It is a Dutch/Flemish variant on the word Lowe, meaning Lion. 40. 78. Nwachukwu -This surname shows the devout nature of the people towards religion and belief in God. What we suggest is selected independently by the Kidadl team. 2. When my mother was pregnant, she was always fighting with my father and his family; she was in this constant state of depression. 46. Hamadache (Algerian origin) the meaning is unknown. Mwanajuma -This surname has its ancestral roots in Swahili, and means born on Friday. De Bruyn Afrikaans. Over nine years, she has helped various brands with compelling, well-researched, and unique content. Another name that originates from the Shona group is Zivai, which means you must know. This information is for educational purposes only and not a substitution for professional health services. This name is mostly given to sons by the hopeful family. Answer (1 of 6): No, some similarities but very different spelling. Meaning: The Chosen One., 58. It is mostly given to girls. Their names are based on male lineage. Twala meaning "to carry". This Yoruba name means the lucid one or one who is clear. Farouq The redeemer, one who differentiates between the right and wrong. Africas different groups and tribes represent its cultural diversity and rich tradition. Abimbola (Yoruba origin) meaning "born with wealth". 38. 17. 1. Dlamini (Etswana origin) meaning "royalty". Desmond Tutu is a renowned clerk and theologian, known for his work in the human rights sector. 77. It means the strong one has returned. Its other variants are Wonai and Vonai. Igwe Among the Igbo groups, Igwe means heaven, which is considered the highest realm of existence. Its female variant is Owusua. Kidadl has a number of affiliate partners that we work with including Amazon. The research found that in Africa, most surnames are connected to geographic origin, occupation, lineage or personal characteristics.One surname-type unique to the continent is the praise-name, which expresses character traits or other admirable attributes. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. 79. 8. This category has the following 9 subcategories, out of 9 total. 91. Rothschild. Well send you tons of inspiration to help you find a hidden gem in your local area or plan a big day out. Agu (Nigerian origin) means "tiger" and is a popular Igbo name. 9. 95. It originates in Igbo and means child of the supreme God. 41. It has its origin in the Ashanti or Asante group. 3. Behind the Name: Ndebele Given Names. Rajnandini is an art lover and enthusiastically likes to spread her knowledge. If you are looking for more unique names, you can look at our articles on South African Names and African Last Names. Elmalik (Arabic origin) means the King, often found in the countries of northern Africa. Mensah (Akan origin) meaning "third-born". Mostly given to the men as a surname or a given name, it means my fathers land or my ancestral home. This list also contains some of the most common Yoruba surnames, like Adebayo and some interesting Igbo last names. Onyeneme It is a name that compliments a person, and it means one who does well. Back to top? These countries have their own beautiful languages, resulting in a range of different names that are unique to this region. Much like Scotland, most last names can date back to a particular patriarch within the tribe that which the name was based. 11. Baharia (Swahili origin) means one who sails, common among the people of Tanzania and Kenya. 33. 90. 89. It would be great if you could help me out. Kaizer Motaung is the founder and manager director of Kaizer Chiefs FC, a South African soccer team. 73. The name can be translated as fullness of power. Your privacy is important to us. Maduabuchi means Humans are not God. I maintain the list. Dogo (Hausa origin) meaning "little". Masondo (Zulu origin) meaning "wheels". Quansah (Ghanaian origin) meaning "God is watching". It means a good runner. Meaning: He came in a joyful time or the king/crown/royalty meets joy., 11. Bongani (South African origin) means thankful or grateful in Zulu. Odili meaning "peace". 88. 64. When I was born, she gave me this name NOXOLO because she wanted peace. Kidadl cannot accept liability for the execution of these ideas, and parental supervision is advised at all times, as safety is paramount. Eke Eke means superstructure of the roof. "Bruyn" is an archaic spelling of "bruin", meaning "brown". One of the most popular and optimistic Xhosa names is Gcobani, which means be joyful. Mmeriemikwu (Igbo origin) meaning "to be better.". 17. 44. One of such names is a Yoruba surname Falade, which means god of divination has intermingled with royalty. 60. Alinafe (Malawi origin) means he is with us. It is typically a male name. You need to be quite careful and focused to be able to produce these African last names as they should be. In this context, the father can also mean God. 5. creative tips and more. Jomana (Arabic origin) means a pearl. 25. Umburter Derived from the Tiv language, it means remember the father. Bayu (Ethiopian origin) meaning wind. Many of the population here practice Islam, hence there are a lot of names that originate from the Arabic language too. Okoro (Igbo origin) meaning "greatness". His reason was to rid the country of all of Mobutus influence and he felt a change of name was the way to do it. Well send you tons of inspiration to help you find a hidden gem in your local area or plan a big day out. Imari is a variant of the African name Imani, meaning loyal.. This name has been brought to the big screen all over the world through a fictional character Okoye in a cultural phenomenon, the Black Panther movie. It means descendant of the lion clan, and is suitable for both genders. 26. Biko (Bantu origin) meaning 'a person of the people". And many of the names in Oromo (another Ethiopian language) that contain Waaq as in Waaqgari, or Waaqayoo are similar derivations from the Oromo word for God (Waq). Acheampong Origin: Ghanaian (Ashanti). Ilunga, for example, is of Bantu origin.It roughly translates to "a person who is ready to forgive any abuse for the first time, to . You have subscribed to: Remember that you can always manage your preferences or unsubscribe through the link at the foot of each newsletter. 61. Meaning: Flower or blossom., 4. Dogo It is one of the most widely used Hausa nicknames which means little. 86. 51. Meaning: Unknown. Talia (Arabic origin) means lamb or dew of God. Another conventional name that praises physical strength is Orji. This name suits both boys and girls. Kikelomo (Yoruba origin) meaning "to be cherished". Dualeh (Somali origin) the meaning of this name is unknown. The Xhosa people use their family name or clan name. With a Master of Arts in English, she has worked as a private tutor and, in the past few years, has moved into content writing for companies such as Writer's Zone. It means the one that I have is greater. A A A. Avocado consumption in South Africa has been on the rise in recent years, just like in many other places around the world. Bankole (Nigerian origin) means "help me build my house," from the Yoruba ethnic group. What I like about this name is it reflects which tribal group of South Africa I come from. Radebe (Zulu origin) meaning "big tree". Meaning: Destined for greatness. If you enjoy this article are interested in finding more naming information, take a look at these Peruvian last names and these Czech last names, but for now enjoy this list of African surnames with their origins and meanings. Buhle (Xhosa origin) meaning "handsome". Find out some great southern African names with this list. 71. Sekou Nkrumah was named after Guinea's first President Sekou Toure, while Gamal Nkrumah got his name from Egyptian President Gamal . This is why many last names technically have different origins. Examples are Afrikaans, Xhosa, Zulu, Ndebele, and Tswana to name a few. Most Popular African Last Names Or Surnames. Kidadl is independent and to make our service free to you the reader we are supported by advertising. 65. Another name that implores to the child is Banmeke, which means hold or sustain the rafter of the house with me. It is generally given to boys. 16. 21. Akinyemi is a surname found mostly in descendants of the Yoruba people. 58. 56. Abebe Origin: Ethiopian. 2. Similar to the name Adewole, which means the king/crown has entered the house, it has its origin from the Yoruba groups. 83. Subscribe for virtual tools, STEM-inspired play, creative tips and more. There are 54 countries, between 900 and 1,500 languages, and several thousand ethnic groups in Africa, according to Britannica.Last names come from indigenous, colonialist, and diasporic roots. Udu means a clay pot to fill water, and Ike means strength. Albaz (Jewish origin) means falconer and originates from Morocco and Algeria. Abara (Igbo origin) meaning "spirit". Mandela. 77. The infographic below includes some popular ones from the African continent and of African descent. Ghanas founding father Kwame Nkrumah chose to name his two sons after fellow African leaders. The continent is home to various cultures and peoples. Deng Mador K-Dengdit, Sudanese in Australia, African names like most traditional names like John (Yahweh is gracious) , Patrick (nobleman) , Natasha (christmas day), Abdul (servant of..) etc.. have meanings. Dive into this post for some amazing and interesting African surnames. Bouhouche (Kabyle origin) means father. 51. When you buy through the links on our site we may earn a commission., Template Category TOC via CatAutoTOC on category with 101200 pages, CatAutoTOC generates standard Category TOC, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 3 September 2022, at 15:23. Ladipo -Used both as a last nameand a given name, Ladipo or Oladipo means wealth and prosperity. Having its roots in Ibibio, the surname or nickname Etienam means a doer of good or benevolent. Kahinu (Swahili origin) means clergyman. Your partner in parenting from baby name inspiration to college planning. Her love for content creation made her pivot her career from science to writing. Makeba meaning "precious jewel". Interesting article, where did you source the data this research is based on. Katlego (Tswana origin) means success. 99. Osei (Ghanaian origin) means "noble person" or "royalty," and is common among the Akan people. 6. Subscribe for virtual tools, STEM-inspired play, 75. Any information you provide to us via this website may be placed by us on servers located in countries outside the EU if you do not agree to such placement, do not provide the information. Mlambo (Xhosa origin) meaning "river". It is usually considered to be suitable for boys. Ndaba meaning "news". Zuma meaning "of God". Tshabalal (Zulu origin) meaning "shooting star". Gowon (Tiv origin) meaning "the rainmaker". It is suitable for boys. Commonly used as a male name in Nigeria, Anenih means God bearing name. We can be baptised another Kenyan/African and more meaningful name than being another of the somewhat bland Peters and Janes of the world. De Beer Afrikaans. Kalu (Ibo origin) meaning "God of thunder", Kalus is one of the most prominent surnames found in the African continent. Yvonne Chaka Chaka is an acclaimed South African entrepreneur, singer, humanitarian and actress, and has also been given the title 'Princess of Africa' by her fans. Chalo (Zambian origin) means battle. 76. The name can be translated as fullness of power. Abara: Originating from the Igbo group of West Africa, Abara means 'spirit'. Quansah is one of the many surnames that makes reference to religion and a higher power. SaveIllustration: Momjunction Design Team. My first name is from the bible as Christanity was an old religinon in Ethiopia/Africa. Toure -This surname is possibly derived from the Sonink word tr, which means elephant. Jlassi (Tunisian origin) means loyalty or sincerity. 26. In the 1700s some Portuguese sailors were s. For example Gebre-Egziabher in the Ethiopian/Eritrean languages of Amharic/Tigrinya means Servant of God and those are Christian names. Name and surname: NE NTULI STUDENT NUMBER: 60283858 UNIQUE NUMBER: 888570 MODULE: PVL 2601 ASSINGMENT 1 SEMESTER 2 2020 Question 1 a. Onai Having its origin in the Shona group of Zimbabwe, the name means a call to observe or to see that which has happened. 3. At Kidadl we pride ourselves on offering families original ideas to make the most of time spent together at home or out and about, wherever you are in the world. In the United States anyone who manifests African ancestry is coded as "black". Osei meaning "royalty". 70. It also functions both as the last name and a surname. Get high-quality PDF version by clicking below. Each name is unique and holds an ancestral meaning, symbolizing the origin and history. 45. Chizimu Origin: Malawian (Lambya). Banchiamalck Dessalegn, Ethiopian in U.S. My name Derefaka figuratively means: Continuing the heritage of our fathers. 74. It is usually considered a male name. Oliver Tambo was a South African revolutionary and head of the ANC (African National Congress) for 24 years. Babangida -Among the Hausa tribes of Nigeria, Babangida means the master of the house. Conteh (Sierra Leone origin) meaning "great eagle". By joining Kidadl you agree to Kidadls Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and consent to receiving marketing communications from Kidadl. Africa is the land of abundant natural resources and cultural diversity. Meaning: Unknown. The Igbo people do not use family names. The names are organised into subsections based on the location of their origin, in order to make this list as clear as possible for your enjoyment. Etienam Having its roots in Ibibio, the surname or nickname Etienam means a doer of good or benevolent. Though hypodescent started out as a tool . 15. Negga (Ethiopian origin) means "the night has passed". Trilingual Rajnandini has also published work in a supplement for 'The Telegraph', and had her poetry shortlisted in Poems4Peace, an international project. 7. Ramotholo Sefako is known as one of the first black South African astrophysicists. BR, USA, I am responding to Vince Gaineys point Why are African Christians so ashamed of their Christian names in comparison to Muslims who have pride in their Arabic Islamic names. I think Vince is confusing European with Christian. 150 Unique and Most Common African Last Names (Surnames), African Culture 16 most interesting traditions, 10 trending Kaftan outfit ideas for grooms-to-be, Richest Person In Kenya And Top 10 Wealthy Kenyans, Turkey is to completely erase all Somalias debts to the IMF, 5 highest paid African football players in 2020, 10 of Africas most amazing Tourist places you must visit, The 10 Best Africans In The English Premier League, 16 Reasons Why You Should Visit South Africa For The Holidays. The main difference is that African parents will not just put a label on their progeny without finding out what the label is saying about their hopes and aspirations, beliefs and culture and life experiences. 71. Taleb A devoted student or a seeker of knowledge, 92. We also link to other websites, but are not responsible for their content. Family Education is part of the Sandbox Learning family of educational reference sites for parents, teachers, and students. This name is also predominantly given to boys. 70. 61. The name list is disproportionately nigerian . Discover the ethnic origin and meaning of last names. Kasongo Origin: Congolese. Ladipo (Nigerian origin) meaning "wealth and prosperity," peculiar to the Yoruba people. Meaning: One who possesses a clever head. Richard Maponya was a South African conglomerate who built a business empire. 39. 38. 45. There are also hundreds of languages spoken on the continent, providing endless interesting meanings of each last name. Among the Igbo groups, Igwe means heaven, which is considered the highest realm of existence. Chidiozie is a long-established surname in many African communities. Toure (Soninke origin) meaning "elephant". 93. Thank you! Meaning: Earnest provider.. Orji Another conventional name that praises physical strength is Orji. The above list includes all the meaningful surnames with their unique meanings. From Latin praetor meaning "leader". Many Swahili last names pay homage to the day or time that a person was born. Barnard. 29. It originates in Igbo and means child of the supreme God. Boitumelo (Botswanan origin) means joy. Achebe (Igbo origin) meaning "the Goddess protects". One of such names is a Yoruba surname Falade, which means god of divination has intermingled with royalty. Here is a list of common South African names that have a rich history and lineage. Dikeledi (Botswanan origin) means tears. Playing with names really is part of many African cultures. Elmi (Somali origin) means knowledge. Gavin Wood and Felix February shares more about the idea behind the Slave Calendar that explores the history of surnames of Capetonians. Eze (Igbo origin) meaning "king". 34. The following 148 pages are in this category, out of 148 total. Popular among the female populace of Nigeria, it is an inspirational name which means she opens the way. 50. Do you know what or where the last name Uwagbal or Ofenjiaguan came from or what it means. In the Tamazight language, Amaziane means young or little. Their ancestors arrived in South Africa through three different routes: 1. Prince David Osei is an admired African philanthropist, investor, entrepreneur and actor. This list contains Ethiopian last names, Sudanese last names and many more. Here you will find some great Nigerian last names, like Abimbola which means "born into wealth" and Obi, which means "heart". Mkerref (Moroccan origin) the meaning isnt quite certain. Kidadl has lots of great names articles to inspire you. Find your South African last name, meaning, and origins. 67. The genesis of this Ethiopian name is Amharic, and it means flower or blossom. Ghana's founding father Kwame Nkrumah chose to name his two sons after fellow African leaders. It means one who is invulnerable to dark magic. Adebisi (Yoruba origin) meaning "the king produced more". Okoro - Origin: Nigerian (Urhobo). All rights reserved. West Africa is home to some of the most popular African last names. It is a popular female given and last name among the Yoruba people, and means a child to be cherished or pampered. A hopeful name that reflects an uncertain situation is Biobaku, which means if he or she does not die. Ayanda (South African origin) means they are increasing, found in the Zulu, Ndebele, and Xhosa tribes. Other variants are Efua, Afua, and its male version is Kofi. Nenge (Nigerian origin) means "see," found among the Tiv people. Etiename (Ibibio origin) meaning "benevolent". Abebe (Amharic origin) meaning "flower". A common nickname among the Yoruba people, Afolayan means one who walks with confidence or one who carries oneself like a wealthy person. Stephen Biko was an African nationalist who was at the forefront of the internal resistance to the apartheid movement. Abioye (Nigerian origin) means "born into royalty," from the Yoruba ethnic group. We will always aim to give you accurate information at the date of publication - however, information does change, so its important you do your own research, double-check and make the decision that is right for your family. Egebe Another nickname that also functions as a surname is Egebe, which means kite. It has its origin in the Shona groups of Zimbabwe. There are 54 countries, between 900 and 1,500 languages, and several thousand ethnic groups in Africa, according to Britannica. Typically found in the Akan group of Ghania, it means royalty or noble person. I suppose it depends what you mean by most common . Adebisi is one of the many African names that mean king. 97. Surnames of Kenyan origin (37 P) Surnames of Moroccan origin (46 P) Surnames of North African origin (1 C) Surnames of Somali origin (4 P) Surnames of South African origin (5 C, 5 P) Surnames of Swaziland origin (1 P) Surnames of Tunisian origin (10 P) Surnames of West African origin (5 C, 3 P) Swahili-language . These beautiful South African names derive from the country's rich history and are influenced by its many languages and traditional inhabitants. 20. There we go! Meaning: Bushbuck.. 7. First Trimester To-Do List: Take Care of Yourself. Siddig (Arabic origin) meaning friend. It means one who does good to others. Ndiaye Among the citizens of Senegal, Ndiaye is a ferocious surname as well as a given name. Zodwa Dlamini is the Vice Chancellor for Research at the MUT (Mangosuthu University of Technology), a residential university located in Durban, South Africa. 60. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Totally Wonderful African Surnames and their Astonishing Meanings. Selassie -Generally given to boys, it has its origin in the Amharic language, and means trinity. Kidadl cannot accept liability for the execution of these ideas, and parental supervision is advised at all times, as safety is paramount. It originates from the Swahili culture and means delight or happiness. 59. 2023 Wording Vibes - WordPress Theme by Kadence WP, Classic French Boy Names that Exudes Essence and Masculinity, Best Out of Waste Ideas to Make Kids Smart and Skillful, Hippie Names that are Quite Lighthearted for Innocent Kids, A Broad Collection of Names that Mean Wind, Storm or Air, Most Modern Tamil Baby Names Popularly Used for Kids, Royal Family Last Names Globally Recognized with Regality, Ageless Aztec Names that have Transcended Time and Generations, 160+ Best Unique Names for Grandma Grandmother Nicknames. It is considered to be fundamentally masculine. Abioye (Yoruba origin) meaning "son of royalty". But by the grace of God, my first and middle names are not only African but reflect the ethnic origin of where I know my maternal ancestors come from, the Mandinka people. This name was adopted in the 17th century by Wesselius Praetorius as a Latin translation of his previous surname Schulte. While going through these last names, remember that many African names may be masculine; however, as parents, choose the surnames that connect with you and suit your baby. 95. Ouahmed (Berber origin) meaning son of Ahmed. Usually found among the male population of Nigeria, this name means honor surrounds him. Thebe Medupe is an African Astrophysicist recognized for his work on a project called 'Cosmic Africa'. Igwe is an extremely popular surname used by various religious subsects. Meaning: Child that keeps coming or reincarnation., 5. We recognise that not all activities and ideas are appropriate and suitable for all children and families or in all circumstances. Orji meaning "mighty tree". Ele It is common both as a surname and a nickname. Ngige meaning "locust". Zulu (Zulu origin) meaning "heaven". Phukuntsi (Tswana origin) meaning "one who attracts flies". 66. 56. Kidadl has lots of great names articles to inspire you. Your privacy is important to us. Meaning: Spirit. For example: Sefu "sword" and Tau "lion" (masculine) and Marjani "coral" and Ife "love" (feminine). Sarpong It has its origin in the Ashanti or Asante group. Deressa (Ethiopian origin) the meaning of this name isnt quite clear. Another expression of a characteristic trait, Asaju means leader of warriors, and is considered primarily male. 47. 2022 Sandbox Networks Inc. All rights reserved. Your partner in parenting from baby name inspiration to college planning. Ayenew (Ethiopian origin) means to renew. 41. An Igbo surname, Ala means land, while neme means doing something. 20. We mention the African last names with their meanings and origins to help you learn about their rich history. How big and representative is the sample. It can be translated into the land is active. Achebe (Igbo origin) meaning "Goddess protects". Meaning: Derives from the name Tekle Haymanot, an Ethiopian monk and saint. A mainstream name among the Igbo surnames in Nigeria, Obi means heart. Acheampong (Ashanti origin) this last names means "destined for greatness," found among the Ashanti people of Ghana. Fungai (South African origin) means think. You contact them to see if you share . 89. It means one who is born during the festival or war. 57. Ray Phiri was a Malawian immigrant who went on to become one of South Africa's most renowned Jazz musicians. Derived from the Tiv language, it means remember the father. This surname has its ancestral roots in Swahili, and means born on Friday. Kikelomo is one of the most conventional names that can be found among African languages. 100. The History of South African Surnames. Each last name has an origin and a meaning, and we have also included any additional information or history behind some names. This skyrocketing demand has a variety of negative side effects, like high prices or bad farming practices, but now there seems to be another one to keep an eye on: immature avocados. West Nkosi was a South African songwriter and music producer. When you buy through the links on our site we may earn a commission. Akinyemi (Yoruba origin) meaning "destined to be a warrior". It is important to know that there are over 10 official languages in South Africa. Amani (Ethiopian origin) means faith. It implies that a baby will be the first of many children for couples who have had difficulty in conceiving. We also link to other websites, but are not responsible for their content. The northern part of Africa, according to the UN, is made up of seven countries. 7. FamilyEducation does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Rooted in the Tiv language, Gowon means the rainmaker. Tawedzwegwa Purpose Katakwa, Zimbabwe. This list may not reflect recent changes. Abiodun Origin: Yoruba. Its other variants are Orjea, Orjee, Orjey, Orjie, and Orjy. Buhle is a common surname among people who's identity is attached to the Xhosa clan. 85. 92. Okoye -It is a conventional surname across various African people and means one who is born on orie market day. 73. As Sudan is filled with many different tribes and ethnicities. Copyright 2011 - 2023 MomJunction Private Limited. It is an Akan male surname which means strong-willed and determined. Pages in category "Afrikaans-language surnames" The following 148 pages are in this category, out of 148 total. It means may I not lack a family or a home. Meghnagi (Libyan origin) could refer to zion. 25. De Beer is a Dutch and Afrikaans surname, meaning "the bear". It is usually considered a male name. 52. Van Graan. Umburter (Tiv origin) meaning "remember the father". Unlike some places, African surnames dont really follow trends or have common features or patterns. Please note that Kidadl is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.