Click on the visit button below to learn more about our virtual and in-person visit options. Participation in the tuition insurance plan is optional and St. Ambrose University does not administer the program. Pell Grant-eligible Iowans can attend St. Ambrose University tuition-free! Summer financial aid is not automatically awarded to students. What if my BeeCard is stolen?If your BeeCard is stolen on campus, file a theft report with Security. *See the graduate student loan accordion for more information regarding federal loans available to graduate level students. These processing or origination fees are charged to you and taken off the top of your loan. Dual Admissions students may obtain their card after completion of required paperwork with the St. Ambrose Admissions office. Housing Fee: $150Payable with housing contract offer after a student is admitted to the university on May 1. Use it as an ice scraper or any other form of tool. Examples of public service include government jobs at any level, attorneys in certain fields, non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations, and other non-profit groups. Visit thePrivate Alternative Loan section above for more information. You've already started your education. Take a Virtual Tour. Available dates for Visiting Interns are May 27th through July 30th. Take a sneak peek of North Hall We're more than just smart kids! Through rigorous academics, service and leadership opportunities, and faculty who push you to do and be your best, you will envision the future with new eyes. At St. Ambrose, depending on the timing of the withdrawal, there may be circumstances where you may not be eligible to receive a full refund of your tuition and fees. These processing or origination fees are charged to you and taken off the top of your loan. Last day to add/drop with tuition refund. Its undergraduate tuition and fees is a little bit higher than the average amount of similar schools' tuition of $29,137 - private (not-for-profit) Master's College and University (larger programs). Undergraduate Tuition for Full Time Status (12-18 credits):$17,415 per semester / $34,290 per yearUndergraduate Tuition forPart-Time Status (1-11 credits): $1,050/credit hour (16-week courses); $500/credit hour (accelerated and online courses). You'll be ahead of the crowd when you earn your$1,000* Bee Ready Bonus! As a private loan borrower, it is your responsibility to research which loan will be best for you. Welch Alumni Scholarships: $1,000 per yearParent is a St. Ambrose graduate, Catholic Traditions Scholarship: $1,000 per yearStudents with Catholic religious denomination or plans to graduate from Catholic high school, Minority Scholarship: $500 per yearEthnically diverse student, Athletic Scholarships: variesPerformance and ability, Fine Arts Scholarships: variesPerformance and ability in music, art and theatre. Full-time students are required to live on campus until they have completed two years of post-high school studies at St. Ambroseor another accredited institution of higher education (community college, college or university). Request Form - Physical Plant - Wufoo Know your allotted grace period for each loan. Here are some important tips to follow when borrowing student loans: All students filing a FAFSA are eligible for federal loans. Cannot be combined with athletics or fine arts scholarships. These private loan comparison tools empower you to take control of the process and make an informed decision in selecting the best private loan for your individual situation. The University's withdrawal and refund policies are applicable whether or not you enroll in the tuition insurance plan. However, if you are enrolled during the summer for at least half-time (6 hours for undergraduate or 3 hours for graduate), you may be eligible for Federal Direct Loans. Virtual Tour We walk with you, guiding and encouraging you to the end. We offer a safe, supportive, and empowering community that will challenge and support you. for SAU Portal - St. Ambrose University Residence Life | Ambrose University Please visit theFinancial Aid Resources page. St. Ambrose has partnered with Sallie Mae to offer an opt-in tuition insurance plan. St Ambrose is a great diverse school with amazing staff. Working in certain public service jobs and making continuous payments on your Direct Loan may qualify the balance of your loan to be forgiven. For those who remain enrolled or employed at St. Ambrose beyond the expiration of the card, simply stop by the BeeCard Services desk, turn in your expired card, and receive a complimentary replacement. You should pay close attention to interest rates, fees, and repayment terms. What should I bring to get my BeeCard?Domestic students and employees should bringone of the following forms of government-issuedphoto identification: International students and employees should bringone of the following items for identification: When can I get my BeeCard?BeeCards for incoming Fall term students will not be released prior to August 1, cards for incoming Spring term students will not be released before January 1, incoming summer student cards will not be released before May 1 immediately prior to their start term. IMPORTANT: TIAA doesn't offer loans on Roth accumulations in 403(b)/401(k) plans. We walk with you, guiding and encouraging you to the end. Evaluation and Selection Criteria: After compiling a comprehensive list, lenders were evaluated and selected based on interest rates, origination fees, cosigner options, out-of-state borrower options, efficiency of loans processing, customer service, loan limit criteria, non-degree seeking loans options, past due balance options, and repayment options/incentives. Full-time students may be eligible based upon your strong academic performance in college, your talent in fine arts or athletics or your demonstrated financial need as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This is not a complete list of fees. This insurance program complements and enhances our school's refund policy, and we believe families will benefit from this added protection. Cosgrove Cafeteria Sun4:30PM - 8:00PM. For security reasons you aren't allowed to have more than one BeeCard. 7 meals per week + $225 Buzz Bucks$1,900 per semester / $3,800 per year, 12 meals per week + $275 Buzz Bucks$2,410 per semester / $4,820 per year, 19 meals per week + $200 Buzz Bucks$2,670 per semester / $5,340 per year, 160 meals per week + $100 Buzz Bucks$2,500 per semester / $5,000 per year, Hagen Hall$4,645 per semester / $9,290 per year, McCarthy Hall$4,285 per semester / $8,570 per year, North Hall$4,435 per semester / $8,870 per year, Tiedemann Hall$4,285 per semester / $8,570 per year, Townhouses$4,285 per semester / $8,570 per year, Bechtel, Franklin, and Rohlman Hall$3,740 per semester / $7,480 per year, Cosgrove Hall$3,255 per semester / $6,510 per year, Davis Hall$2,775 per semester / $5,550 per year, North Hall$4,435 per semester / $7,480 per year. Dining Near Me Cosgrove Cafeteria; Food Court Davenport, IA 52803 The preferred deadline for submission is May 8th, 2023. Pay off accruing interest to avoid interest capitalization when entering repayment. Scholarship is renewable for undergraduate coursework. There are no penalties for early repayment. Any student with questions or considering a private loan to help cover costs should first speak with the Financial Aid Office. Private alternative loans are designed to assist students who need additional funding to meet the gap between the cost of attendance and any financial aid they have already received for that year/term. These must be paid before students attend class, unless payment arrangements are made with Student Account Services office. Can I decorate or punch holes in my BeeCard?No, do not affix stickers or other items to your BeeCard unless the sticker is produced and/or distributed by the BeeCard Services staff or its designee. Admissions and Welcome Center Admissions Office Are you ready to take the next step? BeeCard Services staff are notified when they have declined a card transaction. Some of the more common reasons are: Please note that you will need to bring your card to the BeeCard Services desk in the Rogalski Center, Security Office. Rates are effective Summer through Spring. Tuition & Costs | Drake University If you are accepted, you will receive correspondence from us that includes housing registration and further information. Avoid defaulting on your student loan. See First-Year Housing Rates Looking for Financial Aid Forms? Simply redeem 35,000 miles from the Aeroplan reward catalogue and receive a $250.00 credit which can be put toward your Ambrose tuition, residence, or meal plan fees. Faculty and Staff must pay the fee in Bee Central and bring the receipt to obtain a replacement card. Working in certain public service jobs and making continuous payments on your Direct Loan may qualify the balance of your loan to be forgiven. You must request summer financial aid by completing a Summer Loan Request Formlisted under Financial Aid Forms. September 13. 563-333-6258 We understand these types of situations can be a financial hardship for many families. Are you ready to take the next step? Academic Scholarships: $15,000-21,000 per yearCriteria: based on unweighted GPA and test scores (optional), University Grant: $13,000 per yearCriteria: based on unweighted GPA and test scores (optional), Iowa Resident On Campus Additional Institutional Aid. Housing Options - St. Ambrose University St. Ambrose plans 2,500-seat stadium, sports complex St. Ambrose University hopes to build a football stadium and sports complex of its own, but neighbors are already mounting. St. Ambrose University offers housing for full-time graduate students in certain SAU-owned houses. Know your allotted grace period for each loan. May I have a funny photo taken?While we do enjoy a good laugh, the BeeCard photo needs to be of a more professional nature. Each year thousands of college students are unable to complete classes for the semester due to unforeseen medical issues such as illness, accidents, concussions, or issues related to mental health. The BeeCard will be used to access goods and services on and around campus. Get started with two easy steps: complete a free online application and request your transcripts be sent to us. Can I loan my BeeCard to a friend?No, your BeeCard is for individual use only. St. Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust St., Davenport, Iowa 52803 563-333-6000 Review criteria and all details here.Award: up to $4,000. Students may also choose to use a loan provider that does not appear in the list of lenders included at either of the links above. Eligibility for an undergraduate student will be determined by the amount of loans borrowed previously in the academic year. The majority of private educational loan lenders offer a choice of variable or fixed interest rates. Students need to regularly monitor the meal units remaining to ensure they have enough meals to last the entire semester.**. Once you apply, the Financial Aid office will be notified and we will certify your loan. Once you apply, the Financial Aid office will be notified and we will certify your loan. Or, they can surprise you with a deposit (they will need to know your SAU ID number, full name,and birthdate). Why doesn't my BeeCard work?There are several reasons why a card may stop working. Fri4:45PM - 7:00PM. Many private educational loans also have associated fees. Students accepted into the Academic Community are graded on a comprehensive 80-point scale. Federal Student Aid website on Teacher Loan Forgiveness, American Federation of Teachers funding database, Federal Student Aid website on Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF), fixed 3.73% (undergraduate); fixed 5.28% (graduate), Cumulative, unweighted grade point average of 2.5 or above (on a 4.0 unweighted scale) from an accredited high school, Academic Transcript. AmeriCorps, Peace Corps, and VISTA also count. Click for WRC hours of operationGalvin Fine Arts Center: BeeCard holders receive complimentary tickets to most events.Discounts at local businesses: Many local businesses offer discounts to BeeCard holders. Meal Plan/Buzz Bucks: For those with a meal plan or BuzzBucks, you must use your card to deduct meals from your plan or use BuzzBucks. If you are a first-time borrower, there is a 30-day hold on your first disbursement. Campus. It also contains a microchip that's used with contactless card readers. North Hall residents also enter their room/suite using BeeCard.Meal Plan/Buzz Bucks: For those with a meal plan or BuzzBucks, you must use your card to deduct meals from your plan or use BuzzBucks.Library Card: Check out books and materials at the St. Ambrose University Library.Free bus rides: Ride the Davenport CitiBus fixed routes and Illinois MetroLINK routes at no charge by presenting your ID upon boarding. Tuition, fees, housing and food are charged on a semester basis. Homepage [] You are responsible for buying a replacement. Hagen Hall$4,785 per semester / $9,570 per year, McCarthy Hall$4,415 per semester / $8,830 per year, North Hall$4,570 per semester / $9,140 per year, Tiedemann Hall$4,415 per semester / $8,830 per year, Townhouses$4,415 per semester / $8,830 per year, First and Second Year Student Housing Options, Bechtel, Franklin, and Rohlman Hall$3,850 per semester / $7,700 per year, Cosgrove Hall$3,355 per semester / $6,710 per year, Davis Hall$2,855 per semester / $5,710 per year. The loan cannot exceed the cost of attendance that remains once all other institutional and federal aid has been applied. This will result in you needing to buy a replacement. Iowa College Aid administers need-based college financial aid for Iowans, such as the Iowa Tuition Grant. The amount of money you may borrow (your loan) will be determined by both the University and other aid you receive. This means that the company will run your credit history. If you have borrowed more money than you need for the semester, you can always return it. Ambrose is a Participating Institution in the Higher Ed Points program. The university's vision calls for a football stadium with a track and field facility, basketball and sand volleyball courts, tennis courts, a baseball field . The SAU Financial Aid Office determines which types of federal loans you are eligible for, and the loans will be listed on your official award letter. Residence Hall Access: Residential students have access to their residence hall exterior doors and all academic buildings. 563-333-6300 All meal plan purchases are GST exempt. Examples of public service include government jobs at any level, attorneys in certain fields, non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations, and other non-profit groups. St. Ambrose University - Niche If you have trouble making monthly payments, contact your student loan provider or school for help and information. As part of learning about loans, read SAU'sFinancial Aid Policiesand use the Net Price Calculator to see how loans affect your budget. A great feature of the online service is you can send a request to friends and family and ask them to deposit onto your BuzzBucks account. Download helpful PDFs of this information here:Transfer Iowa ResidentorTransfer Out of State Resident, IOWA RESIDENTAmbrose Advantage Full-Tuition Scholarship (more information here)Iowa resident, full-time student, Pell Grant and Iowa Tuition Grant eligible, 2.5 cumulative GPA, admitted and file FAFSA by July 1, Phi Theta Kappa: $17,000Awarded to all Phi Theta Kappa National Honor Society members transferring from a community college, ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIPSBased on GPAAwards:3.5-4.00 GPA $15,5003.0-3.49 GPA $14,5002.5-2.99 GPA $13,5002.0-2.49 GPA $11,500, Fr. If you have any questions regarding adding Buzz Bucks, please call us at 563.333.6360, 518 West Locust Street, Davenport, IA 52803. Student Dining Center - Grand View University - CampusDish