are rehearsals for revolution.. That is ghastly. Love also said: My [Facebook][ is filled with death threats, that and only being able to use one hand has me going slow. 1983 by Donnitta Sinclair, whose nineteen-year-old son was shot to death in 2020 in the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest (CHOP) zone, an area that the Seattle Police As Summer of 85 opens, our narrator, 16-year-old Alex ( Flix Lefebvre) expresses an interest in death with a capital D.. California Demanding Leftist Kookiness? It was produced by 2b1 Multimedia and the Council of Light.[49][50][51]. By the law in the Old and New Testament it has none; by the law of nature and nations it has none; by the common law of England it has none; by statute law it has none; the Declaratory Act of 1766 was made without our consent by a Parliament which had no authority beyond the four seas., Adams went on to say, The two characteristics of this people, religion and humanity, are strongly marked in all their proceedings. This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. Accordion (Ghostlife Remix) 5. WebSummer of Love. Real Clear Investigations has a handy article and chart that compares January 6th Insurrection that was worse than Pearl Harbor, 9-11, and the cancellation of Firefly combined, to the mostly peaceful riots by Democrat surrogates during the summer of 2020 that were the voice of the unheard. Here are some of their takeaways. And during the riots, where were the Never Trumpers? (None) How much immigration reform, border security, etc.? The views here are those of the author and not necessarily Daily Surge, Jerry Newcombe, D.Min., is an on-air host/senior producer for D. James Kennedy Ministries. Some people like to compare todays revolutionary movement of anarchy to the American Revolution, more properly called The War for Independence. There were four shootings, two deaths, arsons, and several alleged sexual assaults inside the squalor known as the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone, which was later re-christened CHOP, or the Capital Hill Organized Protest area. A mock funeral entitled "The Death of the Hippie" ceremony was staged on October 6, 1967, and organizer Mary Kasper explained the intended message:[23], We wanted to signal that this was the end of it, to stay where you are, bring the revolution to where you live and don't come here because it's over and done with. A few were interested in politics; others were concerned more with art (music, painting, poetry in particular) or spiritual and meditative practices. [26] Americas founders were very concerned about the rule of law. [29] Additionally, media coverage of the Monterey Pop Festival facilitated the Summer of Love as large numbers of hippies traveled to California to hear favorite bands such as The Who, Grateful Dead, the Animals, Jefferson Airplane, Quicksilver Messenger Service, The Jimi Hendrix Experience, Otis Redding, The Byrds, and Big Brother and the Holding Company featuring Janis Joplin. If the GOP doesnt advance conservative ideologythen what use is it? [26] As with the previous shooting, there are no suspects and no one in the CHOP was cooperating with police. After the mayor issued an executive order declaring the autonomous zone an unlawful assembly, Seattle police on Wednesday morning moved in and the new nation was disbanded. Look at any recent example in the Middle East where we flipped a Sunni/Shiite power structure in the name of democracy and it resulted in nothing but chaos. In 2016, 2b1 Multimedia and The Council of Light, once again, began the planning for the 50th Anniversary of the Summer of Love in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. If Republicans and conservative media are allowed to run roughshod over the process, it wont benefit Democrats running in 2022, or 2024. She saw the protestors screaming in front of a police headquarters and seemed to believe that if the police went somewhere else, anarchy could transform their suffering into flourishing. It is the way the boys faces contort in the wind as they speed along a country road, or the way they tenderly wipe blood off the corner of each others mouths, possibly the most erotic sequence of the film. Ken Kesey and Timothy Leary were also reportedly in attendance. Making Democrats Own Their Summer of Love. Not withstanding the assertions of Rachel Maddow (who posts under the psuedonym of Gary), the word does have a meaning. [32] Meanwhile, the song charted at number one in the United Kingdom and much of Europe. That is just hooliganism. We should not forget this warning from Scripture: Do not be deceived. (@SeattlePD) July 1, 2020, Intelligence Brief __________ Replace The Media, Summer of Love over in Seattle? [5], Inspired by Jack Kerouac's On the Road[3] (1957) and the Beat Generation of authors of the 1950s, who had flourished in the North Beach area of San Francisco, those who gathered in Haight-Ashbury during 1967 allegedly rejected the conformist and materialist values of modern life; there was an emphasis on sharing and community. Summer of 85 movie review & film summary (2021) | Roger Ebert [16], College students, high school students, and runaways began streaming into the Haight during the spring break of 1967, John F. Shelley the then-Mayor of San Francisco and the San Francisco Board of Supervisors,[3] determined to stop the influx of young people once schools ended for the summer, unwittingly brought additional attention to the scene, and a series of articles in the San Francisco Examiner and San Francisco Chronicle alerted the national media to the hippies' growing numbers. The mayor will go down in history for allowing protesters to create a police-free Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) in her city. Around this time last summer, hundreds took the to streets in protest of the killing of George Floyd, a time period which some members of the movement ironically dubbed the Summer of Love.. This is why we still get posts about how the Republican Party has to divorce itself from Trump or lose its credibilitywhen the GOP never had any credibilityonly the ideology and the individuals have, or can have, credibility. Resistance to lawful authority makes rebellion.. It shows clearly the fact that most of the glitterati only went along with Trump and his supporters to maintain their power. 'Summer of Love' No More? Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan [4] In response, some people in the crowd threw various objects, and 38 arrests ensued. The so-called summer of love has brought nothing but looting, violence, destruction, and even death. Go back to Reagan and look at every GOP President (Reagan, Bush, Bush, Trump) and tell me which ones said that they were Pro-Life? Summer of Love turned murderous: The rise and fall of What was the summer of love? | Travel | The Guardian The fall and winter months of 2020 and early 2021 were the deadliest of the pandemic to date. By the law in the Old and New Testament it has none; by the law of nature and nations it has none; by the common law of England it has none; by statute law it has none; the Declaratory Act of 1766 was made without our consent by a Parliament which had no authority beyond the four seas., Adams went on to say, The two characteristics of this people, religion and humanity, are strongly marked in all their proceedings. Durkan infamously announced last summer that the takeover of part of Seattle by antifa and Black Lives Matter radicals was really a good thing. (All of them) How many of them actually worked to further the Pro-Life agenda? In frustration, producer Boots Hughston put the proposal of what was by then to be a 52nd anniversary free concert into the form of an initiative intended for the November 6, 2018, ballot. Little Lizzy Cheney embraces it. You think your hyperbole emphasizes the bad events of that day; but you are actually diminishing them by being so ridiculous. [56] Lessons from Former Jesus Revolution for New Jesus Revolution, How Green is My Planet?- Many ClimateChange Concerns Driven by Politics More Than Facts, VIDEO: Lois Lerner Tries Barging Into Neighbors Home To Evade Questions, Investigator Says StemExpress Gets Fully Intact Dead Babies, History Repeating? [4] While the Summer of Love is often regarded as a significant cultural event, its actual significance to ordinary young people of the time, particularly in Britain, has been disputed. While it lasted, CHAZ/CHOP may well have been the murder capital (that is, per capita) of the whole country. Netanyahu hints at military action. The Haight-Ashbury could not accommodate this influx of people, and the neighborhood scene quickly deteriorated, with overcrowding, homelessness, hunger, drug problems, and crime afflicting the neighborhood. Yes, and this is exactly the arrangement that Bush-Republicans are fighting so hard to preserve. The numbers are staggering: over the past twenty years in Chicago, 14,033 people have been killed and another roughly 60,000 Seattles mayor says in a video that she had to choose between spending the next year campaigning to keep this job or focusing all my energy on doing the job. More likely, Ms. Durkan realized that if she ran, shed probably lose. BLM Rioters Charges Dropped after 2020 'Summer of Love [1][2] More broadly, the Summer of Love encompassed the hippie music, hallucinogenic drugs, anti-war, and free-love scene throughout the West Coast of the United States, and as far away as New York City. New Year New Movies Hallmark Movies - mrdustbin.com https://www.wsj.com/articles/goodbye-summer-of-love-11607898398. Section of Blue Ridge Parkway damaged by 2020 landslide remains The so-called summer of love has brought nothing but looting, violence, destruction, and even death. That applies to nations, as well as to individuals. Summer Beautiful scenery, solid plot even though the alternation between past and present dulls the climax. Madvillain Remixes | Abstract Orchestra What America needs more than anything is Jesus, is genuine revival, which begins with genuine repentance. Continue reading your article witha WSJ subscription, Already a member? | PrivacyPolicy | Klicked Media. Must end this Seattle takeover now!. In an op-ed in the magazine named for the bloodthirsty murderers of the French Revolutions Reign of Terror, called the Jacobins, Sawant called Durkan Amazons mayor and a corporate elitist. Please RESIGN @MayorJenny In Honor Of #LorenzoAnderson , The 19 Year Old Who DIED In The #JennyDurkan ENDORSED #Seattle Zone Know As #CHOP Then #CHAZ, YOU FAILED As A Person And As A Mayor That DIRECTLY Led To The DEATH Of #HoraceLorenzoAnderson Jr.#RIPLorenzo#Lorenzo & Dad pic.twitter.com/5MnaGXGc1Q, Kermit In Progress (@Kermit_Progress) July 2, 2020. It was at this event that Timothy Leary voiced his phrase, "turn on, tune in, drop out". The media's reportage of the "counterculture" included other events in California, such as the Fantasy Fair and Magic Mountain Music Festival in Marin County and the Monterey Pop Festival, both during June 1967. On more recent events, former Reagan administration advisor Gary Bauer wrote, There is no connection between a man being shot by police and burning down a furniture store or car dealership, ruining the lives of others . 5,000 people attended the Be-In, with performances by bands like the Grateful Dead, Odetta and Captain Beefheart. OnklP & De Fjerne Slektningene // Kvarteret // ASF | Concerts By The Editorial Board. Surge Summary: 2020s violent, destructive Summer of Love is coming to an end and it had little to do with the kind of revolution staged by Americas founders over two centuries ago. During The terrorists burn and pillage our cities, and they think it is just wonderful, even the death. You will receive an email with a link to set a new password. [45] The culture supported MDMA use and some LSD use. And he adds, Feckless politicians + apologists for anarchists = horror coming to your community soon.. Cops were pretty well stymied in trying to intervene and rescue vehicles stayed safely away. After all, Trump ran on building the wall and then Speaker Ryan squashed that with Leader McConnells help. Davids death is symbolical of the death of an era as the dreamy landscapes of the 80s come to an abrupt end, but also of Alexis naivety and youth as he comes to terms with his relationships both with others and himself. Dec. 13, 2020 5:26 pm ET. google_ad_slot = "3278653491"; Good Riddance: Summer of Love and Its Chaos, Lawlessness Wrap [7], The prelude to the Summer of Love was a celebration known as the Human Be-In at Golden Gate Park on January 14, 1967,[8] which was produced and organized by artist Michael Bowen.[9][10][11]. Once considered a forgone conclusion,Durkan danced around questions in recent months about whether she would run again in 2021. Copyright 2023 PJMedia.com/Salem Media. While they seemed honorable at first, these protests quickly devolved into riots which resulted in massive damage to many cities across the country. But this year I am glad to see summer is over. President Trump on Friday mocked the claim by Seattles mayor that a takeover of parts of the city could lead to a new "summer of love" there -- even after police [46][47][48], During the summer of 2007, San Francisco celebrated the 40th anniversary of the Summer of Love by holding numerous events around the region, culminating on September 2, 2007, when over 150,000 people attended the 40th anniversary of the Summer of Love concert, held in Golden Gate Park in Speedway Meadows. [14], The term "Summer of Love" originated with the formation of the Council for the Summer of Love during the spring of 1967 as a response to the convergence of young people on the Haight-Ashbury district. [13], The gathering of approximately 30,000 at the Human Be-In helped publicize hippie fashions. It has been my hope that the Durkan experiment would help wake people up as so many other communities around the country have in effect put handcuffs on police while protesters have done enormous damage and crime in some cities has risen dramatically as police disparagement leaves police less proactive. This post was promoted to the Main Feed by a Ricochet Editor at the. That applies to nations, as well as to individuals. After losing his untenured position as an instructor on the Psychology faculty at Harvard University, Timothy Leary became a major advocate for the recreational use of psychedelic drugs. Sometimes one has to look at the GOP as ask what their goals are, because they arent necessarily conservatives goals. Want to help revive the Free Press in America? How much did Federal spending decrease under any of those 4 GOP presidents? There was only one right choice for the city: doing the job. [53][54] The issue did not make the ballot; however, a more generic Proposition E provides for directing hotel tax fees to a $32 million budget for "arts and cultural organizations and projects in the city. Americas founders were very concerned about the rule of law. Ted sent bombs to people to protest corporate collectivism or something. At least 25 Americans were killed during protests and political unrest in 2020 Candles and flowers form a tribute to Summer Taylor and Diaz Love during a rally near the Other Voices: Seattles summer of love experiment shows how How much did Federal spending decrease under any of those 4 GOP presidents? To alert special friends and family please email the link to this article. [4] After this event, Allan Katzman, the editor of the East Village Other, predicted that 50,000 hippies would enter the area for the summer. In an interview Thursday, prior to the deadly shooting in CHOP, Mayor Durkan acknowledged her poor choice of words.I clearly said that in jest, it probably was not the smart thing to do, she said.But Durkan said she believes critics ignored the totality of her remarks.It was not the best choice of words, but immediately after that, I clarified and qualified it, she said. Young love, romance and tragedy portrayed with sheer sincerity by the wonderful cast.